Hermès Bélusca-Maïto 6ddfa7d2b8 [NTVDM]
- Move all the hardware initialization to EmulatorInitialize (since emulator.c can be viewed as support functions for emulating a PC motherboard) --> PS2 and VGA go there.
- Break bios.c into bios.c and kbdbios.c (the keyboard bios module) (according to the IBM documentation as well as other emulator sources or SeaBIOS or...).
- Move Exception handling from int32.c to emulator.c, because it's something tight to the emulator, not to the interrupt system by itself (yet it happens that INT 00h to 07h are commonly set to some exception handlers). In the bios.c, initialize those vectors with the default exception handler.
- Handling IRQs is done fully in bios.c now: introduce PicSetIRQMask and EnableHwIRQ helper functions (adapted from their equivalents from SeaBIOS) that allows the bios to set (and activate in the PIC) a given IRQ with its corresponding handler. Also introduce PicIRQComplete that serves as a PIC IRQ completer (i.e. sends the EOI to the right PIC(s)).
- Continuing on that, at the moment I set dumb default PIC IRQ handlers for IRQ 08h - 0Fh and IRQ 70h - 77h).
- By default I disable all the IRQs; there are then set on-demand with EnableHwIRQ.
- Rework the POST (aka. BiosInitialize function):
  * the memory size is now get from the CMOS (as well as the extended memory size via INT 12h, AH=88h),
  * then we initialize the interrupts,
  * then platform hardware (ie. the chips) are initialized,
  * and finally the keyboard and video bioses.
- As said before, move memory sizes into the CMOS.
- Simplify video bios initialization.

