/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS system libraries * PURPOSE: Unwinding related functions * PROGRAMMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #define UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE_NONE 0 #define UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE_GLOBAL 1 #define UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE_LOCAL 2 #define UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL 0 #define UWOP_ALLOC_LARGE 1 #define UWOP_ALLOC_SMALL 2 #define UWOP_SET_FPREG 3 #define UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL 4 #define UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL_FAR 5 #if 0 // These are deprecated / not for x64 #define UWOP_SAVE_XMM 6 #define UWOP_SAVE_XMM_FAR 7 #else #define UWOP_EPILOG 6 #define UWOP_SPARE_CODE 7 #endif #define UWOP_SAVE_XMM128 8 #define UWOP_SAVE_XMM128_FAR 9 #define UWOP_PUSH_MACHFRAME 10 typedef unsigned char UBYTE; typedef union _UNWIND_CODE { struct { UBYTE CodeOffset; UBYTE UnwindOp:4; UBYTE OpInfo:4; }; USHORT FrameOffset; } UNWIND_CODE, *PUNWIND_CODE; typedef struct _UNWIND_INFO { UBYTE Version:3; UBYTE Flags:5; UBYTE SizeOfProlog; UBYTE CountOfCodes; UBYTE FrameRegister:4; UBYTE FrameOffset:4; UNWIND_CODE UnwindCode[1]; /* union { OPTIONAL ULONG ExceptionHandler; OPTIONAL ULONG FunctionEntry; }; OPTIONAL ULONG ExceptionData[]; */ } UNWIND_INFO, *PUNWIND_INFO; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /*! RtlLookupFunctionTable * \brief Locates the table of RUNTIME_FUNCTION entries for a code address. * \param ControlPc * Address of the code, for which the table should be searched. * \param ImageBase * Pointer to a DWORD64 that receives the base address of the * corresponding executable image. * \param Length * Pointer to an ULONG that receives the number of table entries * present in the table. */ PRUNTIME_FUNCTION NTAPI RtlLookupFunctionTable( IN DWORD64 ControlPc, OUT PDWORD64 ImageBase, OUT PULONG Length) { PVOID Table; ULONG Size; /* Find corresponding file header from code address */ if (!RtlPcToFileHeader((PVOID)ControlPc, (PVOID*)ImageBase)) { /* Nothing found */ return NULL; } /* Locate the exception directory */ Table = RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData((PVOID)*ImageBase, TRUE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION, &Size); /* Return the number of entries */ *Length = Size / sizeof(RUNTIME_FUNCTION); /* Return the address of the table */ return Table; } PRUNTIME_FUNCTION NTAPI RtlpLookupDynamicFunctionEntry( _In_ DWORD64 ControlPc, _Out_ PDWORD64 ImageBase, _In_ PUNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE HistoryTable); /*! RtlLookupFunctionEntry * \brief Locates the RUNTIME_FUNCTION entry corresponding to a code address. * \ref http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms680597(VS.85).aspx * \todo Implement HistoryTable */ PRUNTIME_FUNCTION NTAPI RtlLookupFunctionEntry( IN DWORD64 ControlPc, OUT PDWORD64 ImageBase, OUT PUNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE HistoryTable) { PRUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionTable, FunctionEntry; ULONG TableLength; ULONG IndexLo, IndexHi, IndexMid; /* Find the corresponding table */ FunctionTable = RtlLookupFunctionTable(ControlPc, ImageBase, &TableLength); /* If no table is found, try dynamic function tables */ if (!FunctionTable) { return RtlpLookupDynamicFunctionEntry(ControlPc, ImageBase, HistoryTable); } /* Use relative virtual address */ ControlPc -= *ImageBase; /* Do a binary search */ IndexLo = 0; IndexHi = TableLength; while (IndexHi > IndexLo) { IndexMid = (IndexLo + IndexHi) / 2; FunctionEntry = &FunctionTable[IndexMid]; if (ControlPc < FunctionEntry->BeginAddress) { /* Continue search in lower half */ IndexHi = IndexMid; } else if (ControlPc >= FunctionEntry->EndAddress) { /* Continue search in upper half */ IndexLo = IndexMid + 