/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Win32 Base API * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: dll/win32/kernel32/mem/heap.c * PURPOSE: Heap Memory APIs (wrappers for RtlHeap*) * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ RTL_HANDLE_TABLE BaseHeapHandleTable; HANDLE BaseHeap; ULONG_PTR SystemRangeStart; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ VOID NTAPI BaseDllInitializeMemoryManager(VOID) { BaseHeap = RtlGetProcessHeap(); RtlInitializeHandleTable(0xFFFF, sizeof(BASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY), &BaseHeapHandleTable); NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemRangeStartInformation, &SystemRangeStart, sizeof(SystemRangeStart), NULL); } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ HANDLE WINAPI HeapCreate(DWORD flOptions, DWORD dwInitialSize, DWORD dwMaximumSize) { HANDLE hRet; ULONG Flags; /* Remove non-Win32 flags and tag this allocation */ Flags = (flOptions & (HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS | HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) | HEAP_CLASS_1; /* Check if heap is growable and ensure max size is correct */ if (dwMaximumSize == 0) Flags |= HEAP_GROWABLE; else if (dwMaximumSize < BaseStaticServerData->SysInfo.PageSize && dwInitialSize > dwMaximumSize) { /* Max size is non-zero but less than page size which can't be correct. Fix it up by bumping it to the initial size whatever it is. */ dwMaximumSize = dwInitialSize; } /* Call RTL Heap */ hRet = RtlCreateHeap(Flags, NULL, dwMaximumSize, dwInitialSize, NULL, NULL); /* Set the last error if we failed, and return the pointer */ if (!hRet) SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return hRet; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI HeapDestroy(HANDLE hHeap) { /* Return TRUE if the heap was destroyed */ if (!RtlDestroyHeap(hHeap)) return TRUE; /* Otherwise, we got the handle back, so fail */ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } /* * @implemented */ HANDLE WINAPI GetProcessHeap(VOID) { /* Call the RTL API */ return RtlGetProcessHeap(); } /* * @implemented */ DWORD WINAPI GetProcessHeaps(DWORD NumberOfHeaps, PHANDLE ProcessHeaps) { /* Call the RTL API */ return RtlGetProcessHeaps(NumberOfHeaps, ProcessHeaps); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI HeapLock(HANDLE hHeap) { /* Call the RTL API */ return RtlLockHeap(hHeap); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI HeapUnlock(HANDLE hHeap) { /* Call the RTL API */ return RtlUnlockHeap(hHeap); } /* * @implemented */ SIZE_T WINAPI HeapCompact(HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags) { /* Call the RTL API */ return RtlCompactHeap(hHeap, dwFlags); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI HeapValidate(HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID lpMem) { /* Call the RTL API */ return RtlValidateHeap(hHeap, dwFlags, (PVOID)lpMem); } /* * @implemented */ DWORD WINAPI HeapCreateTagsW(HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, PWSTR lpTagName, PWSTR lpTagSubName) { /* Call the RTL API */ return RtlCreateTagHeap(hHeap, dwFlags, lpTagName, lpTagSubName); } /* * @implemented */ DWORD WINAPI HeapExtend(HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, PVOID BaseAddress, DWORD dwBytes) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Call the RTL API. Gone in Vista, so commented out. */ Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; //RtlExtendHeap(hHeap, dwFlags, BaseAddress, dwBytes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* We failed */ BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ PWSTR WINAPI HeapQueryTagW(HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, WORD wTagIndex, BOOL bResetCounters, PVOID lpTagInfo) { /* Call the RTL API */ return RtlQueryTagHeap(hHeap, dwFlags, wTagIndex, (BOOLEAN)bResetCounters, lpTagInfo); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI HeapSummary(HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, PVOID Summary) { NTSTATUS Status; RTL_HEAP_USAGE Usage; /* Fill in the length information */ Usage.Length = sizeof(Usage); /* Call RTL. Gone in Vista, so commented out */ Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; //RtlUsageHeap(hHeap, dwFlags, &Usage); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* We failed */ BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } /* FIXME: Summary == Usage?! */ RtlCopyMemory(Summary, &Usage, sizeof(Usage)); return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI HeapUsage(HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD Unknown, DWORD Unknown2, IN PVOID Usage) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Call RTL. Gone in Vista, so commented out */ Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; //RtlUsageHeap(hHeap, dwFlags, &Usage); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* We failed */ BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } else if (Status == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES) { /* There are still more entries to parse */ return TRUE; } /* Otherwise, we're completely done, so we return FALSE, but NO_ERROR */ SetLastError(NO_ERROR); return FALSE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI HeapWalk(HANDLE hHeap, LPPROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY lpEntry) { NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT1("Warning, HeapWalk is calling RtlWalkHeap with Win32 parameters\n"); Status = RtlWalkHeap(hHeap, lpEntry); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastError(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI HeapQueryInformation(HANDLE HeapHandle, HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS HeapInformationClass, PVOID HeapInformation OPTIONAL, SIZE_T HeapInformationLength OPTIONAL, PSIZE_T ReturnLength OPTIONAL) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = RtlQueryHeapInformation(HeapHandle, HeapInformationClass, HeapInformation, HeapInformationLength, ReturnLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI HeapSetInformation(HANDLE HeapHandle, HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS HeapInformationClass, PVOID HeapInformation OPTIONAL, SIZE_T HeapInformationLength OPTIONAL) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = RtlSetHeapInformation(HeapHandle, HeapInformationClass, HeapInformation, HeapInformationLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ HGLOBAL NTAPI GlobalAlloc(UINT uFlags, DWORD dwBytes) { ULONG Flags = 0; PVOID Ptr = NULL; HANDLE hMemory; PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; BASE_TRACE_ALLOC(dwBytes, uFlags); ASSERT(BaseHeap); /* Make sure the flags are valid */ if (uFlags & ~GMEM_VALID_FLAGS) { /* They aren't, fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } /* Convert ZEROINIT */ if (uFlags & GMEM_ZEROINIT) Flags |= HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY; /* Check if we're not movable, which means pointer-based heap */ if (!(uFlags & GMEM_MOVEABLE)) { /* Check if this is DDESHARE (deprecated) */ if (uFlags & GMEM_DDESHARE) Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_DDESHARE; /* Allocate heap for it */ Ptr = RtlAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, dwBytes ? dwBytes : 1); if (!Ptr) SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); BASE_TRACE_ALLOC2(Ptr); return Ptr; } /* This is heap based, so lock it in first */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); /* * Disable locking, enable custom flags, and write the * movable flag (deprecated) */ Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE | HEAP_SETTABLE_USER_VALUE | BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE; /* Allocate the handle */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapAllocEntry(); if (!HandleEntry) { /* Fail */ hMemory = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); } else { /* Get the object and make sure we have size */ hMemory = &HandleEntry->Object; if (dwBytes) { /* Allocate the actual memory for it */ Ptr = RtlAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, dwBytes); BASE_TRACE_PTR(HandleEntry, Ptr); if (!Ptr) { /* We failed, manually set the allocate flag and free the handle */ HandleEntry->Flags = RTL_HANDLE_VALID; BaseHeapFreeEntry(HandleEntry); /* For the cleanup case */ HandleEntry = NULL; } else { /* All worked well, save our heap entry */ RtlSetUserValueHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, Ptr, hMemory); } } } /* Cleanup! First unlock the heap */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); /* Check if a handle was allocated */ if (HandleEntry) { /* Set the pointer and allocated flag */ HandleEntry->Object = Ptr; HandleEntry->Flags = RTL_HANDLE_VALID; if (!Ptr) { /* We don't have a valid pointer, but so reuse this handle */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSE; } /* Check if the handle is discardable */ if (uFlags & GMEM_DISCARDABLE) { /* Save it in the handle entry */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSABLE; } /* Check if the handle is moveable */ if (uFlags & GMEM_MOVEABLE) { /* Save it in the handle entry */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_MOVABLE; } /* Check if the handle is DDE Shared */ if (uFlags & GMEM_DDESHARE) { /* Save it in the handle entry */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_DDESHARE; } /* Set the pointer */ Ptr = hMemory; } /* Return the pointer */ return Ptr; } /* * @implemented */ SIZE_T NTAPI GlobalCompact(DWORD dwMinFree) { /* Call the RTL Heap Manager */ return RtlCompactHeap(BaseHeap, 0); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI GlobalFix(HGLOBAL hMem) { /* Lock the memory if it the handle is valid */ if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hMem) GlobalLock(hMem); } /* * @implemented */ UINT NTAPI GlobalFlags(HGLOBAL hMem) { PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; HANDLE Handle = NULL; ULONG Flags = 0; UINT uFlags = GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE; /* Start by locking the heap */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); _SEH2_TRY { /* Check if this is a simple RTL Heap Managed block */ if (!