/* * MISC.C - misc. functions. * * * History: * * 07/12/98 (Rob Lake) * started * * 07/13/98 (Rob Lake) * moved functions in here * * 27-Jul-1998 (John P Price ) * added config.h include * * 18-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl ) * Changed split() to accept quoted arguments. * Removed parse_firstarg(). * * 23-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl ) * Fixed an ugly bug in split(). In rare cases (last character * of the string is a space) it ignored the NULL character and * tried to add the following to the argument list. * * 28-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl ) * FileGetString() seems to be working now. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "cmd.h" /* * get a character out-of-band and honor Ctrl-Break characters */ TCHAR cgetchar (VOID) { HANDLE hInput = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); INPUT_RECORD irBuffer; DWORD dwRead; do { ReadConsoleInput (hInput, &irBuffer, 1, &dwRead); if ((irBuffer.EventType == KEY_EVENT) && (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown == TRUE)) { if ((irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) & (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'C')) bCtrlBreak = TRUE; break; } } while (TRUE); #ifdef __REACTOS__ return irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.AsciiChar; #else #ifndef _UNICODE return irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; #else return irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar; #endif /* _UNICODE */ #endif /* __REACTOS__ */ } /* * Check if Ctrl-Break was pressed during the last calls */ BOOL CheckCtrlBreak (INT mode) { static BOOL bLeaveAll = FALSE; /* leave all batch files */ TCHAR c; switch (mode) { case BREAK_OUTOFBATCH: bLeaveAll = 0; return FALSE; case BREAK_BATCHFILE: if (bLeaveAll) return TRUE; if (!bCtrlBreak) return FALSE; /* we need to be sure the string arrives on the screen! */ do ConOutPuts (_T("\r\nCtrl-Break pressed. Cancel batch file? (Yes/No/All) ")); while (!_tcschr ("YNA\3", c = _totupper (cgetchar())) || !c); ConOutPuts (_T("\r\n")); if (c == _T('N')) return bCtrlBreak = FALSE; /* ignore */ /* leave all batch files */ bLeaveAll = ((c == _T('A')) || (c == _T('\3'))); break; case BREAK_INPUT: if (!bCtrlBreak) return FALSE; break; } /* state processed */ bCtrlBreak = FALSE; return TRUE; } /* * split - splits a line up into separate arguments, deliminators * are spaces and slashes ('/'). */ LPTSTR *split (LPTSTR s, LPINT args) { LPTSTR *arg; LPTSTR *p; LPTSTR start; LPTSTR q; INT ac; INT len; BOOL bQuoted = FALSE; arg = malloc (sizeof (LPTSTR)); if (!arg) return NULL; *arg = NULL; ac = 0; while (*s) { /* skip leading spaces */ while (*s && (_istspace (*s) || _istcntrl (*s))) ++s; /* if quote (") then set bQuoted */ if (*s == _T('\"')) { ++s; bQuoted = TRUE; } start = s; /* the first character can be '/' */ if (*s == _T('/')) ++s; /* skip to next word delimiter or start of next option */ if (bQuoted) { while (_istprint (*s) && (*s != _T('\"')) && (*s != _T('/'))) ++s; } else { while (_istprint (*s) && !_istspace (*s) && (*s != _T('/'))) ++s; } /* a word was found */ if (s != start) { /* add new entry for new argument */ arg = realloc (p = arg, (ac + 2) * sizeof (LPTSTR)); if (!arg) { freep (p); return NULL; } /* create new entry */ q = arg[ac] = malloc (((len = s - start) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); arg[++ac] = NULL; if (!q) { freep (arg); return NULL; } memcpy (q, start, len * sizeof (TCHAR)); q[len] = _T('\0'); } /* adjust string pointer if quoted (") */ if (bQuoted) { ++s; bQuoted = FALSE; } } *args = ac; return arg; } /* * freep -- frees memory used for a call to split * */ VOID freep (LPTSTR *p) { LPTSTR *q; if (!p) return; q = p; while (*q) free(*q++); free(p); } LPTSTR stpcpy (LPTSTR dest, LPTSTR src) { _tcscpy (dest, src); return (dest + _tcslen (src)); } /* * Checks if a path is valid (accessible) */ BOOL IsValidPathName (LPCTSTR pszPath) { TCHAR szOldPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bResult; GetCurrentDirectory (MAX_PATH, szOldPath); bResult = SetCurrentDirectory (pszPath); SetCurrentDirectory (szOldPath); return bResult; } /* * Checks if a file exists (accessible) */ BOOL IsValidFileName (LPCTSTR pszPath) { return (GetFileAttributes (pszPath) != 0xFFFFFFFF); } BOOL IsValidDirectory (LPCTSTR pszPath) { return (GetFileAttributes (pszPath) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); } BOOL FileGetString (HANDLE hFile, LPTSTR lpBuffer, INT nBufferLength) { LPTSTR lpString; TCHAR ch; DWORD dwRead; lpString = lpBuffer; while ((--nBufferLength > 0) && ReadFile(hFile, &ch, 1, &dwRead, NULL) && dwRead) { *lpString++ = ch; if (ch == _T('\r')) { /* overread '\n' */ ReadFile (hFile, &ch, 1, &dwRead, NULL); break; } } if (!dwRead && lpString == lpBuffer) return FALSE; *lpString++ = _T('\0'); return TRUE; }