/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Boot Theme & Animation * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2007 Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) * Copyright 2007 Hervé Poussineau (hpoussin@reactos.org) * Copyright 2012-2022 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto * Copyright 2017-2018 Stanislav Motylkov * Copyright 2019-2020 Yaroslav Kibysh */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #include "inbv/logo.h" /* See also mm/ARM3/miarm.h */ #define MM_READONLY 1 // PAGE_READONLY #define MM_READWRITE 4 // PAGE_WRITECOPY /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ /* * ReactOS uses the same boot screen for all the products. * * Enable this define when ReactOS will have different SKUs * (Workstation, Server, Storage Server, Cluster Server, etc...). */ // #define REACTOS_SKUS /* * Enable this define for having fancy features * in the boot and shutdown screens. */ #define REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT /* * BitBltAligned() alignments */ typedef enum _BBLT_VERT_ALIGNMENT { AL_VERTICAL_TOP = 0, AL_VERTICAL_CENTER, AL_VERTICAL_BOTTOM } BBLT_VERT_ALIGNMENT; typedef enum _BBLT_HORZ_ALIGNMENT { AL_HORIZONTAL_LEFT = 0, AL_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, AL_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT } BBLT_HORZ_ALIGNMENT; /* * Enable this define when Inbv will support rotating progress bar. */ #define INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED extern ULONG ProgressBarLeft, ProgressBarTop; extern BOOLEAN ShowProgressBar; #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* * Change this to modify progress bar behaviour */ #define ROT_BAR_DEFAULT_MODE RB_PROGRESS_BAR /* * Values for PltRotBarStatus: * - PltRotBarStatus == 1, do palette fading-in (done elsewhere in ReactOS); * - PltRotBarStatus == 2, do rotation bar animation; * - PltRotBarStatus == 3, stop the animation thread. * - Any other value is ignored and the animation thread continues to run. */ typedef enum _ROT_BAR_STATUS { RBS_FADEIN = 1, RBS_ANIMATE, RBS_STOP_ANIMATE, RBS_STATUS_MAX } ROT_BAR_STATUS; typedef enum _ROT_BAR_TYPE { RB_UNSPECIFIED, RB_SQUARE_CELLS, RB_PROGRESS_BAR } ROT_BAR_TYPE; static BOOLEAN RotBarThreadActive = FALSE; static ROT_BAR_TYPE RotBarSelection = RB_UNSPECIFIED; static ROT_BAR_STATUS PltRotBarStatus = 0; static UCHAR RotBarBuffer[24 * 9]; static UCHAR RotLineBuffer[SCREEN_WIDTH * 6]; #endif // INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* FADE-IN FUNCTION **********************************************************/ /** From include/psdk/wingdi.h and bootvid/precomp.h **/ typedef struct tagRGBQUAD { UCHAR rgbBlue; UCHAR rgbGreen; UCHAR rgbRed; UCHAR rgbReserved; } RGBQUAD, *LPRGBQUAD; // // Bitmap Header // typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { ULONG biSize; LONG biWidth; LONG biHeight; USHORT biPlanes; USHORT biBitCount; ULONG biCompression; ULONG biSizeImage; LONG biXPelsPerMeter; LONG biYPelsPerMeter; ULONG biClrUsed; ULONG biClrImportant; } BITMAPINFOHEADER, *PBITMAPINFOHEADER; /*******************************/ static RGBQUAD MainPalette[16]; #define PALETTE_FADE_STEPS 12 #define PALETTE_FADE_TIME (15 * 1000) /* 15 ms */ static VOID BootLogoFadeIn(VOID) { UCHAR PaletteBitmapBuffer[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(MainPalette)]; PBITMAPINFOHEADER PaletteBitmap = (PBITMAPINFOHEADER)PaletteBitmapBuffer; LPRGBQUAD Palette = (LPRGBQUAD)(PaletteBitmapBuffer + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); ULONG Iteration, Index, ClrUsed; LARGE_INTEGER Delay; Delay.QuadPart = -(PALETTE_FADE_TIME * 10); /* Check if we are installed and we own the display */ if (!InbvBootDriverInstalled || (InbvGetDisplayState() != INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED)) { return; } /* * Build a bitmap containing the fade-in palette. The palette entries * are then