He Yang 7a11c65561
[RAPPS] cmdline enhancement (#3087)
* [RAPPS] now command-line option supports begin with both / and -
* [RAPPS] Add help command with /?
* [RAPPS] add /find command
* [RAPPS] add /info option
* [RAPPS] add copyright and contact e-mail
2020-09-06 17:10:18 +02:00

61 lines
1.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <windef.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#define EPOCH_DIFF 116444736000000000 //FILETIME starts from 1601-01-01 UTC, UnixTime starts from 1970-01-01
#define RATE_DIFF 10000000
INT GetWindowWidth(HWND hwnd);
INT GetWindowHeight(HWND hwnd);
INT GetClientWindowWidth(HWND hwnd);
INT GetClientWindowHeight(HWND hwnd);
VOID CopyTextToClipboard(LPCWSTR lpszText);
VOID ShowPopupMenuEx(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndOwner, UINT MenuID, UINT DefaultItem);
VOID ShowPopupMenu(HWND hwnd, UINT MenuID, UINT DefaultItem);
BOOL StartProcess(ATL::CStringW &Path, BOOL Wait);
BOOL StartProcess(LPWSTR lpPath, BOOL Wait);
BOOL GetStorageDirectory(ATL::CStringW &lpDirectory);
VOID InitLogs();
VOID FreeLogs();
BOOL WriteLogMessage(WORD wType, DWORD dwEventID, LPCWSTR lpMsg);
BOOL GetInstalledVersion(ATL::CStringW *pszVersion, const ATL::CStringW &szRegName);
BOOL ExtractFilesFromCab(const ATL::CStringW& szCabName,
const ATL::CStringW& szCabDir,
const ATL::CStringW& szOutputDir);
class CConfigParser
// Locale names cache
const static INT m_cchLocaleSize = 5;
ATL::CStringW m_szLocaleID;
ATL::CStringW m_szCachedINISectionLocale;
ATL::CStringW m_szCachedINISectionLocaleNeutral;
const ATL::CStringW szConfigPath;
ATL::CStringW GetINIFullPath(const ATL::CStringW& FileName);
VOID CacheINILocale();
CConfigParser(const ATL::CStringW& FileName = "");
BOOL GetString(const ATL::CStringW& KeyName, ATL::CStringW& ResultString);
BOOL GetInt(const ATL::CStringW& KeyName, INT& iResult);
BOOL PathAppendNoDirEscapeW(LPWSTR pszPath, LPCWSTR pszMore);
BOOL IsSystem64Bit();
INT GetSystemColorDepth();
void UnixTimeToFileTime(DWORD dwUnixTime, LPFILETIME pFileTime);
BOOL SearchPatternMatch(LPCWSTR szHaystack, LPCWSTR szNeedle);