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* Copyright (c) 1994
* Hewlett-Packard Company
* Copyright (c) 1996,1997
* Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 1997
* Moscow Center for SPARC Technology
* Copyright (c) 1999
* Boris Fomitchev
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
* or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
* Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
* without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
* provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
* modified is included with the above copyright notice.
/* NOTE: This is an internal header file, included by other STL headers.
* You should not attempt to use it directly.
// Hashtable class, used to implement the hashed associative containers
// hash_set, hash_map, hash_multiset, and hash_multimap,
// unordered_set, unordered_map, unordered_multiset, unordered_multimap
# include <stl/debug/_iterator.h>
template <class _Key, class _Equal>
class _DbgEqual {
_DbgEqual() {}
_DbgEqual(const _Equal& __eq) : _M_non_dbg_eq(__eq) {}
_DbgEqual(const _DbgEqual& __eq) : _M_non_dbg_eq(__eq._M_non_dbg_eq) {}
bool operator () (const _Key& __lhs, const _Key& __rhs) const
template <class _Kp1, class _Kp2>
bool operator () (const _Kp1& __lhs, const _Kp2& __rhs) const
_STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT(_M_non_dbg_eq(__rhs, __lhs) == _M_non_dbg_eq(__lhs, __rhs), _StlMsg_INVALID_EQUIVALENT_PREDICATE)
return _M_non_dbg_eq(__lhs, __rhs) ? true : false;
_Equal non_dbg_key_eq() const { return _M_non_dbg_eq; }
_Equal _M_non_dbg_eq;
#define _STLP_NON_DBG_HT \
_STLP_PRIV _STLP_NON_DBG_NAME(hashtable) <_Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _STLP_PRIV _DbgEqual<_Key, _EqK>, _All>
template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF,
class _ExK, class _EqK, class _All>
inline _Val*
value_type(const _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter_base< _STLP_NON_DBG_HT >&)
{ return (_Val*)0; }
template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF,
class _ExK, class _EqK, class _All>
inline forward_iterator_tag
iterator_category(const _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter_base< _STLP_NON_DBG_HT >&)
{ return forward_iterator_tag(); }
template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF,
class _Traits, class _ExK, class _EqK, class _All>
class hashtable {
typedef hashtable<_Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All> _Self;
typedef _STLP_NON_DBG_HT _Base;
typedef typename _Traits::_NonConstTraits _NonConstTraits;
typedef typename _Traits::_ConstTraits _ConstTraits;
typedef typename _Traits::_NonConstLocalTraits _NonConstLocalTraits;
typedef typename _Traits::_ConstLocalTraits _ConstLocalTraits;
_Base _M_non_dbg_impl;
_STLP_PRIV __owned_list _M_iter_list;
typedef _Key key_type;
typedef _HF hasher;
typedef _EqK key_equal;
typedef _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter<_Base, _STLP_PRIV _DbgTraits<_NonConstTraits> > iterator;
typedef _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter<_Base, _STLP_PRIV _DbgTraits<_ConstTraits> > const_iterator;
//typedef _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter<_Base, _DbgTraits<_NonConstLocalTraits> > local_iterator;
typedef iterator local_iterator;
//typedef _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter<_Base, _DbgTraits<_ConstLocalTraits> > const_local_iterator;
typedef const_iterator const_local_iterator;
typedef typename _Base::iterator _Base_iterator;
typedef typename _Base::const_iterator _Base_const_iterator;
hasher hash_funct() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.hash_funct(); }
key_equal key_eq() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.key_eq().non_dbg_key_eq(); }
void _Invalidate_iterator(const const_iterator& __it)
{ _STLP_PRIV __invalidate_iterator(&_M_iter_list, __it); }
void _Invalidate_iterators(const const_iterator& __first, const const_iterator& __last)
{ _STLP_PRIV __invalidate_range(&_M_iter_list, __first, __last); }
allocator_type get_allocator() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.get_allocator(); }
hashtable(size_type __n,
const _HF& __hf,
const _EqK& __eql,
const _ExK& __ext,
const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type())
: _M_non_dbg_impl(__n, __hf, __eql, __ext, __a),
_M_iter_list(&_M_non_dbg_impl) {}
hashtable(size_type __n,
const _HF& __hf,
const _EqK& __eql,
const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type())
: _M_non_dbg_impl(__n, __hf, __eql, __a),
_M_iter_list(&_M_non_dbg_impl) {}
hashtable(const _Self& __ht)
: _M_non_dbg_impl(__ht._M_non_dbg_impl),
_M_iter_list(&_M_non_dbg_impl) {}
#if !defined (_STLP_NO_MOVE_SEMANTIC)
hashtable(__move_source<_Self> src)
: _M_non_dbg_impl(__move_source<_Base>(src.get()._M_non_dbg_impl)),
_M_iter_list(&_M_non_dbg_impl) {
# else
# endif
size_type size() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.size(); }
size_type max_size() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.max_size(); }
bool empty() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.empty(); }
_Self& operator=(const _Self& __ht) {
if (this != &__ht) {
//Should not invalidate end iterator
_Invalidate_iterators(begin(), end());
_M_non_dbg_impl = __ht._M_non_dbg_impl;
return *this;
void swap(_Self& __ht) {
iterator begin() { return iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.begin()); }
iterator end() { return iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.end()); }
local_iterator begin(size_type __n) {
//TODO: Add checks for iterator locality -> avoids comparison between different bucket iterators
_STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT((__n < bucket_count()), _StlMsg_INVALID_ARGUMENT)
return local_iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.begin(__n));
local_iterator end(size_type __n) {
