/* * CMD.H - header file for the modules in CMD.EXE * * * History: * * 7-15-95 Tim Norman * started * * 06/29/98 (Rob Lake) * Moved error messages in here * * 07/12/98 (Rob Lake) * Moved more error messages here. * * 30-Jul-1998 (John P Price ) * Added compile date to version. * * 26-Feb-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Introduced a new version string. * Thanks to Emanuele Aliberti! */ #pragma once #include #include "cmdver.h" #include "cmddbg.h" /* Version of the Command Extensions */ #define CMDEXTVERSION 2 #define BREAK_BATCHFILE 1 #define BREAK_OUTOFBATCH 2 /* aka. BREAK_ENDOFBATCHFILES */ #define BREAK_INPUT 3 #define BREAK_IGNORE 4 /* define some error messages */ #define D_ON _T("on") #define D_OFF _T("off") /* command line buffer length */ #define CMDLINE_LENGTH 8192 /* 16k = max buffer size */ #define BUFF_SIZE 16384 /* Global variables */ extern LPTSTR lpOriginalEnvironment; extern WORD wColor; extern WORD wDefColor; extern BOOL bCtrlBreak; extern BOOL bIgnoreEcho; extern BOOL bExit; extern BOOL bDisableBatchEcho; extern BOOL bEnableExtensions; extern BOOL bDelayedExpansion; extern INT nErrorLevel; /* Prototypes for ALIAS.C */ VOID ExpandAlias (LPTSTR, INT); INT CommandAlias (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for ASSOC.C */ INT CommandAssoc (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for BEEP.C */ INT cmd_beep (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for CALL.C */ INT cmd_call (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for CHOICE.C */ INT CommandChoice (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for CLS.C */ INT cmd_cls (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for CMD.C */ INT ConvertULargeInteger(ULONGLONG num, LPTSTR des, UINT len, BOOL bPutSeparator); HANDLE RunFile(DWORD, LPTSTR, LPTSTR, LPTSTR, INT); INT ParseCommandLine(LPTSTR); struct _PARSED_COMMAND; INT ExecuteCommand( IN struct _PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd); INT ExecuteCommandWithEcho( IN struct _PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd); LPCTSTR GetEnvVarOrSpecial ( LPCTSTR varName ); VOID AddBreakHandler (VOID); VOID RemoveBreakHandler (VOID); BOOL SubstituteVar( IN PCTSTR Src, OUT size_t* SrcIncLen, // VarNameLen OUT PTCHAR Dest, IN PTCHAR DestEnd, OUT size_t* DestIncLen, IN TCHAR Delim); BOOL SubstituteVars( IN PCTSTR Src, OUT PTSTR Dest, IN TCHAR Delim); BOOL SubstituteForVars( IN PCTSTR Src, OUT PTSTR Dest); PTSTR DoDelayedExpansion( IN PCTSTR Line); INT DoCommand(LPTSTR first, LPTSTR rest, struct _PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd); BOOL ReadLine(TCHAR *commandline, BOOL bMore); extern HANDLE CMD_ModuleHandle; /* Prototypes for CMDINPUT.C */ BOOL ReadCommand (LPTSTR, INT); extern TCHAR AutoCompletionChar; extern TCHAR PathCompletionChar; #define IS_COMPLETION_DISABLED(CompletionCtrl) \ ((CompletionCtrl) == 0x00 || (CompletionCtrl) == 0x0D || (CompletionCtrl) >= 0x20) /* Prototypes for CMDTABLE.C */ #define CMD_SPECIAL 1 #define CMD_BATCHONLY 2 #define CMD_HIDE 4 typedef struct tagCOMMAND { LPTSTR name; INT flags; INT (*func)(LPTSTR); } COMMAND, *LPCOMMAND; extern COMMAND cmds[]; /* The internal command table */ VOID PrintCommandList (VOID); LPCTSTR GetParsedEnvVar ( LPCTSTR varName, UINT* varNameLen, BOOL ModeSetA ); /* Prototypes for CTTY.C */ #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_CTTY INT cmd_ctty(LPTSTR); #endif /* Prototypes for COLOR.C */ INT CommandColor(LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for CONSOLE.C */ #include "console.h" /* Prototypes for COPY.C */ INT cmd_copy (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for DATE.C */ INT cmd_date (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for DEL.C */ INT CommandDelete (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for DELAY.C */ INT CommandDelay (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for DIR.C */ INT FormatDate (TCHAR *, LPSYSTEMTIME, BOOL); INT FormatTime (TCHAR *, LPSYSTEMTIME); INT CommandDir (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for DIRSTACK.C */ VOID InitDirectoryStack (VOID); VOID DestroyDirectoryStack (VOID); INT GetDirectoryStackDepth (VOID); INT CommandPushd (LPTSTR); INT CommandPopd (LPTSTR); INT CommandDirs (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for ECHO.C */ BOOL OnOffCommand(LPTSTR param, LPBOOL flag, INT message); INT CommandEcho (LPTSTR); INT CommandEchos (LPTSTR); INT CommandEchoerr (LPTSTR); INT CommandEchoserr (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for ERROR.C */ VOID ErrorMessage( IN DWORD dwErrorCode, IN PCTSTR szFormat OPTIONAL, ...); VOID error_no_pipe(VOID); VOID error_bad_command(PCTSTR s); VOID error_invalid_drive(VOID); VOID error_req_param_missing(VOID); VOID error_sfile_not_found(PCTSTR s); VOID error_file_not_found(VOID); VOID error_path_not_found(VOID); VOID error_too_many_parameters(PCTSTR s); VOID error_parameter_format(TCHAR ch); VOID error_invalid_switch(TCHAR ch); VOID error_invalid_parameter_format(PCTSTR s); VOID error_out_of_memory(VOID); VOID error_syntax(PCTSTR s); VOID msg_pause(VOID); /* Prototypes for FILECOMP.C */ #ifdef FEATURE_UNIX_FILENAME_COMPLETION VOID CompleteFilename (LPTSTR, UINT); INT ShowCompletionMatches (LPTSTR, INT); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_4NT_FILENAME_COMPLETION VOID CompleteFilename (LPTSTR, BOOL, LPTSTR, UINT); #endif /* Prototypes for FOR.C */ #define FOR_DIRS 1 /* /D */ #define FOR_F 2 /* /F */ #define FOR_LOOP 4 /* /L */ #define FOR_RECURSIVE 8 /* /R */ INT cmd_for (LPTSTR); INT ExecuteFor(struct _PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd); /* Prototypes for FREE.C */ INT CommandFree (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for GOTO.C */ INT cmd_goto (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for HISTORY.C */ #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY LPCTSTR PeekHistory(INT); VOID History(INT, LPTSTR);/*add entries browse history*/ VOID History_move_to_bottom(VOID);/*F3*/ VOID InitHistory(VOID); VOID CleanHistory(VOID); VOID History_del_current_entry(LPTSTR str);/*CTRL-D*/ INT CommandHistory(LPTSTR param); #endif /* Prototypes for IF.C */ #define IFFLAG_NEGATE 1 /* NOT */ #define IFFLAG_IGNORECASE 2 /* /I - Extended */ typedef enum _IF_OPERATOR { /** Unary operators **/ /* Standard */ IF_ERRORLEVEL, IF_EXIST, /* Extended */ IF_CMDEXTVERSION, IF_DEFINED, /** Binary operators **/ /* Standard */ IF_STRINGEQ, /* == */ /* Extended */ IF_EQU, IF_NEQ, IF_LSS, IF_LEQ, IF_GTR, IF_GEQ } IF_OPERATOR; INT ExecuteIf(struct _PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd); /* Prototypes for INTERNAL.C */ VOID InitLastPath (VOID); VOID FreeLastPath (VOID); INT cmd_chdir (LPTSTR); INT cmd_mkdir (LPTSTR); INT cmd_rmdir (LPTSTR); INT CommandExit (LPTSTR); INT CommandRem (LPTSTR); INT CommandShowCommands (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for LOCALE.C */ extern TCHAR cDateSeparator; extern INT nDateFormat; extern TCHAR cTimeSeparator; extern INT nTimeFormat; extern TCHAR cThousandSeparator; extern TCHAR cDecimalSeparator; extern INT nNumberGroups; VOID InitLocale (VOID); LPTSTR GetDateString (VOID); LPTSTR GetTimeString (VOID); /* Prototypes for MEMORY.C */ INT CommandMemory (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for MKLINK.C */ INT cmd_mklink(LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for MISC.C */ INT GetRootPath( IN LPCTSTR InPath, OUT LPTSTR OutPath, IN INT size); BOOL SetRootPath(TCHAR *oldpath,TCHAR *InPath); TCHAR cgetchar (VOID); BOOL CheckCtrlBreak (INT); BOOL add_entry (LPINT ac, LPTSTR **arg, LPCTSTR entry); LPTSTR *split (LPTSTR, LPINT, BOOL, BOOL); LPTSTR *splitspace (LPTSTR, LPINT); VOID freep (LPTSTR *); LPTSTR _stpcpy (LPTSTR, LPCTSTR); VOID StripQuotes(LPTSTR); BOOL IsValidPathName(IN LPCTSTR pszPath); BOOL IsExistingFile(IN LPCTSTR pszPath); BOOL IsExistingDirectory(IN LPCTSTR pszPath); VOID GetPathCase(TCHAR *, TCHAR *); #define PROMPT_NO 0 #define PROMPT_YES 1 #define PROMPT_ALL 2 #define PROMPT_BREAK 