David Welch 3ae3b46dcd Updated CREDITS
Work on security
Updated heap code from wine implementation
Implemented kernel/user shared data page

svn path=/trunk/; revision=1297
2000-08-12 19:33:23 +00:00

1162 lines
21 KiB

; Pmode setup stub
; (A20 enable code and PIC reprogram from linux bootsector)
; Base address of the kernel
KERNEL_BASE equ 0c0000000h
; Segment selectors
;USER_CS equ 08h
;USER_DS equ 010h
;KERNEL_CS equ 020h
;KERNEL_DS equ 028h
KERNEL_CS equ 08h
KERNEL_DS equ 010h
; Space reserved in the gdt for tss descriptors
NR_TASKS equ 128
; We are a .com program
org 100h
; 16 bit code
;%define NDEBUG 1
%macro DPRINT 1+
%ifndef NDEBUG
jmp %%end_str
%%str: db %1
push di
push ds
push es
pop ds
mov di, %%str
call print_string
pop ds
pop di
; Load stack
push ds
pop ss
push ds
pop es
mov sp,real_stack_end
; Setup the loader space
mov ebx,0
mov eax,0
mov ecx,0
mov edx,0
mov esi,0
mov edi,0
; Calculate the end of this module
mov ax,ds
movzx ebx,ax
shl ebx,4
add ebx,_end
; Round up to the nearest page
and ebx,~0xfff
add ebx,01000h
; Set the start of the page directory
mov [kernel_page_directory_base],ebx
; Set the start of the continuous range of physical memory
; occupied by the kernel
mov [_start_mem],ebx
add ebx,01000h
; Calculate the start of the system page table (0xc0000000 upwards)
mov [system_page_table_base],ebx
add ebx,01000h
; Calculate the start of the page table to map the first 4mb
mov [lowmem_page_table_base],ebx
add ebx,01000h
; Set the position for the first module to be loaded
mov [next_load_base],ebx
; Set the address of the start of kernel code
mov [_start_kernel],ebx
; Make the argument list into a c string
mov di,081h
cmp byte [di],0dh
je l2
cmp byte [di],' '
jne l12
mov byte [di],0
inc di
jmp l1
mov byte [di],0
mov [end_cmd_line],di
mov dx,082h
mov bx,dx
cmp byte [bx],0
je l16
; Process the arguments
mov di,loading_msg
call print_string
mov di,dx
call print_string
mov ah,02h
mov dl,0dh
int 021h
mov ah,02h
mov dl,0ah
int 021h
; Load the file
push di
mov dx,di
; call _load_file
call pe_load_module
pop di
; Move onto the next module name in the command line
cmp di,[end_cmd_line]
je l16
cmp byte [di],0
je l17
inc di
jmp l15
inc di
mov dx,di
jmp l14
; Set the end of kernel memory
mov eax,[next_load_base]
mov [_end_mem],eax
; Begin the pmode initalization
jmp _to_pmode
mov ax,04c00h
int 21h
; Any errors detected jump here
mov di,err_msg
call print_string
jmp exit
end_cmd_line dw 0
; In: EDI = address
; Out: FS = segment
; DI = base
push eax
mov eax,edi
; shr eax,16
; shl eax,12
; mov fs,ax
shr eax, 4
mov fs, ax
and edi, 0xf
; and edi,0ffffh
pop eax
; Print string in DS:DI
push ebp
mov bp, sp
push eax
push edx
push edi
mov ax, 0x0200
mov dl, [di]
cmp dl, 0
je .end_loop
cmp dl, '%'
jne .print_char
inc di
mov dl, [di]
cmp dl, 'a'
jne .not_ax
push eax
mov eax, [ss:bp - 4]
call print_ax
pop eax
jmp .next_char
cmp dl, 'A'
jne .not_eax
push eax
mov eax, [ss:bp - 4]
call print_eax
pop eax
jmp .next_char
cmp dl, 'c'
jne .not_cx
push ax
mov ax, cx
call print_ax
pop ax
jmp .next_char
int 0x21
inc di
jmp .loop
pop edi
pop edx
pop eax
pop ebp
; print_ax - print the number in the ax register
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx, ax
mov ax, 0x0200
mov cx, 4
mov dx, bx
shr dx, 12
and dl, 0x0f
cmp dl, 0x0a
jge .hex_val
add dl, '0'
jmp .not_hex
add dl, 'a' - 10
int 0x21
shl bx, 4
dec cx
jnz .loop
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov ebx, eax
mov ax, 0x0200
mov cx, 8
mov edx, ebx
shr edx, 28
and dl, 0x0f
cmp dl, 0x0a
jge .hex_val
add dl, '0'
jmp .not_hex
add dl, 'a' - 10
int 0x21
shl ebx, 4
dec cx
