#include #include #include #include "monslctl.h" static const TCHAR szMonitorSelWndClass[] = TEXT("MONITORSELWNDCLASS"); typedef struct _MONSL_MON { RECT rc; HFONT hFont; TCHAR szCaption[12]; } MONSL_MON, *PMONSL_MON; typedef struct _MONITORSELWND { HWND hSelf; HWND hNotify; HFONT hFont; SIZE ClientSize; DWORD UIState; union { DWORD dwInternalFlags; struct { UINT Enabled : 1; UINT HasFocus : 1; UINT CanDisplay : 1; UINT LeftBtnDown : 1; UINT IsDraggingMonitor : 1; }; }; DWORD ControlExStyle; DWORD MonitorsCount; INT SelectedMonitor; INT DraggingMonitor; RECT rcDragging; POINT ptDrag, ptDragBegin; SIZE DraggingMargin; PMONSL_MONINFO MonitorInfo; PMONSL_MON Monitors; RECT rcExtent; RECT rcMonitors; POINT ScrollPos; SIZE Margin; SIZE SelectionFrame; HBITMAP hbmDisabledPattern; HBRUSH hbrDisabled; } MONITORSELWND, *PMONITORSELWND; static LRESULT MonSelNotify(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN UINT code, IN OUT PVOID data) { LRESULT Ret = 0; if (infoPtr->hNotify != NULL) { LPNMHDR pnmh = (LPNMHDR)data; pnmh->hwndFrom = infoPtr->hSelf; pnmh->idFrom = GetWindowLongPtr(infoPtr->hSelf, GWLP_ID); pnmh->code = code; Ret = SendMessage(infoPtr->hNotify, WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)pnmh->idFrom, (LPARAM)pnmh); } return Ret; } static LRESULT MonSelNotifyMonitor(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN UINT code, IN INT Index, IN OUT PMONSL_MONNMHDR pmonnmh) { pmonnmh->Index = Index; if (Index >= 0) { pmonnmh->MonitorInfo = infoPtr->MonitorInfo[Index]; } else { ZeroMemory(&pmonnmh->MonitorInfo, sizeof(pmonnmh->MonitorInfo)); } return MonSelNotify(infoPtr, code, pmonnmh); } static HFONT MonSelChangeFont(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN HFONT hFont, IN BOOL Redraw) { HFONT hOldFont = infoPtr->hFont; infoPtr->hFont = hFont; if (Redraw) { InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, NULL, TRUE); } return hOldFont; } static VOID MonSelRectToScreen(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN const RECT *prc, OUT PRECT prcOnScreen) { *prcOnScreen = *prc; OffsetRect(prcOnScreen, -infoPtr->ScrollPos.x, -infoPtr->ScrollPos.y); } static VOID MonSelScreenToPt(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN const POINT *pptOnScreen, OUT PPOINT ppt) { ppt->x = pptOnScreen->x + infoPtr->ScrollPos.x; ppt->y = pptOnScreen->y + infoPtr->ScrollPos.y; } static VOID MonSelMonInfoToRect(IN const MONSL_MONINFO *pMonInfo, OUT PRECT prc) { prc->left = pMonInfo->Position.x; prc->top = pMonInfo->Position.y; prc->right = pMonInfo->Position.x + pMonInfo->Size.cx; prc->bottom = pMonInfo->Position.y + pMonInfo->Size.cy; } static INT MonSelHitTest(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN const POINT *ppt) { POINT pt; INT Index, Ret = -1; if (infoPtr->CanDisplay) { MonSelScreenToPt(infoPtr, ppt, &pt); for (Index = 0; Index < (INT)infoPtr->MonitorsCount; Index++) { if (PtInRect(&infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc, pt)) { Ret = Index; break; } } } return Ret; } static VOID MonSelUpdateExtent(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr) { DWORD Index; RECT rcMonitor; /* NOTE: This routine calculates the extent of all monitor coordinates. These are not control coordinates! */ if (infoPtr->MonitorsCount > 0) { MonSelMonInfoToRect(&infoPtr->MonitorInfo[0], &infoPtr->rcExtent); for (Index = 1; Index < infoPtr->MonitorsCount; Index++) { MonSelMonInfoToRect(&infoPtr->MonitorInfo[Index], &rcMonitor); UnionRect(&infoPtr->rcExtent, &infoPtr->rcExtent, &rcMonitor); } } else { ZeroMemory(&infoPtr->rcExtent, sizeof(infoPtr->rcExtent)); } } static VOID MonSelScaleRectRelative(IN const RECT *prcBaseFrom, IN const RECT *prcFrom, IN const RECT *prcBaseTo, OUT PRECT prcTo) { SIZE BaseFrom, BaseTo, From; BaseFrom.cx = prcBaseFrom->right - prcBaseFrom->left; BaseFrom.cy = prcBaseFrom->bottom - prcBaseFrom->top; BaseTo.cx = prcBaseTo->right - prcBaseTo->left; BaseTo.cy = prcBaseTo->bottom - prcBaseTo->top; From.cx = prcFrom->right - prcFrom->left; From.cy = prcFrom->bottom - prcFrom->top; prcTo->left = prcBaseTo->left + (((prcFrom->left - prcBaseFrom->left) * BaseTo.cx) / BaseFrom.cx); prcTo->top = prcBaseTo->top + (((prcFrom->top - prcBaseFrom->top) * BaseTo.cy) / BaseFrom.cy); prcTo->right = prcTo->left + ((From.cx * BaseTo.cx) / BaseFrom.cx); prcTo->bottom = prcTo->top + ((From.cy * BaseTo.cy) / BaseFrom.cy); } static VOID ScaleRectSizeFit(IN const RECT *prcContainerRect, IN OUT PRECT prcRectToScale) { SIZE ContainerSize, RectSize; ContainerSize.cx = prcContainerRect->right - prcContainerRect->left; ContainerSize.cy = prcContainerRect->bottom - prcContainerRect->top; RectSize.cx = prcRectToScale->right - prcRectToScale->left; RectSize.cy = prcRectToScale->bottom - prcRectToScale->top; if (((RectSize.cx * 0xFFF) / RectSize.cy) < ((ContainerSize.cx * 0xFFF) / ContainerSize.cy)) { RectSize.cx = (RectSize.cx * ((ContainerSize.cy * 0xFFF) / RectSize.cy)) / 0xFFF; RectSize.cy = ContainerSize.cy; } else { RectSize.cy = (RectSize.cy * ((ContainerSize.cx * 0xFFF) / RectSize.cx)) / 0xFFF; RectSize.cx = ContainerSize.cx; } prcRectToScale->right = prcRectToScale->left + RectSize.cx; prcRectToScale->bottom = prcRectToScale->top + RectSize.cy; OffsetRect(prcRectToScale, prcContainerRect->left + ((ContainerSize.cx - RectSize.cx) / 2), prcContainerRect->top + ((ContainerSize.cy - RectSize.cy) / 2)); } static VOID MonSelRepaint(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr) { RECT rc; MonSelRectToScreen(infoPtr, &infoPtr->rcMonitors, &rc); InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, &rc, TRUE); } static VOID MonSelRepaintMonitor(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN DWORD Index) { RECT rc; BOOL NoRepaint = FALSE; if (Index < infoPtr->MonitorsCount) { if (Index == (DWORD)infoPtr->DraggingMonitor) { if (infoPtr->IsDraggingMonitor) { MonSelRectToScreen(infoPtr, &infoPtr->rcDragging, &rc); } else NoRepaint = TRUE; } else { MonSelRectToScreen(infoPtr, &infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc, &rc); } if (!NoRepaint) { InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, &rc, TRUE); } } } static VOID MonSelRepaintSelected(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr) { if (infoPtr->SelectedMonitor >= 0) { MonSelRepaintMonitor(infoPtr, (DWORD)infoPtr->SelectedMonitor); } } static VOID MonSelResetMonitors(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr) { DWORD Index; for (Index = 0; Index < infoPtr->MonitorsCount; Index++) { if (infoPtr->Monitors[Index].hFont != NULL) { DeleteObject(infoPtr->Monitors[Index].hFont); infoPtr->Monitors[Index].hFont = NULL; } } } static VOID MonSelUpdateMonitorsInfo(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN BOOL bRepaint) { RECT rcExtSurface, rcExtDisplay; DWORD Index; /* Recalculate rcExtent */ MonSelUpdateExtent(infoPtr); infoPtr-> CanDisplay = infoPtr->MonitorsCount != 0 && (infoPtr->ClientSize.cx > (2 * (infoPtr->Margin.cx + infoPtr->SelectionFrame.cx))) && (infoPtr->ClientSize.cy > (2 * (infoPtr->Margin.cy + infoPtr->SelectionFrame.cy))); if (infoPtr->CanDisplay) { /* Calculate the rectangle on the control in which may be painted */ rcExtSurface.left = infoPtr->Margin.cx; rcExtSurface.top = infoPtr->Margin.cy; rcExtSurface.right = rcExtSurface.left + infoPtr->ClientSize.cx - (2 * infoPtr->Margin.cx); rcExtSurface.bottom = rcExtSurface.top + infoPtr->ClientSize.cy - (2 * infoPtr->Margin.cy); /* Calculate the rectangle on the control that is actually painted on */ rcExtDisplay.left = rcExtDisplay.top = 0; rcExtDisplay.right = infoPtr->rcExtent.right - infoPtr->rcExtent.left; rcExtDisplay.bottom = infoPtr->rcExtent.bottom - infoPtr->rcExtent.top; ScaleRectSizeFit(&rcExtSurface, &rcExtDisplay); infoPtr->rcMonitors = rcExtDisplay; /* Now that we know in which area all monitors are located, calculate the monitors selection rectangles on the screen */ for (Index = 0; Index < infoPtr->MonitorsCount; Index++) { MonSelMonInfoToRect(&infoPtr->MonitorInfo[Index], &rcExtDisplay); MonSelScaleRectRelative(&infoPtr->rcExtent, &rcExtDisplay, &infoPtr->rcMonitors, &infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc); } MonSelResetMonitors(infoPtr); if (bRepaint) MonSelRepaint(infoPtr); } else if (bRepaint) { InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, NULL, TRUE); } } static BOOL MonSelSetMonitorsInfo(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN DWORD dwMonitors, IN const MONSL_MONINFO *MonitorsInfo) { DWORD Index; BOOL Ret = TRUE; if (infoPtr->DraggingMonitor >= 0) return FALSE; if (infoPtr->MonitorInfo != NULL) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)infoPtr->MonitorInfo); infoPtr->MonitorInfo = NULL; MonSelResetMonitors(infoPtr); LocalFree((HLOCAL)infoPtr->Monitors); infoPtr->Monitors = NULL; infoPtr->MonitorsCount = 0; } if (dwMonitors != 0) { infoPtr->MonitorInfo = (PMONSL_MONINFO)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwMonitors * sizeof(MONSL_MONINFO)); if (infoPtr->MonitorInfo != NULL) { infoPtr->Monitors = (PMONSL_MON)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwMonitors * sizeof(MONSL_MON)); if (infoPtr->Monitors != NULL) { CopyMemory(infoPtr->MonitorInfo, MonitorsInfo, dwMonitors * sizeof(MONSL_MONINFO)); ZeroMemory(infoPtr->Monitors, dwMonitors * sizeof(MONSL_MON)); for (Index = 0; Index < dwMonitors; Index++) { _stprintf(infoPtr->Monitors[Index].szCaption, _T("%u"), Index + 1); } infoPtr->MonitorsCount = dwMonitors; if (infoPtr->SelectedMonitor >= (INT)infoPtr->MonitorsCount) infoPtr->SelectedMonitor = -1; if (!(infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_ALLOWSELECTNONE) && infoPtr->SelectedMonitor < 0) infoPtr->SelectedMonitor = 0; MonSelUpdateMonitorsInfo(infoPtr, TRUE); } else { LocalFree((HLOCAL)infoPtr->MonitorInfo); infoPtr->MonitorInfo = NULL; Ret = FALSE; } } else Ret = FALSE; } if (!Ret) infoPtr->SelectedMonitor = -1; if (!Ret || dwMonitors == 0) { InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, NULL, TRUE); } return Ret; } static DWORD MonSelGetMonitorsInfo(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN DWORD dwMonitors, IN OUT PMONSL_MONINFO MonitorsInfo) { if (dwMonitors != 0) { if (dwMonitors > infoPtr->MonitorsCount) dwMonitors = infoPtr->MonitorsCount; CopyMemory(MonitorsInfo, infoPtr->MonitorInfo, dwMonitors * sizeof(MONSL_MONINFO)); return dwMonitors; } else return infoPtr->MonitorsCount; } static BOOL MonSelSetMonitorInfo(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN INT Index, IN const MONSL_MONINFO *MonitorsInfo) { if (infoPtr->DraggingMonitor < 0 && Index >= 0 && Index < (INT)infoPtr->MonitorsCount) { CopyMemory(&infoPtr->MonitorInfo[Index], MonitorsInfo, sizeof(MONSL_MONINFO)); MonSelUpdateMonitorsInfo(infoPtr, TRUE); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static BOOL MonSelGetMonitorInfo(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN INT Index, IN OUT PMONSL_MONINFO MonitorsInfo) { if (Index >= 0 && Index < (INT)infoPtr->MonitorsCount) { CopyMemory(MonitorsInfo, &infoPtr->MonitorInfo[Index], sizeof(MONSL_MONINFO)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static INT MonSelGetMonitorRect(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN INT Index, OUT PRECT prc) { RECT rc, rcClient; if (Index < 0 || Index >= infoPtr->MonitorsCount) return -1; if (!infoPtr->CanDisplay) return 0; MonSelRectToScreen(infoPtr, &infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc, prc); rcClient.left = rcClient.top = 0; rcClient.right = infoPtr->ClientSize.cx; rcClient.bottom = infoPtr->ClientSize.cy; return IntersectRect(&rc, &rcClient, prc) != FALSE; } static BOOL MonSelSetCurSelMonitor(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN INT Index, IN BOOL bNotify) { INT PrevSel; BOOL PreventSelect = FALSE; BOOL Ret = FALSE; if (infoPtr->DraggingMonitor < 0 && (Index == -1 || Index < (INT)infoPtr->MonitorsCount)) { if (Index != infoPtr->SelectedMonitor) { if ((infoPtr->MonitorInfo[Index].Flags & MSL_MIF_DISABLED) && !(infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_ALLOWSELECTDISABLED)) { PreventSelect = TRUE; } if (!PreventSelect && bNotify) { MONSL_MONNMMONITORCHANGING nmi; nmi.PreviousSelected = infoPtr->SelectedMonitor; nmi.AllowChanging = TRUE; MonSelNotifyMonitor(infoPtr, MSLN_MONITORCHANGING, Index, &nmi.hdr); PreventSelect = (nmi.AllowChanging == FALSE); } if (!PreventSelect) { PrevSel = infoPtr->SelectedMonitor; infoPtr->SelectedMonitor = Index; if (PrevSel >= 0) { MonSelRepaintMonitor(infoPtr, PrevSel); } if (infoPtr->SelectedMonitor >= 0) MonSelRepaintSelected(infoPtr); if (bNotify) { MONSL_MONNMHDR nm; MonSelNotifyMonitor(infoPtr, MSLN_MONITORCHANGED, Index, &nm); } } } Ret = TRUE; } return Ret; } static VOID MonSelCreate(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr) { infoPtr->SelectionFrame.cx = infoPtr->SelectionFrame.cy = 4; infoPtr->Margin.cx = infoPtr->Margin.cy = 20; infoPtr->SelectedMonitor = -1; infoPtr->DraggingMonitor = -1; infoPtr->ControlExStyle = MSLM_EX_ALLOWSELECTDISABLED | MSLM_EX_HIDENUMBERONSINGLE | MSLM_EX_SELECTONRIGHTCLICK | MSLM_EX_SELECTBYARROWKEY; return; } static VOID MonSelDestroy(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr) { /* Free all monitors */ MonSelSetMonitorsInfo(infoPtr, 0, NULL); if (infoPtr->hbrDisabled != NULL) { DeleteObject(infoPtr->hbrDisabled); infoPtr->hbrDisabled = NULL; } if (infoPtr->hbmDisabledPattern != NULL) { DeleteObject(infoPtr->hbmDisabledPattern); infoPtr->hbmDisabledPattern = NULL; } } static BOOL MonSelSetExtendedStyle(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN DWORD dwExtendedStyle) { if (infoPtr->DraggingMonitor >= 0) return FALSE; if (dwExtendedStyle != infoPtr->ControlExStyle) { infoPtr->ControlExStyle = dwExtendedStyle; /* Repaint the control */ InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, NULL, TRUE); } return TRUE; } static DWORD MonSelGetExtendedStyle(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr) { return infoPtr->ControlExStyle; } static HFONT MonSelGetMonitorFont(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN HDC hDC, IN INT Index) { TEXTMETRIC tm; SIZE rcsize; LOGFONT lf; HFONT hPrevFont, hFont; INT len; hFont = infoPtr->Monitors[Index].hFont; if (hFont == NULL && GetObject(infoPtr->hFont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf) != 0) { rcsize.cx = infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc.right - infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc.left - (2 * infoPtr->SelectionFrame.cx) - 2; rcsize.cy = infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc.bottom - infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc.top - (2 * infoPtr->SelectionFrame.cy) - 2; rcsize.cy = (rcsize.cy * 60) / 100; len = _tcslen(infoPtr->Monitors[Index].szCaption); hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, infoPtr->hFont); if (GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm)) { lf.lfWeight = FW_SEMIBOLD; lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(rcsize.cy - tm.tmExternalLeading, GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72); hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); if (hFont != NULL) infoPtr->Monitors[Index].hFont = hFont; } SelectObject(hDC, hPrevFont); } return