#include #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #define strcasecmp _stricmp #endif #define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) typedef struct _STRING { const char *buf; int len; } STRING, *PSTRING; typedef struct { STRING strName; STRING strTarget; int nCallingConvention; int nOrdinal; int nStackBytes; int nArgCount; int anArgs[30]; unsigned int uFlags; int nNumber; } EXPORT; enum _ARCH { ARCH_X86, ARCH_AMD64, ARCH_IA64, ARCH_ARM, ARCH_PPC }; typedef int (*PFNOUTLINE)(FILE *, EXPORT *); int gbMSComp = 0; int gbImportLib = 0; int gbNotPrivateNoWarn = 0; int gbTracing = 0; int giArch = ARCH_X86; char *pszArchString = "i386"; char *pszArchString2; char *pszSourceFileName = NULL; char *pszDllName = NULL; char *gpszUnderscore = ""; int gbDebug; #define DbgPrint(...) (!gbDebug || fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)) enum { FL_PRIVATE = 1, FL_STUB = 2, FL_NONAME = 4, FL_ORDINAL = 8, FL_NORELAY = 16, FL_RET64 = 32, FL_REGISTER = 64, }; enum { CC_STDCALL, CC_CDECL, CC_FASTCALL, CC_THISCALL, CC_EXTERN, CC_STUB, }; enum { ARG_LONG, ARG_PTR, ARG_STR, ARG_WSTR, ARG_DBL, ARG_INT64, ARG_INT128, ARG_FLOAT }; const char* astrCallingConventions[] = { "STDCALL", "CDECL", "FASTCALL", "THISCALL", "EXTERN" }; static const char* astrShouldBePrivate[] = { "DllCanUnloadNow", "DllGetClassObject", "DllGetClassFactoryFromClassString", "DllGetDocumentation", "DllInitialize", "DllInstall", "DllRegisterServer", "DllRegisterServerEx", "DllRegisterServerExW", "DllUnload", "DllUnregisterServer", "RasCustomDeleteEntryNotify", "RasCustomDial", "RasCustomDialDlg", "RasCustomEntryDlg", }; static int IsSeparator(char chr) { return ((chr <= ',' && chr != '$' && chr != '#') || (chr >= ':' && chr < '?') ); } int CompareToken(const char *token, const char *comparand) { while (*comparand) { if (*token != *comparand) return 0; token++; comparand++; } if (!IsSeparator(*token)) return 0; return 1; } const char * ScanToken(const char *token, char chr) { while (!IsSeparator(*token)) { if (*token == chr) return token; token++; } return 0; } char * NextLine(char *pc) { while (*pc != 0) { if (pc[0] == '\n' && pc[1] == '\r') return pc + 2; else if (pc[0] == '\n') return pc + 1; pc++; } return pc; } int TokenLength(char *pc) { int length = 0; while (!IsSeparator(*pc++)) length++; return length; } char * NextToken(char *pc) { /* Skip token */ while (!IsSeparator(*pc)) pc++; /* Skip white spaces */ while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t') pc++; /* Check for end of line */ if (*pc == '\n' || *pc == '\r' || *pc == 0) return 0; /* Check for comment */ if (*pc == '#' || *pc == ';') return 0; return pc; } void OutputHeader_stub(FILE *file) { fprintf(file, "/* This file is autogenerated, do not edit. */\n\n" "#include \n"); if (gbTracing) { fprintf(file, "#include \n"); fprintf(file, "#include \n"); fprintf(file, "WINE_DECLARE_DEBUG_CHANNEL(relay);\n"); } fprintf(file, "\n"); } int OutputLine_stub(FILE *file, EXPORT *pexp) { int i; int bRelay = 0; int bInPrototype = 0; if (pexp->nCallingConvention != CC_STUB && (pexp->uFlags & FL_STUB) == 0) { /* Only relay trace stdcall C functions */ if (!gbTracing || (pexp->nCallingConvention != CC_STDCALL) || (pexp->uFlags & FL_NORELAY) || (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?')) { return 0; } bRelay = 1; } /* Declare the "real" function */ if (bRelay) { fprintf(file, "extern "); bInPrototype = 1; } do { if (pexp->uFlags & FL_REGISTER) { /* FIXME: Not sure this is right */ fprintf(file, "void "); } else if (pexp->uFlags & FL_RET64) { fprintf(file, "__int64 "); } else { fprintf(file, "int "); } if ((giArch == ARCH_X86) && pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) { fprintf(file, "__stdcall "); } /* Check for C++ */ if (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?') { fprintf(file, "stub_function%d(", pexp->nNumber); } else { if (!bRelay || bInPrototype) fprintf(file, "%.*s(", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); else fprintf(file, "$relaytrace$%.