((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY)) { /* Then we'll query RTL Heap */ RtlGetUserInfoHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, hMem, &Handle, &Flags); BASE_TRACE_PTR(Handle, hMem); /* * Check if RTL Heap didn't find a handle associated with us or * said that this heap isn't movable, which means something we're * really not a handle-based heap. */ if (!(Handle) || !(Flags & BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE)) { /* Then set the flags to 0 */ uFlags = 0; } else { /* Otherwise we're handle-based, so get the internal handle */ hMem = Handle; } } /* Check if the handle is actually an entry in our table */ if ((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY) { /* Then get the entry */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapGetEntry(hMem); BASE_TRACE_HANDLE(HandleEntry, hMem); /* Make sure it's a valid handle */ if (BaseHeapValidateEntry(HandleEntry)) { /* Get the lock count first */ uFlags = HandleEntry->LockCount & GMEM_LOCKCOUNT; /* Now check if it's discardable */ if (HandleEntry->Flags & BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSABLE) { /* Set the Win32 Flag */ uFlags |= GMEM_DISCARDABLE; } /* Check if it's DDE Shared */ if (HandleEntry->Flags & BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_DDESHARE) { /* Set the Win32 Flag */ uFlags |= GMEM_DDESHARE; } /* Now check if it's discarded */ if (HandleEntry->Flags & BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSE) { /* Set the Win32 Flag */ uFlags |= GMEM_DISCARDED; } } } /* Check if by now, we still haven't gotten any useful flags */ if (uFlags == GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Set the exception code */ BaseSetLastNTError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; /* All done! Unlock heap and return Win32 Flags */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return uFlags; } /* * @implemented */ HGLOBAL NTAPI GlobalFree(HGLOBAL hMem) { PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; LPVOID Ptr; BASE_TRACE_DEALLOC(hMem); /* Check if this was a simple allocated heap entry */ if (!((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY)) { /* Free it with the RTL Heap Manager */ if (RtlFreeHeap(BaseHeap, 0, hMem)) { /* Return NULL since there's no handle */ return NULL; } else { /* Otherwise fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return hMem; } } /* It's a handle probably, so lock the heap */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); _SEH2_TRY { /* Make sure that this is an entry in our handle database */ if ((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY) { /* Get the entry */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapGetEntry(hMem); BASE_TRACE_HANDLE(HandleEntry, hMem); /* Make sure the handle is valid */ if (!BaseHeapValidateEntry(HandleEntry)) { /* It's not, fail */ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); Ptr = NULL; } else { /* It's valid, so get the pointer */ Ptr = HandleEntry->Object; /* Free this handle */ BaseHeapFreeEntry(HandleEntry); /* If the pointer is 0, then we don't have a handle either */ if (!Ptr) hMem = NULL; } } else { /* Otherwise, reuse the handle as a pointer */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); Ptr = hMem; } /* Check if we got here with a valid heap pointer */ if (Ptr) { /* Free it with the RTL Heap Manager */ if (RtlFreeHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, Ptr)) { /* Everything worked */ hMem = NULL; } else { /* This wasn't a real heap handle */ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Set the exception code */ BaseSetLastNTError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; /* We're done, so unlock the heap and return the handle */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return hMem; } /* * @implemented */ HGLOBAL NTAPI GlobalHandle(LPCVOID pMem) { HANDLE Handle = NULL; ULONG Flags; /* Lock the heap */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); _SEH2_TRY { /* Query RTL Heap */ if (!RtlGetUserInfoHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (PVOID)pMem, &Handle, &Flags)) { /* RTL Heap Manager does not know about this heap */ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } else { /* * Check if RTL Heap didn't find a handle for us or said that * this heap isn't movable. */ BASE_TRACE_PTR(Handle, pMem); if (!(Handle) || !(Flags & BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE)) { /* We're actually handle-based, so the pointer is a handle */ Handle = (HANDLE)pMem; } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Set the exception code */ BaseSetLastNTError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; /* All done, unlock the heap and return the handle */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return Handle; } /* * @implemented */ LPVOID NTAPI GlobalLock(HGLOBAL hMem) { PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; LPVOID Ptr; /* Check if this was a simple allocated heap entry */ if (!