Hermès Bélusca-Maïto 5c9adf775d [NDK]: No, the NDK applications do not have to use UNICODE.
Indeed the RTL/NDK/whatever always explicitely uses ANSI and/or UNICODE string types where needed (and do not depend on tchar.h stuff).
It is up to the given application to explicitely specify (in its CMakeLists.txt or elsewhere) whether it wants to define UNICODE or not.
--> Fix the problem of having the UNICODE define magically being defined after including some NDK header.

[DNSAPI][USER32_APITEST]: Explicitely use UNICODE functions where needed (and as was already done in other parts of the code).

svn path=/trunk/; revision=74172
2017-03-15 00:06:42 +00:00

290 lines
9.9 KiB

* PROJECT: ReactOS api tests
* LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
* PURPOSE: Test for RegisterClassEx
* PROGRAMMERS: Giannis Adamopoulos
#include <apitest.h>
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
#include <ndk/rtlfuncs.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <wingdi.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <undocuser.h>
static ATOM _RegisterClass(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT style, WNDPROC lpfnWndProc)
WNDCLASSEXW wcex = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW), style, lpfnWndProc};
wcex.lpszClassName = lpwszClassName;
wcex.hInstance = hInstance;
return RegisterClassExW(&wcex);
static ATOM _GetClassAtom(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance)
return (ATOM)GetClassInfoExW(hInstance, lpwszClassName, &wcex);
static WNDPROC _GetWndproc(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance)
BOOL ret = GetClassInfoExW(hInstance, lpwszClassName, &wcex);
return ret ? wcex.lpfnWndProc : NULL;
static ATOM _RegisterClassA(LPCSTR lpzClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT style, WNDPROC lpfnWndProc)
WNDCLASSEXA wcex = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEX), style, lpfnWndProc};
wcex.lpszClassName = lpzClassName;
wcex.hInstance = hInstance;
return RegisterClassExA(&wcex);
static ATOM _GetClassAtomA(LPCSTR lpszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance)
return (ATOM)GetClassInfoExA(hInstance, lpszClassName, &wcex);
static WNDPROC _GetWndprocA(LPCSTR lpszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance)
BOOL ret = GetClassInfoExA(hInstance, lpszClassName, &wcex);
return ret ? wcex.lpfnWndProc : NULL;
HANDLE _CreateActCtxFromFile(LPCWSTR FileName)
ACTCTXW ActCtx = {sizeof(ACTCTX)};
WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH] , *separator;
ok (GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH), "GetModuleFileName failed\n");
separator = wcsrchr(buffer, L'\\');
if (separator)
wcscpy(separator + 1, FileName);
ActCtx.lpSource = buffer;
return CreateActCtxW(&ActCtx);
VOID TestGlobalClasses(VOID)
HMODULE hmod = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
ATOM a,b,c,d,e;
a = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass1", hmod);
b = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass1", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
c = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass1", hmod);
UnregisterClassW(L"TestClass1", hmod);
d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass1", hmod);
ok( a == 0, "\n");
ok( b != 0, "\n");
ok( c != 0, "\n");
ok( d == 0, "\n");
ok (b == c, "\n");
a = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass2", hmod);
b = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass2", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW);
c = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass2", hmod);
UnregisterClassW(L"TestClass2", hmod);
d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass2", hmod);
ok( a == 0, "\n");
ok( b != 0, "\n");
ok( c != 0, "\n");
ok( d == 0, "\n");
ok (b == c, "\n");
a = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass3", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
b = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass3", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
c = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass3", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW);
UnregisterClassW(L"TestClass3", hmod);
d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass3", hmod);
ok( a != 0, "\n");
ok( b == 0, "\n");
ok( c == 0, "\n");
ok( d == 0, "\n");
a = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass4", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW);
b = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass4", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
c = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass4", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
UnregisterClassW(L"TestClass4", hmod);
d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass4", hmod);
UnregisterClassW(L"TestClass4", hmod);
e = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass4", hmod);
ok( a != 0, "\n");
ok( b != 0, "\n");
ok( c == 0, "\n");
ok( d != 0, "\n");
ok( e == 0, "\n");
a = _GetClassAtom(L"ComboBox", hmod);
b = _RegisterClass(L"ComboBox", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
c = _RegisterClass(L"ComboBox", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW);
UnregisterClassW(L"ComboBox", hmod);
d = _GetClassAtom(L"ComboBox", hmod);
UnregisterClassW(L"TestClass4", hmod);
e = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass4", hmod);
ok( a != 0, "\n");
ok( b != 0, "\n");
ok( c == 0, "\n");
ok( d != 0, "\n");
ok( e == 0, "\n");
a = _GetClassAtom(L"ScrollBar", hmod);
UnregisterClassW(L"ScrollBar", hmod);
b = _GetClassAtom(L"ScrollBar", hmod);
c = _RegisterClass(L"ScrollBar", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW);
d = _GetClassAtom(L"ScrollBar", hmod);
ok( a != 0, "\n");
ok( b == 0, "\n");
ok( c != 0, "\n");
ok( d != 0, "\n");
ok( a == c, "\n");
ok( a == d, "\n"); /* In Windows 10 the last 4 tests fail */
