/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/mm/ARM3/drvmgmt.c * PURPOSE: ARM Memory Manager Driver Management * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #line 15 "ARMĀ³::DRVMGMT" #define MODULE_INVOLVED_IN_ARM3 #include "../ARM3/miarm.h" /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ MM_DRIVER_VERIFIER_DATA MmVerifierData; LIST_ENTRY MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead; ULONG MiActiveVerifierThunks; WCHAR MmVerifyDriverBuffer[512] = {0}; ULONG MmVerifyDriverBufferLength = sizeof(MmVerifyDriverBuffer); ULONG MmVerifyDriverBufferType = REG_NONE; ULONG MmVerifyDriverLevel = -1; PVOID MmTriageActionTaken; PVOID KernelVerifier; /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /* * @unimplemented */ VOID NTAPI MmUnlockPageableImageSection(IN PVOID ImageSectionHandle) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @unimplemented */ VOID NTAPI MmLockPageableSectionByHandle(IN PVOID ImageSectionHandle) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @unimplemented */ PVOID NTAPI MmLockPageableDataSection(IN PVOID AddressWithinSection) { // // We should just find the section and call MmLockPageableSectionByHandle // static BOOLEAN Warn; if (!Warn++) UNIMPLEMENTED; return AddressWithinSection; } /* * @unimplemented */ ULONG NTAPI MmTrimAllSystemPageableMemory(IN ULONG PurgeTransitionList) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return 0; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI MmAddVerifierThunks(IN PVOID ThunkBuffer, IN ULONG ThunkBufferSize) { PDRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS ThunkTable; ULONG ThunkCount; PDRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS DriverThunks; PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY LdrEntry; PVOID ModuleBase, ModuleEnd; ULONG i; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PAGED_CODE(); // // Make sure the driver verifier is initialized // if (!MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead.Flink) return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; // // Get the thunk pairs and count them // ThunkCount = ThunkBufferSize / sizeof(DRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS); if (!ThunkCount) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1; // // Now allocate our own thunk table // DriverThunks = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(*DriverThunks) + ThunkCount * sizeof(DRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS), 'tVmM'); if (!DriverThunks) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; // // Now copy the driver-fed part // ThunkTable = (PDRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS)(DriverThunks + 1); RtlCopyMemory(ThunkTable, ThunkBuffer, ThunkCount * sizeof(DRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS)); // // Acquire the system load lock // KeEnterCriticalRegion(); KeWaitForSingleObject(&MmSystemLoadLock, WrVirtualMemory, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); // // Get the loader entry // LdrEntry = MiLookupDataTableEntry(ThunkTable->PristineRoutine); if (!LdrEntry) { // // Fail // Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; goto Cleanup; } // // Get driver base and end // ModuleBase = LdrEntry->DllBase; ModuleEnd = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)LdrEntry->DllBase + LdrEntry->SizeOfImage); // // Don't allow hooking the kernel or HAL // if (ModuleBase < (PVOID)(KSEG0_BASE + MmBootImageSize)) { // // Fail // Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; goto Cleanup; } // // Loop all the thunks // for (i = 0; i < ThunkCount; i++) { // // Make sure it's in the driver // if (((ULONG_PTR)ThunkTable->PristineRoutine < (ULONG_PTR)ModuleBase) || ((ULONG_PTR)ThunkTable->PristineRoutine >= (ULONG_PTR)ModuleEnd)) { // // Nope, fail // Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; goto Cleanup; } } // // Otherwise, add this entry // DriverThunks->DataTableEntry = LdrEntry; DriverThunks->NumberOfThunks = ThunkCount; MiActiveVerifierThunks++; InsertTailList(&MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead, &DriverThunks->ListEntry); DriverThunks = NULL; Cleanup: // // Release the lock // KeReleaseMutant(&MmSystemLoadLock, 1, FALSE, FALSE); KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); // // Free the table if we failed and return status // if (DriverThunks) ExFreePool(DriverThunks); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ LOGICAL NTAPI MmIsDriverVerifying(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) { PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY LdrEntry; // // Get the loader entry // LdrEntry = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)DriverObject->DriverSection; if (!LdrEntry) return FALSE; // // Check if we're verifying or not // return (LdrEntry->Flags & LDRP_IMAGE_VERIFYING) ? TRUE: FALSE; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI MmIsVerifierEnabled(OUT PULONG VerifierFlags) { // // Check if we've actually added anything to the list // if (MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead.Flink) { // // We have, read the verifier level // *VerifierFlags = MmVerifierData.Level; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // Otherwise, we're disabled // *VerifierFlags = 0; return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* EOF */