((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY)) { /* Make sure it's not a kernel or invalid address */ if ((hMem >= (HGLOBAL)SystemRangeStart) || (IsBadReadPtr(hMem, 1))) { /* Signal an error */ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return NULL; } /* It's all good */ return hMem; } /* Otherwise, lock the heap */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); _SEH2_TRY { /* Get the handle entry */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapGetEntry(hMem); BASE_TRACE_HANDLE(HandleEntry, hMem); /* Make sure it's valid */ if (!BaseHeapValidateEntry(HandleEntry)) { /* It's not, fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); Ptr = NULL; } else { /* Otherwise, get the pointer */ Ptr = HandleEntry->Object; if (Ptr) { /* Increase the lock count, unless we've went too far */ if (HandleEntry->LockCount++ == GMEM_LOCKCOUNT) { /* In which case we simply unlock once */ HandleEntry->LockCount--; } } else { /* The handle is still there but the memory was already freed */ SetLastError(ERROR_DISCARDED); } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); Ptr = NULL; } _SEH2_END; /* All done. Unlock the heap and return the pointer */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return Ptr; } HGLOBAL NTAPI GlobalReAlloc(HGLOBAL hMem, DWORD dwBytes, UINT uFlags) { PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; HANDLE Handle; LPVOID Ptr; ULONG Flags = 0; /* Throw out invalid flags */ if (uFlags & ~(GMEM_VALID_FLAGS | GMEM_MODIFY)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } /* Throw out invalid combo */ if ((uFlags & GMEM_DISCARDABLE) && !(uFlags & GMEM_MODIFY)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } /* Convert ZEROINIT */ if (uFlags & GMEM_ZEROINIT) Flags |= HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY; /* If this wasn't a movable heap, then we MUST re-alloc in place */ if (!(uFlags & GMEM_MOVEABLE)) Flags |= HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY; /* Lock the heap and disable built-in locking in the RTL Heap funcitons */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE; /* Check if this is a simple handle-based block */ if (((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY)) { /* Get the entry */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapGetEntry(hMem); BASE_TRACE_HANDLE(HandleEntry, hMem); /* Make sure the handle is valid */ if (!BaseHeapValidateEntry(HandleEntry)) { /* Fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); hMem = NULL; } else if (uFlags & GMEM_MODIFY) { /* User is changing flags... check if the memory was discardable */ if (uFlags & GMEM_DISCARDABLE) { /* Then set the flag */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSABLE; } else { /* Otherwise, remove the flag */ HandleEntry->Flags &= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSABLE; } } else { /* Otherwise, get the object and check if we have no size */ Ptr = HandleEntry->Object; if (!dwBytes) { /* Clear the handle and check for a pointer */ hMem = NULL; if (Ptr) { /* Make sure the handle isn't locked */ if ((uFlags & GMEM_MOVEABLE) && !(HandleEntry->LockCount)) { /* Free the current heap */ if (RtlFreeHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, Ptr)) { /* Free the handle */ HandleEntry->Object = NULL; HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSE; /* Get the object pointer */ hMem = &HandleEntry->Object; } } } else { /* Otherwise just return the object pointer */ hMem = &HandleEntry->Object; } } else { /* Otherwise, we're allocating, so set the new flags needed */ Flags |= HEAP_SETTABLE_USER_VALUE | BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE; if (!Ptr) { /* We don't have a base, so allocate one */ Ptr = RtlAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, dwBytes); BASE_TRACE_ALLOC2(Ptr); if (Ptr) { /* Allocation succeeded, so save our entry */ RtlSetUserValueHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, Ptr, hMem); } } else { /* * If it's not movable or currently locked, we MUST allocate * in-place! */ if (!(uFlags & GMEM_MOVEABLE) && (HandleEntry->LockCount)) { /* Set the flag */ Flags |= HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY; } else { /* Otherwise clear the flag if we set it previously */ Flags &= ~HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY; } /* Do the re-allocation. No need to save the entry again */ Ptr = RtlReAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, Ptr, dwBytes); } /* Make sure we have a pointer by now */ if (Ptr) { /* Write it in the handle entry and mark it in use */ HandleEntry->Object = Ptr; HandleEntry->Flags &= ~BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSE; } else { /* Otherwise we failed */ hMem = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } } } } else if (uFlags & GMEM_MODIFY) { /* This is not a handle-based heap and the caller wants it to be one */ if (uFlags & GMEM_MOVEABLE) { /* Get information on its current state */ Handle = hMem; if (RtlGetUserInfoHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, hMem, &Handle, NULL)) { /* * Check if the handle matches the pointer or the moveable flag * isn't there, which is what we expect since it currenly isn't. */ if ((Handle == hMem) || !