Hermès Bélusca-Maïto c8317ea346 Integrate softx86-v0.00.0033 library.
Allow compilation warnings (the downsides are that it generates LOTS of warnings...)

svn path=/branches/ntvdm/; revision=59247
2013-06-16 23:33:04 +00:00

356 lines
14 KiB

v0.00.0033: Jonathan Campbell
- Added helper function softx87_connect_to_CPU()
to ease CPU <=> FPU connection for programmers.
- Added softx86_set_intvect().
- Added general API functions softx86_make_simple_near_call(),
softx86_make_simple_far_call(), softx86_make_simple_interrupt_call(),
to make it easier for the program to manually invoke
calls to program code within the virtual environment.
- Added FBLD and FBSTP emulation
- Added FLD1, FLDL2T and other constant-related FPU instruction emulation
- Added FCLEX & FSCALE emulation
- Added F2XM1 & FCOM emulation
- Added FDIV, FDIVR, and FICOM emulation
v0.00.0032: Jonathan Campbell
- Using the 'u' command multiple times without
arguments now continues the decompiler from
where it left off, rather than restarting at
- Fixed a bug that caused Softx86dbg to crash if
run without an executable image to debug.
- Fixed a an error in the code that causes Softx86dbg
to crash when debugging a .COM file. See
for details.
- Added code to stop emulation and alert the user
if the instruction pointer wanders into areas
that normally do not contain code (e.g. the
interrupt vector table, the BIOS data area,
adapter ROM areas, etc).
- Fixed up INT 21h AH=4Ch/AH=00h code that would
have otherwise failed if AL was anything but 00h.
- Cleaned up interrupt handler system in Softx86dbg.
v0.00.0031: Jonathan Campbell
- Added command "!ramdump" to dump the entire 1MB
simulated RAM buffer to a file so you can then
examine it further with your favorite hex editor.
- Fixed coding mistake in .EXE relocation code that
caused corruption of the .EXE image, as well as
incorrect relocations
- Added check for .EXE files with funny entry point
values (e.g. 0xFFF0:0x0100) that ultimately translate
to valid offsets (such as the very beginning of the
resident area). Attempts to debug these previously
caused softx86dbg to crash. These EXEs were probably
converted from .COM images anyway.
- Fixed 'D' and 'U' command parsing bugs in softx86dbg
that failed to recognize first segment value
if it started with A-F (e.g. BF45:1233)
- Fixed incorrect assignment of DS and ES when
setting up .EXE emulated environment in
softx86dbg. DS and ES now point to PSP segment
instead of the first paragraph of the EXE
- Fixed bugs dealing with group 80h instructions
that are using an 8-bit sign-extended immediate
value with a 16-bit parameter.
- It turns out DOS DEBUG.EXE (at least the one
bundled with Windows XP) also supports multiple
steps with t followed by the number of steps.
The funny thing is that it assumes the number
is hexadecimal... whatever.
v0.00.0030: Jonathan Campbell
- More FADD fixes
- Softx86dbg shows FPU contents in scientific notation
- Added FSUB, FSUBP emulation
- Soft86 context structure modified so that the structure
itself stays the same size and format even if additions
are made to sub-structures
- Softx87 will no longer be distributed separately from
the main source tarball
- New documentation!
v0.00.0029: Jonathan Campbell
- Fixes for FADD
- Integer -> float conversion now normalizes the values.
v0.00.0028: Jonathan Campbell
- Added FADD, FADDP, FIADD 8087 instructions
v0.00.0027: Jonathan Campbell
- Fixed LOCK decompiler not printing anything to the buffer.
- Enhanced FPU backend and started development on
Softx87, an 8087 FPU emulation engine designed to tie
into Softx86.
- is no longer regenerated
- More intelligent makefile now checks for presence of
NASM and softx87 source tree. If you didn't download
the softx87 code with softx86, softx86dbg is compiled
and built without 8087 emulation support. If you don't
have NASM the samples are not built and are skipped.
v0.00.0026: Jonathan Campbell
- Added callback-based backend so that Softx86 can
hand FPU opcodes off to other libraries or subroutines
assigned to emulating the 80x87 FPU. If no callbacks
for this have been assigned Softx86 treats the opcode
as unknown.
- Added version information to the context structure.
- Fixed bug in softx86dbg's handling of the 'R' register
change command for the segment registers.
- Added callback for CPU resets.
v0.00.0025: Jonathan Campbell
- Added group 3-1A (0xF6/0xF7 opcodes) TEST r/m,
NOT r/m, NEG r/m, MUL r/m, IMUL r/m, DIV r/m, IDIV r/m.
- Added LES and LDS.
