/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Spooler Router API Tests * LICENSE: GNU GPLv2 or any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation * PURPOSE: Tests for AlignRpcPtr/UndoAlignRpcPtr * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2017 Colin Finck */ #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include START_TEST(AlignRpcPtr) { char* pMemory; char* pInputBuffer; char* pOutputBuffer; DWORD cbBuffer; PDWORD pcbBuffer; // Allocate memory with GlobalAlloc. It is guaranteed to be aligned to a 8-byte boundary. pMemory = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, 16); // First try AlignRpcPtr with already aligned memory and buffer size. It should leave everything unchanged. pInputBuffer = pMemory; cbBuffer = 8; pOutputBuffer = (char*)AlignRpcPtr(pInputBuffer, &cbBuffer); ok(pOutputBuffer == pInputBuffer, "pOutputBuffer != pInputBuffer\n"); ok(cbBuffer == 8, "cbBuffer is %lu\n", cbBuffer); // Now try it with unaligned buffer size. The size should be aligned down while the buffer stays the same. pInputBuffer = pMemory; cbBuffer = 7; pOutputBuffer = (char*)AlignRpcPtr(pInputBuffer, &cbBuffer); ok(pOutputBuffer == pInputBuffer, "pOutputBuffer != pInputBuffer\n"); ok(cbBuffer == 4, "cbBuffer is %lu\n", cbBuffer); // Now try with unaligned memory, but aligned buffer size. A new buffer is allocated while the size stays the same. // The allocated buffer is then freed with UndoAlignRpcPtr. It is important to specify 0 as the size here, otherwise // the NULL pointer for pDestinationBuffer is accessed. pInputBuffer = pMemory + 1; cbBuffer = 8; pOutputBuffer = (char*)AlignRpcPtr(pInputBuffer, &cbBuffer); ok(pOutputBuffer != pInputBuffer, "pOutputBuffer == pInputBuffer\n"); ok(cbBuffer == 8, "cbBuffer is %lu\n", cbBuffer); ok(!UndoAlignRpcPtr(NULL, pOutputBuffer, 0, NULL), "UndoAlignRpcPtr returns something\n"); // Now try with memory and buffer size unaligned. A new buffer of the aligned down size is allocated. pInputBuffer = pMemory + 1; cbBuffer = 7; pOutputBuffer = (char*)AlignRpcPtr(pInputBuffer, &cbBuffer); ok(pOutputBuffer != pInputBuffer, "pOutputBuffer == pInputBuffer\n"); ok(cbBuffer == 4, "cbBuffer is %lu\n", cbBuffer); // Prove that AlignRpcPtr also works with a NULL buffer. The size should be aligned down. cbBuffer = 6; ok(!AlignRpcPtr(NULL, &cbBuffer), "AlignRpcPtr returns something\n"); ok(cbBuffer == 4, "cbBuffer is %lu\n", cbBuffer); // We can also test all parameters of UndoAlignRpcPtr here. // Because pOutputBuffer != pInputBuffer, it copies the given 4 bytes from (aligned) pOutputBuffer to (unaligned) pInputBuffer // while aligning up the given 7 bytes in our passed &cbBuffer. // &cbBuffer is also returned. strcpy(pOutputBuffer, "abc"); strcpy(pInputBuffer, "XXXXXXXXX"); cbBuffer = 5; pcbBuffer = UndoAlignRpcPtr(pInputBuffer, pOutputBuffer, 4, &cbBuffer); ok(strcmp(pInputBuffer, "abc") == 0, "pInputBuffer is %s\n", pInputBuffer); ok(pcbBuffer == &cbBuffer, "pcbBuffer != &cbBuffer\n"); ok(cbBuffer == 8, "cbBuffer is %lu\n", cbBuffer); // Prove that UndoAlignRpcPtr works without any parameters and doesn't try to copy data from NULL pointers. ok(!UndoAlignRpcPtr(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL), "UndoAlignRpcPtr returns something\n"); ok(!UndoAlignRpcPtr(NULL, NULL, 6, NULL), "UndoAlignRpcPtr returns something\n"); // Prove that UndoAlignRpcPtr doesn't access source and destination memory at all when they are equal. // If it did, it should crash here, because I'm giving invalid memory addresses. ok(!UndoAlignRpcPtr((PVOID)1, (PVOID)1, 4, NULL), "UndoAlignRpcPtr returns something\n"); // Prove that the pcbNeeded parameter of UndoAlignRpcPtr works independently and aligns up to a DWORD. cbBuffer = 0xFFFFFFFD; pcbBuffer = UndoAlignRpcPtr(NULL, NULL, 0, &cbBuffer); ok(pcbBuffer == &cbBuffer, "pcbBuffer != &cbBuffer\n"); ok(cbBuffer == 0, "cbBuffer is %lu\n", cbBuffer); GlobalFree(pMemory); }