/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Applications Manager * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Config parser * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2009 Dmitry Chapyshev (dmitry@reactos.org) * Copyright 2015 Ismael Ferreras Morezuelas (swyterzone+ros@gmail.com) * Copyright 2017 Alexander Shaposhnikov (sanchaez@reactos.org) * Copyright 2021 Mark Jansen */ #include "rapps.h" #include struct CLocaleSections { CStringW Locale; CStringW LocaleNeutral; CStringW Section; }; struct CSectionNames { CLocaleSections ArchSpecific; CLocaleSections ArchNeutral; }; static CSectionNames g_Names; HRESULT ReadIniValue(LPCWSTR File, LPCWSTR Section, LPCWSTR Name, CStringW &Output) { for (DWORD len = 256, ret;; len *= 2) { ret = GetPrivateProfileString(Section, Name, L"\n", Output.GetBuffer(len), len, File); if (ret + 1 != len) { Output.ReleaseBuffer(ret); return ret && Output[0] != L'\n' ? ret : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } } } CConfigParser::CConfigParser(const CStringW &FilePath) : szConfigPath(FilePath) { CacheINI(); } void CConfigParser::ReadSection(CStringW &Buffer, const CStringW &Section, BOOL isArch) { DWORD len = 512; DWORD result; do { len *= 2; result = GetPrivateProfileSectionW(Section, Buffer.GetBuffer(len), len, szConfigPath); Buffer.ReleaseBuffer(result); } while (result == len - 2); len = 0; while (len < result) { // Explicitly use the null terminator! CString tmp = Buffer.GetBuffer() + len; if (tmp.GetLength() > 0) { len += tmp.GetLength() + 1; int idx = tmp.Find('='); if (idx >= 0) { CString key = tmp.Left(idx); #ifndef _M_IX86 // On non-x86 architecture we need the architecture specific URL if (!isArch && key == "URLDownload") { continue; } #endif // Is this key already present from a more specific translation? if (m_Keys.FindKey(key) >= 0) { continue; } CString value = tmp.Mid(idx + 1); m_Keys.Add(key, value); } else { DPRINT1("ERROR: invalid key/value pair: '%S'\n", tmp.GetString()); } } else { break; } } } VOID CConfigParser::CacheINI() { // Cache section names if (g_Names.ArchSpecific.Locale.IsEmpty()) { CString szLocaleID; const INT cchLocaleSize = 5; GetLocaleInfoW(GetUserDefaultLCID(), LOCALE_ILANGUAGE, szLocaleID.GetBuffer(cchLocaleSize), cchLocaleSize); szLocaleID.ReleaseBuffer(); CString INISectionLocale = L"Section." + szLocaleID; g_Names.ArchSpecific.Locale = INISectionLocale + L"." CurrentArchitecture; g_Names.ArchNeutral.Locale = INISectionLocale; // turn "Section.0c0a" into "Section.0a", keeping just the neutral lang part if (szLocaleID.GetLength() >= 2) { g_Names.ArchSpecific.LocaleNeutral = L"Section." + szLocaleID.Right(2) + L"." CurrentArchitecture; g_Names.ArchNeutral.LocaleNeutral = L"Section." + szLocaleID.Right(2); } g_Names.ArchSpecific.Section = L"Section." CurrentArchitecture; g_Names.ArchNeutral.Section = L"Section"; } // Use a shared buffer so that we don't have to re-allocate it every time CStringW Buffer; ReadSection(Buffer, g_Names.ArchSpecific.Locale, TRUE); if (!g_Names.ArchSpecific.LocaleNeutral.IsEmpty()) { ReadSection(Buffer, g_Names.ArchSpecific.LocaleNeutral, TRUE); } ReadSection(Buffer, g_Names.ArchSpecific.Section, TRUE); ReadSection(Buffer, g_Names.ArchNeutral.Locale, FALSE); if (!g_Names.ArchNeutral.LocaleNeutral.IsEmpty()) { ReadSection(Buffer, g_Names.ArchNeutral.LocaleNeutral, FALSE); } ReadSection(Buffer, g_Names.ArchNeutral.Section, FALSE); } BOOL CConfigParser::GetString(const CStringW &KeyName, CStringW &ResultString) { int nIndex = m_Keys.FindKey(KeyName); if (nIndex >= 0) { ResultString = m_Keys.GetValueAt(nIndex); return TRUE; } ResultString.Empty(); return FALSE; } BOOL CConfigParser::GetInt(const CStringW &KeyName, INT &iResult) { CStringW Buffer; iResult = 0; // grab the text version of our entry if (!GetString(KeyName, Buffer)) return FALSE; if (Buffer.IsEmpty()) return FALSE; // convert it to an actual integer iResult = StrToIntW(Buffer.GetString()); // we only care about values > 0 return (iResult > 0); } UINT CConfigParser::GetSectionString(LPCWSTR Section, LPCWSTR Name, CStringW &Result) { HRESULT hr; // Return value; length of ini string or 0 on failure. CStringW SecBuf; WCHAR FullLoc[5], *NeutralLoc = FullLoc + 2; GetLocaleInfoW(GetUserDefaultLCID(), LOCALE_ILANGUAGE, FullLoc, _countof(FullLoc)); SecBuf.Format(L"%s.%s.%s", Section, FullLoc, CurrentArchitecture); if ((hr = ReadIniValue(szConfigPath, SecBuf, Name, Result)) > 0) return hr; if (*NeutralLoc) { SecBuf.Format(L"%s.%s.%s", Section, NeutralLoc, CurrentArchitecture); if ((hr = ReadIniValue(szConfigPath, SecBuf, Name, Result)) > 0) return hr; } SecBuf.Format(L"%s.%s", Section, CurrentArchitecture); if ((hr = ReadIniValue(szConfigPath, SecBuf, Name, Result)) > 0) return hr; SecBuf.Format(L"%s.%s", Section, FullLoc); if ((hr = ReadIniValue(szConfigPath, SecBuf, Name, Result)) > 0) return hr; if (*NeutralLoc) { SecBuf.Format(L"%s.%s", Section, NeutralLoc); if ((hr = ReadIniValue(szConfigPath, SecBuf, Name, Result)) > 0) return hr; } if ((hr = ReadIniValue(szConfigPath, Section, Name, Result)) > 0) return hr; return 0; }