/* * ipconfig - display IP stack parameters. * * This source code is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN and has NO WARRANTY. * * Robert Dickenson , August 15, 2002. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _DEBUG #include "trace.h" #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* imported from iphlpapi.dll GetAdapterOrderMap GetInterfaceInfo GetIpStatsFromStack NhGetInterfaceNameFromGuid NhpAllocateAndGetInterfaceInfoFromStack */ static TCHAR* GetNodeTypeName(int nNodeType) { switch (nNodeType) { case 0: return _T("zero"); case 1: return _T("one"); case 2: return _T("two"); case 3: return _T("three"); case 4: return _T("mixed"); default: return _T("unknown"); } } static void ShowNetworkFixedInfo() { FIXED_INFO* pFixedInfo = NULL; ULONG OutBufLen = 0; DWORD result; result = GetNetworkParams(NULL, &OutBufLen); if (result == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { pFixedInfo = (FIXED_INFO*)malloc(OutBufLen); if (!pFixedInfo) { _tprintf(_T("ERROR: failed to allocate 0x%08X bytes of memory\n"), OutBufLen); return; } } else { _tprintf(_T("ERROR: GetNetworkParams() failed to report required buffer size.\n")); return; } result = GetNetworkParams(pFixedInfo, &OutBufLen); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { IP_ADDR_STRING* pIPAddr; printf("\tHostName. . . . . . . . . . . : %s\n", pFixedInfo->HostName); printf("\tDomainName. . . . . . . . . . : %s\n", pFixedInfo->DomainName); // printf("\tDNS Servers . . . . . . . . . : %s\n", pFixedInfo->DnsServerList.IpAddress.String); pIPAddr = pFixedInfo->DnsServerList.Next; while (pIPAddr) { printf("\t\t\t\t : %s\n", pIPAddr->IpAddress.String); pIPAddr = pIPAddr->Next; } // _tprintf(_T("\tNodeType. . . . . . . . . . . : %d (%s)\n"), pFixedInfo->NodeType, GetNodeTypeName(pFixedInfo->NodeType)); printf("\tScopeId . . . . . . . . . . . : %s\n", pFixedInfo->ScopeId); _tprintf(_T("\tEnableRouting . . . . . . . . : %s\n"), pFixedInfo->EnableRouting ? _T("yes") : _T("no")); _tprintf(_T("\tEnableProxy . . . . . . . . . : %s\n"), pFixedInfo->EnableProxy ? _T("yes") : _T("no")); _tprintf(_T("\tEnableDns . . . . . . . . . . : %s\n"), pFixedInfo->EnableDns ? _T("yes") : _T("no")); _tprintf(_T("\n")); //_tprintf(_T("\n"),); //_tprintf(_T("GetNetworkParams() returned with %d\n"), pIfTable->NumAdapters); // _tprintf(_T("\tConnection specific DNS suffix: %s\n"), pFixedInfo->EnableDns ? _T("yes") : _T("no")); } else { switch (result) { case ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: _tprintf(_T("The buffer size indicated by the pOutBufLen parameter is too small to hold the adapter information. The pOutBufLen parameter points to the required size\n")); break; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: _tprintf(_T("The pOutBufLen parameter is NULL, or the calling process does not have read/write access to the memory pointed to by pOutBufLen, or the calling process does not have write access to the memory pointed to by the pAdapterInfo parameter\n")); break; case ERROR_NO_DATA: _tprintf(_T("No adapter information exists for the local computer\n")); break; case ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: _tprintf(_T("This function is not supported on the operating system in use on the local system\n")); break; default: _tprintf(_T("0x%08X - Use FormatMessage to obtain the message string for the returned error\n"), result); break; } } } static void ShowNetworkInterfaces() { IP_INTERFACE_INFO* pIfTable = NULL; DWORD result; DWORD dwNumIf; DWORD dwOutBufLen = 0; if ((result = GetNumberOfInterfaces(&dwNumIf)) != NO_ERROR) { _tprintf(_T("GetNumberOfInterfaces() failed with code 0x%08X - Use FormatMessage to obtain the message string for the returned error\n"), result); return; } else { _tprintf(_T("GetNumberOfInterfaces() returned %d\n"), dwNumIf); } result = GetInterfaceInfo(pIfTable, &dwOutBufLen); // dwOutBufLen = sizeof(IP_INTERFACE_INFO) + dwNumIf * sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP); // _tprintf(_T("GetNumberOfInterfaces() returned %d, dwOutBufLen %d\n"), dwNumIf, dwOutBufLen); // _tprintf(_T("sizeof(IP_INTERFACE_INFO) %d, sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP) %d\n"), sizeof(IP_INTERFACE_INFO), sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP)); pIfTable = (IP_INTERFACE_INFO*)malloc(dwOutBufLen); if (!pIfTable) { _tprintf(_T("ERROR: failed to allocate 0x%08X bytes of memory\n"), dwOutBufLen); return; } /* typedef struct _IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP { ULONG Index; // adapter index WCHAR Name[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME]; // name of the adapter } IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP, * PIP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP; typedef struct _IP_INTERFACE_INFO { LONG NumAdapters; // number of adapters in array IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP Adapter[1]; // adapter indices and names } IP_INTERFACE_INFO,*PIP_INTERFACE_INFO; */ result = GetInterfaceInfo(pIfTable, &dwOutBufLen); if (result == NO_ERROR) { int i; _tprintf(_T("GetInterfaceInfo() returned with %d adaptor entries\n"), pIfTable->NumAdapters); for (i = 0; i < pIfTable->NumAdapters; i++) { wprintf(L"[%d] %s\n", i + 