//TODO: Add checks for iterator locality -> avoids comparison between different bucket iterators
_STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT((__n < bucket_count()), _StlMsg_INVALID_ARGUMENT)
return local_iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.end(__n));
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.begin()); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.end()); }
const_local_iterator begin(size_type __n) const {
//TODO: Add checks for iterator locality -> avoids comparison between different bucket iterators
_STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT((__n < bucket_count()), _StlMsg_INVALID_ARGUMENT)
return const_local_iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.begin(__n));
const_local_iterator end(size_type __n) const {
//TODO: Add checks for iterator locality -> avoids comparison between different bucket iterators
_STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT((__n < bucket_count()), _StlMsg_INVALID_ARGUMENT)
return const_local_iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.end(__n));
pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique(const value_type& __obj) {
pair<_Base_iterator, bool> __res = _M_non_dbg_impl.insert_unique(__obj);
return pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(&_M_iter_list, __res.first), __res.second);
iterator insert_equal(const value_type& __obj)
{ return iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.insert_equal(__obj)); }
pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique_noresize(const value_type& __obj) {
pair<_Base_iterator, bool> __res = _M_non_dbg_impl.insert_unique_noresize(__obj);
return pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(&_M_iter_list, __res.first), __res.second);
iterator insert_equal_noresize(const value_type& __obj)
{ return iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.insert_equal_noresize(__obj)); }
template <class _InputIterator>
void insert_unique(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_STLP_PRIV __check_range(__f, __l))
_M_non_dbg_impl.insert_unique(_STLP_PRIV _Non_Dbg_iter(__f), _STLP_PRIV _Non_Dbg_iter(__l));
template <class _InputIterator>
void insert_equal(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l){
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_STLP_PRIV __check_range(__f, __l))
_M_non_dbg_impl.insert_equal(_STLP_PRIV _Non_Dbg_iter(__f), _STLP_PRIV _Non_Dbg_iter(__l));
void insert_unique(const value_type* __f, const value_type* __l) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_STLP_PRIV __check_ptr_range(__f, __l))
_M_non_dbg_impl.insert_unique(__f, __l);
void insert_equal(const value_type* __f, const value_type* __l) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_STLP_PRIV __check_ptr_range(__f, __l))
_M_non_dbg_impl.insert_equal(__f, __l);
void insert_unique(const_iterator __f, const_iterator __l) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_STLP_PRIV __check_range(__f, __l))
_M_non_dbg_impl.insert_unique(__f._M_iterator, __l._M_iterator);
void insert_equal(const_iterator __f, const_iterator __l) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_STLP_PRIV __check_range(__f, __l))
_M_non_dbg_impl.insert_equal(__f._M_iterator, __l._M_iterator);
iterator find(const _KT& __key)
{ return iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.find(__key)); }
const_iterator find(const _KT& __key) const
{ return const_iterator(&_M_iter_list, _M_non_dbg_impl.find(__key)); }
size_type count(const _KT& __key) const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.count(__key); }
pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const _KT& __key) {
pair<_Base_iterator, _Base_iterator> __res = _M_non_dbg_impl.equal_range(__key);
return pair<iterator,iterator> (iterator(&_M_iter_list,__res.first),
pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const _KT& __key) const {
pair <_Base_const_iterator, _Base_const_iterator> __res = _M_non_dbg_impl.equal_range(__key);
return pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> (const_iterator(&_M_iter_list,__res.first),
size_type erase(const key_type& __key) {
pair<iterator, iterator> __p = equal_range(__key);
size_type __n = _STLP_STD::distance(__p.first, __p.second);
_Invalidate_iterators(__p.first, __p.second);
_M_non_dbg_impl.erase(__p.first._M_iterator, __p.second._M_iterator);
return __n;
void erase(const const_iterator& __it) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_STLP_PRIV _Dereferenceable(__it))
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_STLP_PRIV __check_if_owner(&_M_iter_list, __it))
void erase(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_STLP_PRIV __check_range(__first, __last,
const_iterator(begin()), const_iterator(end())))
_Invalidate_iterators(__first, __last);
_M_non_dbg_impl.erase(__first._M_iterator, __last._M_iterator);
void rehash(size_type __num_buckets_hint) { _M_non_dbg_impl.rehash(__num_buckets_hint); }
void resize(size_type __num_elements_hint) { _M_non_dbg_impl.resize(__num_elements_hint); }
void clear() {
_Invalidate_iterators(begin(), end());
reference _M_insert(const value_type& __obj) { return _M_non_dbg_impl._M_insert(__obj); }
size_type bucket_count() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.bucket_count(); }
size_type max_bucket_count() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.max_bucket_count(); }
size_type elems_in_bucket(size_type __n) const {
_STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT((__n < bucket_count()), _StlMsg_INVALID_ARGUMENT)
return _M_non_dbg_impl.elems_in_bucket(__n);
size_type bucket(const _KT& __k) const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.bucket(__k); }
float load_factor() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.load_factor(); }
float max_load_factor() const { return _M_non_dbg_impl.max_load_factor(); }
void max_load_factor(float __z) {
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