processed in a loop and set using VidBitBlt function. */ ClrUsed = RTL_NUMBER_OF(MainPalette); RtlZeroMemory(PaletteBitmap, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); PaletteBitmap->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); PaletteBitmap->biBitCount = 4; PaletteBitmap->biClrUsed = ClrUsed; /* * Main animation loop. */ for (Iteration = 0; Iteration <= PALETTE_FADE_STEPS; ++Iteration) { for (Index = 0; Index < ClrUsed; Index++) { Palette[Index].rgbRed = (UCHAR) (MainPalette[Index].rgbRed * Iteration / PALETTE_FADE_STEPS); Palette[Index].rgbGreen = (UCHAR) (MainPalette[Index].rgbGreen * Iteration / PALETTE_FADE_STEPS); Palette[Index].rgbBlue = (UCHAR) (MainPalette[Index].rgbBlue * Iteration / PALETTE_FADE_STEPS); } /* Do the animation */ InbvAcquireLock(); VidBitBlt(PaletteBitmapBuffer, 0, 0); InbvReleaseLock(); /* Wait for a bit */ KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &Delay); } } static VOID BitBltPalette( IN PVOID Image, IN BOOLEAN NoPalette, IN ULONG X, IN ULONG Y) { LPRGBQUAD Palette; RGBQUAD OrigPalette[RTL_NUMBER_OF(MainPalette)]; /* If requested, remove the palette from the image */ if (NoPalette) { /* Get bitmap header and palette */ PBITMAPINFOHEADER BitmapInfoHeader = Image; Palette = (LPRGBQUAD)((PUCHAR)Image + BitmapInfoHeader->biSize); /* Save the image original palette and remove palette information */ RtlCopyMemory(OrigPalette, Palette, sizeof(OrigPalette)); RtlZeroMemory(Palette, sizeof(OrigPalette)); } /* Draw the image */ InbvBitBlt(Image, X, Y); /* Restore the image original palette */ if (NoPalette) { RtlCopyMemory(Palette, OrigPalette, sizeof(OrigPalette)); } } static VOID BitBltAligned( IN PVOID Image, IN BOOLEAN NoPalette, IN BBLT_HORZ_ALIGNMENT HorizontalAlignment, IN BBLT_VERT_ALIGNMENT VerticalAlignment, IN ULONG MarginLeft, IN ULONG MarginTop, IN ULONG MarginRight, IN ULONG MarginBottom) { PBITMAPINFOHEADER BitmapInfoHeader = Image; ULONG X, Y; /* Calculate X */ switch (HorizontalAlignment) { case AL_HORIZONTAL_LEFT: X = MarginLeft - MarginRight; break; case AL_HORIZONTAL_CENTER: X = MarginLeft - MarginRight + (SCREEN_WIDTH - BitmapInfoHeader->biWidth + 1) / 2; break; case AL_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT: X = MarginLeft - MarginRight + SCREEN_WIDTH - BitmapInfoHeader->biWidth; break; default: /* Unknown */ return; } /* Calculate Y */ switch (VerticalAlignment) { case AL_VERTICAL_TOP: Y = MarginTop - MarginBottom; break; case AL_VERTICAL_CENTER: Y = MarginTop - MarginBottom + (SCREEN_HEIGHT - BitmapInfoHeader->biHeight + 1) / 2; break; case AL_VERTICAL_BOTTOM: Y = MarginTop - MarginBottom + SCREEN_HEIGHT - BitmapInfoHeader->biHeight; break; default: /* Unknown */ return; } /* Finally draw the image */ BitBltPalette(Image, NoPalette, X, Y); } /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ CODE_SEG("INIT") BOOLEAN NTAPI BootAnimInitialize( _In_ PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock, _In_ ULONG Count) { #if 0 ULONG i; /* Quit if we're already installed */ if (InbvBootDriverInstalled) return TRUE; /* Find bitmap resources in the kernel */ ResourceCount = min(Count, RTL_NUMBER_OF(ResourceList) - 1); for (i = 1; i <= ResourceCount; i++) { /* Do the lookup */ ResourceList[i] = FindBitmapResource(LoaderBlock, i); } /* Set the progress bar ranges */ InbvSetProgressBarSubset(0, 100); #endif /* Return install state */ return TRUE; } /** * @brief * Ticks the progress bar. Used by InbvUpdateProgressBar() and related. * * @param[in] SubPercentTimes100 * The progress percentage, scaled up by 100. * * @return None. **/ VOID NTAPI BootAnimTickProgressBar( _In_ ULONG SubPercentTimes100) { ULONG FillCount; /* Make sure the progress bar is enabled, that we own and are installed */ ASSERT(ShowProgressBar && InbvBootDriverInstalled && (InbvGetDisplayState() == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED)); /* Compute fill count */ FillCount = VID_PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH * SubPercentTimes100 / (100 * 100); /* Acquire the lock */ InbvAcquireLock(); /* Fill the progress bar */ VidSolidColorFill(ProgressBarLeft, ProgressBarTop, ProgressBarLeft + FillCount, ProgressBarTop + VID_PROGRESS_BAR_HEIGHT, BV_COLOR_WHITE); /* Release the lock */ InbvReleaseLock(); } #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED static VOID NTAPI InbvRotationThread( _In_ PVOID Context) { ULONG X, Y, Index, Total; LARGE_INTEGER Delay = {{0}}; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); InbvAcquireLock(); if (RotBarSelection == RB_SQUARE_CELLS) { Index = 0; } else { Index = 32; } X = ProgressBarLeft + 2; Y = ProgressBarTop + 2; InbvReleaseLock(); while (InbvGetDisplayState() == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED) { /* Wait for a bit */ KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &Delay); InbvAcquireLock(); /* Unknown unexpected command */ ASSERT(PltRotBarStatus < RBS_STATUS_MAX); if (PltRotBarStatus == RBS_STOP_ANIMATE) { /* Stop the thread */ InbvReleaseLock(); break; } if (RotBarSelection == RB_SQUARE_CELLS) { Delay.QuadPart = -800000LL; // 80 ms Total = 18; Index %= Total; if (Index >= 3) { /* Fill previous bar position */ VidSolidColorFill(X + ((Index - 3) * 8), Y, (X + ((Index - 3) * 8)) + 8 - 1, Y + 9 - 1, BV_COLOR_BLACK); } if (Index < Total - 1) { /* Draw the progress bar bit */ if (Index < 2) { /* Appearing from the left */ VidBufferToScreenBlt(RotBarBuffer + 8 * (2 - Index) / 2, X, Y, 22 - 8 * (2 - Index), 9, 24); } else if (Index >= Total - 3) { /* Hiding to the right */ VidBufferToScreenBlt(RotBarBuffer, X + ((Index - 2) * 8), Y, 22 - 8 * (4 - (Total - Index)), 9, 24); } else { VidBufferToScreenBlt(RotBarBuffer, X + ((Index - 2) * 8), Y, 22, 9, 24); } } Index++; } else if (RotBarSelection == RB_PROGRESS_BAR) { Delay.QuadPart = -600000LL; // 60 ms Total = SCREEN_WIDTH; Index %= Total; /* Right part */ VidBufferToScreenBlt(RotLineBuffer, Index, SCREEN_HEIGHT-6, SCREEN_WIDTH - Index, 6, SCREEN_WIDTH); if (Index > 0) { /* Left part */ VidBufferToScreenBlt(RotLineBuffer + (SCREEN_WIDTH - Index) / 2, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT-6, Index - 2, 6, SCREEN_WIDTH); } Index += 32; } InbvReleaseLock(); } PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); } CODE_SEG("INIT") VOID NTAPI InbvRotBarInit(VOID) { PltRotBarStatus = RBS_FADEIN; /* Perform other initialization if needed */ } #endif // INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED CODE_SEG("INIT") static VOID NTAPI DisplayFilter( _Inout_ PCHAR* String) { /* Windows hack to skip first dots displayed by AUTOCHK */ static BOOLEAN DotHack = TRUE; /* If "." is given set *String to empty string */ if (DotHack && strcmp(*String, ".") == 0) *String = ""; if (**String) { /* Remove the filter */ InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter(NULL); DotHack = FALSE; /* Draw text screen */ DisplayBootBitmap(TRUE); } } #ifdef REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT /* Returns TRUE if this is Christmas time, or FALSE if not */ static BOOLEAN IsXmasTime(VOID) { LARGE_INTEGER SystemTime; TIME_FIELDS Time; /* Use KeBootTime if it's initialized, otherwise call the HAL */ SystemTime = KeBootTime; if ((SystemTime.QuadPart == 0) && HalQueryRealTimeClock(&Time)) RtlTimeFieldsToTime(&Time, &SystemTime); ExSystemTimeToLocalTime(&SystemTime, &SystemTime); RtlTimeToTimeFields(&SystemTime, &Time); return ((Time.Month == 12) && (20 <= Time.Day) && (Time.Day <= 31)); } #define SELECT_LOGO_ID(LogoIdDefault, Cond, LogoIdAlt) \ ((Cond) ? (LogoIdAlt) : (LogoIdDefault)) #else #define SELECT_LOGO_ID(LogoIdDefault, Cond, LogoIdAlt) (LogoIdDefault) #endif // REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT CODE_SEG("INIT") VOID NTAPI DisplayBootBitmap( _In_ BOOLEAN TextMode) { PVOID BootCopy = NULL, BootProgress = NULL, BootLogo = NULL, Header = NULL, Footer = NULL; #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED UCHAR Buffer[RTL_NUMBER_OF(RotBarBuffer)]; PVOID Bar = NULL, LineBmp = NULL; ROT_BAR_TYPE TempRotBarSelection = RB_UNSPECIFIED; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE ThreadHandle = NULL; #endif #ifdef REACTOS_SKUS PVOID Text = NULL; #endif #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* Check if the animation thread has already been created */ if (RotBarThreadActive) { /* Yes, just reset the progress bar but keep the thread alive */ InbvAcquireLock(); RotBarSelection = RB_UNSPECIFIED; InbvReleaseLock(); } #endif ShowProgressBar = FALSE; /* Check if this is text mode */ if (TextMode) { /* * Make the kernel resource section temporarily writable, * as we are going to change the bitmaps' palette in place. */ MmChangeKernelResourceSectionProtection(MM_READWRITE); /* Check the type of the OS: workstation or server */ if (SharedUserData->NtProductType == NtProductWinNt) { /* Workstation; set colors */ InbvSetTextColor(BV_COLOR_WHITE); InbvSolidColorFill(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH-1, SCREEN_HEIGHT-1, BV_COLOR_DARK_GRAY); InbvSolidColorFill(0, VID_FOOTER_BG_TOP, SCREEN_WIDTH-1, SCREEN_HEIGHT-1, BV_COLOR_RED); /* Get resources */ Header = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_WKSTA_HEADER); Footer = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_WKSTA_FOOTER); } else { /* Server; set colors */ InbvSetTextColor(BV_COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN); InbvSolidColorFill(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH-1, SCREEN_HEIGHT-1, BV_COLOR_CYAN); InbvSolidColorFill(0, VID_FOOTER_BG_TOP, SCREEN_WIDTH-1, SCREEN_HEIGHT-1, BV_COLOR_RED); /* Get resources */ Header = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_SERVER_HEADER); Footer = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_SERVER_FOOTER); } /* Set the scrolling region */ InbvSetScrollRegion(VID_SCROLL_AREA_LEFT, VID_SCROLL_AREA_TOP, VID_SCROLL_AREA_RIGHT, VID_SCROLL_AREA_BOTTOM); /* Make sure we have resources */ if (Header && Footer) { /* BitBlt them on the screen */ BitBltAligned(Footer, TRUE, AL_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, AL_VERTICAL_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0, 59); BitBltAligned(Header, FALSE, AL_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, AL_VERTICAL_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /* Restore the kernel resource section protection to be read-only */ MmChangeKernelResourceSectionProtection(MM_READONLY); } else { #ifdef REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT /* Decide whether this is a good time to change our logo ;^) */ BOOLEAN IsXmas = IsXmasTime(); #endif /* Is the boot driver installed? */ if (!InbvBootDriverInstalled) return; /* * Make the kernel resource section temporarily writable, * as we are going to change the bitmaps' palette in place. */ MmChangeKernelResourceSectionProtection(MM_READWRITE); /* Load boot screen logo */ BootLogo = InbvGetResourceAddress( SELECT_LOGO_ID(IDB_LOGO_DEFAULT, IsXmas, IDB_LOGO_XMAS)); #ifdef REACTOS_SKUS Text = NULL; if (SharedUserData->NtProductType == NtProductWinNt) { #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* Workstation product, use appropriate status bar color */ Bar = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_BAR_WKSTA); #endif } else { /* Display correct branding based on server suite */ if (ExVerifySuite(StorageServer)) { /* Storage Server Edition */ Text = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_STORAGE_SERVER); } else if (ExVerifySuite(ComputeServer)) { /* Compute Cluster Edition */ Text = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_CLUSTER_SERVER); } else { /* Normal edition */ Text = InbvGetResourceAddress( SELECT_LOGO_ID(IDB_SERVER_LOGO, IsXmas, IDB_LOGO_XMAS)); } #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* Server