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2012-01-31 02:38:42 +00:00
reactos [SMSS2]: Implement helper functions for reading and writing to the BSD (What lets Windows know if this was a good boot/shutdown or a bad one, and to display the recovery settings or not (FreeLDR should do this...)). Implement the functions needed to launch native applications, and add support for launching autochk and any other bootexecute applications. Set the correct SessionID with the kernel by calling ProcessSessionInformation. Pending File Rename Operations are the last big thing left, plus actual pagefile creation. 2012-01-31 02:38:42 +00:00
rosapps [SSSTARS] 2011-12-19 10:22:06 +00:00
rostests [RASAPI32_WINETEST] 2012-01-29 23:00:48 +00:00
wallpaper Rename the wallpaper to conform with ISO 9660:1988 and make cdmake happy... 2009-02-03 13:26:30 +00:00