/* Translator: Ștefan Fulea (stefan dot fulea at mail dot com) */ LANGUAGE LANG_ROMANIAN, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_DOMAIN_BUILTIN_NAME "Inerent" IDS_GROUP_NONE_NAME "Nespecificat" IDS_GROUP_NONE_COMMENT "Utilizatori ordinari" IDS_ALIAS_ADMINISTRATORS_NAME "Administratori" IDS_ALIAS_ADMINISTRATORS_COMMENT "Administratorii au acces nerestricționat la calculator sau domeniu." IDS_ALIAS_GUESTS_NAME "Oaspeți" IDS_ALIAS_GUESTS_COMMENT "Oaspeții au în mod implicit aceleași drepturi ca membrii grupului Utilizatori." IDS_ALIAS_POWER_USERS_NAME "Utilizatori avansați" IDS_ALIAS_POWER_USERS_COMMENT "Utilizatorii avansați posedă majoritatea drepturilor administrative cu unele restricții." IDS_ALIAS_USERS_NAME "Utilizatori" IDS_ALIAS_USERS_COMMENT "Utilizatorilor le este limitată capacitatea de a aduce modificări în sistem." IDS_ALIAS_PRINT_OPS_NAME "Print Operators" IDS_ALIAS_PRINT_OPS_COMMENT "Members can administer domain printers" IDS_ALIAS_BACKUP_OPS_NAME "Backup Operators" IDS_ALIAS_BACKUP_OPS_COMMENT "Backup Operators can override security restrictions for the sole purpose of backing up or restoring files" IDS_ALIAS_REPLICATOR_NAME "Replicator" IDS_ALIAS_REPLICATOR_COMMENT "Supports file replication in a domain" IDS_ALIAS_REMOTE_DESKTOP_USERS_NAME "Remote Desktop Users" IDS_ALIAS_REMOTE_DESKTOP_USERS_COMMENT "Members in this group are granted the right to logon remotely" IDS_ALIAS_NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_OPS_NAME "Network Configuration Operators" IDS_ALIAS_NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_OPS_COMMENT "Members in this group can have some administrative privileges to manage configuration of networking features" IDS_ALIAS_MONITORING_USERS_NAME "Performance Monitor Users" IDS_ALIAS_MONITORING_USERS_COMMENT "Members of this group have remote access to monitor this computer" IDS_ALIAS_LOGGING_USERS_NAME "Performance Log Users" IDS_ALIAS_LOGGING_USERS_COMMENT "Members of this group have remote access to schedule logging of performance counters on this computer" /* * ATTENTION: * If you translate the administrator account name, keep IDS_USER_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME and * syssetup.dll:IDS_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME synchronized. */ IDS_USER_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME "Administrator" IDS_USER_ADMINISTRATOR_COMMENT "Contul inerent utilizat pentru a administra acest calculator sau domeniu." IDS_USER_GUEST_NAME "Oaspete" IDS_USER_GUEST_COMMENT "Contul inerent pentru accesul oaspeților în calculator sau domeniu." END