/* * Copyright 2003, 2004 Martin Fuchs * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // Explorer and Desktop clone // // startmenu.h // // Martin Fuchs, 16.08.2003 // #define CLASSNAME_STARTMENU TEXT("ReactosStartmenuClass") #define TITLE_STARTMENU TEXT("Start Menu") #define STARTMENU_WIDTH_MIN 120 #define STARTMENU_LINE_HEIGHT(icon_size) (icon_size+4) #define STARTMENU_SEP_HEIGHT(icon_size) (STARTMENU_LINE_HEIGHT(icon_size)/2) #define STARTMENU_TOP_BTN_SPACE 8 // private message constants #define PM_STARTMENU_CLOSED (WM_APP+0x11) #define PM_STARTENTRY_LAUNCHED (WM_APP+0x12) #ifndef _LIGHT_STARTMENU #define PM_STARTENTRY_FOCUSED (WM_APP+0x13) #endif #define PM_UPDATE_ICONS (WM_APP+0x14) #define PM_SELECT_ENTRY (WM_APP+0x15) /// StartMenuDirectory is used to store the base directory of start menus. struct StartMenuDirectory { StartMenuDirectory(const ShellDirectory& dir, const String& ignore="") : _dir(dir), _ignore(ignore) { } ~StartMenuDirectory() { _dir.free_subentries(); } ShellDirectory _dir; String _ignore; }; typedef list StartMenuShellDirs; typedef set ShellEntrySet; /// structure holding information about one start menu entry struct StartMenuEntry { StartMenuEntry() : _icon_id(ICID_UNKNOWN) {} String _title; ICON_ID _icon_id; ShellEntrySet _entries; }; extern int GetStartMenuBtnTextWidth(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR title, HWND hwnd); #ifndef _LIGHT_STARTMENU /** StartMenuButton draws the face of a StartMenuCtrl button control. */ struct StartMenuButton : public OwnerdrawnButton { typedef OwnerdrawnButton super; StartMenuButton(HWND hwnd, ICON_ID icon_id, bool hasSubmenu) : super(hwnd), _hIcon(hIcon), _hasSubmenu(hasSubmenu) {} protected: LRESULT WndProc(UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT dis); ICON_ID _icon_id; bool _hasSubmenu; }; /** To create a Startmenu button control, construct a StartMenuCtrl object. */ struct StartMenuCtrl : public Button { StartMenuCtrl(HWND parent, int x, int y, int w, LPCTSTR title, UINT id, HICON hIcon=0, bool hasSubmenu=false, DWORD style=WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|BS_OWNERDRAW, DWORD exStyle=0) : Button(parent, title, x, y, w, STARTMENU_LINE_HEIGHT(icon_size), id, style, exStyle) { *new StartMenuButton(_hwnd, hIcon, hasSubmenu); SetWindowFont(_hwnd, GetStockFont(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), FALSE); } }; /// separator between start menu entries struct StartMenuSeparator : public Static { StartMenuSeparator(HWND parent, int x, int y, int w, DWORD style=WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|WS_DISABLED|SS_ETCHEDHORZ, DWORD exStyle=0) : Static(parent, NULL, x, y+STARTMENU_SEP_HEIGHT(icon_size)/2-1, w, 2, -1, style, exStyle) { } }; #endif typedef list StartMenuFolders; /// structor containing information for creating of start menus struct StartMenuCreateInfo { StartMenuCreateInfo() : _border_top(0) {} StartMenuFolders _folders; int _border_top; String _title; Window::CREATORFUNC_INFO _creator; void* _info; String _filter; }; #define STARTMENU_CREATOR(WND_CLASS) WINDOW_CREATOR_INFO(WND_CLASS, StartMenuCreateInfo) typedef map ShellEntryMap; #ifdef _LIGHT_STARTMENU struct SMBtnInfo { SMBtnInfo(const StartMenuEntry& entry, int id, bool hasSubmenu=false, bool enabled=true) : _title(entry._title), _icon_id(entry._icon_id), _id(id), _hasSubmenu(hasSubmenu), _enabled(enabled) { } SMBtnInfo(LPCTSTR title, ICON_ID icon_id, int id, bool hasSubmenu=false, bool enabled=true) : _title(title), _icon_id(icon_id), _id(id), _hasSubmenu(hasSubmenu), _enabled(enabled) { } String _title; ICON_ID _icon_id; int _id; bool _hasSubmenu; bool _enabled; }; typedef vector SMBtnVector; extern void DrawStartMenuButton(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect, LPCTSTR title, const SMBtnInfo& btn, bool has_focus, bool pushed, int icon_size); #else extern void