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ReactOS is available thanks to the work of
Emanuele Aliberti <ea@iol.it>
Robert Bergkvist <fragdance@hotmail.com>
Hartmut Birr <hartmut.birr@gmx.de>
Aleksey Bragin <aleksey@studiocerebral.com>
Richard Campbell <eek2121@comcast.net>
Gunnar Andre' Dalsnes <hardon@online.no>
Arindam Das
Boudewijn Dekker <ariadne@xs4all.nl>
Robert Dickenson <robd@reactos.org>
Marty Dill <mdill@uvic.ca>
Jason Eager
Steven Edwards <steven_ed4153@yahoo.com>
Iwan Fatahi <i_fatahi@hotmail.com>
Jason Filby <jasonfilby@yahoo.com>
Martin Fuchs <martin-fuchs@gmx.net>
Jurgen van Gael <jurgen.vangael@student.kuleuven.ac.be>
Ge van Geldorp <ge@gse.nl>
Andrew Greenwood <lists@silverblade.co.uk>
Casper S. Hornstrup <chorns@users.sourceforge.net>
KJK::Hyperion <noog@libero.it>
Eugene Ingerman <geneing@myrealbox.com>
Rex Jolliff <rex@lvcablemodem.com>
Guido de Jong
Victor Kirhenshtein <sauros@iname.com>
Eric Kohl <ekohl@rz-online.de>
Hans Kremer
Frederik Leemans
Jean Michault
Royce Mitchell III <royce3@ev1.net>
Filip Navara <xnavara@volny.cz>
Jim Noeth
Mike Nordell ("tamlin")
Hernan Ochoa
Brian Palmer <brianp@sginet.com>
Paolo Pantaleo <paolopan@freemail.it>
Matt Pyne
Phillip Susi <phreak@iag.net>
James B. Tabor <jimtabor@adsl-64-217-116-74.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net>
Mark Tempel <mtempel@visi.com>
Vizzini <vizzini@plasmic.com>
Mark Weaver <mark@npsl.co.uk>
Thomas Weidenmueller <w3seek@users.sourceforge.net>
Jason Weiler
David Welch <welch@cwcom.net>
Jonathan Wilson <jonwil@tpgi.com.au>
Art Yerkes <ayerkes@speakeasy.net>
Graphic Design from
Everaldo (http://everaldo.com) for Explorer icons
Source and inspiration from
WINE (http://www.winehq.com)
WinFree (http://www.stack.nl/~onno/win32/)
Linux (http://www.kernel.org)
XFree86 (http://www.xfree86.org/)
References (Rex's at least)
Baker, Art. The Windows NT Device Driver Book. Prentice Hall, 1997.
Borate, Dabak & Phadke. Undocumented Windows NT. M&T Books, 1999.
Brain, Marshall. Win32 System Services. Prentice Hall, 1996.
Cant, Chris. Writing Windows WDM Device Drivers. R&D Books, 1999.
Canton & Sanchez. IBM Microcomputers: A Programmer's Handbook. McGraw Hill, 1990.
Davis & Wallace. Windows Undocumented File Formats. R&D Books, 1997.
Mason & Viscarola. Windows NT Device Driver Development. Macmillan, 1999.
Mitchell, Stan. Inside the Windows 95 File System. O'Reilly, 1997.
Murray, James D. Windows NT Event Logging. O'Reilly, 1998.
Nagar, Rajeev. Windows NT File System Internals. O'Reilly, 1997.
Osbourne, Sandra. Windows NT Registry: A Settings Reference. New Riders, 1998.
Pietrek, Matt. Windows 95 System Programming Secrets. IDG, 1995.
Richter, Jeffery. Advanced Windows, 3rd ed. Microsoft, 1997.
Simon, Richard J. Windows NT Win32 API Superbible. Waite Group, 1996.
Solomon, David A. Inside Windows NT, 2nd Ed. Microsoft, 1998.
"The NT Insider." Open Systems Resources, 1999-2000.