1; } else { /* ControlPc is within limits, return entry */ return FunctionEntry; } } /* Nothing found, return NULL */ return NULL; } static __inline ULONG UnwindOpSlots( _In_ UNWIND_CODE UnwindCode) { static const UCHAR UnwindOpExtraSlotTable[] = { 0, // UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL 1, // UWOP_ALLOC_LARGE (or 3, special cased in lookup code) 0, // UWOP_ALLOC_SMALL 0, // UWOP_SET_FPREG 1, // UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL 2, // UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL_FAR 1, // UWOP_EPILOG // previously UWOP_SAVE_XMM 2, // UWOP_SPARE_CODE // previously UWOP_SAVE_XMM_FAR 1, // UWOP_SAVE_XMM128 2, // UWOP_SAVE_XMM128_FAR 0, // UWOP_PUSH_MACHFRAME 2, // UWOP_SET_FPREG_LARGE }; if ((UnwindCode.UnwindOp == UWOP_ALLOC_LARGE) && (UnwindCode.OpInfo != 0)) { return 3; } else { return UnwindOpExtraSlotTable[UnwindCode.UnwindOp] + 1; } } static __inline void SetReg( _Inout_ PCONTEXT Context, _In_ BYTE Reg, _In_ DWORD64 Value) { ((DWORD64*)(&Context->Rax))[Reg] = Value; } static __inline void SetRegFromStackValue( _Inout_ PCONTEXT Context, _Inout_opt_ PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers, _In_ BYTE Reg, _In_ PDWORD64 ValuePointer) { SetReg(Context, Reg, *ValuePointer); if (ContextPointers != NULL) { ContextPointers->IntegerContext[Reg] = ValuePointer; } } static __inline DWORD64 GetReg( _In_ PCONTEXT Context, _In_ BYTE Reg) { return ((DWORD64*)(&Context->Rax))[Reg]; } static __inline void PopReg( _Inout_ PCONTEXT Context, _Inout_opt_ PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers, _In_ BYTE Reg) { SetRegFromStackValue(Context, ContextPointers, Reg, (PDWORD64)Context->Rsp); Context->Rsp += sizeof(DWORD64); } static __inline void SetXmmReg( _Inout_ PCONTEXT Context, _In_ BYTE Reg, _In_ M128A Value) { ((M128A*)(&Context->Xmm0))[Reg] = Value; } static __inline void SetXmmRegFromStackValue( _Out_ PCONTEXT Context, _Inout_opt_ PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers, _In_ BYTE Reg, _In_ M128A *ValuePointer) { SetXmmReg(Context, Reg, *ValuePointer); if (ContextPointers != NULL) { ContextPointers->FloatingContext[Reg] = ValuePointer; } } static __inline M128A GetXmmReg(PCONTEXT Context, BYTE Reg) { return ((M128A*)(&Context->Xmm0))[Reg]; } /*! RtlpTryToUnwindEpilog * \brief Helper function that tries to unwind epilog instructions. * \return TRUE if we have been in an epilog and it could be unwound. * FALSE if the instructions were not allowed for an epilog. * \ref * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/unwind-procedure * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/prolog-and-epilog * \todo * - Test and compare with Windows behaviour */ static __inline BOOLEAN RtlpTryToUnwindEpilog( _Inout_ PCONTEXT Context, _In_ ULONG64 ControlPc, _Inout_opt_ PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers, _In_ ULONG64 ImageBase, _In_ PRUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry) { CONTEXT LocalContext; BYTE *InstrPtr; DWORD Instr; BYTE Reg, Mod; ULONG64 EndAddress; /* Make a local copy of the context */ LocalContext = *Context; InstrPtr = (BYTE*)ControlPc; /* Check if first instruction of epilog is "add rsp, x" */ Instr = *(DWORD*)InstrPtr; if ( (Instr & 0x00fffdff) == 0x00c48148 ) { if ( (Instr & 0x0000ff00) == 0x8300 ) { /* This is "add rsp, 0x??" */ LocalContext.Rsp += Instr >> 24; InstrPtr += 4; } else { /* This is "add rsp, 0x???????? */ LocalContext.Rsp += *(DWORD*)(InstrPtr + 3); InstrPtr += 7; } } /* Check if first instruction of epilog is "lea rsp, ..." */ else if ( (Instr & 0x38fffe) == 0x208d48 ) { /* Get the register */ Reg = (Instr >> 16) & 0x7; /* REX.R */ Reg += (Instr & 1) * 8; LocalContext.Rsp = GetReg(&LocalContext, Reg); /* Get addressing mode */ Mod = (Instr >> 22) & 0x3; if (Mod == 0) { /* No displacement */ InstrPtr += 3; } else if (Mod == 1) { /* 1 byte displacement */ LocalContext.Rsp += (LONG)(CHAR)(Instr >> 24); InstrPtr += 4; } else if (Mod == 2) { /* 4 bytes displacement */ LocalContext.Rsp += *(LONG*)(InstrPtr + 3); InstrPtr += 7; } } /* Loop the following instructions before the ret */ EndAddress = FunctionEntry->EndAddress + ImageBase - 1; while ((DWORD64)InstrPtr < EndAddress) { Instr = *(DWORD*)InstrPtr; /* Check for a simple pop */ if ( (Instr & 0xf8) == 0x58 ) { /* Opcode pops a basic register from stack */ Reg = Instr & 0x7; PopReg(&LocalContext, ContextPointers, Reg); InstrPtr++; continue; } /* Check for REX + pop */ if ( (Instr & 0xf8fb) == 0x5841 ) { /* Opcode is pop r8 .. r15 */ Reg = ((Instr >> 8) & 0x7) + 8; PopReg(&LocalContext, ContextPointers, Reg); InstrPtr += 2; continue; } /* Opcode not allowed for Epilog */ return FALSE; } // check for popfq // also allow end with jmp imm, jmp [target], iretq /* Check if we are at the ret instruction */ if ((DWORD64)InstrPtr != EndAddress) { /* If we went past the end of the function, something is broken! */ ASSERT((DWORD64)InstrPtr <= EndAddress); return FALSE; } /* Make sure this is really a ret instruction */ if (*InstrPtr != 0xc3) { return FALSE; } /* Unwind is finished, pop new Rip from Stack */ LocalContext.Rip = *(DWORD64*)LocalContext.Rsp; LocalContext.Rsp += sizeof(DWORD64); *Context = LocalContext; return TRUE; } /*! \ref https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/unwind-data-definitions-in-c */ static ULONG64 GetEstablisherFrame( _In_ PCONTEXT Context, _In_ PUNWIND_INFO UnwindInfo, _In_ ULONG_PTR CodeOffset) { ULONG i; /* Check if we have a frame register */ if (UnwindInfo->FrameRegister == 0) { /* No frame register means we use Rsp */ return Context->Rsp; } if ((CodeOffset >= UnwindInfo->SizeOfProlog) || ((UnwindInfo->Flags & UNW_FLAG_CHAININFO) != 0)) { return GetReg(Context, UnwindInfo->FrameRegister) - UnwindInfo->FrameOffset * 16; } /* Loop all unwind ops */ for (i = 0; i < UnwindInfo->CountOfCodes; i += UnwindOpSlots(UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i])) { /* Skip codes past our code offset */ if (UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i].CodeOffset > CodeOffset) { continue; } /* Check for SET_FPREG */ if (UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i].UnwindOp == UWOP_SET_FPREG) { return GetReg(Context, UnwindInfo->FrameRegister) - UnwindInfo->FrameOffset * 16; } } return Context->Rsp; } PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE NTAPI RtlVirtualUnwind( _In_ ULONG HandlerType, _In_ ULONG64 ImageBase, _In_ ULONG64 ControlPc, _In_ PRUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry, _Inout_ PCONTEXT Context, _Outptr_ PVOID *HandlerData, _Out_ PULONG64 EstablisherFrame, _Inout_opt_ PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers) { PUNWIND_INFO UnwindInfo; ULONG_PTR ControlRva, CodeOffset; ULONG i, Offset; UNWIND_CODE UnwindCode; BYTE Reg; PULONG LanguageHandler; /* Get relative virtual address */ ControlRva = ControlPc - ImageBase; /* Sanity checks */ if ( (ControlRva < FunctionEntry->BeginAddress) || (ControlRva >= FunctionEntry->EndAddress) ) { return NULL; } /* Get a pointer to the unwind info */ UnwindInfo = RVA(ImageBase, FunctionEntry->UnwindData); /* The language specific handler data follows the unwind info */ LanguageHandler = ALIGN_UP_POINTER_BY(&UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[UnwindInfo->CountOfCodes], sizeof(ULONG)); /* Calculate relative offset to function start */ CodeOffset = ControlRva - FunctionEntry->BeginAddress; *EstablisherFrame = GetEstablisherFrame(Context, UnwindInfo, CodeOffset); /* Check if we are in the function epilog and try to finish it */ if ((CodeOffset > UnwindInfo->SizeOfProlog) && (UnwindInfo->CountOfCodes > 0)) { if (RtlpTryToUnwindEpilog(Context, ControlPc, ContextPointers, ImageBase, FunctionEntry)) { /* There's no exception routine */ return NULL; } } /* Skip all Ops with an offset greater