a = _GetClassAtom(L"ListBox", (HMODULE)0xdead);
UnregisterClassW(L"ListBox", (HMODULE)0xdead);
b = _GetClassAtom(L"ListBox", (HMODULE)0xdead);
ok( a != 0, "\n");
ok( b == 0, "\n");
a = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass5", (HMODULE)0xdead, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW);
b = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass5", hmod);
UnregisterClassW(L"TestClass5", hmod);
c = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass5", (HMODULE)0xdead);
d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass5", hmod);
ok( a != 0, "\n");
ok( b != 0, "\n");
ok( c == 0, "\n");
ok( d == 0, "\n");
VOID TestVersionedClasses(VOID)
HMODULE hmod = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
HANDLE h1, h2;
ULONG_PTR cookie1, cookie2;
ATOM a,b,c,d;
WNDPROC proc1,proc2,proc3, proc4, proc5;
WCHAR buffer[50];
h1 = _CreateActCtxFromFile(L"verclasstest1.manifest");
h2 = _CreateActCtxFromFile(L"verclasstest2.manifest");
skip("Loading manifests failed. Skipping TestVersionedClasses\n");
a = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcA);
proc1 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod);
b = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
ActivateActCtx(h1, &cookie1);
proc2 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod);
c = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
d = _GetClassAtom(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod);
proc3 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod);
proc4 = _GetWndproc((LPCWSTR)(DWORD_PTR)a, hmod);
DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie1);
proc5 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod);
ok( a != 0, "\n");
ok( b == 0, "\n");
ok( c != 0, "\n");
ok( d != 0, "\n");
ok( a == c, "\n");
ok( a == d, "\n");
ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcA, "\n");
ok (proc2 == NULL, "Got 0x%p, expected NULL\n", proc2);
ok (proc3 == DefWindowProcW, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc3, DefWindowProcW);
ok (proc4 == DefWindowProcW, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc4, DefWindowProcW);
ok (proc5 == DefWindowProcA, "\n");
a = _GetClassAtom(L"Button", hmod);
b = _RegisterClass(L"Button", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcA);
proc1 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", (HMODULE)0xdead);
ActivateActCtx(h2, &cookie1);
c = _RegisterClass(L"Button", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcA);
proc2 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", (HMODULE)0xdead);
d = _GetClassAtom(L"!Button", (HMODULE)0xdead);
proc3 = _GetWndproc(L"!Button", (HMODULE)0xdead);
ok( a != 0, "\n");
ok( b == 0, "\n");
ok( c != 0, "\n");
ok( d != 0, "\n");
ok( a == c, "\n");
ok( d == a, "\n");
ok( proc1 != NULL, "\n");
ok( proc1 != DefWindowProcA, "Got 0x%p, expected not 0x%p\n", proc1, DefWindowProcA);
ok( proc2 == DefWindowProcA, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc2, DefWindowProcA);
ok( proc3 == DefWindowProcA, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc3, DefWindowProcA);
a = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass2", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW);
proc1 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass2", (HMODULE)0xdead);
b = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass2", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcA);
proc2 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass2", hmod);
proc3 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass2", (HMODULE)0xdead);
ok (a != 0, "\n");
ok (b != 0, "\n");
ok (a == b, "\n");
ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcW, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc1, DefWindowProcW);
ok (proc2 == DefWindowProcA, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc2, DefWindowProcA);
ok (proc3 == DefWindowProcW, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc2, DefWindowProcA);
a = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass3", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
swprintf(buffer, L"#%d", a);
proc1 = _GetWndproc((LPCWSTR)(DWORD_PTR)a, hmod);
proc2 = _GetWndproc(buffer, hmod);
ok (a != 0, "\n");
ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcW, "\n");
ok (proc2 == 0, "Got 0x%p for %S, expected 0\n", proc2, buffer);
DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie1);
a = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass3", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
swprintf(buffer, L"#%d", a);
proc1 = _GetWndproc((LPCWSTR)(DWORD_PTR)a, hmod);
proc2 = _GetWndproc(buffer, hmod);
ok (a != 0, "\n");
ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcW, "\n");
ok (proc2 == 0, "Got 0x%p for %S, expected 0\n", proc2, buffer);
ActivateActCtx(h2, &cookie1);
a = _RegisterClassA("VersionTestClass7", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW);
b = _GetClassAtomA("VersionTestClass7", hmod);
proc1 = _GetWndprocA("VersionTestClass7", hmod);
proc2 = _GetWndprocA((LPCSTR)(DWORD_PTR)a, hmod);
ok(a != 0, "\n");
ok(b != 0, "\n");
ok(a == b, "\n");
ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcW, "\n");
ok (proc2 == DefWindowProcW, "\n");
DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie1);
proc1 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", 0);
ActivateActCtx(h2, &cookie1);
ActivateActCtx(h1, &cookie2);
proc2 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", 0);
DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie2);
ActivateActCtx(0, &cookie2);
proc3 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", 0);
DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie2);
DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie1);
ok (proc1 != 0, "\n");
ok (proc2 != 0, "\n");
ok (proc4 != 0, "\n");
ok (proc1 == proc2, "\n");
ok (proc1 == proc3, "\n");