(Flags & BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE)) { /* Allocate a handle for it */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapAllocEntry(); if (!HandleEntry) { /* No entry could be allocated */ SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return NULL; } /* Calculate the size of the current heap */ dwBytes = RtlSizeHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, hMem); /* Set the movable flag */ Flags |= HEAP_SETTABLE_USER_VALUE | BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE; /* Now allocate the actual heap for it */ HandleEntry->Object = RtlAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, dwBytes); BASE_TRACE_PTR(HandleEntry->Object, HandleEntry); if (!HandleEntry->Object) { /* * We failed, manually set the allocate flag and * free the handle */ HandleEntry->Flags = RTL_HANDLE_VALID; BaseHeapFreeEntry(HandleEntry); /* For the cleanup case */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); HandleEntry = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } else { /* Otherwise, copy the new heap and free the old one */ RtlMoveMemory(HandleEntry->Object, hMem, dwBytes); RtlFreeHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, hMem); /* Select the heap pointer */ hMem = (HANDLE)&HandleEntry->Object; /* Initialize the count and default flags */ HandleEntry->LockCount = 0; HandleEntry->Flags = RTL_HANDLE_VALID | BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_MOVABLE; /* Check if it's also discardable */ if (uFlags & GMEM_DISCARDABLE) { /* Set the internal flag */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSABLE; } /* Check if it's also DDE Shared */ if (uFlags & GMEM_DDESHARE) { /* Set the internal flag */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_DDESHARE; } /* Allocation succeeded, so save our entry */ RtlSetUserValueHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, HandleEntry->Object, hMem); } } } } } else { /* Otherwise, this is a simple RTL Managed Heap, so just call it */ hMem = RtlReAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags | HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, hMem, dwBytes); if (!hMem) { /* Fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } } /* All done, unlock the heap and return the pointer */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return hMem; } /* * @implemented */ DWORD NTAPI GlobalSize(HGLOBAL hMem) { PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; PVOID Handle = NULL; ULONG Flags = 0; SIZE_T dwSize = MAXULONG_PTR; /* Lock the heap */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); _SEH2_TRY { /* Check if this is a simple RTL Heap Managed block */ if (!((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY)) { /* Then we'll query RTL Heap */ if (RtlGetUserInfoHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, hMem, &Handle, &Flags)) { BASE_TRACE_PTR(Handle, hMem); /* * Check if RTL Heap didn't give us a handle or said that this * heap isn't movable. */ if (!(Handle) || !(Flags & BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE)) { /* We're not a handle heap, so use the generic call */ dwSize = RtlSizeHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, hMem); } else { /* We're a handle heap so get the internal handle */ hMem = Handle; } } } /* Make sure that this is an entry in our handle database */ if ((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY) { /* Get the entry */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapGetEntry(hMem); BASE_TRACE_HANDLE(HandleEntry, hMem); /* Make sure the handle is valid */ if (!BaseHeapValidateEntry(HandleEntry)) { /* Fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } else if (HandleEntry->Flags & BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSE) { /* We've reused this block, but we've saved the size for you */ dwSize = HandleEntry->OldSize; } else { /* Otherwise, query RTL about it */ dwSize = RtlSizeHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, HandleEntry->Object); } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Set failure for later */ dwSize = MAXULONG_PTR; } _SEH2_END; /* Check if by now, we still haven't gotten any useful size */ if (dwSize == MAXULONG_PTR) { /* Fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); dwSize = 0; } /* All done! Unlock heap and return the size */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return dwSize; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI GlobalUnfix(HGLOBAL hMem) { /* If the handle is valid, unlock it */ if (hMem != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) GlobalUnlock(hMem); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL NTAPI GlobalUnlock(HGLOBAL hMem) { PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; BOOL RetVal = TRUE; /* Check if this was a simple allocated heap entry */ if (!((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY)) return RetVal; /* Otherwise, lock the heap */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); /* Get the handle entry */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapGetEntry(hMem); BASE_TRACE_HANDLE(HandleEntry, hMem); _SEH2_TRY { /* Make sure it's valid */ if (!BaseHeapValidateEntry(HandleEntry)) { /* It's not, fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); RetVal = FALSE; } else { /* Otherwise, decrement lock count, unless we're already at 0*/ if (!HandleEntry->LockCount--) { /* In which case we simply lock it back and fail */ HandleEntry->LockCount++; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_LOCKED); RetVal = FALSE; } else if (!HandleEntry->LockCount) { /* Nothing to unlock */ SetLastError(NO_ERROR); RetVal = FALSE; } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); RetVal = FALSE; } _SEH2_END; /* All done. Unlock the heap and return the pointer */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return RetVal; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL NTAPI GlobalUnWire(HGLOBAL hMem) { /* This is simply an unlock */ return GlobalUnlock(hMem); } /* * @implemented */ LPVOID NTAPI GlobalWire(HGLOBAL hMem) { /* This is just a lock */ return GlobalLock(hMem); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL NTAPI GlobalMemoryStatusEx(LPMEMORYSTATUSEX lpBuffer) { SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION PerformanceInfo; VM_COUNTERS VmCounters; QUOTA_LIMITS QuotaLimits; ULONGLONG PageFile, PhysicalMemory; /* Query performance information */ NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemPerformanceInformation, &PerformanceInfo, sizeof(PerformanceInfo), NULL); /* Calculate memory load */ lpBuffer->dwMemoryLoad = ((DWORD)(BaseStaticServerData->SysInfo.NumberOfPhysicalPages - PerformanceInfo.AvailablePages) * 100) / BaseStaticServerData->SysInfo.NumberOfPhysicalPages; /* Save physical memory */ PhysicalMemory = BaseStaticServerData->SysInfo.NumberOfPhysicalPages * BaseStaticServerData->SysInfo.PageSize; lpBuffer->ullTotalPhys = PhysicalMemory; /* Now save available physical memory */ PhysicalMemory = PerformanceInfo.AvailablePages * BaseStaticServerData->SysInfo.PageSize; lpBuffer->ullAvailPhys = PhysicalMemory; /* Query VM and Quota Limits */ NtQueryInformationProcess(NtCurrentProcess(), ProcessQuotaLimits, &QuotaLimits, sizeof(QUOTA_LIMITS), NULL); NtQueryInformationProcess(NtCurrentProcess(), ProcessVmCounters, &VmCounters, sizeof(VM_COUNTERS), NULL); /* Save the commit limit */ lpBuffer->ullTotalPageFile = min(QuotaLimits.PagefileLimit, PerformanceInfo.CommitLimit); /* Calculate how many pages are left */ PageFile = PerformanceInfo.CommitLimit - PerformanceInfo.CommittedPages; /* Save the total */ lpBuffer->ullAvailPageFile = min(PageFile, QuotaLimits.PagefileLimit - VmCounters.PagefileUsage); lpBuffer->ullAvailPageFile *= BaseStaticServerData->SysInfo.PageSize; /* Now calculate the total virtual space */ lpBuffer->ullTotalVirtual = (BaseStaticServerData->SysInfo.MaximumUserModeAddress - BaseStaticServerData->SysInfo.MinimumUserModeAddress) + 1; /* And finally the avilable virtual space */ lpBuffer->ullAvailVirtual = lpBuffer->ullTotalVirtual - VmCounters.VirtualSize; lpBuffer->ullAvailExtendedVirtual = 0; return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI GlobalMemoryStatus(LPMEMORYSTATUS lpBuffer) { MEMORYSTATUSEX lpBufferEx; /* Call the extended function */ lpBufferEx.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX); if (GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&lpBufferEx)) { /* Reset the right size and fill out the information */ lpBuffer->dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS); lpBuffer->dwMemoryLoad = lpBufferEx.dwMemoryLoad; lpBuffer->dwTotalPhys = (SIZE_T)lpBufferEx.ullTotalPhys; lpBuffer->dwAvailPhys = (SIZE_T)lpBufferEx.ullAvailPhys; lpBuffer->dwTotalPageFile = (SIZE_T)lpBufferEx.ullTotalPageFile; lpBuffer->dwAvailPageFile = (SIZE_T)lpBufferEx.ullAvailPageFile; lpBuffer->dwTotalVirtual = (SIZE_T)lpBufferEx.ullTotalVirtual; lpBuffer->dwAvailVirtual = (SIZE_T)lpBufferEx.ullAvailVirtual; } } /* * @implemented */ HLOCAL NTAPI LocalAlloc(UINT uFlags, SIZE_T dwBytes) { ULONG Flags = 0; PVOID Ptr = NULL; HANDLE hMemory; PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; BASE_TRACE_ALLOC(dwBytes, uFlags); ASSERT(BaseHeap); /* Make sure the flags are valid */ if (uFlags & ~LMEM_VALID_FLAGS) { /* They aren't, fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } /* Convert ZEROINIT */ if (uFlags & LMEM_ZEROINIT) Flags |= HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY; /* Check if we're not movable, which means pointer-based heap */ if (!