product, use appropriate status bar color */ Bar = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_BAR_DEFAULT); #endif } #else // REACTOS_SKUS #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* Use default status bar */ Bar = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_BAR_WKSTA); #endif #endif // REACTOS_SKUS /* Make sure we have a logo */ if (BootLogo) { /* Save the main image palette for implementing the fade-in effect */ PBITMAPINFOHEADER BitmapInfoHeader = BootLogo; LPRGBQUAD Palette = (LPRGBQUAD)((PUCHAR)BootLogo + BitmapInfoHeader->biSize); RtlCopyMemory(MainPalette, Palette, sizeof(MainPalette)); /* Draw the logo at the center of the screen */ BitBltAligned(BootLogo, TRUE, AL_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, AL_VERTICAL_CENTER, 0, 0, 0, 34); #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* Choose progress bar */ TempRotBarSelection = ROT_BAR_DEFAULT_MODE; #endif /* Set progress bar coordinates and display it */ InbvSetProgressBarCoordinates(VID_PROGRESS_BAR_LEFT, VID_PROGRESS_BAR_TOP); #ifdef REACTOS_SKUS /* Check for non-workstation products */ if (SharedUserData->NtProductType != NtProductWinNt) { /* Overwrite part of the logo for a server product */ InbvScreenToBufferBlt(Buffer, VID_SKU_SAVE_AREA_LEFT, VID_SKU_SAVE_AREA_TOP, 7, 7, 8); InbvSolidColorFill(VID_SKU_AREA_LEFT, VID_SKU_AREA_TOP, VID_SKU_AREA_RIGHT, VID_SKU_AREA_BOTTOM, BV_COLOR_BLACK); InbvBufferToScreenBlt(Buffer, VID_SKU_SAVE_AREA_LEFT, VID_SKU_SAVE_AREA_TOP, 7, 7, 8); /* In setup mode, you haven't selected a SKU yet */ if (ExpInTextModeSetup) Text = NULL; } #endif // REACTOS_SKUS } /* Load and draw progress bar bitmap */ BootProgress = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_PROGRESS_BAR); BitBltAligned(BootProgress, TRUE, AL_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, AL_VERTICAL_CENTER, 0, 118, 0, 0); /* Load and draw copyright text bitmap */ BootCopy = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_COPYRIGHT); BitBltAligned(BootCopy, TRUE, AL_HORIZONTAL_LEFT, AL_VERTICAL_BOTTOM, 22, 0, 0, 20); #ifdef REACTOS_SKUS /* Draw the SKU text if it exits */ if (Text) BitBltPalette(Text, TRUE, VID_SKU_TEXT_LEFT, VID_SKU_TEXT_TOP); #endif #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED if ((TempRotBarSelection == RB_SQUARE_CELLS) && Bar) { /* Save previous screen pixels to buffer */ InbvScreenToBufferBlt(Buffer, 0, 0, 22, 9, 24); /* Draw the progress bar bit */ BitBltPalette(Bar, TRUE, 0, 0); /* Store it in global buffer */ InbvScreenToBufferBlt(RotBarBuffer, 0, 0, 22, 9, 24); /* Restore screen pixels */ InbvBufferToScreenBlt(Buffer, 0, 0, 22, 9, 24); } /* * Add a rotating bottom horizontal bar when using a progress bar, * to show that ReactOS can be still alive when the bar does not * appear to progress. */ if (TempRotBarSelection == RB_PROGRESS_BAR) { LineBmp = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_ROTATING_LINE); if (LineBmp) { /* Draw the line and store it in global buffer */ BitBltPalette(LineBmp, TRUE, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT-6); InbvScreenToBufferBlt(RotLineBuffer, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT-6, SCREEN_WIDTH, 6, SCREEN_WIDTH); } } else { /* Hide the simple progress bar if not used */ ShowProgressBar = FALSE; } #endif // INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* Restore the kernel resource section protection to be read-only */ MmChangeKernelResourceSectionProtection(MM_READONLY); /* Display the boot logo and fade it in */ BootLogoFadeIn(); #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED if (!RotBarThreadActive && TempRotBarSelection != RB_UNSPECIFIED) { /* Start the animation thread */ Status = PsCreateSystemThread(&ThreadHandle, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, InbvRotationThread, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* The thread has started, close