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* COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory
* PROJECT: ReactOS kernel
* FILE: ntoskrnl/ke/amd64/ctxswitch.S
* PURPOSE: Thread Context Switching
* PROGRAMMER: Timo kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org)
/* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/
#include <ksamd64.inc>
#include <trapamd64.inc>
* KiSwapContextResume(
* _In_ KIRQL WaitIrql,
* _In_ PKTHREAD OldThread,
* _In_ PKTHREAD NewThread)
EXTERN KiSwapContextResume:PROC
/* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/
* \name KiThreadStartup
* \brief
* The KiThreadStartup routine is the beginning of any thread.
* KiThreadStartup(
* IN PKSTART_ROUTINE StartRoutine<rcx>,
* IN PVOID StartContext<rdx>,
* IN PVOID P3<r8>,
* IN PVOID P4<r9>,
* IN PVOID SystemRoutine);
* \param StartRoutine
* For Kernel Threads only, specifies the starting execution point
* of the new thread.
* \param StartContext
* For Kernel Threads only, specifies a pointer to variable
* context data to be sent to the StartRoutine above.
* \param P3, P4 - not used atm
* \param SystemRoutine
* Pointer to the System Startup Routine.
* Either PspUserThreadStartup or PspSystemThreadStartup
* \return
* Should never return for a system thread. Returns through the System Call
* Exit Dispatcher for a user thread.
* \remarks
* If a return from a system thread is detected, a bug check will occur.
PUBLIC KiThreadStartup
.PROC KiThreadStartup
/* KSTART_FRAME is already on the stack when we enter here.
* The virtual prolog looks like this:
* sub rsp, 5 * 8
* mov [rsp + SfP1Home], rcx
* mov [rsp + SfP2Home], rdx
* mov [rsp + SfP3Home], r8
* mov [rsp + SfP4Home], r9
.allocstack (5 * 8)
/* Clear all the non-volatile registers, so the thread won't be tempted to
* expect any static data (like some badly coded usermode/win9x apps do) */
xor rbx, rbx
xor rsi, rsi
xor rdi, rdi
xor rbp, rbp
xor r10, r10
xor r11, r11
xor r12, r12
xor r13, r13
xor r14, r14
xor r15, r15
/* It's now safe to go to APC */
mov rax, APC_LEVEL
mov cr8, rax
/* We have the KSTART_FRAME on the stack, P1Home and P2Home are preloaded
* with the parameters for the system routine. The address of the system
* routine is stored in P4Home. */
mov rcx, [rsp + SfP1Home] /* StartRoutine */
mov rdx, [rsp + SfP2Home] /* StartContext */
mov r8, [rsp + SfP3Home] /* ? */
call qword ptr [rsp + SfP4Home] /* SystemRoutine */
/* Return to the exit code */
add rsp, 5 * 8
PUBLIC KiInvalidSystemThreadStartupExit
.PROC KiInvalidSystemThreadStartupExit
/* This is invalid! */
int HEX(2C)
PUBLIC KiUserThreadStartupExit
.PROC KiUserThreadStartupExit
.savereg rbp, ExRbp
.savereg rbx, ExRbx
.savereg rdi, ExRdi
.savereg rsi, ExRsi
.savereg r12, ExR12
.savereg r13, ExR13
.savereg r14, ExR14
.savereg r15, ExR15
.savexmm128 xmm6, ExXmm6
.savexmm128 xmm7, ExXmm7
.savexmm128 xmm8, ExXmm8
.savexmm128 xmm9, ExXmm9
.savexmm128 xmm10, ExXmm10
.savexmm128 xmm11, ExXmm11
.savexmm128 xmm12, ExXmm12
.savexmm128 xmm13, ExXmm13
.savexmm128 xmm14, ExXmm14
.savexmm128 xmm15, ExXmm15
/* Restore the exception frame */
/* Point rcx to the trap frame */
lea rcx, [rsp + 8]
/* Return to the trap exit code */
* \name KiSwapContextInternal
* \brief
* The KiSwapContextInternal routine switches context to another thread.
* \param cl
* The IRQL at wich the old thread is suspended
* \param rdx
* Pointer to the KTHREAD to which the caller wishes to switch from.
* \param r8
* Pointer to the KTHREAD to which the caller wishes to switch to.
* \return
* The WaitStatus of the Target Thread.
* \remarks
* ...
.PROC KiSwapContextInternal
push rbp
.pushreg rbp
sub rsp, 6 * 8
.allocstack (6 * 8)
/* Wait for SwapBusy */
cmp byte ptr [r8 + ThSwapBusy], 0
je .SwapBusyClear
jmp .SwapBusySet
/* Save WaitIrql as KSWITCH_FRAME::ApcBypass */
mov [rsp + SwApcBypass], cl
/* Save kernel stack of old thread */
mov [rdx + KTHREAD_KernelStack], rsp
/* Load stack of new thread */
mov rsp, [r8 + KTHREAD_KernelStack]
/* Reload APC bypass */
mov cl, [rsp + SwApcBypass]
call KiSwapContextResume
/* Cleanup and return */
add rsp, 6 * 8
pop rbp
* KiSwapContext
* \brief
* The KiSwapContext routine switches context to another thread.
* KiSwapContext(KIRQL WaitIrql, PKTHREAD OldThread);
* \param WaitIrql <cl>
* The IRQL at wich the old thread is suspended
* \param OldThread <rdx>
* Pointer to the KTHREAD of the previous thread.
* \return
* The WaitStatus of the Target Thread.
* \remarks
* This is a wrapper around KiSwapContextInternal which will save all the
* non-volatile registers so that the Internal function can use all of
* them. It will also save the old current thread and set the new one.
* The calling thread does not return after KiSwapContextInternal until
* another thread switches to IT.
PUBLIC KiSwapContext
.PROC KiSwapContext
/* Generate a KEXCEPTION_FRAME on the stack */
/* Do the swap with the registers correctly setup */
mov r8, gs:[PcCurrentThread] /* Pointer to the new thread */
call KiSwapContextInternal
/* Restore the registers from the KEXCEPTION_FRAME */
/* Return */