DrawStartMenuButton(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect, LPCTSTR title, HICON hIcon, bool hasSubmenu, bool enabled, bool has_focus, bool pushed, int icon_size); #endif /** Startmenu window. To create a start menu call its Create() function. */ struct StartMenu : #ifdef _LIGHT_STARTMENU public ExtContextMenuHandlerT > #else public ExtContextMenuHandlerT > #endif { #ifdef _LIGHT_STARTMENU typedef ExtContextMenuHandlerT > super; #else typedef ExtContextMenuHandlerT > super; #endif StartMenu(HWND hwnd, int icon_size=ICON_SIZE_SMALL); StartMenu(HWND hwnd, const StartMenuCreateInfo& create_info, int icon_size=ICON_SIZE_SMALL); ~StartMenu(); static HWND Create(int x, int y, const StartMenuFolders&, HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR title, CREATORFUNC_INFO creator=s_def_creator, void* info=NULL, const String& filter=""); static CREATORFUNC_INFO s_def_creator; protected: // overridden member functions LRESULT Init(LPCREATESTRUCT pcs); LRESULT WndProc(UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); int Command(int id, int code); // window class static BtnWindowClass& GetWndClasss(); // data members int _next_id; ShellEntryMap _entries; StartMenuShellDirs _dirs; int _submenu_id; WindowHandle _submenu; int _border_left; // left border in pixels int _border_top; // top border in pixels int _bottom_max; // limit display area for long start menus bool _floating_btn; bool _arrow_btns; POINT _last_pos; enum SCROLL_MODE {SCROLL_NOT, SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN} _scroll_mode; int _scroll_pos; int _invisible_lines; StartMenuCreateInfo _create_info; // copy of the original create info int _icon_size; #ifdef _LIGHT_STARTMENU SMBtnVector _buttons; int _selected_id; LPARAM _last_mouse_pos; void ResizeToButtons(); int ButtonHitTest(POINT pt); void InvalidateSelection(); const SMBtnInfo* GetButtonInfo(int id) const; bool SelectButton(int id, bool open_sub=true); bool SelectButtonIndex(int idx, bool open_sub=true); int GetSelectionIndex(); virtual void ProcessKey(int vk); bool Navigate(int step); bool OpenSubmenu(bool select_first=false); bool JumpToNextShortcut(char c); #endif // member functions void ResizeButtons(int cx); virtual void AddEntries(); ShellEntryMap::iterator AddEntry(const String& title, ICON_ID icon_id, Entry* entry); ShellEntryMap::iterator AddEntry(const String& title, ICON_ID icon_id=ICID_NONE, int id=-1); ShellEntryMap::iterator AddEntry(const ShellFolder folder, ShellEntry* entry); ShellEntryMap::iterator AddEntry(const ShellFolder folder, Entry* entry); void AddShellEntries(const ShellDirectory& dir, int max=-1, const String& ignore=""); void AddButton(LPCTSTR title, ICON_ID icon_id=ICID_NONE, bool hasSubmenu=false, int id=-1, bool enabled=true); void AddSeparator(); bool CloseSubmenus() {return CloseOtherSubmenus();} bool CloseOtherSubmenus(int id=0); void CreateSubmenu(int id, LPCTSTR title, CREATORFUNC_INFO creator=s_def_creator, void*info=NULL); bool CreateSubmenu(int id, int folder, LPCTSTR title, CREATORFUNC_INFO creator=s_def_creator, void*info=NULL); bool CreateSubmenu(int id, int folder1, int folder2, LPCTSTR title, CREATORFUNC_INFO creator=s_def_creator, void*info=NULL); void CreateSubmenu(int id, const StartMenuFolders& new_folders, LPCTSTR title, CREATORFUNC_INFO creator=s_def_creator, void*info=NULL); void ActivateEntry(int id, const ShellEntrySet& entries); virtual void CloseStartMenu(int id=0); bool GetButtonRect(int id, PRECT prect) const; void DrawFloatingButton(HDC hdc); void GetFloatingButtonRect(LPRECT prect); void GetArrowButtonRects(LPRECT prect_up, LPRECT prect_down, int icon_size); void DrawArrows(HDC hdc, int icon_size); void Paint(PaintCanvas& canvas); void UpdateIcons(/*int idx*/); }; // declare shell32's "Run..." dialog export function typedef void (WINAPI* RUNFILEDLG)(HWND hwndOwner, HICON hIcon, LPCSTR lpstrDirectory, LPCSTR