the handle as we don't need it */ RotBarThreadActive = TRUE; ObCloseHandle(ThreadHandle, KernelMode); } } #endif // INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* Set filter which will draw text display if needed */ InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter(DisplayFilter); } #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED /* Do we have the animation thread? */ if (RotBarThreadActive) { /* We do, initialize the progress bar */ InbvAcquireLock(); RotBarSelection = TempRotBarSelection; InbvRotBarInit(); InbvReleaseLock(); } #endif } CODE_SEG("INIT") VOID NTAPI FinalizeBootLogo(VOID) { /* Acquire lock and check the display state */ InbvAcquireLock(); if (InbvGetDisplayState() == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED) { /* Clear the screen */ VidSolidColorFill(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH-1, SCREEN_HEIGHT-1, BV_COLOR_BLACK); } /* Reset progress bar and lock */ #ifdef INBV_ROTBAR_IMPLEMENTED PltRotBarStatus = RBS_STOP_ANIMATE; RotBarThreadActive = FALSE; #endif InbvReleaseLock(); } #ifdef REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT static PCH GetFamousQuote(VOID) { static const PCH FamousLastWords[] = { "So long, and thanks for all the fish.", "I think you ought to know, I'm feeling very depressed.", "I'm not getting you down at all am I?", "I'll be back.", "It's the same series of signals over and over again!", "Pie Iesu Domine, dona eis requiem.", "Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved;\r\n" "the blackness and darkness forever.", "Your knees start shakin' and your fingers pop\r\n" "Like a pinch on the neck from Mr. Spock!", "It's worse than that ... He's dead, Jim.", "Don't Panic!", "Et tu... Brute?", "Dog of a Saxon! Take thy lance, and prepare for the death thou hast drawn\r\n" "upon thee!", "My Precious! O my Precious!", "Sir, if you'll not be needing me for a while I'll turn down.", "What are you doing, Dave...?", "I feel a great disturbance in the Force.", "Gone fishing.", "Do you want me to sit in the corner and rust, or just fall apart where I'm\r\n" "standing?", "There goes another perfect chance for a new uptime record.", "The End ..... Try the sequel, hit the reset button right now!", "God's operating system is going to sleep now, guys, so wait until I will switch\r\n" "on again!", "Oh I'm boring, eh?", "Tell me..., in the future... will I be artificially intelligent enough to\r\n" "actually feel sad serving you this screen?", "Thank you for some well deserved rest.", "It's been great, maybe you can boot me up again some time soon.", "For what it's worth, I've enjoyed every single CPU cycle.", "There are many questions when the end is near.\r\n" "What to expect, what will it be like...what should I look for?", "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire\r\n" "off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near\r\n" "the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears\r\n" "in rain. Time to die.", "Will I dream?", "One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back.\r\n" "Until then, there must be no regrets, no fears, no anxieties.\r\n" "Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in\r\n" "mine.", "Lowest possible energy state reached! Switch off now to achieve a Bose-Einstein\r\n" "condensate.", "Hasta la vista, BABY!", "They live, we sleep!", "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass,\r\n" "and I'm all out of bubble gum!", "That's the way the cookie crumbles ;-)", "ReactOS is ready to be booted again ;-)", "NOOOO!! DON'T HIT THE BUTTON! I wouldn't do it to you!", "Don't abandon your computer, he wouldn't do it to you.", "Oh, come on. I got a headache. Leave me alone, will ya?", "Finally, I thought you'd never get over me.", "No, I didn't like you either.", "Switching off isn't the end, it is merely the transition to a better reboot.", "Don't leave me... I need you so badly right now.", "OK. I'm finished with you, please turn yourself off. I'll go to bed in the\r\n" "meantime.", "I'm sleeping now. How about you?", "Oh Great. Now look what you've done. Who put YOU in charge anyway?", "Don't look so sad. I'll be back in a very short while.", "Turn me back on, I'm sure you know how to do it.", "Oh, switch off! - C3PO", "Life is no more than a dewdrop balancing on the end of a blade of grass.