Timo Kreuzer 43fc73207d [FREELDR/x64] Set up CR0/CR4 for SSE instructions
Newer GCC starts emitting SSE/SSE2 instructions, which would cause a triple fault, during early boot, if not enabled.
2024-03-29 19:39:01 +01:00

241 lines
5.6 KiB

#include <>
#include <>
#include <arch/pc/x86common.h>
#include <arch/pc/pcbios.h>
// EXTERN cmdline:DWORD
EXTERN DiskStopFloppyMotor:PROC
#ifdef _USE_ML
EXTERN __bss_start__:FWORD
EXTERN __bss_end__:FWORD
PUBLIC RealEntryPoint
/* Setup segment selectors */
mov ax, LMODE_DS
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
// mov ss, ax
//mov word ptr [HEX(b8000)], HEX(0e00) + '1'
/* Setup long mode stack */
mov rsp, qword ptr [stack64]
/* Continue execution */
jmp qword ptr [ContinueAddress]
.quad FrldrStartup
/* Set up CR0 for SSE */
mov rax, cr0
and eax, not CR0_EM // Clear coprocessor emulation CR0.EM CR0.EM (bit 2)
or rax, CR0_MP // Set coprocessor monitoring CR0.MP (bit 1)
mov cr0, rax
/* Set up CR4 for SSE */
mov rax, cr4
or eax, CR4_FXSR // Enable fx save/restore CR4.OSFXSR (bit 9)
or eax, CR4_XMMEXCPT // Enable XMMI exceptions CR4.OSXMMEXCPT (bit 10)
mov cr4, rax
/* Store BootDrive and BootPartition */
mov al, byte ptr [BSS_BootDrive]
mov byte ptr [FrldrBootDrive], al
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte ptr [BSS_BootPartition]
mov dword ptr [FrldrBootPartition], eax
/* Patch long jump with real mode entry point */
mov eax, dword ptr [BSS_RealModeEntry]
mov dword ptr [AddressOfRealModeEntryPoint], eax
/* Clean out BSS */
xor rax, rax
mov rdi, offset __bss_start__
mov rcx, offset __bss_end__ + 7
sub rcx, rdi
shr rcx, 3
rep stosq
/* Pass the command line to BootMain */
// mov rcx, offset cmdline
xor rcx, rcx
/* GO! */
call BootMain
/* We should never get here */
jmp short stop
/* Stop the floppy drive motor */
call DiskStopFloppyMotor
/* Set the function ID and switch to real mode (we don't return) */
mov bx, FNID_Reboot
jmp SwitchToReal
* VOID __cdecl Relocator16Boot(
* IN REGS* In<rcx>,
* IN USHORT StackSegment<dx>,
* IN USHORT StackPointer<r8w>,
* IN USHORT CodeSegment<r9w>,
* IN USHORT CodePointer<rsp+40>);
* RETURNS: Nothing.
* NOTE: The implementation of this function is similar to that of Int386(),
* with the proviso that no attempt is done to save the original values of
* the registers since we will not need them anyway, as we do not return back
* to the caller but instead place the machine in a permanent new CPU state.
PUBLIC Relocator16Boot
/* Save home registers */
mov qword ptr [rsp + 8], rcx
mov word ptr [rsp + 16], dx
mov word ptr [rsp + 24], r8w
mov word ptr [rsp + 32], r9w
#if 0
/* Save non-volatile registers */
push rbx
push rsi
push rdi
/* Copy input registers */
mov rsi, qword ptr [rsp + 8]
mov rdi, BSS_RegisterSet
mov rcx, REGS_SIZE / 4
rep movsd
/* Set the stack segment/offset */
// Since BSS_CallbackReturn contains a ULONG, store in its high word
// the stack segment and in its low word the stack offset.
mov ax, word ptr [rsp + 16]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, word ptr [rsp + 24]
mov dword ptr [BSS_CallbackReturn], eax
* Set the code segment/offset (Copy entry point)
* NOTE: We permanently *ERASE* the contents of ds:[BSS_RealModeEntry]
* but it is not a problem since we are going to place the machine in
* a permanent new CPU state.
// Since BSS_RealModeEntry contains a ULONG, store in its high word
// the code segment and in its low word the code offset.
mov ax, word ptr [rsp + 32]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, word ptr [rsp + 40]
mov dword ptr [BSS_RealModeEntry], eax
/* Set the function ID and switch to real mode (we don't return) */
mov bx, FNID_Relocator16Boot
jmp SwitchToReal
* U16 PxeCallApi(U16 Segment, U16 Offset, U16 Service, VOID *Parameter);
xor eax, eax
/* Internal function for realmode calls
* bx must be set to the ID of the realmode function to call. */
PUBLIC CallRealMode
/* Save current stack pointer */
mov qword ptr [stack64], rsp
/* Set continue address and switch to real mode */
lea rax, [CallRealMode_return]
mov qword ptr [ContinueAddress], rax
/* Set sane segments */
mov ax, LMODE_DS
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
//mov ss, ax
//mov word ptr [HEX(0b8008)], HEX(0e00) + '4'
/* Save 64-bit stack pointer */
mov qword ptr [stack64], rsp
/* Step 1 - jump to compatibility segment */
jmp fword ptr [jumpvector]
.long SwitchToRealCompSegment
.word CMODE_CS
/* Note: In fact the CPU is in 32 bit mode here. But it will interpret
the generated instructions accordingly. rax will become eax */
/* Step 2 - deactivate long mode, by disabling paging */
mov rax, cr0
and eax, HEX(7fffffff) //~0x80000000, upper bits cleared
mov cr0, rax
// mov word ptr [HEX(0b800a)], HEX(0e00) + '5'
/* Step 3 - jump to 16-bit segment to set the limit correctly */
.byte HEX(0EA) // 32bit long jmp
.long 0 // receives address of RealModeEntryPoint
.word HEX(20)//RMODE_CS
/* restore stack pointer */
mov rsp, qword ptr [stack64]
/* 64-bit stack pointer */
PUBLIC FrldrBootDrive
.byte 0
PUBLIC FrldrBootPartition
.long 0