- Added BOUND.
- The entire 8086 instruction set is now implemented in
this library (at least the ones that Intel documents).
Let me know if I'm wrong. If this proves to be a sturdy
implementation I might re-release this as the official
v1.0 beta! Let me know if any undocumented instructions
should be implemented.
v0.00.0024: Jonathan Campbell
- Added RCL and RCR
v0.00.0023: Jonathan Campbell
- Added SHL, SHR, and SAR
- Added some helpful constants in softx86.h that can be used
in shifting operations to obtain specific bits in the FLAGS
register, like this:
t = (ctx->stage.flags>>SX86_CPUFLAGBO_PARITY)&1;
instead of:
t = (ctx->stage.flags&SX86_CPUFLAG_PARITY)?1:0;
- Added ROL, ROR
v0.00.0022: Jonathan Campbell
v0.00.0021: Jonathan Campbell
- Fixed major mistake in FAR CALL/INTERRUPT stack framing
code. Segment and offset values were pushed onto the
stack in the wrong order!
- Added CALL/JMP/CALL FAR/JMP FAR (0xFF /2 /3 /4 and /5)
- Added preliminary code to start supporting 80286 instructions.
softx86_init() now reports 8088/8086 emulation as stable,
since 80% of the instructions have been implemented anyway.
calling softx86_init() with SX86_CPULEVEL_80286 or
SX86_CPULEVEL_80186 is now legal.
- Fixed main Makefile. Somehow it got mixed up with another
v0.00.0020: Jonathan Campbell
- Added FAQ.
- Fixed minor error in hypothetical I/O device at port 0x9A.
16-bit data is now treated the same way that it would be if
written as 8-bit data.
- DOS 16-bit real-mode EXE loader. Now softx86dbg can debug
v0.00.0019: Jonathan Campbell
- Added CMPS and SCAS
- Updated instodo.txt to show some instructions that I forgot to
mention were implemented already.
- Fixed bug in REP loop code that continued looping even if
ZF flag failed condition. This caused many REPNE SCASB loops to
fail until it was fixed.
v0.00.0018: Jonathan Campbell
- Fixed coding mistakes in segment prefix decoder (using >= not ==)
- Added REP/REPZ prefix handling
- README file rewritten
- Fixed SOFTX86DBG printing unshifted value ANDed from FLAGS for flag
states (e.g. should be ZF=1 not ZF=64).
- The 't' command under SOFTX86DBG now allows optional parameter to
specify how many instructions to step through before returning. For
t 27
means step through 27 instructions.
- Added the ability to compile Softx86 and Softx86dbg using MINGW and
Bloodshed Dev-C++ IDE.
v0.00.0017: Jonathan Campbell
- Found a way to convince MSVC++ that Softx86 is a dependency of
Softx86dbg. Reorganized project files so that the static library
is a dependency of the DLL version, and the DLL version is a
dependency of Softx86dbg. The DLL version now exports symbols
from the compiled static library version instead of recompiling
the entire library to produce the DLL.
- Softx86dbg now has a pretty icon resource so you can easily
identify it under Windows :)
- Added JMP abs. direct far and CALL abs. direct far.
- Fixed FAR and INTERRUPT stack frame code that put segment and
offset values in the wrong order!
- Added JMP/CALL rel8/rel16.
v0.00.0016: Jonathan Campbell
- Added TEST and XCHG.
- Added LEA (Load Effective Address)
- Added TEST08.ASM to test the TEST/XCHG instructions.
- Softx86dbg now shows CPU flags as CF=1, AF=0, etc. for clarity.
v0.00.0015: Jonathan Campbell
- Added DAA, XLAT and DAS instructions.
- Fixed a few subtle bugs in AAA and AAS emulation where final result
was not masked with 0xF like it should have been.
- Fixed AAA/AAS/AAM/AAD instructions to properly set CPU flags like they
v0.00.0014: Jonathan Campbell
- Registers are now represented by a structure (a union really)
rather than 16-bit word values that are referred to directly with
Endian-sensitive code. I had never thought of using C/C++ unions
like this before... thanks goes to Paul Muller for bringing this
up. On the other hand... in the act of modifying all of the emulation
code to handle the new arrangement it's possible that I broke
something.... please let me know or fix it and e-mail the patch to
- Added Jcc (JMP conditional) instructions (JCXZ,JA,JB,JL,JG,JP,JZ,JC...)
v0.00.0013: Jonathan Campbell
- Added CMP and AND.
v0.00.0012: Jonathan Campbell
- Added API call to "reset" the CPU.
- Added XOR.
