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************************************************** ** Console Telnet v2.1b2 README.TXT 16 Oct 2000 ** ************************************************** RELEASE NOTES: -------------- This release of TELNET is a beta one. This means that it is working as far as it is tested, and has a few bugs. Hopefully this will be a stable version. Please send comments and bug reports to me at pbranna@clemson.edu, or to the mailing list (see below). See file CHANGES.TXT for a detailed log of changes. See file BUGS.TXT for known bugs. DESCRIPTION: ------------ This is a telnet client with full color ANSI support for Windows NT/95 console. You can use this program from the Win95 command line (MsDos) and run it in full screen text mode. You may also redirect the telnet session to STDIN and STDOUT for use with other programs. Telnet will communicate the number of lines and rows to the host, and can operate in any console mode. Most of it's options are customizable. COPYRIGHT/LICENSE/WARRANTY -------------------------- Telnet Win32, Copyright (C) 1996-1997, Brad Johnson <jbj@nounname.com> Copyright (C) 1998 I.Ioannou, Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Paul Brannan. Telnet is a free project released under the GNU public license. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the licence contitions. See LICENSE.TXT for details. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- This program requires a Microsoft Win32 enviroment (Windows 95/98/NT) with Winsock TCP/IP. 16 bit Win3.x or Win32s are not supported. FEATURES: --------- Full ANSI colors and (almost) complete ANSI emulation. User configurable options via telnet.ini. User configurable key bindings with alternative keyboards. Icoming character translations. Redirection of telnet session. Telnet output can be dumped to a file. Local printer support. Basic scrollback support. Basic VT emulation. Mouse support. Clipboard (cut-and-paste) support. Support for multiple screen sizes. WHERE TO GET IT: ---------------- Since version 2.0, Console Telnet's new home page is http://www.musc.edu/~brannanp/telnet/. You can get the latest version from ftp://argeas.cs-net.gr/Telnet-Win32 or from the web page. Telnet is available as full project (sources included) or as binaries only. If you would like to help to the development check the /devel directory on the ftp site for a recent alpha version. MAILING LIST: ------------- Telnet has it's own mailing list for announcements, bug reports, support, suggestions etc. To subscribe send e-mail to majordomo@argeas.cs-net.gr with empty Subject, and the word subscribe in the body. List's address is telnet-win32@argeas.cs-net.gr You can find the old archives at http://www.cs-net.gr/lists If you are only interested in announcements, follow the above procedures to subscribe to telnet-win32-announce. The development list is telnet-win32-devel. HOW TO HELP: ------------ Telnet is a free project made from volunteers. If you know C/C++ and would like to help in the development you are welcome :-) Just contact pbranna@clemson.edu, and/or subscribe to the mailing list. Check ftp://argeas.cs-net.gr/Telnet-Win32/devel for a recent alpha version. INSTALLATION ------------ Just copy telnet.exe, telnet.ico, telnet.ini and keys.cfg to a directory. I prefer a directory included in the PATH (such as C:\WINDOWS, but this will overwrite the telnet that comes with Windows -- which is not necessarily a bad thing). If you are upgrading from a previous version please look below (Key file definitions) : the keys.cfg file has changed a bit. Also look at the Configuration section below, TELNET now has a ini file. USAGE: ------- TELNET Begins telnet and enters telnet> command line. TELNET [params][host [port]] Connects to port on host. Port defaults to 23 for TELNET. params -d FILENAME.EXT Dumps all incoming data to FILENAME.EXT Note lowercase 'd'. --variable=value Overrides ini variable to be set to value. host Host name or IP to connect to port Service port to open connection on (default is telnet port 23). TELNET -? Gives usage information. Pressing the escape key (default ALT-]) will break out of a telnet session and return you to the telnet> prompt. Pressing return will resume your session. All the options are available from the telnet> prompt. Type ? to get help. Pressing the scrollback key (default ALT-[) will give you a basic scrollback view. Pressing ESC will resume your session. BUGS: ----- There are :-). Hopefully this