hFont; } static BOOL MonSelDrawDisabledRect(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN HDC hDC, IN const RECT *prc) { BOOL Ret = FALSE; if (infoPtr->hbrDisabled == NULL) { static const DWORD Pattern[4] = {0x5555AAAA, 0x5555AAAA, 0x5555AAAA, 0x5555AAAA}; if (infoPtr->hbmDisabledPattern == NULL) { infoPtr->hbmDisabledPattern = CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, Pattern); } if (infoPtr->hbmDisabledPattern != NULL) infoPtr->hbrDisabled = CreatePatternBrush(infoPtr->hbmDisabledPattern); } if (infoPtr->hbrDisabled != NULL) { /* FIXME - implement */ } return Ret; } static VOID MonSelPaintMonitor(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN HDC hDC, IN DWORD Index, IN OUT PRECT prc, IN COLORREF crDefFontColor, IN BOOL bHideNumber) { HFONT hFont, hPrevFont; COLORREF crPrevText; if ((INT)Index == infoPtr->SelectedMonitor) { FillRect(hDC, prc, (HBRUSH)(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT + 1)); if (infoPtr->HasFocus && !(infoPtr->UIState & UISF_HIDEFOCUS)) { /* NOTE: We need to switch the text color to the default, because DrawFocusRect draws a solid line if the text is white! */ crPrevText = SetTextColor(hDC, crDefFontColor); DrawFocusRect(hDC, prc); SetTextColor(hDC, crPrevText); } } InflateRect(prc, -infoPtr->SelectionFrame.cx, -infoPtr->SelectionFrame.cy); Rectangle(hDC, prc->left, prc->top, prc->right, prc->bottom); InflateRect(prc, -1, -1); if (!bHideNumber) { hFont = MonSelGetMonitorFont(infoPtr, hDC, Index); if (hFont != NULL) { hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont); DrawText(hDC, infoPtr->Monitors[Index].szCaption, -1, prc, DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_SINGLELINE); SelectObject(hDC, hPrevFont); } } if (infoPtr->MonitorInfo[Index].Flags & MSL_MIF_DISABLED) { InflateRect(prc, 1, 1); MonSelDrawDisabledRect(infoPtr, hDC, prc); } } static VOID MonSelPaint(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN HDC hDC, IN const RECT *prcUpdate) { COLORREF crPrevText; HBRUSH hbBk, hbOldBk; HPEN hpFg, hpOldFg; DWORD Index; RECT rc, rctmp; INT iPrevBkMode; BOOL bHideNumber; bHideNumber = (infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_HIDENUMBERS) || ((infoPtr->MonitorsCount == 1) && (infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_HIDENUMBERONSINGLE)); hbBk = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BACKGROUND); hpFg = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); hbOldBk = SelectObject(hDC, hbBk); hpOldFg = SelectObject(hDC, hpFg); iPrevBkMode = SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT); crPrevText = SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); for (Index = 0; Index < infoPtr->MonitorsCount; Index++) { if (infoPtr->IsDraggingMonitor && (DWORD)infoPtr->DraggingMonitor == Index) { continue; } MonSelRectToScreen(infoPtr, &infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc, &rc); if (IntersectRect(&rctmp, &rc, prcUpdate)) { MonSelPaintMonitor(infoPtr, hDC, Index, &rc, crPrevText, bHideNumber); } } /* Paint the dragging monitor last */ if (infoPtr->IsDraggingMonitor && infoPtr->DraggingMonitor >= 0) { MonSelRectToScreen(infoPtr, &infoPtr->rcDragging, &rc); if (IntersectRect(&rctmp, &rc, prcUpdate)) { MonSelPaintMonitor(infoPtr, hDC, (DWORD)infoPtr->DraggingMonitor, &rc, crPrevText, bHideNumber); } } SetTextColor(hDC, crPrevText); SetBkMode(hDC, iPrevBkMode); SelectObject(hDC, hpOldFg); SelectObject(hDC, hbOldBk); DeleteObject(hpFg); } static VOID MonSelContextMenu(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN SHORT x, IN SHORT y) { MONSL_MONNMBUTTONCLICKED nm; INT Index; if (!infoPtr->HasFocus) SetFocus(infoPtr->hSelf); nm.pt.x = x; nm.pt.y = y; Index = MonSelHitTest(infoPtr, &nm.pt); MonSelNotifyMonitor(infoPtr, MSLN_RBUTTONUP, Index, (PMONSL_MONNMHDR)&nm); /* Send a