*s(", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } for (i = 0; i < pexp->nArgCount; i++) { if (i != 0) fprintf(file, ", "); switch (pexp->anArgs[i]) { case ARG_LONG: fprintf(file, "long"); break; case ARG_PTR: fprintf(file, "void*"); break; case ARG_STR: fprintf(file, "char*"); break; case ARG_WSTR: fprintf(file, "wchar_t*"); break; case ARG_DBL: fprintf(file, "double"); break; case ARG_INT64 : fprintf(file, "__int64"); break; /* __int128 is not supported on x86, and int128 in spec files most often represents a GUID */ case ARG_INT128 : fprintf(file, "GUID"); break; case ARG_FLOAT: fprintf(file, "float"); break; } fprintf(file, " a%d", i); } if (bInPrototype) { fprintf(file, ");\n\n"); } } while (bInPrototype--); if (!bRelay) { fprintf(file, ")\n{\n\tDbgPrint(\"WARNING: calling stub %.*s(", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } else { fprintf(file, ")\n{\n"); if (pexp->uFlags & FL_REGISTER) { /* No return value */ } else if (pexp->uFlags & FL_RET64) { fprintf(file, "\t__int64 retval;\n"); } else { fprintf(file, "\tint retval;\n"); } fprintf(file, "\tif (TRACE_ON(relay))\n\t\tDPRINTF(\"%s: %.*s(", pszDllName, pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } for (i = 0; i < pexp->nArgCount; i++) { if (i != 0) fprintf(file, ","); switch (pexp->anArgs[i]) { case ARG_LONG: fprintf(file, "0x%%lx"); break; case ARG_PTR: fprintf(file, "0x%%p"); break; case ARG_STR: fprintf(file, "'%%s'"); break; case ARG_WSTR: fprintf(file, "'%%ws'"); break; case ARG_DBL: fprintf(file, "%%f"); break; case ARG_INT64: fprintf(file, "%%\"PRIx64\""); break; case ARG_INT128: fprintf(file, "'%%s'"); break; case ARG_FLOAT: fprintf(file, "%%f"); break; } } fprintf(file, ")\\n\""); for (i = 0; i < pexp->nArgCount; i++) { fprintf(file, ", "); switch (pexp->anArgs[i]) { case ARG_LONG: fprintf(file, "(long)a%d", i); break; case ARG_PTR: fprintf(file, "(void*)a%d", i); break; case ARG_STR: fprintf(file, "(char*)a%d", i); break; case ARG_WSTR: fprintf(file, "(wchar_t*)a%d", i); break; case ARG_DBL: fprintf(file, "(double)a%d", i); break; case ARG_INT64: fprintf(file, "(__int64)a%d", i); break; case ARG_INT128: fprintf(file, "wine_dbgstr_guid(&a%d)", i); break; case ARG_FLOAT: fprintf(file, "(float)a%d", i); break; } } fprintf(file, ");\n"); if (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STUB) { fprintf(file, "\t__wine_spec_unimplemented_stub(\"%s\", __FUNCTION__);\n", pszDllName); } else if (bRelay) { if (pexp->uFlags & FL_REGISTER) { fprintf(file,"\t"); } else { fprintf(file, "\tretval = "); } fprintf(file, "%.*s(", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); for (i = 0; i < pexp->nArgCount; i++) { if (i != 0) fprintf(file, ", "); fprintf(file, "a%d", i); } fprintf(file, ");\n"); } if (!bRelay) fprintf(file, "\treturn 0;\n}\n\n"); else if ((pexp->uFlags & FL_REGISTER) == 0) { if (pexp->uFlags & FL_RET64) { fprintf(file, "\tif (TRACE_ON(relay))\n\t\tDPRINTF(\"%s: %.*s: retval = %%\"PRIx64\"\\n\", retval);\n", pszDllName, pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } else { fprintf(file, "\tif (TRACE_ON(relay))\n\t\tDPRINTF(\"%s: %.*s: retval = 0x%%lx\\n\", retval);\n", pszDllName, pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } fprintf(file, "\treturn retval;\n}\n\n"); } return 1; } void OutputHeader_asmstub(FILE *file, char *libname) { fprintf(file, "; File generated automatically, do not edit! \n\n"); if (giArch == ARCH_X86) { fprintf(file, ".586\n.model flat\n.code\n"); } else if (giArch == ARCH_AMD64) { fprintf(file, ".code\n"); } else if (giArch == ARCH_ARM) { fprintf(file, " AREA |.text|,ALIGN=2,CODE,READONLY\n\n"); } } void Output_stublabel(FILE *fileDest, char* pszSymbolName) { if (giArch == ARCH_ARM) { fprintf(fileDest, "\tEXPORT |%s| [FUNC]\n|%s|\n", pszSymbolName, pszSymbolName); } else { fprintf(fileDest, "PUBLIC %s\n%s: nop\n", pszSymbolName, pszSymbolName); } } int OutputLine_asmstub(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp) { char szNameBuffer[128]; /* Handle autoname */ if (pexp->strName.len == 1 && pexp->strName.buf[0] == '@') { sprintf(szNameBuffer, "%sordinal%d\n%sordinal%d: nop\n", gpszUnderscore, pexp->nOrdinal, gpszUnderscore, pexp->nOrdinal); } else if (giArch != ARCH_X86) { sprintf(szNameBuffer, "_stub_%.