jnz .loop
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
e_magic: resw 1
e_cblp: resw 1
e_cp: resw 1
e_crlc: resw 1
e_cparhdr: resw 1
e_minalloc: resw 1
e_maxalloc: resw 1
e_ss: resw 1
e_sp: resw 1
e_csum: resw 1
e_ip: resw 1
e_cs: resw 1
e_lfarlc: resw 1
e_ovno: resw 1
e_res: resw 4
e_oemid: resw 1
e_oeminfo: resw 1
e_res2: resw 10
e_lfanew: resd 1
nth_sig: resd 1
ntf_mach: resw 1
ntf_num_secs: resw 1
ntf_timestamp: resd 1
ntf_symtab_ptr: resd 1
ntf_num_syms: resd 1
ntf_opt_hdr_sz: resw 1
ntf_chars: resw 1
nto_magic: resw 1
nto_mjr_lnk_vr: resb 1
nto_mnr_lnk_vr: resb 1
nto_code_sz: resd 1
nto_data_sz: resd 1
nto_bss_sz: resd 1
nto_entry_offs: resd 1
nto_code_offs: resd 1
nto_data_offs: resd 1
nto_image_base: resd 1
nto_sec_align: resd 1
nto_file_align: resd 1
nto_mjr_os_ver: resw 1
nto_Mnr_os_ver: resw 1
nto_mjr_img_vr: resw 1
nto_Mnr_img_vr: resw 1
nto_mjr_subsys: resw 1
nto_mnr_subsys: resw 1
nto_w32_ver: resd 1
nto_image_sz: resd 1
nto_hdr_sz: resd 1
nto_chksum: resd 1
nto_subsys: resw 1
nto_dll_chars: resw 1
nto_stk_res_sz: resd 1
nto_stk_cmt_sz: resd 1
nto_hp_res_sz: resd 1
nto_hp_cmt_sz: resd 1
nto_ldr_flags: resd 1
nto_dir_cnt: resd 1
nto_dir_ent: resq 16
dd_rva: resd 1
dd_sz: resd 1
se_name: resb 8
se_vsz: resd 1
se_vaddr: resd 1
se_rawsz: resd 1
se_raw_ofs: resd 1
se_reloc_ofs: resd 1
se_lnum_ofs: resd 1
se_num_relocs: resw 1
se_num_lnums: resw 1
se_chars: resd 1
; pe_load_module - load a PE module into memory
; DI - Filename
; [_nr_files] - total files loaded (incremented)
; [next_load_base] - load base for file (updated to next loc)
; [_module_lengths] - correct slot is set.
push dx
push ds
push ds
pop es
mov eax, [next_load_base]
mov [load_base], eax
DPRINT 'next_load_base %A', 13, 10, 0
; Open the file
mov ax, 0x3d00
mov dx, di
int 0x21
jnc .open_good
jmp .error
mov [file_handle],ax
; Seek to beginning of file
mov ax,0x4200
mov bx, [file_handle]
mov cx, 0
mov dx, 0
int 0x21
jnc .rewind_good
jmp .error
; Compute load address for PE headers
mov edi,[load_base]
call convert_to_seg
mov dx,di
push fs
pop ds
; Load the headers
mov ax, 0x3f00
mov bx, [es:file_handle]
mov cx, 0x1000
int 0x21
; Check DOS MZ Header
mov bx, dx
mov ax, word [bx + e_magic]
cmp ax, 'MZ'
je .mz_hdr_good
push es
pop ds
mov dx, bad_mz_msg
mov di, dx
call print_string
jmp .error
; Check PE Header
mov eax, dword [bx + e_lfanew]
DPRINT 'lfanew %A ', 0
add bx, ax
mov eax, dword [bx + nth_sig]
cmp eax, 0x00004550
je .pe_hdr_good
push es
pop ds
mov dx, bad_pe_msg
mov di, dx
call print_string
jmp .error
; Get header size and bump next_load_base
mov eax, [bx + nto_hdr_sz]
DPRINT 'header size %A ', 0
add dword [es:next_load_base], eax
; Setup section pointer
mov ax, [bx + ntf_num_secs]
DPRINT 'num sections %a', 13, 10, 0
mov [es:num_sections], ax
add bx, NT_HDRS_size
mov [es:cur_section], bx
mov [es:cur_section + 2], ds
; Load each section or fill with zeroes
; Compute size of data to load from file
mov eax, [bx + se_rawsz]
DPRINT 'raw size %A ', 0
cmp eax, 0
jne .got_data
jmp .no_data
mov [es:size_mod_4k], ax
and word [es:size_mod_4k], 0x0fff
shr eax, 12
mov dword [es:size_div_4k], eax
; Seek to section offset
mov eax, [bx + se_raw_ofs]
DPRINT 'raw offset %A ', 0
mov dx, ax
shr eax, 16
mov cx, ax
mov ax,0x4200
mov bx, [es:file_handle]
int 0x21
jnc .seek_good
jmp .error
; Load the base pointer
mov edi,[es:next_load_base]
call convert_to_seg
mov dx, di
push fs
pop ds
; Read data in 4k chunks
; Check if we have read it all
mov eax, [es:size_div_4k]
cmp eax, 0
je .chunk_done
; Make the call (dx was loaded above)
mov ax, 0x3f00
mov bx, [es:file_handle]
mov cx, 0x1000
