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2017-07-29 09:25:15 +00:00
reactos [UXHTEME] - ThemeDrawCaptionText: Get the TMT_CONTENTALIGNMENT theme property and position the text accordingly. Patch by Stas'M. CORE-13600 2017-07-29 09:25:15 +00:00
rosapps [SHORTCUTS.INF] Move the shortcut creation for screenshot.exe to the new rosapps_shortcuts.inf. Patch by Joachim Henze (reactosfanboy) 2017-07-22 20:23:33 +00:00
rossubsys [REACTOS][ROSAPPS][ROSSUBSYS] 2016-05-31 22:36:48 +00:00
rostests [APITESTS] 2017-07-24 15:09:22 +00:00