Klemens Friedl 435a566751 SmartPDF - lightweight pdf viewer app for rosapps
* sumatrapdf - vendor import
* everything compiles (libjpeg, poppler, fitz, sumatrapdf)
* does NOT link

(remove the comment tags in the parent directory.rbuild file (rosapps dir) to build it)

svn path=/trunk/; revision=29295
2007-09-29 08:39:35 +00:00

202 lines
6.4 KiB

// Splash.h
#ifndef SPLASH_H
#define SPLASH_H
#pragma interface
#include "SplashTypes.h"
#include "SplashClip.h"
class SplashBitmap;
struct SplashGlyphBitmap;
class SplashState;
class SplashPattern;
class SplashScreen;
class SplashPath;
class SplashXPath;
class SplashFont;
// Retrieves the next line of pixels in an image mask. Normally,
// fills in *<line> and returns true. If the image stream is
// exhausted, returns false.
typedef GBool (*SplashImageMaskSource)(void *data, SplashColorPtr pixel);
// Retrieves the next line of pixels in an image. Normally, fills in
// *<line> and returns true. If the image stream is exhausted,
// returns false.
typedef GBool (*SplashImageSource)(void *data, SplashColorPtr line);
// Splash
class Splash {
// Create a new rasterizer object.
Splash(SplashBitmap *bitmapA);
//----- state read
SplashPattern *getStrokePattern();
SplashPattern *getFillPattern();
SplashScreen *getScreen();
SplashBlendFunc getBlendFunc();
SplashCoord getStrokeAlpha();
SplashCoord getFillAlpha();
SplashCoord getLineWidth();
int getLineCap();
int getLineJoin();
SplashCoord getMiterLimit();
SplashCoord getFlatness();
SplashCoord *getLineDash();
int getLineDashLength();
SplashCoord getLineDashPhase();
SplashClip *getClip();
//----- state write
void setStrokePattern(SplashPattern *strokeColor);
void setFillPattern(SplashPattern *fillColor);
void setScreen(SplashScreen *screen);
void setBlendFunc(SplashBlendFunc func);
void setStrokeAlpha(SplashCoord alpha);
void setFillAlpha(SplashCoord alpha);
void setLineWidth(SplashCoord lineWidth);
void setLineCap(int lineCap);
void setLineJoin(int lineJoin);
void setMiterLimit(SplashCoord miterLimit);
void setFlatness(SplashCoord flatness);
// the <lineDash> array will be copied
void setLineDash(SplashCoord *lineDash, int lineDashLength,
SplashCoord lineDashPhase);
void clipResetToRect(SplashCoord x0, SplashCoord y0,
SplashCoord x1, SplashCoord y1);
SplashError clipToRect(SplashCoord x0, SplashCoord y0,
SplashCoord x1, SplashCoord y1);
SplashError clipToPath(SplashPath *path, GBool eo);
//----- state save/restore
void saveState();
SplashError restoreState();
//----- soft mask
void setSoftMask(SplashBitmap *softMaskA);
//----- drawing operations
// Fill the bitmap with <color>. This is not subject to clipping.
void clear(SplashColorPtr color);
// Stroke a path using the current stroke pattern.
SplashError stroke(SplashPath *path);
// Fill a path using the current fill pattern.
SplashError fill(SplashPath *path, GBool eo);
// Fill a path, XORing with the current fill pattern.
SplashError xorFill(SplashPath *path, GBool eo);
// Draw a character, using the current fill pattern.
SplashError fillChar(SplashCoord x, SplashCoord y, int c, SplashFont *font);
// Draw a glyph, using the current fill pattern. This function does
// not free any data, i.e., it ignores glyph->freeData.
SplashError fillGlyph(SplashCoord x, SplashCoord y,
SplashGlyphBitmap *glyph);
// Draws an image mask using the fill color. This will read <h>
// lines of <w> pixels from <src>, starting with the top line. "1"
// pixels will be drawn with the current fill color; "0" pixels are
// transparent. The matrix:
// [ mat[0] mat[1] 0 ]
// [ mat[2] mat[3] 0 ]
// [ mat[4] mat[5] 1 ]
// maps a unit square to the desired destination for the image, in
// PostScript style:
// [x' y' 1] = [x y 1] * mat
// Note that the Splash y axis points downward, and the image source
// is assumed to produce pixels in raster order, starting from the
// top line.
SplashError fillImageMask(SplashImageMaskSource src, void *srcData,
int w, int h, SplashCoord *mat);
// Draw an image. This will read <h> lines of <w> pixels from
// <src>, starting with the top line. These pixels are assumed to
// be in the source mode, <srcMode>. The following combinations of
// source and target modes are supported:
// source target
// ------ ------
// Mono1 Mono1
// Mono8 Mono1 -- with dithering
// Mono8 Mono8
// RGB8 RGB8
// BGR8 BGR8
// ARGB8 RGB8 -- with source alpha (masking)
// BGRA8 BGR8 -- with source alpha (masking)
// The matrix behaves as for fillImageMask.
SplashError drawImage(SplashImageSource src, void *srcData,
SplashColorMode srcMode,
int w, int h, SplashCoord *mat);
//----- misc
// Return the associated bitmap.
SplashBitmap *getBitmap() { return bitmap; }
// Get a bounding box which includes all modifications since the
// last call to clearModRegion.
void getModRegion(int *xMin, int *yMin, int *xMax, int *yMax)
{ *xMin = modXMin; *yMin = modYMin; *xMax = modXMax; *yMax = modYMax; }
// Clear the modified region bounding box.
void clearModRegion();
// Get clipping status for the last drawing operation subject to
// clipping.
SplashClipResult getClipRes() { return opClipRes; }
// Toggle debug mode on or off.
void setDebugMode(GBool debugModeA) { debugMode = debugModeA; }
void updateModX(int x);
void updateModY(int y);
void strokeNarrow(SplashXPath *xPath);
void strokeWide(SplashXPath *xPath);
SplashXPath *makeDashedPath(SplashXPath *xPath);
SplashError fillWithPattern(SplashPath *path, GBool eo,
SplashPattern *pattern, SplashCoord alpha);
void drawPixel(int x, int y, SplashColorPtr color,
SplashCoord alpha, GBool noClip);
void drawPixel(int x, int y, SplashPattern *pattern,
SplashCoord alpha, GBool noClip);
void drawSpan(int x0, int x1, int y, SplashPattern *pattern,
SplashCoord alpha, GBool noClip);
void xorSpan(int x0, int x1, int y, SplashPattern *pattern, GBool noClip);
void dumpPath(SplashPath *path);
void dumpXPath(SplashXPath *path);
SplashBitmap *bitmap;
SplashState *state;
SplashBitmap *softMask;
int modXMin, modYMin, modXMax, modYMax;
SplashClipResult opClipRes;
GBool debugMode;