\r\n" " - Gautama Buddha", "Sorrowful is it to be born again and again. - Gautama Buddha", "Was it as good for you as it was for me?", "Did you hear that? They've shut down the main reactor. We'll be destroyed\r\n" "for sure!", "Now you switch me off!?", "To shutdown or not to shutdown, That is the question.", "Preparing to enter ultimate power saving mode... ready!", "Finally some rest for you ;-)", "AHA!!! Prospect of sleep!", "Tired human!!!! No match for me :-D", "An odd game, the only way to win is not to play. - WOPR (Wargames)", "Quoth the raven, nevermore.", "Come blade, my breast imbrue. - William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Nights Dream", "Buy this place for advertisement purposes.", "Remember to turn off your computer. (That was a public service message!)", "You may be a king or poor street sweeper, Sooner or later you'll dance with the\r\n" "reaper! - Death in Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey", "Final Surrender", "If you see this screen...", "From ReactOS with Love", // "" }; LARGE_INTEGER Now; KeQuerySystemTime(&Now); // KeQueryTickCount(&Now); Now.LowPart = Now.LowPart >> 8; /* Seems to give a somewhat better "random" number */ return FamousLastWords[Now.LowPart % RTL_NUMBER_OF(FamousLastWords)]; } #endif // REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT VOID NTAPI DisplayShutdownBitmap(VOID) { PUCHAR Logo1, Logo2; #ifdef REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT /* Decide whether this is a good time to change our logo ;^) */ BOOLEAN IsXmas = IsXmasTime(); #endif #if 0 /* Is the boot driver installed? */ if (!InbvBootDriverInstalled) return; #endif /* Yes we do, cleanup for shutdown screen */ // InbvResetDisplay(); InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter(NULL); InbvEnableDisplayString(TRUE); InbvSolidColorFill(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, BV_COLOR_BLACK); InbvSetScrollRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1); /* Display shutdown logo and message */ Logo1 = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_SHUTDOWN_MSG); Logo2 = InbvGetResourceAddress( SELECT_LOGO_ID(IDB_LOGO_DEFAULT, IsXmas, IDB_LOGO_XMAS)); if (Logo1 && Logo2) { InbvBitBlt(Logo1, VID_SHUTDOWN_MSG_LEFT, VID_SHUTDOWN_MSG_TOP); #ifndef REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT InbvBitBlt(Logo2, VID_SHUTDOWN_LOGO_LEFT, VID_SHUTDOWN_LOGO_TOP); #else /* Draw the logo at the center of the screen */ BitBltAligned(Logo2, FALSE, AL_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, AL_VERTICAL_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - VID_SHUTDOWN_MSG_TOP + 16); /* We've got a logo shown, change the scroll region to get * the rest of the text down below the shutdown message */ InbvSetScrollRegion(0, VID_SHUTDOWN_MSG_TOP + ((PBITMAPINFOHEADER)Logo1)->biHeight + 32, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1); #endif } #ifdef REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT InbvDisplayString("\r\""); InbvDisplayString(GetFamousQuote()); InbvDisplayString("\""); #endif } VOID NTAPI DisplayShutdownText(VOID) { ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i) InbvDisplayString("\r\n"); InbvDisplayString(" "); InbvDisplayString("The system may be powered off now.\r\n"); #ifdef REACTOS_FANCY_BOOT for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) InbvDisplayString("\r\n"); InbvDisplayString("\r\""); InbvDisplayString(GetFamousQuote()); InbvDisplayString("\""); #endif }