/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS User Manager Control Panel * FILE: dll/cpl/usrmgr/misc.c * PURPOSE: Miscellaneus functions * * PROGRAMMERS: Eric Kohl */ #include "usrmgr.h" VOID DebugPrintf(LPTSTR szFormat, ...) { TCHAR szOut[512]; va_list arg_ptr; va_start (arg_ptr, szFormat); _vstprintf (szOut, szFormat, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); MessageBox(NULL, szOut, _T("Debug"), MB_OK); } BOOL CheckAccountName(HWND hwndDlg, INT nIdDlgItem, LPTSTR lpAccountName) { TCHAR szAccountName[256]; UINT uLen; if (lpAccountName) uLen = _tcslen(lpAccountName); else uLen = GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, nIdDlgItem, szAccountName, 256); /* Check the account name */ if (uLen > 0 && _tcspbrk((lpAccountName) ? lpAccountName : szAccountName, TEXT("\"*+,/\\:;<=>?[]|")) != NULL) { MessageBox(hwndDlg, TEXT("The account name you entered is invalid! An account name must not contain the following charecters: *+,/:;<=>?[\\]|"), TEXT("ERROR"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }