#include #include #include void main ( int argc, char** argv, char** environ ) { LARGE_INTEGER liFrequency; LARGE_INTEGER liStartTime; LARGE_INTEGER liCurrentTime; QueryPerformanceFrequency ( &liFrequency ); printf ( "HIGH RESOLUTION PERFOMANCE COUNTER Frequency = %I64d CLOCKS IN SECOND\n", liFrequency.QuadPart ); if (liFrequency.QuadPart == 0) { printf("Your computer does not support High Resolution Performance counter\n"); return; } printf ( "Press to start test...\n" ); getchar(); printf ( "\nPress any key to quit test\n\n" ); QueryPerformanceCounter ( &liStartTime ); for (;;) { QueryPerformanceCounter ( &liCurrentTime ); printf("Elapsed Time : %8.6f mSec\r", ((double)( (liCurrentTime.QuadPart - liStartTime.QuadPart)* (double)1000.0/(double)liFrequency.QuadPart )) ); if (_kbhit()) break; } }