/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS net command * FILE: base/applications/network/net/main.c * PURPOSE: * * PROGRAMMERS: Magnus Olsen (greatlord@reactos.org) */ #include "net.h" #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 typedef struct _COMMAND { WCHAR *name; INT (*func)(INT, WCHAR**); // VOID (*help)(INT, WCHAR**); } COMMAND, *PCOMMAND; COMMAND cmds[] = { {L"accounts", cmdAccounts}, {L"computer", cmdComputer}, {L"config", cmdConfig}, {L"continue", cmdContinue}, {L"file", unimplemented}, {L"group", cmdGroup}, {L"help", cmdHelp}, {L"helpmsg", cmdHelpMsg}, {L"localgroup", cmdLocalGroup}, {L"name", unimplemented}, {L"pause", cmdPause}, {L"print", unimplemented}, {L"send", unimplemented}, {L"session", unimplemented}, {L"share", unimplemented}, {L"start", cmdStart}, {L"statistics", cmdStatistics}, {L"stop", cmdStop}, {L"syntax", cmdSyntax}, {L"time", unimplemented}, {L"use", cmdUse}, {L"user", cmdUser}, {L"view", unimplemented}, {NULL, NULL} }; HMODULE hModuleNetMsg = NULL; VOID PrintPaddedResourceString( UINT uID, INT nPaddedLength) { INT nLength; nLength = ConResPuts(StdOut, uID); if (nLength < nPaddedLength) PrintPadding(L' ', nPaddedLength - nLength); } VOID PrintPadding( WCHAR chr, INT nPaddedLength) { INT i; WCHAR szMsgBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; for (i = 0; i < nPaddedLength; i++) szMsgBuffer[i] = chr; szMsgBuffer[nPaddedLength] = UNICODE_NULL; ConPuts(StdOut, szMsgBuffer); } VOID PrintErrorMessage( DWORD dwError) { WCHAR szErrorBuffer[16]; PWSTR pBuffer; PWSTR pErrorInserts[2] = {NULL, NULL}; if (dwError >= MIN_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID && dwError <= MAX_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID) { FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, hModuleNetMsg, dwError, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, (LPWSTR)&pBuffer, 0, NULL); if (pBuffer) { ConPrintf(StdErr, L"%s\n", pBuffer); LocalFree(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL; } } else { FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dwError, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, (LPWSTR)&pBuffer, 0, NULL); if (pBuffer) { ConPrintf(StdErr, L"%s\n", pBuffer); LocalFree(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL; } } if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Format insert for the 3514 message */ swprintf(szErrorBuffer, L"%lu", dwError); pErrorInserts[0] = szErrorBuffer; /* Format and print the 3514 message */ FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, hModuleNetMsg, 3514, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, (LPWSTR)&pBuffer, 0, (va_list *)pErrorInserts); if (pBuffer) { ConPrintf(StdErr, L"%s\n", pBuffer); LocalFree(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL; } } } VOID PrintNetMessage( DWORD dwMessage) { PWSTR pBuffer; FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, GetModuleHandleW(NULL), dwMessage, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, (LPWSTR)&pBuffer, 0, NULL); if (pBuffer) { ConPuts(StdOut, pBuffer); ConPuts(StdOut, L"\n"); LocalFree(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL; } } VOID ReadFromConsole( LPWSTR lpInput, DWORD dwLength, BOOL bEcho) { DWORD dwOldMode; DWORD dwRead = 0; HANDLE hFile; LPWSTR p; PCHAR pBuf; pBuf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwLength - 1); ZeroMemory(lpInput, dwLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); hFile = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); GetConsoleMode(hFile, &dwOldMode); SetConsoleMode(hFile, ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | (bEcho ? ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT : 0)); ReadFile(hFile, (PVOID)pBuf, dwLength - 1, &dwRead, NULL); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_OEMCP, 0, pBuf, dwRead, lpInput, dwLength - 1); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBuf); for (p = lpInput; *p; p++) { if (*p == L'\x0d') { *p = L'\0'; break; } } SetConsoleMode(hFile, dwOldMode); } int wmain(int argc, WCHAR **argv) { WCHAR szDllBuffer[MAX_PATH]; PCOMMAND cmdptr; int nResult = 0; BOOL bRun = FALSE; /* Initialize the Console Standard Streams */ ConInitStdStreams(); /* Load netmsg.dll */ GetSystemDirectoryW(szDllBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szDllBuffer)); wcscat(szDllBuffer, L"\\netmsg.dll"); hModuleNetMsg = LoadLibrary(szDllBuffer); if (hModuleNetMsg == NULL) { ConPrintf(StdErr, L"Failed to load netmsg.dll\n"); return 1; } if (argc < 2) { nResult = 1; goto done; } /* Scan the command table */ for (cmdptr = cmds; cmdptr->name; cmdptr++) { if (_wcsicmp(argv[1], cmdptr->name) == 0) { nResult = cmdptr->func(argc, argv); bRun = TRUE; break; } } done: if (bRun == FALSE) { ConResPuts(StdOut, IDS_GENERIC_SYNTAX); PrintNetMessage(MSG_NET_SYNTAX); } if (hModuleNetMsg != NULL) FreeLibrary(hModuleNetMsg); return nResult; } INT unimplemented(INT argc, WCHAR **argv) { ConPuts(StdOut, L"This command is not implemented yet\n"); return 1; }