*s", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } else if (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) { sprintf(szNameBuffer, "__stub_%.*s@%d", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf, pexp->nStackBytes); } else if (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL) { sprintf(szNameBuffer, "@_stub_%.*s@%d", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf, pexp->nStackBytes); } else if ((pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_CDECL) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_THISCALL) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_EXTERN) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STUB)) { sprintf(szNameBuffer, "__stub_%.*s", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid calling convention"); return 0; } Output_stublabel(fileDest, szNameBuffer); return 1; } void OutputHeader_def(FILE *file, char *libname) { fprintf(file, "; File generated automatically, do not edit!\n\n" "NAME %s\n\n" "EXPORTS\n", libname); } void PrintName(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp, PSTRING pstr, int fDeco) { const char *pcName = pstr->buf; int nNameLength = pstr->len; const char* pcDot, *pcAt; /* Check for non-x86 first */ if (giArch != ARCH_X86) { /* Does the string already have stdcall decoration? */ pcAt = ScanToken(pcName, '@'); if (pcAt && (pcAt < (pcName + nNameLength)) && (pcName[0] == '_')) { /* Skip leading underscore and remove trailing decoration */ pcName++; nNameLength = pcAt - pcName; } /* Print the undecorated function name */ fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s", nNameLength, pcName); } else if (fDeco && ((pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL))) { /* Scan for a dll forwarding dot */ pcDot = ScanToken(pcName, '.'); if (pcDot) { /* First print the dll name, followed by a dot */ nNameLength = pcDot - pcName; fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s.", nNameLength, pcName); /* Now the actual function name */ pcName = pcDot + 1; nNameLength = pexp->strTarget.len - nNameLength - 1; } /* Does the string already have decoration? */ pcAt = ScanToken(pcName, '@'); if (pcAt && (pcAt < (pcName + nNameLength))) { /* On GCC, we need to remove the leading stdcall underscore */ if (!gbMSComp && (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL)) { pcName++; nNameLength--; } /* Print the already decorated function name */ fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s", nNameLength, pcName); } else { /* Print the prefix, but skip it for (GCC && stdcall) */ if (gbMSComp || (pexp->nCallingConvention != CC_STDCALL)) { fprintf(fileDest, "%c", pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL ? '@' : '_'); } /* Print the name with trailing decoration */ fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s@%d", nNameLength, pcName, pexp->nStackBytes); } } else { /* Print the undecorated function name */ fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s", nNameLength, pcName); } } void OutputLine_def_MS(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp) { PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strName, 0); if (gbImportLib) { /* Redirect to a stub function, to get the right decoration in the lib */ fprintf(fileDest, "=_stub_%.*s", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } else if (pexp->strTarget.buf) { if (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?') { //fprintf(stderr, "warning: ignoring C++ redirection %.*s -> %.*s\n", // pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf, pexp->strTarget.len, pexp->strTarget.buf); } else { fprintf(fileDest, "="); /* If the original name was decorated, use decoration in the forwarder as well */ if ((giArch == ARCH_X86) && ScanToken(pexp->strName.buf, '@') && !ScanToken(pexp->strTarget.buf, '@') && ((pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL)) ) { PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strTarget, 1); } else { /* Write the undecorated redirection name */ fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s", pexp->strTarget.len, pexp->strTarget.buf); } } } else if (((pexp->uFlags & FL_STUB) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STUB)) && (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?')) { /* C++ stubs are forwarded to C stubs */ fprintf(fileDest, "=stub_function%d", pexp->nNumber); } else if (gbTracing && ((pexp->uFlags & FL_NORELAY) == 0) && (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) && (pexp->strName.buf[0] != '?')) { /* Redirect it to the relay-tracing trampoline */ fprintf(fileDest, "=$relaytrace$%.