/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL, see COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: drivers/base/kddll/gdb_receive.c * PURPOSE: Base functions for the kernel debugger. */ #include "kdgdb.h" /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ CHAR gdb_input[0x1000]; /* GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ char hex_value(char ch) { if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) return (ch - '0'); if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f')) return (ch - 'a' + 10); if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F')) return (ch - 'A' + 10); return -1; } KDSTATUS NTAPI gdb_receive_packet(_Inout_ PKD_CONTEXT KdContext) { UCHAR* ByteBuffer = (UCHAR*)gdb_input; UCHAR Byte; KDSTATUS Status; CHAR CheckSum = 0, ReceivedCheckSum; do { Status = KdpReceiveByte(&Byte); if (Status != KdPacketReceived) return Status; if (Byte == 0x03) { KDDBGPRINT("BREAK!"); KdContext->KdpControlCPending = TRUE; return KdPacketNeedsResend; } } while (Byte != '$'); while (TRUE) { /* Try to get a byte from the port */ Status = KdpReceiveByte(&Byte); if (Status != KdPacketReceived) return Status; if (Byte == '#') { *ByteBuffer = '\0'; break; } CheckSum += (CHAR)Byte; /* See if we should escape */ if (Byte == 0x7d) { Status = KdpReceiveByte(&Byte); if (Status != KdPacketReceived) return Status; CheckSum += (CHAR)Byte; Byte ^= 0x20; } *ByteBuffer++ = Byte; } /* Get Check sum (two bytes) */ Status = KdpReceiveByte(&Byte); if (Status != KdPacketReceived) goto end; ReceivedCheckSum = hex_value(Byte) << 4; Status = KdpReceiveByte(&Byte); if (Status != KdPacketReceived) goto end; ReceivedCheckSum += hex_value(Byte); end: if (ReceivedCheckSum != CheckSum) { /* Do not acknowledge to GDB */ KDDBGPRINT("Check sums don't match!"); KdpSendByte('-'); return KdPacketNeedsResend; } /* Acknowledge */ KdpSendByte('+'); return KdPacketReceived; }