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// stdio.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// The C Standard Library <signal.h> header.
#pragma once
#ifndef _INC_SIGNAL // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_SIGNAL
#include <corecrt.h>
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: _UCRT_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
typedef int sig_atomic_t;
typedef void (__CRTDECL* _crt_signal_t)(int);
#define NSIG 23 // maximum signal number + 1
// Signal types
#define SIGINT 2 // interrupt
#define SIGILL 4 // illegal instruction - invalid function image
#define SIGFPE 8 // floating point exception
#define SIGSEGV 11 // segment violation
#define SIGTERM 15 // Software termination signal from kill
#define SIGBREAK 21 // Ctrl-Break sequence
#define SIGABRT 22 // abnormal termination triggered by abort call
#define SIGABRT_COMPAT 6 // SIGABRT compatible with other platforms, same as SIGABRT
// Signal action codes
#define SIG_DFL ((_crt_signal_t)0) // default signal action
#define SIG_IGN ((_crt_signal_t)1) // ignore signal
#define SIG_GET ((_crt_signal_t)2) // return current value
#define SIG_SGE ((_crt_signal_t)3) // signal gets error
#define SIG_ACK ((_crt_signal_t)4) // acknowledge
// Internal use only! Not valid as an argument to signal().
#define SIG_DIE ((_crt_signal_t)5) // terminate process
// Signal error value (returned by signal call on error)
#define SIG_ERR ((_crt_signal_t)-1) // signal error value
// Pointer to exception information pointers structure
_ACRTIMP void** __cdecl __pxcptinfoptrs(void);
#define _pxcptinfoptrs (*__pxcptinfoptrs())
// Function prototypes
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
_ACRTIMP _crt_signal_t __cdecl signal(_In_ int _Signal, _In_opt_ _crt_signal_t _Function);
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl raise(_In_ int _Signal);
#pragma warning(pop) // _UCRT_DISABLED_WARNINGS
#endif // _INC_SIGNAL