*s", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } } void OutputLine_def_GCC(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp) { int bTracing = 0; /* Print the function name, with decoration for export libs */ PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strName, gbImportLib); DbgPrint("Generating def line for '%.*s'\n", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); /* Check if this is a forwarded export */ if (pexp->strTarget.buf) { int fIsExternal = !!ScanToken(pexp->strTarget.buf, '.'); DbgPrint("Got redirect '%.*s'\n", pexp->strTarget.len, pexp->strTarget.buf); /* print the target name, don't decorate if it is external */ fprintf(fileDest, "="); PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strTarget, !fIsExternal); } else if (((pexp->uFlags & FL_STUB) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STUB)) && (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?')) { /* C++ stubs are forwarded to C stubs */ fprintf(fileDest, "=stub_function%d", pexp->nNumber); } else if (gbTracing && ((pexp->uFlags & FL_NORELAY) == 0) && (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) && (pexp->strName.buf[0] != '?')) { /* Redirect it to the relay-tracing trampoline */ char buf[256]; STRING strTarget; fprintf(fileDest, "="); sprintf(buf, "$relaytrace$%.*s", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); strTarget.buf = buf; strTarget.len = pexp->strName.len + 12; PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &strTarget, 1); bTracing = 1; } /* Special handling for stdcall and fastcall */ if ((giArch == ARCH_X86) && ((pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL))) { /* Is this the import lib? */ if (gbImportLib) { /* Is the name in the spec file decorated? */ const char* pcDeco = ScanToken(pexp->strName.buf, '@'); if (pcDeco && (pcDeco < pexp->strName.buf + pexp->strName.len)) { /* Write the name including the leading @ */ fprintf(fileDest, "==%.*s", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); } } else if ((!pexp->strTarget.buf) && !(bTracing)) { /* Write a forwarder to the actual decorated symbol */ fprintf(fileDest, "="); PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strName, 1); } } } int OutputLine_def(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp) { DbgPrint("OutputLine_def: '%.*s'...\n", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf); fprintf(fileDest, " "); if (gbMSComp) OutputLine_def_MS(fileDest, pexp); else OutputLine_def_GCC(fileDest, pexp); if (pexp->uFlags & FL_ORDINAL) { fprintf(fileDest, " @%d", pexp->nOrdinal); } if (pexp->uFlags & FL_NONAME) { fprintf(fileDest, " NONAME"); } /* Either PRIVATE or DATA */ if (pexp->uFlags & FL_PRIVATE) { fprintf(fileDest, " PRIVATE"); } else if (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_EXTERN) { fprintf(fileDest, " DATA"); } fprintf(fileDest, "\n"); return 1; } int ParseFile(char* pcStart, FILE *fileDest, PFNOUTLINE OutputLine) { char *pc, *pcLine; int nLine; EXPORT exp; int included; char namebuffer[16]; unsigned int i; //fprintf(stderr, "info: line %d, pcStart:'%.30s'\n", nLine, pcStart); /* Loop all lines */ nLine = 1; exp.nNumber = 0; for (pcLine = pcStart; *pcLine; pcLine = NextLine(pcLine), nLine++) { pc = pcLine; exp.nArgCount = 0; exp.uFlags = 0; exp.nNumber++; //if (!strncmp(pcLine, "22 stdcall @(long) MPR_Alloc",28)) // gbDebug = 1; //fprintf(stderr, "info: line %d, token:'%d, %.20s'\n", // nLine, TokenLength(pcLine), pcLine); /* Skip white spaces */ while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t') pc++; /* Skip empty lines, stop at EOF */ if (*pc == ';' || *pc <= '#') continue; if (*pc == 0) return 0; //fprintf(stderr, "info: line %d, token:'%.