/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Configuration of network devices * FILE: dll/directx/dsound_new/capture.c * PURPOSE: Implement IDirectSoundCapture * * PROGRAMMERS: Johannes Anderwald (janderwald@reactos.org) */ #include "precomp.h" typedef struct { IDirectSoundCaptureVtbl *lpVtbl; LONG ref; GUID DeviceGUID; BOOL bInitialized; LPFILTERINFO Filter; }CDirectSoundCaptureImpl, *LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl; HRESULT WINAPI CDirectSoundCapture_fnQueryInterface( LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppobj) { LPOLESTR pStr; LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl This = (LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl)CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, CDirectSoundCaptureImpl, lpVtbl); /* check if the interface is supported */ if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IDirectSoundCapture)) { *ppobj = (LPVOID)&This->lpVtbl; InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref); return S_OK; } /* unsupported interface */ if (SUCCEEDED(StringFromIID(riid, &pStr))) { DPRINT("No Interface for class %s\n", pStr); CoTaskMemFree(pStr); } return E_NOINTERFACE; } ULONG WINAPI CDirectSoundCapture_fnAddRef( LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 iface) { ULONG ref; LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl This = (LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl)CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, CDirectSoundCaptureImpl, lpVtbl); /* increment reference count */ ref = InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref); return ref; } ULONG WINAPI CDirectSoundCapture_fnRelease( LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 iface) { ULONG ref; LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl This = (LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl)CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, CDirectSoundCaptureImpl, lpVtbl); /* release reference count */ ref = InterlockedDecrement(&(This->ref)); if (!ref) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This); } return ref; } HRESULT WINAPI CDirectSoundCapture_fnCreateCaptureBuffer( LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 iface, LPCDSCBUFFERDESC lpcDSBufferDesc, LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER *ppDSCBuffer, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter) { HRESULT hResult; LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl This = (LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl)CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, CDirectSoundCaptureImpl, lpVtbl); if (!This->bInitialized) { /* object not yet initialized */ return DSERR_UNINITIALIZED; } if (!lpcDSBufferDesc || !ppDSCBuffer || pUnkOuter != NULL) { /* invalid param */ return DSERR_INVALIDPARAM; } /* check buffer description */ if ((lpcDSBufferDesc->dwSize != sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC) && lpcDSBufferDesc->dwSize != sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC1)) || lpcDSBufferDesc->dwReserved != 0 || lpcDSBufferDesc->dwBufferBytes == 0 || lpcDSBufferDesc->lpwfxFormat == NULL) { /* invalid buffer description */ return DSERR_INVALIDPARAM; } DPRINT("This %p wFormatTag %x nChannels %u nSamplesPerSec %u nAvgBytesPerSec %u NBlockAlign %u wBitsPerSample %u cbSize %u\n", This, lpcDSBufferDesc->lpwfxFormat->wFormatTag, lpcDSBufferDesc->lpwfxFormat->nChannels, lpcDSBufferDesc->lpwfxFormat->nSamplesPerSec, lpcDSBufferDesc->lpwfxFormat->nAvgBytesPerSec, lpcDSBufferDesc->lpwfxFormat->nBlockAlign, lpcDSBufferDesc->lpwfxFormat->wBitsPerSample, lpcDSBufferDesc->lpwfxFormat->cbSize); hResult = NewDirectSoundCaptureBuffer((LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER8*)ppDSCBuffer, This->Filter, lpcDSBufferDesc); return hResult; } HRESULT WINAPI CDirectSoundCapture_fnGetCaps( LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 iface, LPDSCCAPS pDSCCaps) { WAVEINCAPSW Caps; MMRESULT Result; LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl This = (LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl)CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, CDirectSoundCaptureImpl, lpVtbl); if (!This->bInitialized) { /* object not yet initialized */ return DSERR_UNINITIALIZED; } if (!pDSCCaps) { /* invalid param */ return DSERR_INVALIDPARAM; } if (pDSCCaps->dwSize != sizeof(DSCCAPS)) { /* invalid param */ return DSERR_INVALIDPARAM; } /* We are certified ;) */ pDSCCaps->dwFlags = DSCCAPS_CERTIFIED; ASSERT(This->Filter); Result = waveInGetDevCapsW(This->Filter->MappedId[0], &Caps, sizeof(WAVEINCAPSW)); if (Result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { /* failed */ DPRINT("waveInGetDevCapsW for device %u failed with %x\n", This->Filter->MappedId[0], Result); return DSERR_UNSUPPORTED; } pDSCCaps->dwFormats = Caps.dwFormats; pDSCCaps->dwChannels = Caps.wChannels; return DS_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI CDirectSoundCapture_fnInitialize( LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 iface, LPCGUID pcGuidDevice) { GUID DeviceGuid; LPOLESTR pGuidStr; LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl This = (LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl)CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, CDirectSoundCaptureImpl, lpVtbl); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(RootInfo); if (This->bInitialized) { /* object has already been initialized */ return DSERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED; } /* fixme mutual exlucsion */ if (pcGuidDevice == NULL || IsEqualGUID(pcGuidDevice, &GUID_NULL)) { /* use default playback device id */ pcGuidDevice = &DSDEVID_DefaultCapture; } if (IsEqualIID(pcGuidDevice, &DSDEVID_DefaultVoicePlayback) || IsEqualIID(pcGuidDevice, &DSDEVID_DefaultPlayback)) { /* this has to be a winetest */ return DSERR_NODRIVER; } /* now verify the guid */ if (GetDeviceID(pcGuidDevice, &DeviceGuid) != DS_OK) { if (SUCCEEDED(StringFromIID(pcGuidDevice, &pGuidStr))) { DPRINT("IDirectSound8_fnInitialize: Unknown GUID %ws\n", pGuidStr); CoTaskMemFree(pGuidStr); } return DSERR_INVALIDPARAM; } if (FindDeviceByGuid(&DeviceGuid, &This->Filter)) { This->bInitialized = TRUE; return DS_OK; } DPRINT("Failed to find device\n"); return DSERR_INVALIDPARAM; } static IDirectSoundCaptureVtbl vt_DirectSoundCapture = { /* IUnknown methods */ CDirectSoundCapture_fnQueryInterface, CDirectSoundCapture_fnAddRef, CDirectSoundCapture_fnRelease, CDirectSoundCapture_fnCreateCaptureBuffer, CDirectSoundCapture_fnGetCaps, CDirectSoundCapture_fnInitialize }; HRESULT InternalDirectSoundCaptureCreate( LPCGUID lpcGUID, LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 *ppDS, IUnknown *pUnkOuter) { LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl This; HRESULT hr; if (!ppDS || pUnkOuter != NULL) { /* invalid parameter passed */ return DSERR_INVALIDPARAM; } /* allocate CDirectSoundCaptureImpl struct */ This = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(CDirectSoundCaptureImpl)); if (!This) { /* not enough memory */ return DSERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } /* initialize IDirectSoundCapture object */ This->ref = 1; This->lpVtbl = &vt_DirectSoundCapture; /* initialize direct sound interface */ hr = IDirectSoundCapture_Initialize((LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8)&This->lpVtbl, lpcGUID); /* check for success */ if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* failed */ DPRINT("Failed to initialize DirectSoundCapture object with %x\n", hr); IDirectSoundCapture_Release((LPDIRECTSOUND8)&This->lpVtbl); return hr; } /* store result */ *ppDS = (LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8)&This->lpVtbl; DPRINT("DirectSoundCapture object %p\n", *ppDS); return DS_OK; } HRESULT CALLBACK NewDirectSoundCapture( IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvObject) { LPOLESTR pStr; LPCDirectSoundCaptureImpl This; /* check requested interface */ if (!IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) && !IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IDirectSoundCapture) && !IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IDirectSoundCapture8)) { *ppvObject = 0; StringFromIID(riid, &pStr); DPRINT("NewDirectSoundCapture does not support Interface %ws\n", pStr); CoTaskMemFree(pStr); return E_NOINTERFACE; } /* allocate CDirectSoundCaptureImpl struct */ This = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(CDirectSoundCaptureImpl)); if (!This) { /* not enough memory */ return DSERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } /* initialize object */ This->ref = 1; This->lpVtbl = &vt_DirectSoundCapture; This->bInitialized = FALSE; *ppvObject = (LPVOID)&This->lpVtbl; return S_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI DirectSoundCaptureCreate( LPCGUID lpcGUID, LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE *ppDSC, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter) { return InternalDirectSoundCaptureCreate(lpcGUID, (LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8*)ppDSC, pUnkOuter); } HRESULT WINAPI DirectSoundCaptureCreate8( LPCGUID lpcGUID, LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 *ppDSC8, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter) { return InternalDirectSoundCaptureCreate(lpcGUID, ppDSC8, pUnkOuter); }