than the current Offset */ i = 0; while ((i < UnwindInfo->CountOfCodes) && (UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i].CodeOffset > CodeOffset)) { i += UnwindOpSlots(UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i]); } RepeatChainedInfo: /* Process the remaining unwind ops */ while (i < UnwindInfo->CountOfCodes) { UnwindCode = UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i]; switch (UnwindCode.UnwindOp) { case UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL: Reg = UnwindCode.OpInfo; PopReg(Context, ContextPointers, Reg); i++; break; case UWOP_ALLOC_LARGE: if (UnwindCode.OpInfo) { Offset = *(ULONG*)(&UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i+1]); Context->Rsp += Offset; i += 3; } else { Offset = UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i+1].FrameOffset; Context->Rsp += Offset * 8; i += 2; } break; case UWOP_ALLOC_SMALL: Context->Rsp += (UnwindCode.OpInfo + 1) * 8; i++; break; case UWOP_SET_FPREG: Reg = UnwindInfo->FrameRegister; Context->Rsp = GetReg(Context, Reg) - UnwindInfo->FrameOffset * 16; i++; break; case UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL: Reg = UnwindCode.OpInfo; Offset = UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i + 1].FrameOffset; SetRegFromStackValue(Context, ContextPointers, Reg, (DWORD64*)Context->Rsp + Offset); i += 2; break; case UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL_FAR: Reg = UnwindCode.OpInfo; Offset = *(ULONG*)(&UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i + 1]); SetRegFromStackValue(Context, ContextPointers, Reg, (DWORD64*)Context->Rsp + Offset); i += 3; break; case UWOP_EPILOG: i += 1; break; case UWOP_SPARE_CODE: ASSERT(FALSE); i += 2; break; case UWOP_SAVE_XMM128: Reg = UnwindCode.OpInfo; Offset = UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i + 1].FrameOffset; SetXmmRegFromStackValue(Context, ContextPointers, Reg, (M128A*)Context->Rsp + Offset); i += 2; break; case UWOP_SAVE_XMM128_FAR: Reg = UnwindCode.OpInfo; Offset = *(ULONG*)(&UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[i + 1]); SetXmmRegFromStackValue(Context, ContextPointers, Reg, (M128A*)Context->Rsp + Offset); i += 3; break; case UWOP_PUSH_MACHFRAME: /* OpInfo is 1, when an error code was pushed, otherwise 0. */ Context->Rsp += UnwindCode.OpInfo * sizeof(DWORD64); /* Now pop the MACHINE_FRAME (RIP/RSP only. And yes, "magic numbers", deal with it) */ Context->Rip = *(PDWORD64)(Context->Rsp + 0x00); Context->Rsp = *(PDWORD64)(Context->Rsp + 0x18); ASSERT((i + 1) == UnwindInfo->CountOfCodes); goto Exit; } } /* Check for chained info */ if (UnwindInfo->Flags & UNW_FLAG_CHAININFO) { /* See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/exception-handling-x64?view=msvc-160#chained-unwind-info-structures */ FunctionEntry = (PRUNTIME_FUNCTION)&(UnwindInfo->UnwindCode[(UnwindInfo->CountOfCodes + 1) & ~1]); UnwindInfo = RVA(ImageBase, FunctionEntry->UnwindData); i = 0; goto RepeatChainedInfo; } /* Unwind is finished, pop new Rip from Stack */ if (Context->Rsp != 0) { Context->Rip = *(DWORD64*)Context->Rsp; Context->Rsp += sizeof(DWORD64); } Exit: /* Check if we have a handler and return it */ if (UnwindInfo->Flags & (HandlerType & (UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER | UNW_FLAG_UHANDLER))) { *HandlerData = (LanguageHandler + 1); return RVA(ImageBase, *LanguageHandler); } return NULL; } /*! \remark The implementation is based on the description in this blog: http://www.nynaeve.net/?p=106 Differences to the desciption: - Instead of using 2 pointers to the unwind context and previous context, that are being swapped and the context copied, the unwind context is kept in the local context and copied back into the context passed in by the caller. \see http://www.nynaeve.net/?p=106 */ BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlpUnwindInternal( _In_opt_ PVOID TargetFrame, _In_opt_ PVOID TargetIp, _In_ PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord, _In_ PVOID ReturnValue, _In_ PCONTEXT ContextRecord, _In_opt_ struct _UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE *HistoryTable, _In_ ULONG HandlerType) { DISPATCHER_CONTEXT DispatcherContext; PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE ExceptionRoutine; EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION Disposition; PRUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry; ULONG_PTR StackLow, StackHigh; ULONG64 ImageBase, EstablisherFrame; CONTEXT UnwindContext; /* Get the current stack limits and registration frame */ RtlpGetStackLimits(&StackLow, &StackHigh); /* If we have a target frame, then this is our high limit */ if (TargetFrame != NULL) { StackHigh = (ULONG64)TargetFrame + 1; } /* Copy the context */ UnwindContext = *ContextRecord; /* Set up the constant fields of the dispatcher context */ DispatcherContext.ContextRecord = &UnwindContext; DispatcherContext.HistoryTable = HistoryTable; DispatcherContext.TargetIp = (ULONG64)TargetIp; /* Start looping */ while (TRUE) { /* Lookup the FunctionEntry for the current RIP */ FunctionEntry = RtlLookupFunctionEntry(UnwindContext.Rip, &ImageBase, NULL); if (FunctionEntry == NULL) { /* No function entry, so this must be a leaf function. Pop the return address from the stack. Note: this can happen after the first frame as the result of an exception */ UnwindContext.Rip = *(DWORD64*)UnwindContext.Rsp; UnwindContext.Rsp += sizeof(DWORD64); /* Copy the context back for the next iteration */ *ContextRecord = UnwindContext; continue; } /* Save Rip before the virtual unwind */ DispatcherContext.ControlPc = UnwindContext.Rip; /* Do a virtual unwind to get the next frame */ ExceptionRoutine = RtlVirtualUnwind(HandlerType, ImageBase, UnwindContext.Rip, FunctionEntry, &UnwindContext, &DispatcherContext.HandlerData, &EstablisherFrame, NULL); /* Check, if we are still within the stack boundaries */ if ((EstablisherFrame < StackLow) || (EstablisherFrame >= StackHigh) || (EstablisherFrame & 7)) { /// TODO: Handle DPC stack /* If we are handling an exception, we are done here. */ if (HandlerType == UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER) { ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags |= EXCEPTION_STACK_INVALID; return FALSE; } __debugbreak(); RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_BAD_STACK); } /* Check if we have an exception routine */ if (ExceptionRoutine != NULL) { /* Check if this is the target frame */ if (EstablisherFrame == (ULONG64)TargetFrame) { /* Set flag to inform the language handler */ ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags |= EXCEPTION_TARGET_UNWIND; } /* Log the exception if it's enabled */ RtlpCheckLogException(ExceptionRecord, ContextRecord, &DispatcherContext, sizeof(DispatcherContext)); /* Set up the variable fields of the dispatcher context */ DispatcherContext.ImageBase = ImageBase; DispatcherContext.FunctionEntry = FunctionEntry; DispatcherContext.LanguageHandler = ExceptionRoutine; DispatcherContext.EstablisherFrame = EstablisherFrame; DispatcherContext.ScopeIndex = 0; /* Store the return value in the unwind context */ UnwindContext.Rax = (ULONG64)ReturnValue; /* Loop all nested handlers */ do { /// TODO: call RtlpExecuteHandlerForUnwind instead /* Call the language specific handler */ Disposition = ExceptionRoutine(ExceptionRecord, (PVOID)EstablisherFrame, ContextRecord, &DispatcherContext); /* Clear exception flags for the next iteration */ ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags &= ~(EXCEPTION_TARGET_UNWIND | EXCEPTION_COLLIDED_UNWIND); /* Check if we do exception handling */ if (HandlerType == UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER) { if (Disposition == ExceptionContinueExecution) { /* Check if it was non-continuable */ if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE) { __debugbreak(); RtlRaiseStatus(EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION); } /* Execution continues */ return TRUE; } else if (Disposition == ExceptionNestedException) { /// TODO __debugbreak(); } } if (Disposition == ExceptionCollidedUnwind) { /// TODO __debugbreak(); } /* This must be ExceptionContinueSearch now */ if (Disposition != ExceptionContinueSearch) { __debugbreak(); RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION); } } while (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & EXCEPTION_COLLIDED_UNWIND); } /* Check, if we have left our stack (8.) */ if ((EstablisherFrame < StackLow) || (EstablisherFrame > StackHigh) || (EstablisherFrame & 7)) { /// TODO: Check for DPC stack __debugbreak(); if (UnwindContext.Rip == ContextRecord->Rip) { RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_BAD_FUNCTION_TABLE); } else { ZwRaiseException(ExceptionRecord, ContextRecord, FALSE); } } if (EstablisherFrame == (ULONG64)TargetFrame) { break; } /* We have successfully unwound a frame. Copy the unwind context back. */ *ContextRecord = UnwindContext; } if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode != STATUS_UNWIND_CONSOLIDATE) { ContextRecord->Rip = (ULONG64)TargetIp; } /* Set the return value */ ContextRecord->Rax = (ULONG64)ReturnValue; /* Restore the context */ RtlRestoreContext(ContextRecord, ExceptionRecord); /* Should never get here! */ ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } VOID NTAPI RtlUnwindEx( _In_opt_ PVOID TargetFrame, _In_opt_ PVOID TargetIp, _In_opt_ PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord, _In_ PVOID ReturnValue, _In_ PCONTEXT ContextRecord, _In_opt_ struct _UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE *HistoryTable) { EXCEPTION_RECORD LocalExceptionRecord; /* Capture the current context */ RtlCaptureContext(ContextRecord); /* Check if we have an exception record */ if (ExceptionRecord == NULL) { /* No exception record was passed, so set up a local one */ LocalExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode = STATUS_UNWIND; LocalExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)ContextRecord->Rip; LocalExceptionRecord.ExceptionRecord = NULL; LocalExceptionRecord.NumberParameters = 0; ExceptionRecord = &LocalExceptionRecord; } /* Set unwind flags */ ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags = EXCEPTION_UNWINDING; if (TargetFrame == NULL) { ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags |= EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND; } /* Call the internal function */ RtlpUnwindInternal(TargetFrame, TargetIp, ExceptionRecord, ReturnValue, ContextRecord, HistoryTable, UNW_FLAG_UHANDLER); } VOID NTAPI RtlUnwind( _In_opt_ PVOID TargetFrame, _In_opt_ PVOID TargetIp, _In_opt_ PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord, _In_ PVOID ReturnValue) { CONTEXT Context; RtlUnwindEx(TargetFrame, TargetIp, ExceptionRecord, ReturnValue, &Context, NULL); } ULONG NTAPI RtlWalkFrameChain(OUT PVOID *Callers, IN ULONG Count, IN ULONG Flags) { CONTEXT Context; ULONG64 ControlPc, ImageBase, EstablisherFrame; ULONG64 StackLow, StackHigh; PVOID HandlerData; ULONG i, FramesToSkip; PRUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry; DPRINT("Enter RtlWalkFrameChain\n"); /* The upper bits in Flags define how many frames to skip */ FramesToSkip = Flags >> 8; /* Capture the current Context */ RtlCaptureContext(&Context); ControlPc = Context.Rip; /* Get the stack limits */ RtlpGetStackLimits(&StackLow, &StackHigh); /* Check if we want the user-mode stack frame */ if (Flags & 1) { } _SEH2_TRY { /* Loop the frames */ for (i = 0; i < FramesToSkip + Count; i++) { /* Lookup the FunctionEntry for the current ControlPc */ FunctionEntry = RtlLookupFunctionEntry(ControlPc, &ImageBase, NULL); /* Is this a leaf function? */ if (!FunctionEntry) { Context.Rip = *(DWORD64*)Context.Rsp; Context.Rsp += sizeof(DWORD64); DPRINT("leaf funtion, new Rip = %p, new Rsp = %p\n", (PVOID)Context.Rip, (PVOID)Context.Rsp); } else { RtlVirtualUnwind(UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER, ImageBase, ControlPc, FunctionEntry, &Context, &HandlerData, &EstablisherFrame, NULL); DPRINT("normal funtion, new Rip = %p, new Rsp = %p\n", (PVOID)Context.Rip, (PVOID)Context.Rsp); } /* Check if we are in kernel mode */ if (RtlpGetMode() == KernelMode) { /* Check if we left the kernel range */ if (!