*s'\n", // nLine, TokenLength(pc), pc); /* Now we should get either an ordinal or @ */ if (*pc == '@') exp.nOrdinal = -1; else { exp.nOrdinal = atol(pc); /* The import lib should contain the ordinal only if -ordinal was specified */ if (!gbImportLib) exp.uFlags |= FL_ORDINAL; } /* Go to next token (type) */ if (!(pc = NextToken(pc))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: error: unexpected end of line\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine); return -10; } //fprintf(stderr, "info: Token:'%.*s'\n", TokenLength(pc), pc); /* Now we should get the type */ if (CompareToken(pc, "stdcall")) { exp.nCallingConvention = CC_STDCALL; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "cdecl") || CompareToken(pc, "varargs")) { exp.nCallingConvention = CC_CDECL; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "fastcall")) { exp.nCallingConvention = CC_FASTCALL; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "thiscall")) { exp.nCallingConvention = CC_THISCALL; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "extern")) { exp.nCallingConvention = CC_EXTERN; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "stub")) { exp.nCallingConvention = CC_STUB; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: error: expected callconv, got '%.*s' %d\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine, TokenLength(pc), pc, *pc); return -11; } //fprintf(stderr, "info: nCallingConvention: %d\n", exp.nCallingConvention); /* Go to next token (options or name) */ if (!(pc = NextToken(pc))) { fprintf(stderr, "fail2\n"); return -12; } /* Handle options */ included = 1; while (*pc == '-') { if (CompareToken(pc, "-arch")) { /* Default to not included */ included = 0; pc += 5; /* Look if we are included */ while (*pc == '=' || *pc == ',') { pc++; if (CompareToken(pc, pszArchString) || CompareToken(pc, pszArchString2)) { included = 1; } /* Skip to next arch or end */ while (*pc > ',') pc++; } } else if (CompareToken(pc, "-i386")) { if (giArch != ARCH_X86) included = 0; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "-private")) { exp.uFlags |= FL_PRIVATE; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "-noname")) { exp.uFlags |= FL_ORDINAL | FL_NONAME; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "-ordinal")) { exp.uFlags |= FL_ORDINAL; /* GCC doesn't automatically import by ordinal if an ordinal * is found in the def file. Force it. */ if (gbImportLib && !gbMSComp) exp.uFlags |= FL_NONAME; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "-stub")) { exp.uFlags |= FL_STUB; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "-norelay")) { exp.uFlags |= FL_NORELAY; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "-ret64")) { exp.uFlags |= FL_RET64; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "-register")) { exp.uFlags |= FL_REGISTER; } else { fprintf(stderr, "info: ignored option: '%.*s'\n", TokenLength(pc), pc); } /* Go to next token */ pc = NextToken(pc); } //fprintf(stderr, "info: Name:'%.10s'\n", pc); /* If arch didn't match ours, skip this entry */ if (!included) continue; /* Get name */ exp.strName.buf = pc; exp.strName.len = TokenLength(pc); DbgPrint("Got name: '%.*s'\n", exp.strName.len, exp.strName.buf); /* Check for autoname */ if ((exp.strName.len == 1) && (exp.strName.buf[0] == '@')) { sprintf(namebuffer, "ordinal%d", exp.nOrdinal); exp.strName.len = strlen(namebuffer); exp.strName.buf = namebuffer; exp.uFlags |= FL_ORDINAL | FL_NONAME; } /* Handle parameters */ exp.nStackBytes = 0; if (exp.nCallingConvention != CC_EXTERN && exp.nCallingConvention != CC_STUB) { /* Go to next token */ if (!