int 0x21
; FIXME: should check return status and count
; We move onto the next pointer by altering ds
mov ax, ds
add ax, 0x0100
mov ds, ax
dec word [es:size_div_4k]
jmp .do_chunk
; Read the last section
mov ax, 0x3f00
mov bx, [es:file_handle]
mov cx, [es:size_mod_4k]
int 0x21
jnc .last_read_good
jmp .error
; Zero out uninitialized data sections
lds bx, [es:cur_section]
mov eax, dword [bx + se_chars]
DPRINT 'section chars %A', 13, 10, 0
test dword [bx + se_chars], 0x80
jz .no_fill
; Compute size of section to zero fill
mov eax, [bx + se_vsz]
cmp eax, 0
je .no_fill
mov [es:size_mod_4k], ax
and word [es:size_mod_4k], 0x0fff
shr eax, 12
mov [size_div_4k], eax
; Load the base pointer
mov edi,[es:next_load_base]
call convert_to_seg
mov dx, di
push fs
pop ds
; Check if we have read it all
mov eax, [es:size_div_4k]
cmp eax, 0
je .fill_done
; Zero out a chunk
mov ax, 0x0000
mov cx, 0x1000
push di
push es
push ds
pop es
rep stosb
pop es
pop di
; We move onto the next pointer by altering ds
mov ax, ds
add ax, 0x0100
mov ds, ax
dec word [es:size_div_4k]
jmp .do_fill
; Read the last section
mov ax, 0x0000
mov cx, [es:size_mod_4k]
push di
push es
push ds
pop es
rep stosb
pop es
pop di
; Update raw data offset in section header
lds bx, [es:cur_section]
mov eax, [es:next_load_base]
sub eax, [es:load_base]
DPRINT 'new raw offset %A ', 0
mov [bx + se_raw_ofs], eax
; Update next_load_base
mov eax, [bx + se_vsz]
DPRINT 'scn virtual sz %A ', 0
and eax, 0xfffff000
add dword [es:next_load_base], eax
test dword [bx + se_vsz], 0xfff
jz .even_scn
add dword [es:next_load_base], 0x1000
mov eax, [es:next_load_base]
DPRINT 'next load base %A', 13, 10, 0
; Setup for next section or exit loop
dec word [es:num_sections]
jz .scn_done
add bx, SCN_HDR_size
mov [es:cur_section], bx
jmp .scn_loop
; Update module_length
mov eax, [es:next_load_base]
sub eax, [es:load_base]
mov esi, [es:_nr_files]
mov [es:_module_lengths + esi * 4], eax
inc dword [es:_nr_files]
pop ds
pop dx
push es
pop ds
mov di, err_msg
call print_string
jmp exit
; Handle of the currently open file
file_handle dw 0
; Size of the current file mod 4k
size_mod_4k dw 0
; Size of the current file divided by 4k
size_div_4k dd 0
load_base dd 0
num_sections dw 0
cur_section dd 0
last_addr dw 0
; Generic error message
err_msg db 'Error during operation',10, 13, 0
bad_mz_msg db 'Module has bad MZ header', 10, 13, 0
bad_pe_msg db 'Module has bad PE header', 10, 13, 0
rostitle db '',0
loading_msg db 'Loading: ',0
death_msg db 'death', 0
filelength_lo dw 0
filelength_hi dw 0
kernel_page_directory_base dd 0
system_page_table_base dd 0
lowmem_page_table_base dd 0
next_load_base dd 0
_start_kernel dd 0
boot_param_struct_base dd 0
; These variables are passed to the kernel (as a structure)
align 4
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
times 64 dd 0
times 256 db 0
; Needed for enabling the a20 address line
jmp $+3
jmp $+3
in al,064h
test al,02h
jnz empty_8042
; GDT descriptor
align 8
dw (3*8)-1
dd gdt
; Setup kernel parameters
mov dword [_magic],0xdeadbeef
; Save cursor position
mov ax,3 ;! Reset video mode
int 10h
mov bl,10
mov ah,12
int 10h
mov ax,1112h ;! Use 8x8 font
xor bl,bl
int 10h
mov ax,1200h ;! Use alternate print screen
mov bl,20h
int 10h
mov ah,1h ;! Define cursor (scan lines 6 to 7)
mov cx,0607h
int 10h
mov ah,1
mov cx,0600h
int 10h
mov dx,0
mov dh,0
mov ah,02h
mov bh,0
int 10h
mov dx,0
mov dh,0
mov ah,02h
mov bh,0
int 010h
mov ah,03h
mov bh,0h
int 010h
movzx eax,dl
mov [_cursorx],eax
movzx eax,dh
mov [_cursory],eax
mov bx,ds
movzx eax,bx
shl eax,4
add eax,_boot_param_struct