(Flags & 1) && (Context.Rip < 0xFFFF800000000000ULL)) { break; } } else { /* Check if we left the user range */ if ((Context.Rip < 0x10000) || (Context.Rip > 0x000007FFFFFEFFFFULL)) { break; } } /* Check, if we have left our stack */ if ((Context.Rsp <= StackLow) || (Context.Rsp >= StackHigh)) { break; } /* Continue with new Rip */ ControlPc = Context.Rip; /* Save value, if we are past the frames to skip */ if (i >= FramesToSkip) { Callers[i - FramesToSkip] = (PVOID)ControlPc; } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DPRINT1("Exception while getting callers!\n"); i = 0; } _SEH2_END; DPRINT("RtlWalkFrameChain returns %ld\n", i); return i; } /*! RtlGetCallersAddress * \ref http://undocumented.ntinternals.net/UserMode/Undocumented%20Functions/Debug/RtlGetCallersAddress.html */ #undef RtlGetCallersAddress VOID NTAPI RtlGetCallersAddress( OUT PVOID *CallersAddress, OUT PVOID *CallersCaller ) { PVOID Callers[4]; ULONG Number; /* Get callers: * RtlWalkFrameChain -> RtlGetCallersAddress -> x -> y */ Number = RtlWalkFrameChain(Callers, 4, 0); *CallersAddress = (Number >= 3) ? Callers[2] : NULL; *CallersCaller = (Number == 4) ? Callers[3] : NULL; return; } static VOID RtlpCaptureNonVolatileContextPointers( _Out_ PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS NonvolatileContextPointers, _In_ ULONG64 TargetFrame) { CONTEXT Context; PRUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry; ULONG64 ImageBase; PVOID HandlerData; ULONG64 EstablisherFrame; /* Zero out the nonvolatile context pointers */ RtlZeroMemory(NonvolatileContextPointers, sizeof(*NonvolatileContextPointers)); /* Capture the current context */ RtlCaptureContext(&Context); do { /* Make sure nothing fishy is going on. Currently this is for kernel mode only. */ ASSERT((LONG64)Context.Rip < 0); ASSERT((LONG64)Context.Rsp < 0); /* Look up the function entry */ FunctionEntry = RtlLookupFunctionEntry(Context.Rip, &ImageBase, NULL); if (FunctionEntry != NULL) { /* Do a virtual unwind to the caller and capture saved non-volatiles */ RtlVirtualUnwind(UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER, ImageBase, Context.Rip, FunctionEntry, &Context, &HandlerData, &EstablisherFrame, NonvolatileContextPointers); ASSERT(EstablisherFrame != 0); } else { Context.Rip = *(PULONG64)Context.Rsp; Context.Rsp += 8; } /* Continue until we reach user mode */ } while ((LONG64)Context.Rip < 0); /* If the caller did the right thing, we should get past the target frame */ ASSERT(EstablisherFrame >= TargetFrame); } VOID RtlSetUnwindContext( _In_ PCONTEXT Context, _In_ DWORD64 TargetFrame) { KNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers; /* Capture pointers to the non-volatiles up to the target frame */ RtlpCaptureNonVolatileContextPointers(&ContextPointers, TargetFrame); /* Copy the nonvolatiles to the captured locations */ *ContextPointers.R12 = Context->R12; *ContextPointers.R13 = Context->R13; *ContextPointers.R14 = Context->R14; *ContextPointers.R15 = Context->R15; *ContextPointers.Xmm6 = Context->Xmm6; *ContextPointers.Xmm7 = Context->Xmm7; *ContextPointers.Xmm8 = Context->Xmm8; *ContextPointers.Xmm9 = Context->Xmm9; *ContextPointers.Xmm10 = Context->Xmm10; *ContextPointers.Xmm11 = Context->Xmm11; *ContextPointers.Xmm12 = Context->Xmm12; *ContextPointers.Xmm13 = Context->Xmm13; *ContextPointers.Xmm14 = Context->Xmm14; *ContextPointers.Xmm15 = Context->Xmm15; }