lpstrTitle, LPCSTR lpstrDescription, UINT uFlags); // // Flags for RunFileDlg // #define RFF_NOBROWSE 0x01 // Removes the browse button. #define RFF_NODEFAULT 0x02 // No default item selected. #define RFF_CALCDIRECTORY 0x04 // Calculates the working directory from the file name. #define RFF_NOLABEL 0x08 // Removes the edit box label. #define RFF_NOSEPARATEMEM 0x20 // Removes the Separate Memory Space check box (Windows NT only). // declare more previously undocumented shell32 functions typedef void (WINAPI* EXITWINDOWSDLG)(HWND hwndOwner); typedef int (WINAPI* LOGOFFWINDOWSDIALOG)(UINT flags); typedef int (WINAPI* RESTARTWINDOWSDLG)(HWND hwndOwner, LPCWSTR reason, UINT flags); typedef int (WINAPI* RESTARTWINDOWSDLGEX)(HWND hWndOwner, LPCWSTR lpwstrReason, DWORD uFlags, DWORD uReason); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* SHFINDFILES)(LPCITEMIDLIST pidlRoot, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlSavedSearch); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* SHFINDCOMPUTER)(LPCITEMIDLIST pidlRoot, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlSavedSearch); /// Handling of standard start menu commands struct StartMenuHandler : public StartMenu { typedef StartMenu super; StartMenuHandler(HWND hwnd, int icon_size=ICON_SIZE_SMALL) : super(hwnd, icon_size) { } StartMenuHandler(HWND hwnd, const StartMenuCreateInfo& create_info, int icon_size=ICON_SIZE_SMALL) : super(hwnd, create_info, icon_size) { } protected: int Command(int id, int code); static void ShowLaunchDialog(HWND hwndOwner); static void ShowLogoffDialog(HWND hwndOwner); static void ShowRestartDialog(HWND hwndOwner, UINT flags); static void ShowSearchDialog(); static void ShowSearchComputer(); }; struct StartMenuRootCreateInfo { int _icon_size; }; /// Startmenu root window struct StartMenuRoot : public StartMenuHandler { typedef StartMenuHandler super; StartMenuRoot(HWND hwnd, const StartMenuRootCreateInfo& info); static HWND Create(HWND hwndDesktopBar, int icon_size); void TrackStartmenu(); void CloseStartMenu(int id=0); bool IsStartMenuVisible() const; int Command(int id, int code); HWND _hwndStartButton; protected: LRESULT Init(LPCREATESTRUCT pcs); LRESULT WndProc(UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); SIZE _logo_size; virtual void AddEntries(); virtual void ProcessKey(int vk); void Paint(PaintCanvas& canvas); void ReadLogoSize(); UINT GetLogoResId(); }; /// Settings sub-startmenu struct SettingsMenu : public StartMenuHandler { typedef StartMenuHandler super; SettingsMenu(HWND hwnd, const StartMenuCreateInfo& create_info) : super(hwnd, create_info) { } protected: virtual void AddEntries(); }; /// "Browse Files..." sub-start menu struct BrowseMenu : public StartMenuHandler { typedef StartMenuHandler super; BrowseMenu(HWND hwnd, const StartMenuCreateInfo& create_info) : super(hwnd, create_info) { } protected: virtual void AddEntries(); }; /// Search sub-startmenu struct SearchMenu : public StartMenuHandler { typedef StartMenuHandler super; SearchMenu(HWND hwnd, const StartMenuCreateInfo& create_info) : super(hwnd, create_info) { } protected: virtual void AddEntries(); }; #define RECENT_DOCS_COUNT 20 ///@todo read max. count of entries from registry /// "Recent Files" sub-start menu struct RecentStartMenu : public StartMenu { typedef StartMenu super; RecentStartMenu(HWND hwnd, const StartMenuCreateInfo& create_info) : super(hwnd, create_info) { } protected: virtual void AddEntries(); }; #ifndef _SHELL32_FAVORITES typedef map BookmarkMap; /// Bookmarks sub-startmenu struct FavoritesMenu : public StartMenu { typedef StartMenu super; FavoritesMenu(HWND hwnd, const StartMenuCreateInfo& create_info) : super(hwnd, create_info), _bookmarks(*(BookmarkList*)create_info._info) { } protected: virtual int Command(int id, int code); virtual void AddEntries(); BookmarkList _bookmarks; BookmarkMap _entries; }; #endif