(pc = NextToken(pc))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: error: expected token\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine); return -13; } /* Verify syntax */ if (*pc++ != '(') { fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: error: expected '('\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine); return -14; } /* Skip whitespaces */ while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t') pc++; exp.nStackBytes = 0; while (*pc >= '0') { if (CompareToken(pc, "long")) { exp.nStackBytes += 4; exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_LONG; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "double")) { exp.nStackBytes += 8; exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_DBL; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "ptr")) { exp.nStackBytes += 4; // sizeof(void*) on x86 exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_PTR; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "str")) { exp.nStackBytes += 4; // sizeof(void*) on x86 exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_STR; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "wstr")) { exp.nStackBytes += 4; // sizeof(void*) on x86 exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_WSTR; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "int64")) { exp.nStackBytes += 8; exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_INT64; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "int128")) { exp.nStackBytes += 16; exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_INT128; } else if (CompareToken(pc, "float")) { exp.nStackBytes += 4; exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_FLOAT; } else fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: error: expected type, got: %.10s\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine, pc); exp.nArgCount++; /* Go to next parameter */ if (!(pc = NextToken(pc))) { fprintf(stderr, "fail5\n"); return -15; } } /* Check syntax */ if (*pc++ != ')') { fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: error: expected ')'\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine); return -16; } } /* Handle special stub cases */ if (exp.nCallingConvention == CC_STUB) { /* Check for c++ mangled name */ if (pc[0] == '?') { //printf("Found c++ mangled name...\n"); // } else { /* Check for stdcall name */ const char *p = ScanToken(pc, '@'); if (p && (p - pc < exp.strName.len)) { int i; /* Truncate the name to before the @ */ exp.strName.len = (int)(p - pc); if (exp.strName.len < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: error: unexpected @ found\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine); return -1; } exp.nStackBytes = atoi(p + 1); exp.nArgCount = exp.nStackBytes / 4; exp.nCallingConvention = CC_STDCALL; exp.uFlags |= FL_STUB; for (i = 0; i < exp.nArgCount; i++) exp.anArgs[i] = ARG_LONG; } } } /* Get optional redirection */ pc = NextToken(pc); if (pc) { exp.strTarget.buf = pc; exp.strTarget.len = TokenLength(pc); /* Check syntax (end of line) */ if (NextToken(pc)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: error: additional tokens after ')'\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine); return -17; } /* Don't relay-trace forwarded functions */ exp.uFlags |= FL_NORELAY; } else { exp.strTarget.buf = NULL; exp.strTarget.len = 0; } /* Check for no-name without ordinal */ if ((exp.uFlags & FL_ORDINAL) && (exp.nOrdinal == -1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: error: ordinal export without ordinal!\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine); return -1; } if (!gbMSComp && !gbNotPrivateNoWarn && gbImportLib && !(exp.uFlags & FL_PRIVATE)) { for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(astrShouldBePrivate); i++) { if (strlen(astrShouldBePrivate[i]) == exp.strName.len && strncmp(exp.strName.buf, astrShouldBePrivate[i], exp.strName.len) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: warning: export of '%.