(uFlags & LMEM_MOVEABLE)) { /* Allocate heap for it */ Ptr = RtlAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, dwBytes); BASE_TRACE_ALLOC2(Ptr); return Ptr; } /* This is heap based, so lock it in first */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); /* * Disable locking, enable custom flags, and write the * movable flag (deprecated) */ Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE | HEAP_SETTABLE_USER_VALUE | BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE; /* Allocate the handle */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapAllocEntry(); if (!HandleEntry) { /* Fail */ hMemory = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); goto Quickie; } /* Get the object and make sure we have size */ hMemory = &HandleEntry->Object; if (dwBytes) { /* Allocate the actual memory for it */ Ptr = RtlAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, dwBytes); BASE_TRACE_PTR(HandleEntry, Ptr); if (!Ptr) { /* We failed, manually set the allocate flag and free the handle */ HandleEntry->Flags = RTL_HANDLE_VALID; BaseHeapFreeEntry(HandleEntry); /* For the cleanup case */ HandleEntry = NULL; } else { /* All worked well, save our heap entry */ RtlSetUserValueHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, Ptr, hMemory); } } Quickie: /* Cleanup! First unlock the heap */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); /* Check if a handle was allocated */ if (HandleEntry) { /* Set the pointer and allocated flag */ HandleEntry->Object = Ptr; HandleEntry->Flags = RTL_HANDLE_VALID; if (!Ptr) { /* We don't have a valid pointer, but so reuse this handle */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSE; } /* Check if the handle is discardable */ if (uFlags & GMEM_DISCARDABLE) { /* Save it in the handle entry */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSABLE; } /* Check if the handle is moveable */ if (uFlags & GMEM_MOVEABLE) { /* Save it in the handle entry */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_MOVABLE; } /* Set the pointer */ Ptr = hMemory; } /* Return the pointer */ return Ptr; } /* * @implemented */ SIZE_T NTAPI LocalCompact(UINT dwMinFree) { /* Call the RTL Heap Manager */ return RtlCompactHeap(BaseHeap, 0); } /* * @implemented */ UINT NTAPI LocalFlags(HLOCAL hMem) { PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; HANDLE Handle = NULL; ULONG Flags = 0; UINT uFlags = LMEM_INVALID_HANDLE; /* Start by locking the heap */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); /* Check if this is a simple RTL Heap Managed block */ if (!((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY)) { /* Then we'll query RTL Heap */ RtlGetUserInfoHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, hMem, &Handle, &Flags); BASE_TRACE_PTR(Handle, hMem); /* * Check if RTL Heap didn't find a handle associated with us or * said that this heap isn't movable, which means something we're * really not a handle-based heap. */ if (!(Handle) || !(Flags & BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE)) { /* Then set the flags to 0 */ uFlags = 0; } else { /* Otherwise we're handle-based, so get the internal handle */ hMem = Handle; } } /* Check if the handle is actually an entry in our table */ if ((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY) { /* Then get the entry */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapGetEntry(hMem); BASE_TRACE_HANDLE(HandleEntry, hMem); /* Make sure it's a valid handle */ if (BaseHeapValidateEntry(HandleEntry)) { /* Get the lock count first */ uFlags = HandleEntry->LockCount & LMEM_LOCKCOUNT; /* Now check if it's discardable */ if (HandleEntry->Flags & BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSABLE) { /* Set the Win32 Flag */ uFlags |= LMEM_DISCARDABLE; } /* Now check if it's discarded */ if (HandleEntry->Flags & BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSE) /* Set the Win32 Flag */ uFlags |= LMEM_DISCARDED; } } /* Check if by now, we still haven't gotten any useful flags */ if (uFlags == LMEM_INVALID_HANDLE) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); /* All done! Unlock heap and return Win32 Flags */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return uFlags; } /* * @implemented */ HLOCAL NTAPI LocalFree(HLOCAL hMem) { /* This is identical to a Global Free */ return GlobalFree(hMem); } /* * @implemented */ HLOCAL NTAPI LocalHandle(LPCVOID pMem) { /* This is identical to a Global Handle */ return GlobalHandle(pMem); } /* * @implemented */ LPVOID NTAPI LocalLock(HLOCAL hMem) { /* This is the same as a GlobalLock, assuming these never change */ C_ASSERT(LMEM_LOCKCOUNT == GMEM_LOCKCOUNT); return GlobalLock(hMem); } HLOCAL NTAPI LocalReAlloc(HLOCAL hMem, SIZE_T dwBytes, UINT uFlags) { PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; LPVOID Ptr; ULONG Flags = 0; /* Convert ZEROINIT */ if (uFlags & LMEM_ZEROINIT) Flags |= HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY; /* If this wasn't a movable heap, then we MUST re-alloc in place */ if (!