WM_CONTEXTMENU notification */ MapWindowPoints(infoPtr->hSelf, NULL, &nm.pt, 1); SendMessage(infoPtr->hSelf, WM_CONTEXTMENU, (WPARAM)infoPtr->hSelf, MAKELPARAM(nm.pt.x, nm.pt.y)); } static VOID MonSelApplyCursorClipping(IN PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN BOOL bClip) { RECT rc; if (bClip) { rc.left = rc.top = 0; rc.right = infoPtr->ClientSize.cx; rc.bottom = infoPtr->ClientSize.cy; if (MapWindowPoints(infoPtr->hSelf, NULL, (LPPOINT)&rc, 2)) { ClipCursor(&rc); } } else { ClipCursor(NULL); } } static VOID MonSelMoveDragRect(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN PPOINT ppt) { RECT rcPrev, rcUpdate, *prc; HRGN hRgnPrev; HDC hDC; if (infoPtr->CanDisplay) { hDC = GetDC(infoPtr->hSelf); if (hDC != NULL) { if (infoPtr->ptDrag.x != ppt->x || infoPtr->ptDrag.y != ppt->y) { infoPtr->ptDrag = *ppt; rcPrev = infoPtr->rcDragging; /* Calculate updated dragging rectangle */ prc = &infoPtr->Monitors[infoPtr->DraggingMonitor].rc; infoPtr->rcDragging.left = ppt->x - infoPtr->DraggingMargin.cx; infoPtr->rcDragging.top = ppt->y - infoPtr->DraggingMargin.cy; infoPtr->rcDragging.right = infoPtr->rcDragging.left + (prc->right - prc->left); infoPtr->rcDragging.bottom = infoPtr->rcDragging.top + (prc->bottom - prc->top); hRgnPrev = CreateRectRgn(rcPrev.left, rcPrev.top, rcPrev.right, rcPrev.bottom); if (hRgnPrev != NULL) { if (!ScrollDC(hDC, infoPtr->rcDragging.left - rcPrev.left, infoPtr->rcDragging.top - rcPrev.top, &rcPrev, NULL, hRgnPrev, &rcUpdate) || !InvalidateRgn(infoPtr->hSelf, hRgnPrev, TRUE)) { DeleteObject(hRgnPrev); goto InvRects; } DeleteObject(hRgnPrev); } else { InvRects: InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, &rcPrev, TRUE); InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, &infoPtr->rcDragging, TRUE); } } ReleaseDC(infoPtr->hSelf, hDC); } } } static VOID MonSelCancelDragging(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr) { DWORD Index; if (infoPtr->DraggingMonitor >= 0) { MonSelMoveDragRect(infoPtr, &infoPtr->ptDragBegin); Index = (DWORD)infoPtr->DraggingMonitor; infoPtr->DraggingMonitor = -1; if (infoPtr->CanDisplay) { /* Repaint the area where the monitor was last dragged */ MonSelRepaintMonitor(infoPtr, Index); infoPtr->IsDraggingMonitor = FALSE; /* Repaint the area where the monitor is located */ MonSelRepaintMonitor(infoPtr, Index); } else infoPtr->IsDraggingMonitor = FALSE; ReleaseCapture(); MonSelApplyCursorClipping(infoPtr, FALSE); } } static VOID MonSelInitDragging(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN DWORD Index, IN PPOINT ppt) { POINT pt; MonSelCancelDragging(infoPtr); infoPtr->IsDraggingMonitor = FALSE; MonSelScreenToPt(infoPtr, ppt, &pt); infoPtr->ptDrag = infoPtr->ptDragBegin = pt; infoPtr->DraggingMonitor = (INT)Index; infoPtr->DraggingMargin.cx = ppt->x - infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc.left; infoPtr->DraggingMargin.cy = ppt->y - infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc.top; infoPtr->rcDragging = infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc; MonSelApplyCursorClipping(infoPtr, TRUE); } static VOID MonSelDrag(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN PPOINT ppt) { SIZE szDrag; POINT pt; RECT rcDrag; if (infoPtr->DraggingMonitor >= 0) { MonSelScreenToPt(infoPtr, ppt, &pt); if (!infoPtr->IsDraggingMonitor) { szDrag.cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDRAG); szDrag.cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDRAG); rcDrag.left = infoPtr->Monitors[infoPtr->DraggingMonitor].rc.left + infoPtr->DraggingMargin.cx - (szDrag.cx / 2); rcDrag.top = infoPtr->Monitors[infoPtr->DraggingMonitor].rc.top + infoPtr->DraggingMargin.cy - (szDrag.cy / 2); rcDrag.right = rcDrag.left + szDrag.cx; rcDrag.bottom = rcDrag.top + szDrag.cy; if (!PtInRect(&rcDrag, pt)) { /* The