*s' should be PRIVATE\n", pszSourceFileName, nLine, exp.strName.len, exp.strName.buf); } } } OutputLine(fileDest, &exp); gbDebug = 0; } return 0; } void usage(void) { printf("syntax: spec2def [ ...] \n" "Possible options:\n" " -h --help print this help screen\n" " -l= generate an asm lib stub\n" " -d= generate a def file\n" " -s= generate a stub file\n" " --ms MSVC compatibility\n" " -n= name of the dll\n" " --implib generate a def file for an import library\n" " --no-private-warnings suppress warnings about symbols that should be -private\n" " -a= set architecture to (i386, x86_64, arm)\n" " --with-tracing generate wine-like \"+relay\" trace trampolines (needs -s)\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { size_t nFileSize; char *pszSource, *pszDefFileName = NULL, *pszStubFileName = NULL, *pszLibStubName = NULL; char achDllName[40]; FILE *file; int result = 0, i; if (argc < 2) { usage(); return -1; } /* Read options */ for (i = 1; i < argc && *argv[i] == '-'; i++) { if ((strcasecmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) || (strcasecmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0)) { usage(); return 0; } else if (argv[i][1] == 'd' && argv[i][2] == '=') { pszDefFileName = argv[i] + 3; } else if (argv[i][1] == 'l' && argv[i][2] == '=') { pszLibStubName = argv[i] + 3; } else if (argv[i][1] == 's' && argv[i][2] == '=') { pszStubFileName = argv[i] + 3; } else if (argv[i][1] == 'n' && argv[i][2] == '=') { pszDllName = argv[i] + 3; } else if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "--implib") == 0) { gbImportLib = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "--ms") == 0) { gbMSComp = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "--no-private-warnings") == 0) { gbNotPrivateNoWarn = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "--with-tracing") == 0) { if (!pszStubFileName) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot use --with-tracing without -s option.\n"); return -1; } gbTracing = 1; } else if (argv[i][1] == 'a' && argv[i][2] == '=') { pszArchString = argv[i] + 3; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]); return -1; } } if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "i386") == 0) { giArch = ARCH_X86; gpszUnderscore = "_"; } else if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "x86_64") == 0) giArch = ARCH_AMD64; else if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "ia64") == 0) giArch = ARCH_IA64; else if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "arm") == 0) giArch = ARCH_ARM; else if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "ppc") == 0) giArch = ARCH_PPC; if ((giArch == ARCH_AMD64) || (giArch == ARCH_IA64)) { pszArchString2 = "win64"; } else pszArchString2 = "win32"; /* Set a default dll name */ if (!pszDllName) { char *p1, *p2; size_t len; p1 = strrchr(argv[i], '\\'); if (!p1) p1 = strrchr(argv[i], '/'); p2 = p1 = p1 ? p1 + 1 : argv[i]; /* walk up to '.' */ while (*p2 != '.' && *p2 != 0) p2++; len = p2 - p1; if (len >= sizeof(achDllName) - 5) { fprintf(stderr, "name too long: %s\n", p1); return -2; } strncpy(achDllName, p1, len); strncpy(achDllName + len, ".dll", sizeof(achDllName) - len); pszDllName = achDllName; } /* Open input file */ pszSourceFileName = argv[i]; file = fopen(pszSourceFileName, "r"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "error: could not open file %s\n", pszSourceFileName); return -3; } /* Get file size */ fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); nFileSize = ftell(file); rewind(file); /* Allocate memory buffer */ pszSource = malloc(nFileSize + 1); if (!pszSource) { fclose(file); return -4; } /* Load input file into memory */ nFileSize = fread(pszSource, 1, nFileSize, file); fclose(file); /* Zero terminate the source */ pszSource[nFileSize] = '\0'; if (pszDefFileName) { /* Open output file */ file = fopen(pszDefFileName, "w"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "error: could not open output file %s\n", argv[i + 1]); return -5; } OutputHeader_def(file, pszDllName); result = ParseFile(pszSource, file, OutputLine_def); fclose(file); } if (pszStubFileName) { /* Open output file */ file = fopen(pszStubFileName, "w"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "error: could not open output file %s\n", argv[i + 1]); return -5; } OutputHeader_stub(file); result = ParseFile(pszSource, file, OutputLine_stub); fclose(file); } if (pszLibStubName) { /* Open output file */ file = fopen(pszLibStubName, "w"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "error: could not open output file %s\n", argv[i + 1]); return -5; } OutputHeader_asmstub(file, pszDllName); result = ParseFile(pszSource, file, OutputLine_asmstub); fprintf(file, "\n END\n"); fclose(file); } return result; }