Joachim Henze c47758b102
[SETUP][INF][MEDIA] Get rid of the last Ubuntu references CORE-18607 (#4871)
An addendum to 0.4.14-dev-20-g 2f4fb903b4
because since then we don't have the Ubuntu font anymore.

The substitutes are also not needed any longer.
We can use Tahoma here without causing any change in the current rendering,
because for all languages the former
Ubuntu substitutions did point either to Tahoma,
or to the same thing, that Tahoma atm points to
(for those language that do require additional glyphs).

This way we do not only get the substitutions closer to 2k3sp2, but will also
simplify our maintenance and testing, because the same font is guaranteed to be used then
for all themes: Classic, Blackshade and Lautus: The font which has the needed glyphs for
that specific language.

"FreeSans" for Hindi,
"Tahoma" for most Western languages, and
"Droid Sans Fallback" for Chinese and Japanese language.

Things are cleaner and simpler this way.
2022-11-12 12:44:54 +01:00

488 lines
21 KiB

#pragma once
MUI_SUBFONT LatinFonts[] =
/*Font Substitute */
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Helv", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"MS Sans Serif", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg 2", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"System", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Lucida Console" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
MUI_SUBFONT CyrillicFonts[] =
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Helv", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"MS Sans Serif", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg 2", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"System", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Lucida Console" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
MUI_SUBFONT GreekFonts[] =
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Helv", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"MS Sans Serif", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg 2", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"System", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Lucida Console" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
MUI_SUBFONT HebrewFonts[] =
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Helv", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"MS Sans Serif", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg 2", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"System", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
WCHAR CSF_LocalName0[] = {0x5B8B, 0x4F53, 0}; /* SimSun */
WCHAR CSF_LocalName1[] = {0x4E2D, 0x6613, 0x5B8B, 0x4F53, 0}; /* SimSun */
WCHAR CSF_LocalName2[] = {0x65B0, 0x5B8B, 0x4F53, 0}; /* NSimSun */
WCHAR CSF_LocalName3[] = {0xFC4B, 0x91CC, 0}; /* SimHei */
WCHAR CSF_LocalName4[] = {'M', 'S', 0x5B8B, 0x4F53, 0}; /* MS Song */
MUI_SUBFONT ChineseSimplifiedFonts[] =
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Franklin Gothic Medium", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Helv", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"MS Sans Serif", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg 2", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Song", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS UI Gothic", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS UI Gothic 2", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"NSimSun", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"SimHei", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"SimSun", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Source Sans Pro", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"System", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Tahoma", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Lucida Console" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Trebuchet MS", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
/* localized names */
{ CSF_LocalName0, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ CSF_LocalName1, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ CSF_LocalName2, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ CSF_LocalName3, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ CSF_LocalName4, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
WCHAR CTF_LocalName0[] = {0x7D30, 0x660E, 0x9AD4, 0}; /* MingLiU */
WCHAR CTF_LocalName1[] = {0x65B0, 0x7D30, 0x660E, 0x9AD4, 0}; /* PMingLiU */
WCHAR CTF_LocalName2[] = {0x83EF, 0x5EB7, 0x4E2D, 0x660E, 0x9AD4, 0}; /* DLCMingMedium */
WCHAR CTF_LocalName3[] = {0x83EF, 0x5EB7, 0x7C97, 0x660E, 0x9AD4, 0}; /* DLCMingBold */
MUI_SUBFONT ChineseTraditionalFonts[] =
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"DLCMingBold", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"DLCMingMedium", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Franklin Gothic Medium", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Helv", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"MS Sans Serif", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg 2", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS UI Gothic", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS UI Gothic 2", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Ming Light", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MingLiU", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"PMingLiU", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Source Sans Pro", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"System", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Tahoma", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Lucida Console" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Trebuchet MS", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
/* localized names */
{ CTF_LocalName0, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ CTF_LocalName1, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ CTF_LocalName2, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ CTF_LocalName3, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
WCHAR JF_LocalName0[] = {0xFF2D, 0xFF33, ' ', 0x660E, 0x671D, 0}; /* MS Mincho */
WCHAR JF_LocalName1[] = {0xFF2D, 0xFF33, ' ', 0xFF30, 0x660E, 0x671D, 0}; /* MS PMincho */
