/* * PROJECT: ReactOS win32 subsystem * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: GDI font driver for bitmap fonts * PROGRAMMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ #include "bmfd.h" ULONG FORCEINLINE _ReadPixel( CHAR* pjBits, ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG ulHeight) { CHAR j; j = pjBits[(x/8) * ulHeight + y]; return (j >> (~x & 0x7)) & 1; } VOID FORCEINLINE _WritePixel( CHAR* pjBits, ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG cjRow, ULONG color) { pjBits += y * cjRow; pjBits += x / 8; *pjBits |= color << (~x & 0x7); } PBMFD_FONT BmfdGetFontInstance( FONTOBJ *pfo, PBMFD_FACE pface) { PBMFD_FONT pfont = pfo->pvProducer; XFORMOBJ *pxo; FLOATOBJ_XFORM xfo; if (!pfont) { /* Allocate realization info */ pfont = EngAllocMem(0, sizeof(BMFD_FONT), 0); if (!pfont) { return NULL; } pxo = FONTOBJ_pxoGetXform(pfo); XFORMOBJ_iGetFloatObjXform(pxo, &xfo); pfont->pfo = pfo; pfont->pface = pface; pfont->xScale = FLOATOBJ_GetLong(&xfo.eM11); pfont->yScale = FLOATOBJ_GetLong(&xfo.eM22); pfont->ulAngle = 0; /* Set the pvProducer member of the fontobj */ pfo->pvProducer = pfont; } return pfont; } ULONG BmfdQueryGlyphAndBitmap( PBMFD_FONT pfont, HGLYPH hg, GLYPHDATA *pgd, GLYPHBITS *pgb, ULONG cjSize) { PBMFD_FACE pface = pfont->pface; PGLYPHENTRY pge = (PGLYPHENTRY)(pface->pCharTable + hg); ULONG xSrc, ySrc, cxSrc, cySrc; ULONG xDst, yDst, cxDst, cyDst; ULONG xScale, yScale; ULONG ulGlyphOffset, cjDstRow, color; PVOID pvSrc0, pvDst0; if (!pge) { DbgPrint("no glyph handle given!\n"); return FD_ERROR; } /* Get the bitmap offset depending on file version */ if (pface->ulVersion >= 0x300) { cxSrc = GETVAL(pge->ge20.geWidth); ulGlyphOffset = GETVAL(pge->ge30.geOffset); } else { cxSrc = GETVAL(pge->ge30.geWidth); ulGlyphOffset = GETVAL(pge->ge20.geOffset); } cySrc = pface->wPixHeight; /* Pointer to the bitmap bits */ pvSrc0 = (PBYTE)pface->pFontInfo + ulGlyphOffset; pvDst0 = pgb->aj; xScale = pfont->xScale; yScale = pfont->yScale; /* Calculate extents of destination bitmap */ if (pfont->ulAngle == 90 || pfont->ulAngle == 270) { cxDst = cySrc * xScale; cyDst = cxSrc * yScale; } else { cxDst = cxSrc * yScale; cyDst = cySrc * xScale; } cjDstRow = (cxDst + 7) / 8; if (pgd) { /* Fill GLYPHDATA structure */ pgd->gdf.pgb = pgb; pgd->hg = hg; pgd->fxD = xScale * (pface->wA + cxDst + pface->wC) << 4; pgd->fxA = xScale * pface->wA << 4; pgd->fxAB = xScale * (pface->wA + cxDst) << 4; pgd->fxInkTop = yScale * pface->wAscent << 4; pgd->fxInkBottom = - yScale * (pface->wDescent << 4); pgd->rclInk.top = - yScale * pface->wAscent; pgd->rclInk.bottom = yScale * pface->wDescent; pgd->rclInk.left = xScale * pface->wA; pgd->rclInk.right = pgd->rclInk.left + cxDst; pgd->ptqD.x.LowPart = 0; pgd->ptqD.x.HighPart = pgd->fxD; pgd->ptqD.y.LowPart = 0; pgd->ptqD.y.HighPart = 0; } if (pgb) { /* Verify that the buffer is big enough */ if (cjSize < FIELD_OFFSET(GLYPHBITS, aj) + cyDst * cjDstRow) { DbgPrint("Buffer too small (%ld), %ld,%ld\n", cjSize, cxSrc, cySrc); return FD_ERROR; } /* Fill GLYPHBITS structure */ pgb->ptlOrigin.x = yScale * pface->wA; pgb->ptlOrigin.y = - yScale * pface->wAscent; pgb->sizlBitmap.cx = cxDst; pgb->sizlBitmap.cy = cyDst; /* Erase destination surface */ memset(pvDst0, 0, cyDst * cjDstRow); switch (pfont->ulAngle) { case 90: /* Copy pixels */ for (yDst = 0; yDst < cyDst ; yDst++) { xSrc = yDst / yScale; for (xDst = 0; xDst < cxDst; xDst++) { ySrc = (cxDst - xDst) / xScale; color = _ReadPixel(pvSrc0, xSrc, ySrc, cySrc); _WritePixel(pvDst0, xDst, yDst, cjDstRow, color); } } break; case 180: for (yDst = 0; yDst < cyDst ; yDst++) { ySrc = (cyDst - yDst) / yScale; for (xDst = 0; xDst < cxDst; xDst++) { xSrc = (cxDst - xDst) / xScale; color = _ReadPixel(pvSrc0, xSrc, ySrc, cySrc); _WritePixel(pvDst0, xDst, yDst, cjDstRow, color); } } break; case 270: for (yDst = 0; yDst < cyDst ; yDst++) { xSrc = (cyDst - yDst) / yScale; for (xDst = 0; xDst < cxDst; xDst++) { ySrc = xDst / xScale; color = _ReadPixel(pvSrc0, xSrc, ySrc, cySrc); _WritePixel(pvDst0, xDst, yDst, cjDstRow, color); } } break; case 0: default: for (yDst = 0; yDst < cyDst ; yDst++) { ySrc = yDst / yScale; for (xDst = 0; xDst < cxDst; xDst++) { xSrc = xDst / xScale; color = _ReadPixel(pvSrc0, xSrc, ySrc, cySrc); _WritePixel(pvDst0, xDst, yDst, cjDstRow, color); } } } } /* Return the size of the GLYPHBITS structure */ return FIELD_OFFSET(GLYPHBITS, aj) + cyDst * cjDstRow; } ULONG BmfdQueryMaxExtents( PBMFD_FONT pfont, PFD_DEVICEMETRICS pfddm, ULONG cjSize) { ULONG cjMaxWidth, cjMaxBitmapSize; PFONTINFO16 pFontInfo; ULONG xScale, yScale; if (pfddm) { if (cjSize < sizeof(FD_DEVICEMETRICS)) { /* Not enough space, fail */ return FD_ERROR; } pFontInfo = pfont->pface->pFontInfo; xScale = pfont->xScale; yScale = pfont->yScale; /* Fill FD_DEVICEMETRICS */ pfddm->flRealizedType = FDM_MASK; pfddm->pteBase.x = FLOATL_1; pfddm->pteBase.y = 0; pfddm->pteSide.x = 0; pfddm->pteSide.y = FLOATL_1; pfddm->ptlUnderline1.x = 0; pfddm->ptlUnderline1.y = 1; pfddm->ptlStrikeout.x = 0; pfddm->ptlStrikeout.y = -4; pfddm->ptlULThickness.x = 0; pfddm->ptlULThickness.y = 1; pfddm->ptlSOThickness.x = 0; pfddm->ptlSOThickness.y = 1; pfddm->lMinA = 0; pfddm->lMinC = 0; pfddm->lMinD = 0; if (pfont->ulAngle == 90 || pfont->ulAngle == 270) { pfddm->cxMax = xScale * GETVAL(pFontInfo->dfPixHeight); pfddm->cyMax = yScale * GETVAL(pFontInfo->dfMaxWidth); pfddm->fxMaxAscender = yScale * GETVAL(pFontInfo->dfAscent) << 4; pfddm->fxMaxDescender = (pfddm->cyMax << 4) - pfddm->fxMaxAscender; } else { pfddm->cxMax = xScale * GETVAL(pFontInfo->dfMaxWidth); pfddm->cyMax = yScale * GETVAL(pFontInfo->dfPixHeight); pfddm->fxMaxAscender = yScale * GETVAL(pFontInfo->dfAscent) << 4; pfddm->fxMaxDescender = (pfddm->cyMax << 4) - pfddm->fxMaxAscender; } pfddm->lD = pfddm->cxMax; /* Calculate Width in bytes */ cjMaxWidth = ((pfddm->cxMax + 7) >> 3); /* Calculate size of the bitmap, rounded to DWORDs */ cjMaxBitmapSize = ((cjMaxWidth * pfddm->cyMax) + 3) & ~3; /* cjGlyphMax is the full size of the GLYPHBITS structure */ pfddm->cjGlyphMax = FIELD_OFFSET(GLYPHBITS, aj) + cjMaxBitmapSize; /* NOTE: fdxQuantized and NonLinear... stay unchanged */ } /* Return the size of the structure */ return sizeof(FD_DEVICEMETRICS); } /** Public Interface **********************************************************/ PFD_GLYPHATTR APIENTRY BmfdQueryGlyphAttrs( FONTOBJ *pfo, ULONG iMode) { DbgPrint("BmfdQueryGlyphAttrs()\n"); /* We don't support FO_ATTR_MODE_ROTATE */ return NULL; } LONG APIENTRY BmfdQueryFontData( DHPDEV dhpdev, FONTOBJ *pfo, ULONG iMode, HGLYPH hg, OUT GLYPHDATA *pgd, PVOID pv, ULONG cjSize) { PBMFD_FILE pfile = (PBMFD_FILE)pfo->iFile; PBMFD_FACE pface = &pfile->aface[pfo->iFace - 1]; PBMFD_FONT pfont= BmfdGetFontInstance(pfo, pface); DbgPrint("BmfdQueryFontData(pfo=%p, iMode=%ld, hg=%p, pgd=%p, pv=%p, cjSize=%ld)\n", pfo, iMode, hg, pgd, pv, cjSize); // __debugbreak(); switch (iMode) { case QFD_GLYPHANDBITMAP: /* 1 */ return BmfdQueryGlyphAndBitmap(pfont, hg, pgd, pv, cjSize); case QFD_MAXEXTENTS: /* 3 */ return BmfdQueryMaxExtents(pfont, pv, cjSize); /* we support nothing else */ default: return FD_ERROR; } return FD_ERROR; }