/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/cc/lazywrite.c * PURPOSE: Cache manager * * PROGRAMMERS: Pierre Schweitzer (pierre@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* Counters: * - Amount of pages flushed by lazy writer * - Number of times lazy writer ran */ ULONG CcLazyWritePages = 0; ULONG CcLazyWriteIos = 0; /* Internal vars (MS): * - Lazy writer status structure * - Lookaside list where to allocate work items * - Queue for high priority work items (read ahead) * - Queue for regular work items * - Available worker threads * - Queue for stuff to be queued after lazy writer is done * - Marker for throttling queues * - Number of ongoing workers * - Three seconds delay for lazy writer * - One second delay for lazy writer * - Zero delay for lazy writer * - Number of worker threads */ LAZY_WRITER LazyWriter; NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST CcTwilightLookasideList; LIST_ENTRY CcExpressWorkQueue; LIST_ENTRY CcRegularWorkQueue; LIST_ENTRY CcIdleWorkerThreadList; LIST_ENTRY CcPostTickWorkQueue; BOOLEAN CcQueueThrottle = FALSE; ULONG CcNumberActiveWorkerThreads = 0; LARGE_INTEGER CcFirstDelay = RTL_CONSTANT_LARGE_INTEGER((LONGLONG)-1*3000*1000*10); LARGE_INTEGER CcIdleDelay = RTL_CONSTANT_LARGE_INTEGER((LONGLONG)-1*1000*1000*10); LARGE_INTEGER CcNoDelay = RTL_CONSTANT_LARGE_INTEGER((LONGLONG)0); ULONG CcNumberWorkerThreads; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ VOID CcPostWorkQueue( IN PWORK_QUEUE_ENTRY WorkItem, IN PLIST_ENTRY WorkQueue) { KIRQL OldIrql; PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM ThreadToSpawn; /* First of all, insert the item in the queue */ OldIrql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueWorkQueueLock); InsertTailList(WorkQueue, &WorkItem->WorkQueueLinks); /* Now, define whether we have to spawn a new work thread * We will spawn a new one if: * - There's no throttle in action * - There's still at least one idle thread */ ThreadToSpawn = NULL; if (!CcQueueThrottle && !IsListEmpty(&CcIdleWorkerThreadList)) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; /* Get the idle thread */ ListEntry = RemoveHeadList(&CcIdleWorkerThreadList); ThreadToSpawn = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, WORK_QUEUE_ITEM, List); /* We're going to have one more! */ CcNumberActiveWorkerThreads += 1; } KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueWorkQueueLock, OldIrql); /* If we have a thread to spawn, do it! */ if (ThreadToSpawn != NULL) { /* We NULLify it to be consistent with initialization */ ThreadToSpawn->List.Flink = NULL; ExQueueWorkItem(ThreadToSpawn, CriticalWorkQueue); } } VOID NTAPI CcScanDpc( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DeferredContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2) { PWORK_QUEUE_ENTRY WorkItem; /* Allocate a work item */ WorkItem = ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&CcTwilightLookasideList); if (WorkItem == NULL) { LazyWriter.ScanActive = FALSE; return; } /* And post it, it will be for lazy write */ WorkItem->Function = LazyWrite; CcPostWorkQueue(WorkItem, &CcRegularWorkQueue); } VOID CcLazyWriteScan(VOID) { ULONG Target; ULONG Count; KIRQL OldIrql; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; LIST_ENTRY ToPost; PWORK_QUEUE_ENTRY WorkItem; /* Do we have entries to queue after we're done? */ InitializeListHead(&ToPost); OldIrql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueMasterLock); if (LazyWriter.OtherWork) { while (!IsListEmpty(&CcPostTickWorkQueue)) { ListEntry = RemoveHeadList(&CcPostTickWorkQueue); WorkItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY, WorkQueueLinks); InsertTailList(&ToPost, &WorkItem->WorkQueueLinks); } LazyWriter.OtherWork = FALSE; } KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueMasterLock, OldIrql); /* Our target is one-eighth of the dirty pages */ Target = CcTotalDirtyPages / 8; if (Target != 0) { /* Flush! */ DPRINT("Lazy writer starting (%d)\n", Target); CcRosFlushDirtyPages(Target, &Count, FALSE, TRUE); /* And update stats */ CcLazyWritePages += Count; ++CcLazyWriteIos; DPRINT("Lazy writer done (%d)\n", Count); } /* If we have deferred writes, try them now! */ if (!IsListEmpty(&CcDeferredWrites)) { CcPostDeferredWrites(); } /* Post items that were due for end of run */ while (!IsListEmpty(&ToPost)) { ListEntry = RemoveHeadList(&ToPost); WorkItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY, WorkQueueLinks); CcPostWorkQueue(WorkItem, &CcRegularWorkQueue); } /* We're no longer active */ OldIrql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueMasterLock); LazyWriter.ScanActive = FALSE; KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueMasterLock, OldIrql); } VOID CcScheduleLazyWriteScan( IN BOOLEAN NoDelay) { /* If no delay, immediately start lazy writer, * no matter it was already started */ if (NoDelay) { LazyWriter.ScanActive = TRUE; KeSetTimer(&LazyWriter.ScanTimer, CcNoDelay, &LazyWriter.ScanDpc); } /* Otherwise, if it's not running, just wait three seconds to start it */ else if (!LazyWriter.ScanActive) { LazyWriter.ScanActive = TRUE; KeSetTimer(&LazyWriter.ScanTimer, CcFirstDelay, &LazyWriter.ScanDpc); } /* Finally, already running, so queue for the next second */ else { KeSetTimer(&LazyWriter.ScanTimer, CcIdleDelay, &LazyWriter.ScanDpc); } } VOID NTAPI CcWorkerThread( IN PVOID Parameter) { KIRQL OldIrql; BOOLEAN DropThrottle; PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM Item; #if DBG PIRP TopLevel; #endif /* Get back our thread item */ Item = Parameter; /* And by default, don't touch throttle */ DropThrottle = FALSE; #if DBG /* Top level IRP should be clean when started * Save it to catch buggy drivers (or bugs!) */ TopLevel = IoGetTopLevelIrp(); if (TopLevel != NULL) { DPRINT1("(%p) TopLevel IRP for this thread: %p\n", PsGetCurrentThread(), TopLevel); } #endif /* Loop till we have jobs */ while (TRUE) { PWORK_QUEUE_ENTRY WorkItem; /* Lock queues */ OldIrql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueWorkQueueLock); /* If we have to touch throttle, reset it now! */ if (DropThrottle) { CcQueueThrottle = FALSE; DropThrottle = FALSE; } /* Check first if we have read ahead to do */ if (IsListEmpty(&CcExpressWorkQueue)) { /* If not, check regular queue */ if (IsListEmpty(&CcRegularWorkQueue)) { break; } else { WorkItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(CcRegularWorkQueue.Flink, WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY, WorkQueueLinks); } } else { WorkItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(CcExpressWorkQueue.Flink, WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY, WorkQueueLinks); } /* Get our work item, if someone is waiting for us to finish * and we're not the only thread in queue * then, quit running to let the others do * and throttle so that noone starts till current activity is over */ if (WorkItem->Function == SetDone && CcNumberActiveWorkerThreads > 1) { CcQueueThrottle = TRUE; break; } /* Otherwise, remove current entry */ RemoveEntryList(&WorkItem->WorkQueueLinks); KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueWorkQueueLock, OldIrql); /* And handle it */ switch (WorkItem->Function) { case ReadAhead: CcPerformReadAhead(WorkItem->Parameters.Read.FileObject); break; case LazyWrite: CcLazyWriteScan(); break; case SetDone: KeSetEvent(WorkItem->Parameters.Event.Event, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); DropThrottle = TRUE; break; default: DPRINT1("Ignored item: %p (%d)\n", WorkItem, WorkItem->Function); break; } /* And release the item */ ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList(&CcTwilightLookasideList, WorkItem); } /* Our thread is available again */ InsertTailList(&CcIdleWorkerThreadList, &Item->List); /* One less worker */ --CcNumberActiveWorkerThreads; KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueWorkQueueLock, OldIrql); #if DBG /* Top level shouldn't have changed */ if (TopLevel != IoGetTopLevelIrp()) { DPRINT1("(%p) Mismatching TopLevel: %p, %p\n", PsGetCurrentThread(), TopLevel, IoGetTopLevelIrp()); } #endif } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI CcWaitForCurrentLazyWriterActivity ( VOID) { KIRQL OldIrql; KEVENT WaitEvent; PWORK_QUEUE_ENTRY WorkItem; /* Allocate a work item */ WorkItem = ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&CcTwilightLookasideList); if (WorkItem == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* We want lazy writer to set our event */ WorkItem->Function = SetDone; KeInitializeEvent(&WaitEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE); WorkItem->Parameters.Event.Event = &WaitEvent; /* Use the post tick queue */ OldIrql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueMasterLock); InsertTailList(&CcPostTickWorkQueue, &WorkItem->WorkQueueLinks); /* Inform the lazy writer it will have to handle the post tick queue */ LazyWriter.OtherWork = TRUE; /* And if it's not running, queue a lazy writer run * And start it NOW, we want the response now */ if (!LazyWriter.ScanActive) { CcScheduleLazyWriteScan(TRUE); } KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueMasterLock, OldIrql); /* And now, wait until lazy writer replies */ return KeWaitForSingleObject(&WaitEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); }