WCHAR JF_LocalName2[] = {0xFF2D, 0xFF33, ' ', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0}; /* MS Gothic */
WCHAR JF_LocalName3[] = {0xFF2D, 0xFF33, ' ', 0xFF30, 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0}; /* MS PGothic */
MUI_SUBFONT JapaneseFonts[] =
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Franklin Gothic Medium", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Helv", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"MS Gothic", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Mincho", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS PGothic", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS PMincho", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Sans Serif", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg 2", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS UI Gothic", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS UI Gothic 2", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Source Sans Pro", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"System", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Tahoma", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Lucida Console" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Trebuchet MS", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
/* localized names */
{ JF_LocalName0, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ JF_LocalName1, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ JF_LocalName2, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ JF_LocalName3, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
WCHAR KF_LocalName0[] = {0xBC14, 0xD0D5, 0}; /* Batang */
WCHAR KF_LocalName1[] = {0xBC14, 0xD0D5, 0xCCB4, 0}; /* BatangChe */
WCHAR KF_LocalName2[] = {0xAD81, 0xC11C, 0}; /* Gungsuh */
WCHAR KF_LocalName3[] = {0xAD81, 0xC11C, 0xCCB4, 0}; /* GungsuhChe */
WCHAR KF_LocalName4[] = {0xAD74, 0xB9BC, 0}; /* Gulim */
WCHAR KF_LocalName5[] = {0xAD74, 0xB9BC, 0xCCB4, 0}; /* GulimChe */
MUI_SUBFONT KoreanFonts[] =
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Batang", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"BatangChe", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Franklin Gothic Medium", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Gulim", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"GulimChe", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Gungsuh", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"GungsuhChe", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Helv", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"MS Sans Serif", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg 2", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS UI Gothic", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"MS UI Gothic 2", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Source Sans Pro", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"System", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Tahoma", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Lucida Console" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Trebuchet MS", L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
/* localized names */
{ KF_LocalName0, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ KF_LocalName1, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ KF_LocalName2, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ KF_LocalName3, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ KF_LocalName4, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
{ KF_LocalName5, L"Droid Sans Fallback" },
MUI_SUBFONT UnicodeFonts[] =
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"System", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
MUI_SUBFONT HindiFonts[] =
/*Font Substitute */
{ L"Arial Baltic,186", L"Arial,186" },
{ L"Arial CE,238", L"Arial,238" },
{ L"Arial CYR,204", L"Arial,204" },
{ L"Arial Greek,161", L"Arial,161" },
{ L"Arial TUR,162", L"Arial,162" },
{ L"Courier", L"Courier New" },
{ L"Courier New Baltic,186", L"Courier New,186" },
{ L"Courier New CE,238", L"Courier New,238" },
{ L"Courier New CYR,204", L"Courier New,204" },
{ L"Courier New Greek,161", L"Courier New,161" },
{ L"Courier New TUR,162", L"Courier New,162" },
{ L"Fixedsys", L"Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01-L2" },
{ L"Helv", L"Tahoma" },
{ L"Helvetica", L"Arial" },
{ L"MS Sans Serif", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"MS Shell Dlg 2", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"Palatino Linotype", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"System", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"Tahoma", L"FreeSans" },
{ L"Terminal", L"Lucida Console" },
{ L"Times", L"Times New Roman" },
{ L"Times New Roman Baltic,186", L"Times New Roman,186" },
{ L"Times New Roman CE,238", L"Times New Roman,238" },
{ L"Times New Roman CYR,204", L"Times New Roman,204" },
{ L"Times New Roman Greek,161", L"Times New Roman,161" },
{ L"Times New Roman TUR,162", L"Times New Roman,162" },
{ L"Tms Rmn", L"Times New Roman" },
MUI_SUBFONT SimplifiedChineseFontFixup[] =
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"SimSun" },
{ L"Tahoma", L"SimSun" },
MUI_SUBFONT TraditionalChineseFontFixup[] =
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"PMingLiU" },
{ L"Tahoma", L"PMingLiU" },
MUI_SUBFONT JapaneseFontFixup[] =
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"MS UI Gothic" },
{ L"Tahoma", L"MS UI Gothic" },
MUI_SUBFONT KoreanFontFixup[] =
{ L"MS Shell Dlg", L"Batang" },
{ L"Tahoma", L"Batang" },
{ L"MingLiU", NULL },
{ L"PMingLiU", NULL },
{ CTF_LocalName0, NULL },
{ CTF_LocalName1, NULL },
{ L"NSimSun", NULL },
{ L"SimSun", NULL },
{ CSF_LocalName0, NULL },
{ CSF_LocalName1, NULL },
{ CSF_LocalName2, NULL },
{ L"MS Song", NULL },
{ CSF_LocalName4, NULL },
{ L"MS Gothic", NULL },
{ L"MS PGothic", NULL },
{ L"MS UI Gothic", NULL },
{ JF_LocalName2, NULL },
{ JF_LocalName3, NULL },
{ L"MS Mincho", NULL },
{ L"MS PMincho", NULL },
{ JF_LocalName0, NULL },
{ JF_LocalName1, NULL },
{ L"Gulim", NULL },
{ L"GulimChe", NULL },
{ KF_LocalName4, NULL },
{ KF_LocalName5, NULL },
{ L"Batang", NULL},
{ L"BatangChe", NULL},
{ KF_LocalName0, NULL},
{ KF_LocalName1, NULL},