Daniel Reimer 5389fc942e [RAPPS]
rapps-database does not update automatically because of broken build scripts by reactosfanboy
CORE-10633 #resolve #comment Fixed by removing the copies completely and updating the ones in rapps. Not the best solution, but it works for the update task.

svn path=/trunk/; revision=70249
2015-12-03 20:26:56 +00:00

13 lines
288 B

@echo off
cd ..\..\..\media
mkdir rapps\utf16
for %%f in (rapps\*.txt) do (
..\output-MinGW-i386\host-tools\utf16le.exe "rapps\%%~nf.txt" "rapps\utf16\%%~nf.txt"
..\output-MinGW-i386\host-tools\cabman.exe -M mszip -S rapps\ rapps\utf16\*.txt
rmdir /s /q rapps\utf16