1, pIfTable->Adapter[i].Name); //wprintf(L"[%d] %s\n", pIfTable->Adapter[i].Index, pIfTable->Adapter[i].Name); // \DEVICE\TCPIP_{DB0E61C1-3498-4C5F-B599-59CDE8A1E357} // \DEVICE\TCPIP_{BD445697-0945-4591-AE7F-2AB0F383CA87} // \DEVICE\TCPIP_{6D87DC08-6BC5-4E78-AB5F-18CAB785CFFE} //HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters\Interfaces\Tcpip_{DB0E61C1-3498-4C5F-B599-59CDE8A1E357} } } else { switch (result) { case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: _tprintf(_T("The dwOutBufLen parameter is NULL, or GetInterfaceInterface is unable to write to the memory pointed to by the dwOutBufLen parameter\n")); break; case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: _tprintf(_T("The buffer pointed to by the pIfTable parameter is not large enough. The required size is returned in the DWORD variable pointed to by the dwOutBufLen parameter\n")); _tprintf(_T("\tdwOutBufLen: %d\n"), dwOutBufLen); break; case ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: _tprintf(_T("This function is not supported on the operating system in use on the local system\n")); break; default: _tprintf(_T("0x%08X - Use FormatMessage to obtain the message string for the returned error\n"), result); break; } } free(pIfTable); } /* typedef struct _IP_ADAPTER_INFO { struct _IP_ADAPTER_INFO* Next; DWORD ComboIndex; char AdapterName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 4]; 1 char Description[MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH + 4]; UINT AddressLength; 2 BYTE Address[MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; DWORD Index; UINT Type; 3 UINT DhcpEnabled; 5 PIP_ADDR_STRING CurrentIpAddress; IP_ADDR_STRING IpAddressList; 7 IP_ADDR_STRING GatewayList; 8 IP_ADDR_STRING DhcpServer; BOOL HaveWins; IP_ADDR_STRING PrimaryWinsServer; IP_ADDR_STRING SecondaryWinsServer; a time_t LeaseObtained; b time_t LeaseExpires; } IP_ADAPTER_INFO, *PIP_ADAPTER_INFO; */ /* Ethernet adapter VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter (Network Address Translation (NAT) for VMnet8): Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : 1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . : VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter (Network Address Translation (NAT) for VMnet8) 2 Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-50-56-C0-00-08 3 DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes 5 IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : 7 Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 8 DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . : DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : a Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Monday, 30 December 2002 5:56:53 PM b Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Monday, 30 December 2002 6:26:53 PM */ static void ShowAdapterInfo() { IP_ADAPTER_INFO* pAdaptorInfo; ULONG ulOutBufLen; DWORD dwRetVal; _tprintf(_T("\nAdaptor Information\t\n")); pAdaptorInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO)); ulOutBufLen = sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO); if (ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW == GetAdaptersInfo(pAdaptorInfo, &ulOutBufLen)) { GlobalFree(pAdaptorInfo); pAdaptorInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, ulOutBufLen); } if (dwRetVal = GetAdaptersInfo(pAdaptorInfo, &ulOutBufLen)) { _tprintf(_T("Call to GetAdaptersInfo failed. Return Value: %08x\n"), dwRetVal); } else { while (pAdaptorInfo) { printf(" AdapterName: %s\n", pAdaptorInfo->AdapterName); printf(" Description: %s\n", pAdaptorInfo->Description); pAdaptorInfo = pAdaptorInfo->Next; } } } const char szUsage[] = { "USAGE:\n" \ " ipconfig [/? | /all | /release [adapter] | /renew [adapter]\n" \ " | /flushdns | /registerdns\n" \ " | /showclassid adapter\n" \ " | /showclassid adapter\n" \ " | /setclassid adapter [classidtoset] ]\n" \ "\n" \ "adapter Full name or pattern with '*' and '?' to 'match',\n" \ " * matches any character, ? matches one character.\n" \ " Options\n" \ " /? Display this help message.\n" \ " /all Display full configuration information.\n" \ " /release Release the IP address for the specified adapter.\n" \ " /renew Renew the IP address for the specified adapter.\n" \ " /flushdns Purges the DNS Resolver cache.\n" \ " /registerdns Refreshes all DHCP leases and re-registers DNS names\n" \ " /displaydns Display the contents of the DNS Resolver Cache.\n" \ " /showclassid Displays all the dhcp class IDs allowed for adapter.\n" \ " /setclassid Modifies the dhcp class id.\n" \ "\n" \ "The default is to display only the IP address, subnet mask and\n" \ "default gateway for each adapter bound to TCP/IP.\n" }; /* "\n" \ "For Release and Renew, if no adapter name is specified, then the IP address\n" \ "leases for all adapters bound to TCP/IP will be released or renewed.\n" \ "\n" \ "For SetClassID, if no class id is specified, then the classid is removed.\n" \ "\n" \ "Examples:\n" \ " > ipconfig ... Show information.\n" \ " > ipconfig /all ... Show detailed information\n" \ " > ipconfig /renew ... renew all adapaters\n" \ " > ipconfig /renew EL* ... renew adapters named EL....\n" \ " > ipconfig /release *ELINK?21* ... release all matching adapters,\n" \ eg. ELINK-21, myELELINKi21adapter.\n" */ static void usage(void) { fputs(szUsage, stderr); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // // As of build 0.0.20 this is hardcoded in the ip stack if (argc > 1) { usage(); return 1; } _tprintf(_T("ReactOS IP Configuration\n")); ShowNetworkFixedInfo(); ShowNetworkInterfaces(); ShowAdapterInfo(); return 0; }