/* * PROJECT: Win32 subsystem * LICENSE: See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/dib/stretchblt.c * PURPOSE: AlphaBlend implementation suitable for all bit depths * PROGRAMMERS: Jérôme Gardou */ #include #define NDEBUG #include typedef union { ULONG ul; struct { UCHAR red; UCHAR green; UCHAR blue; UCHAR alpha; } col; } NICEPIXEL32; static __inline UCHAR Clamp8(ULONG val) { return (val > 255) ? 255 : (UCHAR)val; } BOOLEAN DIB_XXBPP_AlphaBlend(SURFOBJ* Dest, SURFOBJ* Source, RECTL* DestRect, RECTL* SourceRect, CLIPOBJ* ClipRegion, XLATEOBJ* ColorTranslation, BLENDOBJ* BlendObj) { INT DstX, DstY, SrcX, SrcY; BLENDFUNCTION BlendFunc; register NICEPIXEL32 DstPixel32; register NICEPIXEL32 SrcPixel32; UCHAR Alpha, SrcBpp = BitsPerFormat(Source->iBitmapFormat); EXLATEOBJ* pexlo; EXLATEOBJ exloSrcRGB, exloDstRGB, exloRGBSrc; PFN_DIB_PutPixel pfnDibPutPixel = DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[Dest->iBitmapFormat].DIB_PutPixel; DPRINT("DIB_16BPP_AlphaBlend: srcRect: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d), dstRect: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", SourceRect->left, SourceRect->top, SourceRect->right, SourceRect->bottom, DestRect->left, DestRect->top, DestRect->right, DestRect->bottom); BlendFunc = BlendObj->BlendFunction; if (BlendFunc.BlendOp != AC_SRC_OVER) { DPRINT1("BlendOp != AC_SRC_OVER\n"); return FALSE; } if (BlendFunc.BlendFlags != 0) { DPRINT1("BlendFlags != 0\n"); return FALSE; } if ((BlendFunc.AlphaFormat & ~AC_SRC_ALPHA) != 0) { DPRINT1("Unsupported AlphaFormat (0x%x)\n", BlendFunc.AlphaFormat); return FALSE; } if ((BlendFunc.AlphaFormat & AC_SRC_ALPHA) != 0 && SrcBpp != 32) { DPRINT1("Source bitmap must be 32bpp when AC_SRC_ALPHA is set\n"); return FALSE; } if (!ColorTranslation) { DPRINT1("ColorTranslation must not be NULL!\n"); return FALSE; } pexlo = CONTAINING_RECORD(ColorTranslation, EXLATEOBJ, xlo); EXLATEOBJ_vInitialize(&exloSrcRGB, pexlo->ppalSrc, &gpalRGB, 0, 0, 0); EXLATEOBJ_vInitialize(&exloDstRGB, pexlo->ppalDst, &gpalRGB, 0, 0, 0); EXLATEOBJ_vInitialize(&exloRGBSrc, &gpalRGB, pexlo->ppalSrc, 0, 0, 0); SrcY = SourceRect->top; DstY = DestRect->top; while ( DstY < DestRect->bottom ) { SrcX = SourceRect->left; DstX = DestRect->left; while(DstX < DestRect->right) { SrcPixel32.ul = DIB_GetSource(Source, SrcX, SrcY, &exloSrcRGB.xlo); SrcPixel32.col.red = (SrcPixel32.col.red * BlendFunc.SourceConstantAlpha) / 255; SrcPixel32.col.green = (SrcPixel32.col.green * BlendFunc.SourceConstantAlpha) / 255; SrcPixel32.col.blue = (SrcPixel32.col.blue * BlendFunc.SourceConstantAlpha) / 255; Alpha = ((BlendFunc.AlphaFormat & AC_SRC_ALPHA) != 0) ? (SrcPixel32.col.alpha * BlendFunc.SourceConstantAlpha) / 255 : BlendFunc.SourceConstantAlpha ; DstPixel32.ul = DIB_GetSource(Dest, DstX, DstY, &exloDstRGB.xlo); DstPixel32.col.red = Clamp8((DstPixel32.col.red * (255 - Alpha)) / 255 + SrcPixel32.col.red) ; DstPixel32.col.green = Clamp8((DstPixel32.col.green * (255 - Alpha)) / 255 + SrcPixel32.col.green) ; DstPixel32.col.blue = Clamp8((DstPixel32.col.blue * (255 - Alpha)) / 255 + SrcPixel32.col.blue) ; DstPixel32.ul = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(&exloRGBSrc.xlo, DstPixel32.ul); pfnDibPutPixel(Dest, DstX, DstY, XLATEOBJ_iXlate(ColorTranslation, DstPixel32.ul)); DstX++; SrcX = SourceRect->left + ((DstX-DestRect->left)*(SourceRect->right - SourceRect->left)) /(DestRect->right-DestRect->left); } DstY++; SrcY = SourceRect->top + ((DstY-DestRect->top)*(SourceRect->bottom - SourceRect->top)) /(DestRect->bottom-DestRect->top); } EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exloDstRGB); EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exloRGBSrc); EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exloSrcRGB); return TRUE; }