version is more stable than the previous. See BUGS.TXT, and grep for FIX ME's in the sources. Any help ? NOTES: ------ If the environment variable LANG has a valid value (e.g. LANG=de for German characters) and the file LOCALE.DLL is installed somewhere along the PATH TELNET will not ignore local characters. If you have problems with paste under Win 95 try unchecking the fast paste option in the MsDos properties. The paste function works correctly under NT. This is a Microsoft bug :-) CONFIGURATION ------------- The configuration is made through telnet.ini and keys.cfg. These files (at least telnet.ini) must be in the same directory which telnet.exe is. The basic options are loaded from the file telnet.ini. If you are having problems with a terminal setting, check the file OPTIONS.TXT for configuration information. Key file definitions (telnet.cfg) ------------------------------- Use the key file (telnet.cfg) to define the characters that telnet is sending to the host. From version 2b5 you can configure the output keys (KEYMAP sections), the input character translations (CHARMAP sections) and you can combine all to as many configurations as you like (CONFIG sections). You can also have alternative keymaps in a configuration, and keys to switch between them. See the comments in keys.cfg for details. NOTE: if you are upgrading from a previous version you must put your old keys in the KEYMAP sections. Please send any national specific keymaps / charmaps / configurations to be included to the next version. HOW TO COMPILE IT ------------------- Telnet compiles with a variety of compilers. You will need at least Borland 4.x or newer compiler, or MSVC 2.0 or newer, or download a version of gcc for Win32 (see http://www.musc.edu/~brannanp/telnet/gccwin32.html). Copy the files from the directories BORLAND or MSVC to the main directory, change them to fit to your system, and recompile. The project comes with IDE files and makefiles. Follow the instructions for your compiler to compile telnet. A Makefile for use with mingw32 or other gcc variants has been included, so if you have gcc, you can just type "make" at the command line. SPECIAL THANKS: --------------- Many people have worked for this project. Please forgive me (and let me know!) if I have forgotten anyone. We all thank them :-) Igor Milavec <igor.milavec@uni-lj.si> Original Author of version 1.1 Igor wrote the basic telnet program and released it to public. Brad Johnson <jbj@nounname.com> http://nounname.com Author of versions 2.0b to 2b4. Brad has wrote plenty of code for telnet like ansi colors, emulation, scrollback option, and many others. Titus_Boxberg@public.uni-hamburg.de Ansi emulation improvements German keyboard configuration I.Ioannou roryt@hol.gr KeyTranslator class (version 2b3) Maintainer (since version 2b5) Andrei V. Smilianets <smile@head.aval.kiev.ua> (version 2b5) KeyTranslator class (version 2b5) Prompt improvments Paul Brannan <pbranna@clemson.edu> Telnet.ini author, MSVC port, speed improvements, VT support, and many others. Maintainer (since version 2b6) Leo Leibovici <leo.leibovici@nouveau.co.uk> Fixed some crashes in the ANSI parser Wrote UK keymap Dmitry Lapenkov <dl@bis.msk.su> Wrote AT386 keymaps Improved telnet icon Thomas Briggs <tbriggs@qmetric.com> Fixed problem with Ctrl-Break Added suspend and fast quit options to the command line Error messages for unable to load ini file Fixed bug w/ getting name of executable BK Oxley Fixed TELNET_INI environment variable Sam Robertson Fixed compilation problems with MSVC6 Bugfix with telnet crashing at exit Vassili Bourdo <vassili_bourdo@softhome.net> Keyboard initialization improvements Craig Davidson <crn@ozemail.com.au> Bugfixes for telnet prompt Added suspend telnet option Set port number using name rather than number Pedro Gutierrez <paag@coppi.tid.es> Save/restore console title Bugfix w/ character mapping Daniel Straub <Daniel.Straub@nbgm.siemens.de> Bugfix with telnet crashing at exit Jose Cesar Otero Rodriguez <jcotero@las.es> Spanish Keyboard definition Cursor size sequences Bryan Montgomery <monty@english.net> Added CtrlBreak_as_CtrlC option Added Scroll_Enable option Adi Seiker Added Set_Title ini file option Craig Nellist Updated Winsock error messages Sleeping while thread paused, to give up CPU time Command-line history Jakub Sterba Czech keyboard definition Ziglio Frediano MTE (Meridian Terminal) Support Mark Miesfield Fixed redirection Wrote documentation for redirection --- Paul Brannan <pbranna@clemson.edu>