user started moving around the mouse: Begin dragging */ infoPtr->IsDraggingMonitor = TRUE; MonSelMoveDragRect(infoPtr, &pt); } } else { MonSelMoveDragRect(infoPtr, &pt); } } } static LRESULT CALLBACK MonitorSelWndProc(IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam) { PMONITORSELWND infoPtr; LRESULT Ret = 0; infoPtr = (PMONITORSELWND)GetWindowLongPtrW(hwnd, 0); if (infoPtr == NULL && uMsg != WM_CREATE) { goto HandleDefaultMessage; } switch (uMsg) { case WM_PAINT: case WM_PRINTCLIENT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hDC; if (wParam != 0) { if (!GetUpdateRect(hwnd, &ps.rcPaint, TRUE)) { break; } hDC = (HDC)wParam; } else { hDC = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); if (hDC == NULL) { break; } } if (infoPtr->CanDisplay) { MonSelPaint(infoPtr, hDC, &ps.rcPaint); } if (wParam == 0) { EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); } break; } case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { POINT pt; if (!(wParam & MK_LBUTTON)) { MonSelCancelDragging(infoPtr); break; } if (infoPtr->LeftBtnDown) { pt.x = (LONG)LOWORD(lParam); pt.y = (LONG)HIWORD(lParam); MonSelDrag(infoPtr, &pt); } break; } case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: { if (!(infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_SELECTONRIGHTCLICK)) break; /* fall through */ } case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { INT Index; POINT pt; if (!infoPtr->HasFocus) SetFocus(infoPtr->hSelf); pt.x = (LONG)LOWORD(lParam); pt.y = (LONG)HIWORD(lParam); Index = MonSelHitTest(infoPtr, &pt); if (Index >= 0 || (infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_ALLOWSELECTNONE)) { MonSelSetCurSelMonitor(infoPtr, Index, TRUE); } if (Index >= 0 && (uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK)) { infoPtr->LeftBtnDown = TRUE; MonSelInitDragging(infoPtr, (DWORD)Index, &pt); } /* fall through */ } case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: { if (!infoPtr->HasFocus) SetFocus(hwnd); break; } case WM_RBUTTONUP: { MonSelContextMenu(infoPtr, (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam), (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam)); break; } case WM_LBUTTONUP: { MonSelCancelDragging(infoPtr); infoPtr->LeftBtnDown = FALSE; break; } case WM_GETDLGCODE: { INT virtKey; virtKey = (lParam != 0 ? (INT)((LPMSG)lParam)->wParam : 0); switch (virtKey) { case VK_TAB: { /* change the UI status */ SendMessage(GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_PARENT), WM_CHANGEUISTATE, MAKEWPARAM(UIS_INITIALIZE, 0), 0); break; } } Ret |= DLGC_WANTARROWS; if (infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_SELECTBYNUMKEY) Ret |= DLGC_WANTCHARS; break; } case WM_SETFOCUS: { infoPtr->HasFocus = TRUE; MonSelRepaintSelected(infoPtr); break; } case WM_KILLFOCUS: { infoPtr->HasFocus = FALSE; MonSelCancelDragging(infoPtr); MonSelRepaintSelected(infoPtr); break; } case WM_UPDATEUISTATE: { DWORD OldUIState; Ret = DefWindowProcW(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); OldUIState = infoPtr->UIState; switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case UIS_SET: infoPtr->UIState |= HIWORD(wParam); break; case UIS_CLEAR: infoPtr->UIState &= ~HIWORD(wParam); break; } if (infoPtr->UIState != OldUIState) MonSelRepaintSelected(infoPtr); break; } case WM_SETFONT: { Ret = (LRESULT)MonSelChangeFont(infoPtr, (HFONT)wParam, (BOOL)LOWORD(lParam)); break; } case WM_SIZE: { infoPtr->ClientSize.cx = LOWORD(lParam); infoPtr->ClientSize.cy = HIWORD(lParam); /* Don't let MonSelUpdateMonitorsInfo repaint the control because this won't work properly in case the control was sized down! */ MonSelUpdateMonitorsInfo(infoPtr, FALSE); InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, NULL, TRUE); break; } case WM_GETFONT: { Ret = (LRESULT)infoPtr->hFont; break; } case WM_ENABLE: { infoPtr->Enabled = ((BOOL)wParam != FALSE); MonSelRepaint(infoPtr); break; } case WM_STYLECHANGED: { if (wParam == GWL_STYLE) { unsigned int OldEnabled = infoPtr->Enabled; infoPtr->Enabled = !