- Added API call to get library version. This can be used when
linked to the shared library to determine the version and
whether or not it matches the #defines in softx86.h.
v0.00.0011: Jonathan Campbell
- Fixed missing header file problems in MSVC++ project workspace
files caused by renaming config.h to softx86cfg.h.
- Fixed erroneous use of opcode functions where parameters were
switched from their intended meaning. In other words, the
executioneer functions were passing the destination as the
source and the source as the destination. This causes the
SUB and SBB instructions to add rather than subtract like
they should.
- Added SBB.
- Added INT 3, INT n, INTO.
- Added CPU interrupt handling (external and internal).
- Added bug emulation.
- Added host idle callback for finer emulation during the
execution of an instruction.
- Added CPU NMI code.
- Softx86dbg now allows you to change register values by
typing "r [regname]".
- Softx86dbg now has very primitive INT 20h and INT 21h
- Added fix for COM loading code in softx86dbg that would
otherwise overrun the simulated RAM if the user were to
try to debug a very large file.
- More fixes; apparently whenever I transfer the tarball
back and forth between my Linux box and my Windows box
the script got munged with DOS \n\r sequences.
This apparently causes Bash to come up with really weird
error messages pointing to the functions and referring to
' (wtf?!?). So from now on the Makefile automatically
generates when you type "make" for the first time
and removes file when you type "make distclean".
v0.00.0010: Jonathan Campbell
- Added SUB and ADC.
- Added ADD r/m,imm.
- Make install improved, more intelligent, moved to
as a shell script that is called when you type "make install".
- Makefile script more intelligent, automatically creates "obj"
subdirectories now (and removes them on "make distclean").
- Changed BYTE_ORDER #define in softx86.h so that it doesn't
conflict with headers in /usr/include. It is now called
v0.00.0009: Jonathan Campbell
- Added IN/OUT instruction emulation.
- Sample code to make use of IN/OUT and hypothetical
hardware adding logic with I/O ports that softx86dbg
provides for testing.
- Fixed erroneous AF (Aux flag) emulation for ADD. Found
out (and later found a reference to this in Intel's
80286 documentation) that AF is set if the CPU, peforming
addition one 4-bit nibble at a time (a 16/32-bit
processor!?!) has to carry while adding the least
significant nibbles. For example:
0x04 + 0x06 = 0x0A AF=0
0x08 + 0x08 = 0x10 AF=1
0x10 + 0xFF = 0x10F AF=0
0x1E + 0xFF = 0x11D AF=1
v0.00.0008: Jonathan Campbell
- Softx86 now compiles into a shared library for Linux and a
DLL for Win32.
v0.00.0007: Jonathan Campbell
- More work on the mod/reg/rm decoder
- MOV [r/m],[segreg] and MOV AL/AX,[mem] implemented
- MOV [r/m],[imm] implemented
- More test assembly code
v0.00.0006: Jonathan Campbell
- Apparently DOS DEBUG single-step command is 't', not 's'.
Sorry :)
- ADD mod/reg/rm and MOV mod/reg/rm implemented.
- ADD al,imm8 and ADD ax,imm16 implemented.
- Segment prefixes CS: DS: ES: and SS: now supported.
v0.00.0005: Jonathan Campbell
- Installation of library and header files for Softx86 possible
via "make install" command (if you are root).
- Fixed some errors in README file, compiling instructions
clearer now.
v0.00.0004: Jonathan Campbell
- Linux/GCC makefiles.
- Command line input written for Linux version.
- SoftX86 documentation reference and summary included in source
- Library archive output of SoftX86 for Linux.
- More comments in softx86dbg to make it easier to understand.
v0.00.0003: Jonathan Campbell
- More opcodes: RET n, RETF, RETF n, IRETD, HLT
- Removed alignment code, statements about 80x86 CPU always
accessing memory on aligned boundaries was wrong, based
on mis-interpretation of CPU diagrams.
- Instruction execution functions can now return value 3
to indicate that the opcode was executed in full
completeness but that a looping operation is in effect and
that the instruction pointer should remain the same afterwards.
v0.00.0002: Jonathan Campbell
- More one-byte opcodes added: CBW, CWDE, CWD, CDQ, CLC,
- Made necessary additions to ? command in softx86dbg (now
it honestly tells you all commands supported).
- softx86dbg now heeds "warning" return value from libsoftx86
and displays warning message.
v0.00.0001: Jonathan Campbell
- Initial release
- One-byte opcodes added: AAA, AAS, PUSH [reg], POP [reg],
- Preliminary library interface design
- MSVC 6.0 project workspace files only---Linux Makefile
soon to come
- Program to test library with: softx86dbg
- Sample assembly code to test library with:
samples/test01.asm (NASM required to assemble)