svn path=/branches/ntvdm/; revision=61796
2014-01-25 00:21:51 +00:00

291 lines
8.7 KiB

* COPYRIGHT: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
* PROJECT: ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
* FILE: kbdbios.c
* PROGRAMMERS: Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
/* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
#define NDEBUG
#include "emulator.h"
// #include "kbdbios.h"
#include "bios.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "hardware/ps2.h"
#include "int32.h"
/* PRIVATE VARIABLES **********************************************************/
static BYTE BiosKeyboardMap[256];
/* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/
static BOOLEAN BiosKbdBufferPush(WORD Data)
/* Get the location of the element after the tail */
WORD NextElement = Bda->KeybdBufferTail + sizeof(WORD);
/* Wrap it around if it's at or beyond the end */
if (NextElement >= Bda->KeybdBufferEnd) NextElement = Bda->KeybdBufferStart;
/* If it's full, fail */
if (NextElement == Bda->KeybdBufferHead) return FALSE;
/* Put the value in the queue */
*((LPWORD)((ULONG_PTR)Bda + Bda->KeybdBufferTail)) = Data;
Bda->KeybdBufferTail += sizeof(WORD);
/* Check if we are at, or have passed, the end of the buffer */
if (Bda->KeybdBufferTail >= Bda->KeybdBufferEnd)
/* Return it to the beginning */
Bda->KeybdBufferTail = Bda->KeybdBufferStart;
/* Return success */
return TRUE;
static BOOLEAN BiosKbdBufferTop(LPWORD Data)
/* If it's empty, fail */
if (Bda->KeybdBufferHead == Bda->KeybdBufferTail) return FALSE;
/* Otherwise, get the value and return success */
*Data = *((LPWORD)((ULONG_PTR)Bda + Bda->KeybdBufferHead));
return TRUE;
static BOOLEAN BiosKbdBufferPop(VOID)
/* If it's empty, fail */
if (Bda->KeybdBufferHead == Bda->KeybdBufferTail) return FALSE;
/* Remove the value from the queue */
Bda->KeybdBufferHead += sizeof(WORD);
/* Check if we are at, or have passed, the end of the buffer */
if (Bda->KeybdBufferHead >= Bda->KeybdBufferEnd)
/* Return it to the beginning */
Bda->KeybdBufferHead = Bda->KeybdBufferStart;
/* Return success */
return TRUE;
WORD BiosPeekCharacter(VOID)
WORD CharacterData = 0;
/* Get the key from the queue, but don't remove it */
if (BiosKbdBufferTop(&CharacterData)) return CharacterData;
else return 0xFFFF;
WORD BiosGetCharacter(VOID)
WORD CharacterData = 0;
/* Check if there is a key available */
if (BiosKbdBufferTop(&CharacterData))
/* A key was available, remove it from the queue */
/* No key available. Set the handler CF to repeat the BOP */
// CharacterData = 0xFFFF;
return CharacterData;
static VOID WINAPI BiosKeyboardService(LPWORD Stack)
switch (getAH())
/* Wait for keystroke and read */
case 0x00:
/* Wait for extended keystroke and read */
case 0x10: // FIXME: Temporarily do the same as INT 16h, 00h
/* Read the character (and wait if necessary) */
/* Get keystroke status */
case 0x01:
/* Get extended keystroke status */
case 0x11: // FIXME: Temporarily do the same as INT 16h, 01h
WORD Data = BiosPeekCharacter();
if (Data != 0xFFFF)
/* There is a character, clear ZF and return it */
/* No character, set ZF */
/* Get shift status */
case 0x02:
/* Return the lower byte of the keyboard shift status word */
/* Reserved */
case 0x04:
DPRINT1("BIOS Function INT 16h, AH = 0x04 is RESERVED\n");
/* Push keystroke */
case 0x05:
/* Return 0 if success, 1 if failure */
setAL(BiosKbdBufferPush(getCX()) == FALSE);
/* Get extended shift status */
case 0x12:
* Be careful! The returned word is similar to Bda->KeybdShiftFlags
* but the high byte is organized differently:
* the bytes 2 and 3 of the high byte are not the same...
WORD KeybdShiftFlags = (Bda->KeybdShiftFlags & 0xF3FF);
/* Return the extended keyboard shift status word */
DPRINT1("BIOS Function INT 16h, AH = 0x%02X NOT IMPLEMENTED\n",
// Keyboard IRQ 1
static VOID WINAPI BiosKeyboardIrq(LPWORD Stack)
BYTE ScanCode, VirtualKey;
WORD Character;
/* Get the scan code and virtual key code */
ScanCode = IOReadB(PS2_DATA_PORT);
VirtualKey = MapVirtualKey(ScanCode & 0x7F, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK);
/* Check if this is a key press or release */
if (!(ScanCode & (1 << 7)))
/* Key press */
if (VirtualKey == VK_NUMLOCK ||
VirtualKey == VK_CAPITAL ||
VirtualKey == VK_SCROLL ||
VirtualKey == VK_INSERT)
/* For toggle keys, toggle the lowest bit in the keyboard map */
BiosKeyboardMap[VirtualKey] ^= ~(1 << 0);
/* Set the highest bit */
BiosKeyboardMap[VirtualKey] |= (1 << 7);
/* Find out which character this is */
Character = 0;
if (ToAscii(VirtualKey, ScanCode, BiosKeyboardMap, &Character, 0) == 0)
/* Not ASCII */
Character = 0;
/* Push it onto the BIOS keyboard queue */
BiosKbdBufferPush(MAKEWORD(Character, ScanCode));
/* Key release, unset the highest bit */
BiosKeyboardMap[VirtualKey] &= ~(1 << 7);
/* Clear the keyboard flags */
Bda->KeybdShiftFlags = 0;
/* Set the appropriate flags based on the state */
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_RSHIFT] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_RSHIFT;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_LSHIFT] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_LSHIFT;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_CONTROL] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_CTRL;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_MENU] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_ALT;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_SCROLL] & (1 << 0)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_SCROLL_ON;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_NUMLOCK] & (1 << 0)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_NUMLOCK_ON;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_CAPITAL] & (1 << 0)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_CAPSLOCK_ON;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_INSERT] & (1 << 0)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_INSERT_ON;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_RMENU] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_RALT;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_LMENU] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_LALT;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_SNAPSHOT] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_SYSRQ;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_PAUSE] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_PAUSE;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_SCROLL] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_SCROLL;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_NUMLOCK] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_NUMLOCK;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_CAPITAL] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_CAPSLOCK;
if (BiosKeyboardMap[VK_INSERT] & (1 << 7)) Bda->KeybdShiftFlags |= BDA_KBDFLAG_INSERT;
/* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/
BOOLEAN KbdBiosInitialize(HANDLE ConsoleInput)
/* Initialize the BDA */
Bda->KeybdBufferStart = FIELD_OFFSET(BIOS_DATA_AREA, KeybdBuffer);
Bda->KeybdBufferEnd = Bda->KeybdBufferStart + BIOS_KBD_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WORD);
Bda->KeybdBufferHead = Bda->KeybdBufferTail = 0;
/* Register the BIOS 32-bit Interrupts */
/* Initialize software vector handlers */
RegisterInt32(BIOS_KBD_INTERRUPT, BiosKeyboardService);
/* Set up the HW vector interrupts */
EnableHwIRQ(1, BiosKeyboardIrq);
// EnableHwIRQ(12, BiosMouseIrq);
/* Set the console input mode */
return TRUE;
VOID KbdBiosCleanup(VOID)
/* EOF */