(uFlags & LMEM_MOVEABLE)) Flags |= HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY; /* Lock the heap and disable built-in locking in the RTL Heap funcitons */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE; /* Check if this is a simple handle-based block */ if (((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY)) { /* Get the entry */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapGetEntry(hMem); BASE_TRACE_HANDLE(HandleEntry, hMem); /* Make sure the handle is valid */ if (!BaseHeapValidateEntry(HandleEntry)) { /* Fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); hMem = NULL; } else if (uFlags & LMEM_MODIFY) { /* User is changing flags... check if the memory was discardable */ if (uFlags & LMEM_DISCARDABLE) { /* Then set the flag */ HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSABLE; } else { /* Otherwise, remove the flag */ HandleEntry->Flags &= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSABLE; } } else { /* Otherwise, get the object and check if we have no size */ Ptr = HandleEntry->Object; if (!dwBytes) { /* Clear the handle and check for a pointer */ hMem = NULL; if (Ptr) { /* Make sure the handle isn't locked */ if ((uFlags & LMEM_MOVEABLE) && !(HandleEntry->LockCount)) { /* Free the current heap */ RtlFreeHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, Ptr); /* Free the handle */ HandleEntry->Object = NULL; HandleEntry->Flags |= BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSE; /* Get the object pointer */ hMem = &HandleEntry->Object; } } else { /* Otherwise just return the object pointer */ hMem = &HandleEntry->Object; } } else { /* Otherwise, we're allocating, so set the new flags needed */ Flags |= HEAP_SETTABLE_USER_VALUE | BASE_HEAP_FLAG_MOVABLE; if (!Ptr) { /* We don't have a base, so allocate one */ Ptr = RtlAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, dwBytes); BASE_TRACE_ALLOC2(Ptr); if (Ptr) { /* Allocation succeeded, so save our entry */ RtlSetUserValueHeap(BaseHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, Ptr, hMem); } } else { /* * If it's not movable or currently locked, we MUST allocate * in-place! */ if (!(uFlags & LMEM_MOVEABLE) && (HandleEntry->LockCount)) { /* Set the flag */ Flags |= HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY; } else { /* Otherwise clear the flag if we set it previously */ Flags &= ~HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY; } /* And do the re-allocation */ Ptr = RtlReAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags, Ptr, dwBytes); } /* Make sure we have a pointer by now */ if (Ptr) { /* Write it in the handle entry and mark it in use */ HandleEntry->Object = Ptr; HandleEntry->Flags &= ~BASE_HEAP_ENTRY_FLAG_REUSE; } else { /* Otherwise we failed */ hMem = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } } } } else if (!(uFlags & LMEM_MODIFY)) { /* Otherwise, this is a simple RTL Managed Heap, so just call it */ hMem = RtlReAllocateHeap(BaseHeap, Flags | HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, hMem, dwBytes); if (!hMem) { /* Fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } } /* All done, unlock the heap and return the pointer */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return hMem; } /* * @implemented */ SIZE_T WINAPI LocalShrink(HLOCAL hMem, UINT cbNewSize) { /* Call RTL */ return RtlCompactHeap(BaseHeap, 0); } /* * @implemented */ SIZE_T NTAPI LocalSize(HLOCAL hMem) { /* This is the same as a Global Size */ return GlobalSize(hMem); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL NTAPI LocalUnlock(HLOCAL hMem) { PBASE_HEAP_HANDLE_ENTRY HandleEntry; BOOL RetVal = TRUE; /* Check if this was a simple allocated heap entry */ if (!((ULONG_PTR)hMem & BASE_HEAP_IS_HANDLE_ENTRY)) { /* Fail, because LocalUnlock is not supported on LMEM_FIXED allocations */ SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_LOCKED); return FALSE; } /* Otherwise, lock the heap */ RtlLockHeap(BaseHeap); /* Get the handle entry */ HandleEntry = BaseHeapGetEntry(hMem); BASE_TRACE_HANDLE(HandleEntry, hMem); _SEH2_TRY { /* Make sure it's valid */ if (!BaseHeapValidateEntry(HandleEntry)) { /* It's not, fail */ BASE_TRACE_FAILURE(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); RetVal = FALSE; } else { /* Otherwise, decrement lock count, unless we're already at 0*/ if (!HandleEntry->LockCount--) { /* In which case we simply lock it back and fail */ HandleEntry->LockCount++; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_LOCKED); RetVal = FALSE; } else if (!HandleEntry->LockCount) { /* Nothing to unlock */ SetLastError(NO_ERROR); RetVal = FALSE; } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); RetVal = FALSE; } _SEH2_END; /* All done. Unlock the heap and return the pointer */ RtlUnlockHeap(BaseHeap); return RetVal; } /* EOF */