mov [boot_param_struct_base],eax
; Zero out the kernel page directory
mov edi,[kernel_page_directory_base]
call convert_to_seg
mov cx,1024
mov dword [fs:di],0
add di,4
loop l10
; Map in the lowmem page table (and reuse it for the identity map)
mov edi,[kernel_page_directory_base]
call convert_to_seg
mov eax,[lowmem_page_table_base]
add eax,07h
mov [fs:di],eax
mov [fs:di+(0xd0000000/(1024*1024))],eax
; Map the page tables from the page table
mov eax,[kernel_page_directory_base]
add eax,07h
mov [fs:di+(0xf0000000/(1024*1024))],eax
; Map in the kernel page table
mov eax,[system_page_table_base]
add eax,07h
mov [fs:di+3072],eax
; Setup the lowmem page table
mov edi,[lowmem_page_table_base]
call convert_to_seg
mov ebx,0
mov eax,ebx
shl eax,12 ; ebx = ebx * 4096
add eax,07h ; user, rw, present
mov [fs:edi+ebx*4],eax
inc ebx
cmp ebx,1024
jl l9
; Setup the system page table
mov edi,[system_page_table_base]
call convert_to_seg
mov eax,07h
mov edx,eax
add edx,[_start_kernel]
mov [fs:edi],edx
add edi,4
add eax,1000h
cmp eax,100007h
jl l8
; Load the page directory into cr3
mov eax,[kernel_page_directory_base]
mov cr3,eax
; Setup various variables
mov bx,ds
movzx eax,bx
shl eax,4
add [gdt_base],eax
; Enable the A20 address line (to allow access to over 1mb)
call empty_8042
mov al,0D1h ; command write
out 064h,al
call empty_8042
mov al,0DFh ; A20 on
out 060h,al
call empty_8042
; Reprogram the PIC because they overlap the Intel defined
; exceptions
mov al,011h ; initialization sequence
out 020h,al ; send it to 8259A-1
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ; jmp $+2, jmp $+2
out 0A0h,al ; and to 8259A-2
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb
mov al,040h ; start of hardware int's (0x20)
out 021h,al
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb
mov al,048h ; start of hardware int's 2 (0x28)
out 0A1h,al
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb
mov al,04h ; 8259-1 is master
out 021h,al
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb
mov al,002h ; 8259-2 is slave
out 0A1h,al
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb
mov al,01h ; 8086 mode for both
out 021h,al
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb
out 0A1h,al
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb
mov al,0FFh ; mask off all interrupts for now
out 021h,al
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb
out 0A1h,al
; Load stack
mov bx,ds
movzx eax,bx
shl eax,4
add eax,real_stack_end
mov [real_stack_base],eax
mov esp,[real_stack_base]
mov edx,[boot_param_struct_base]
; load gdt
lgdt [gdt_descr]
; Enter pmode and clear prefetch queue
mov eax,cr0
or eax,0x80010001
mov cr0,eax
jmp next
; NOTE: This must be position independant (no references to
; non absolute variables)
; Initalize segment registers
mov ax,KERNEL_DS
mov ds,ax
mov ss,ax
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
; Initalize eflags
push dword 0
; Jump to start of 32 bit code at c0000000
push edx
push dword 0
jmp dword KERNEL_CS:(KERNEL_BASE+0x1000)
; Our initial stack
real_stack times 1024 db 0
real_stack_base dd 0
; Global descriptor table
align 8
dw 0 ; Zero descriptor
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
;dw 00000h ; User code descriptor
;dw 00000h ; base: 0h limit: 3gb
;dw 0fa00h
;dw 000cch
;dw 00000h ; User data descriptor
;dw 00000h ; base: 0h limit: 3gb
;dw 0f200h
;dw 000cch
;dw 00000h
;dw 00000h
;dw 00000h
;dw 00000h
dw 0ffffh ; Kernel code descriptor
dw 00000h ;
dw 09a00h ; base 0h limit 4gb
dw 000cfh
dw 0ffffh ; Kernel data descriptor
dw 00000h ;
dw 09200h ; base 0h limit 4gb
dw 000cfh
;times NR_TASKS*8 db 0