2013-06-16 22:01:41 +00:00

35 lines
722 B

/* The use of these four functions was creating unwanted imports
* from msvcrt.dll in kernel32.dll. */
#define malloc libwine_malloc
#define free libwine_free
#define realloc libwine_realloc
#define _strdup libwine__strdup
#define interlocked_xchg_add InterlockedExchangeAdd
#include "debug.c"
void *malloc(size_t size)
return LocalAlloc(0, size);
void free(void *ptr)
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
if (ptr == NULL) return malloc(size);
return LocalReAlloc(ptr, size, LMEM_MOVEABLE);
char *_strdup(const char *str)
char *newstr = malloc(strlen(str) + 1);
if (newstr) strcpy(newstr, str);
return newstr;