(((LPSTYLESTRUCT)lParam)->styleNew & WS_DISABLED); if (OldEnabled != infoPtr->Enabled) MonSelRepaint(infoPtr); } break; } case WM_KEYDOWN: { INT Index; if (infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_SELECTBYARROWKEY) { switch (wParam) { case VK_UP: case VK_LEFT: { Index = infoPtr->SelectedMonitor; if (infoPtr->MonitorsCount != 0) { if (Index < 0) Index = 0; else if (Index > 0) Index--; } if (Index >= 0) { MonSelSetCurSelMonitor(infoPtr, Index, TRUE); } break; } case VK_DOWN: case VK_RIGHT: { Index = infoPtr->SelectedMonitor; if (infoPtr->MonitorsCount != 0) { if (Index < 0) Index = (INT)infoPtr->MonitorsCount - 1; else if (Index < (INT)infoPtr->MonitorsCount - 1) Index++; } if (infoPtr->SelectedMonitor < infoPtr->MonitorsCount) { MonSelSetCurSelMonitor(infoPtr, Index, TRUE); } break; } } } break; } case WM_CHAR: { if ((infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_SELECTBYNUMKEY) && wParam >= '1' && wParam <= '9') { INT Index = (INT)(wParam - '1'); if (Index < (INT)infoPtr->MonitorsCount) { MonSelSetCurSelMonitor(infoPtr, Index, TRUE); } } break; } case MSLM_SETMONITORSINFO: { Ret = MonSelSetMonitorsInfo(infoPtr, (DWORD)wParam, (const MONSL_MONINFO *)lParam); break; } case MSLM_GETMONITORSINFO: { Ret = MonSelGetMonitorsInfo(infoPtr, (DWORD)wParam, (PMONSL_MONINFO)lParam); break; } case MSLM_GETMONITORINFOCOUNT: { Ret = infoPtr->MonitorsCount; break; } case MSLM_HITTEST: { Ret = MonSelHitTest(infoPtr, (const POINT *)wParam); break; } case MSLM_SETCURSEL: { Ret = MonSelSetCurSelMonitor(infoPtr, (INT)wParam, FALSE); break; } case MSLM_GETCURSEL: { Ret = infoPtr->SelectedMonitor; break; } case MSLM_SETMONITORINFO: { Ret = MonSelSetMonitorInfo(infoPtr, (INT)wParam, (const MONSL_MONINFO *)lParam); break; } case MSLM_GETMONITORINFO: { Ret = MonSelGetMonitorInfo(infoPtr, (INT)wParam, (PMONSL_MONINFO)lParam); break; } case MSLM_SETEXSTYLE: { Ret = MonSelSetExtendedStyle(infoPtr, (DWORD)lParam); break; } case MSLM_GETEXSTYLE: { Ret = MonSelGetExtendedStyle(infoPtr); break; } case MSLM_GETMONITORRECT: { Ret = (LRESULT)MonSelGetMonitorRect(infoPtr, (INT)wParam, (PRECT)lParam); break; } case WM_CREATE: { infoPtr = (PMONITORSELWND) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(MONITORSELWND)); if (infoPtr == NULL) { Ret = (LRESULT)-1; break; } ZeroMemory(infoPtr, sizeof(MONITORSELWND)); infoPtr->hSelf = hwnd; infoPtr->hNotify = ((LPCREATESTRUCTW)lParam)->hwndParent; infoPtr->Enabled = !(((LPCREATESTRUCTW)lParam)->style & WS_DISABLED); infoPtr->UIState = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_QUERYUISTATE, 0, 0); SetWindowLongPtrW(hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR)infoPtr); MonSelCreate(infoPtr); break; } case WM_DESTROY: { MonSelDestroy(infoPtr); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, infoPtr); SetWindowLongPtrW(hwnd, 0, (DWORD_PTR)NULL); break; } default: { HandleDefaultMessage: Ret = DefWindowProcW(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } } return Ret; } BOOL RegisterMonitorSelectionControl(IN HINSTANCE hInstance) { WNDCLASS wc = {0}; wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS; wc.lpfnWndProc = MonitorSelWndProc; wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(PMONITORSELWND); wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hCursor = LoadCursorW(NULL, (LPWSTR)IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE + 1); wc.lpszClassName = szMonitorSelWndClass; return RegisterClass(&wc) != 0; } VOID UnregisterMonitorSelectionControl(IN HINSTANCE hInstance) { UnregisterClassW(szMonitorSelWndClass, hInstance); }