3 BOOL __stdcall PagePrompt(PCON_PAGER Pager, DWORD Done, DWORD Total); INT FilePromptYN (UINT); INT FilePromptYNA (UINT); /* Prototypes for MOVE.C */ INT cmd_move (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for MSGBOX.C */ INT CommandMsgbox (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes from PARSER.C */ /* These three characters act like spaces to the parser in most contexts */ #define STANDARD_SEPS _T(",;=") typedef enum _COMMAND_TYPE { /* Standard command */ C_COMMAND, /* Quiet operator */ C_QUIET, /* Parenthesized block */ C_BLOCK, /* Operators */ C_MULTI, C_OR, C_AND, C_PIPE, /* Special parsed commands */ C_FOR, C_IF, C_REM } COMMAND_TYPE; typedef struct _PARSED_COMMAND { /* * For IF : this is the 'main' case (the 'else' is obtained via SubCmd->Next). * For FOR: this is the list of all the subcommands in the DO. */ struct _PARSED_COMMAND *Subcommands; struct _PARSED_COMMAND *Next; // Next command(s) in the chain. struct _REDIRECTION *Redirections; COMMAND_TYPE Type; union { struct { PTSTR Rest; TCHAR First[]; } Command; struct { BYTE Switches; TCHAR Variable; PTSTR Params; PTSTR List; struct _FOR_CONTEXT *Context; } For; struct { BYTE Flags; IF_OPERATOR Operator; PTSTR LeftArg; PTSTR RightArg; } If; }; } PARSED_COMMAND; PARSED_COMMAND* ParseCommand( IN PCTSTR Line); VOID DumpCommand( IN PARSED_COMMAND* Cmd, IN ULONG SpacePad); VOID EchoCommand( IN PARSED_COMMAND* Cmd); PTCHAR UnparseCommand( IN PARSED_COMMAND* Cmd, OUT PTCHAR Out, IN PTCHAR OutEnd); VOID FreeCommand( IN OUT PARSED_COMMAND* Cmd); VOID ParseErrorEx(IN PCTSTR s); extern BOOL bParseError; extern TCHAR ParseLine[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; extern BOOL bIgnoreParserComments; extern BOOL bHandleContinuations; /* Prototypes from PATH.C */ INT cmd_path (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes from PROMPT.C */ VOID InitPrompt (VOID); VOID PrintPrompt (VOID); INT cmd_prompt (LPTSTR); BOOL HasInfoLine(VOID); /* Prototypes for REDIR.C */ HANDLE GetHandle(UINT Number); VOID SetHandle(UINT Number, HANDLE Handle); typedef enum _REDIR_MODE { REDIR_READ = 0, REDIR_WRITE = 1, REDIR_APPEND = 2 } REDIR_MODE; typedef struct _REDIRECTION { struct _REDIRECTION *Next; HANDLE OldHandle; BYTE Number; REDIR_MODE Mode; TCHAR Filename[]; } REDIRECTION; BOOL PerformRedirection(REDIRECTION *); VOID UndoRedirection(REDIRECTION *, REDIRECTION *End); INT GetRedirection(LPTSTR, REDIRECTION **); VOID FreeRedirection(REDIRECTION *); /* Prototypes for REN.C */ INT cmd_rename (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for REN.C */ INT cmd_replace (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for SCREEN.C */ INT CommandScreen (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for SET.C */ INT cmd_set (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for SETLOCAL.C */ LPTSTR DuplicateEnvironment(VOID); INT cmd_setlocal (LPTSTR); INT cmd_endlocal (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for START.C */ INT cmd_start (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for STRTOCLR.C */ BOOL StringToColor (LPWORD, LPTSTR *); /* Prototypes for TIME.C */ INT cmd_time (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for TIMER.C */ INT CommandTimer (LPTSTR param); /* Prototypes for TITLE.C */ INT cmd_title (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for TYPE.C */ INT cmd_type (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for VER.C */ VOID InitOSVersion(VOID); VOID PrintOSVersion(VOID); INT cmd_ver (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for VERIFY.C */ INT cmd_verify (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for VOL.C */ INT cmd_vol (LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for WHERE.C */ BOOL SearchForExecutable (LPCTSTR, LPTSTR); /* Prototypes for WINDOW.C */ INT CommandActivate (LPTSTR); INT CommandWindow (LPTSTR); /* The MSDOS Batch Commands [MS-DOS 5.0 User's Guide and Reference p359] */ int cmd_if(TCHAR *); int cmd_pause(TCHAR *); int cmd_shift(TCHAR *);