winesync 2e19edd6a0
[WINESYNC] msi: Make MsiProcessMessage() RPC-compatible.
Instead of passing a remote MSIHANDLE and creating a set of remote_Record*()
methods, we marshal the whole record as a wire struct. We do this for two
reasons: firstly, because chances are whoever is reading the record is going
to want to read the whole thing, so it's much less taxing on IPC to just pass
the whole record once; and secondly, because records can be created on the
client side or returned from the server side, and we don't want to have to
write a lot of extra code to deal with both possibilities.

The wire_record struct is designed so that we can simply pass the relevant
part of an MSIRECORD to the server.

Signed-off-by: Zebediah Figura <>
Signed-off-by: Hans Leidekker <>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <>

wine commit id bbf0f2da8211da73066fb36a444593ab0e8901f2 by Zebediah Figura <>
2022-03-20 19:27:35 +01:00

91 lines
4.6 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 James Hawkins
* Copyright (C) 2018 Zebediah Figura
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#pragma makedep header
import "objidl.idl";
cpp_quote("#if 0")
typedef unsigned long MSIHANDLE;
typedef int MSICONDITION;
typedef int MSIRUNMODE;
typedef int INSTALLSTATE;
#define MSIFIELD_INT 1
cpp_quote("#include \"msiquery.h\"")
struct wire_field {
unsigned int type;
[switch_is(type)] union {
[case(MSIFIELD_INT)] int iVal;
[case(MSIFIELD_WSTR), string] LPWSTR szwVal;
[case(MSIFIELD_STREAM)] IStream *stream;
} u;
int len;
struct wire_record {
unsigned int count;
[size_is(count+1)] struct wire_field fields[];
interface IWineMsiRemote
HRESULT remote_DatabaseIsTablePersistent( [in] MSIHANDLE db, [in] LPCWSTR table, [out] MSICONDITION *persistent );
HRESULT remote_DatabaseGetPrimaryKeys( [in] MSIHANDLE db, [in] LPCWSTR table, [out] MSIHANDLE *keys );
HRESULT remote_DatabaseGetSummaryInformation( [in] MSIHANDLE db, [in] UINT updatecount, [out] MSIHANDLE *suminfo );
HRESULT remote_DatabaseOpenView( [in] MSIHANDLE db, [in] LPCWSTR query, [out] MSIHANDLE *view );
HRESULT remote_GetActiveDatabase( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [out] MSIHANDLE *handle );
UINT remote_GetProperty( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in, string] LPCWSTR property, [out, string] LPWSTR *value, [out] DWORD *size );
UINT remote_SetProperty( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in, string, unique] LPCWSTR property, [in, string, unique] LPCWSTR value );
int remote_ProcessMessage( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] INSTALLMESSAGE message, [in] struct wire_record *record );
HRESULT remote_DoAction( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR action );
HRESULT remote_Sequence( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR table, [in] int sequence );
HRESULT remote_GetTargetPath( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR folder, [out, size_is(*size)] BSTR value, [in, out] DWORD *size );
HRESULT remote_SetTargetPath( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR folder, [in] BSTR value );
HRESULT remote_GetSourcePath( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR folder, [out, size_is(*size)] BSTR value, [in, out] DWORD *size );
HRESULT remote_GetMode( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] MSIRUNMODE mode, [out] BOOL *ret );
HRESULT remote_SetMode( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] MSIRUNMODE mode, [in] BOOL state );
HRESULT remote_GetFeatureState( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR feature, [out] INSTALLSTATE *installed, [out] INSTALLSTATE *action );
HRESULT remote_SetFeatureState( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR feature, [in] INSTALLSTATE state );
HRESULT remote_GetComponentState( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR component, [out] INSTALLSTATE *installed, [out] INSTALLSTATE *action );
HRESULT remote_SetComponentState( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR component, [in] INSTALLSTATE state );
HRESULT remote_GetLanguage( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [out] LANGID *language );
HRESULT remote_SetInstallLevel( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] int level );
HRESULT remote_FormatRecord( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] MSIHANDLE record, [out] BSTR *value );
HRESULT remote_EvaluateCondition( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR condition );
HRESULT remote_GetFeatureCost( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR feature, [in] INT cost_tree, [in] INSTALLSTATE state, [out] INT *cost );
HRESULT remote_EnumComponentCosts( [in] MSIHANDLE hinst, [in] BSTR component, [in] DWORD index, [in] INSTALLSTATE state,
[out, size_is(*buflen)] BSTR drive, [in, out] DWORD *buflen, [out] INT *cost, [out] INT *temp );
HRESULT remote_GetActionInfo( [in] LPCGUID guid, [out] INT *type, [out] BSTR *dllname,
[out] BSTR *function, [out] MSIHANDLE *package );
UINT remote_CloseHandle( [in] MSIHANDLE handle );