/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Runtime Library * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: lib/rtl/heapdbg.c * PURPOSE: Heap manager debug heap * PROGRAMMERS: Copyright 2010 Aleksey Bragin */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #include #define NDEBUG #include BOOLEAN RtlpPageHeapEnabled = FALSE; ULONG RtlpPageHeapGlobalFlags; ULONG RtlpPageHeapSizeRangeStart, RtlpPageHeapSizeRangeEnd; ULONG RtlpPageHeapDllRangeStart, RtlpPageHeapDllRangeEnd; WCHAR RtlpPageHeapTargetDlls[512]; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ HANDLE NTAPI RtlDebugCreateHeap(ULONG Flags, PVOID Addr, SIZE_T ReserveSize, SIZE_T CommitSize, PVOID Lock, PRTL_HEAP_PARAMETERS Parameters) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemoryInfo; NTSTATUS Status; PHEAP Heap; /* Validate parameters */ if (ReserveSize <= HEAP_ENTRY_SIZE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Incorrect ReserveSize %x\n", ReserveSize); return NULL; } if (ReserveSize < CommitSize) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Incorrect CommitSize %x\n", CommitSize); return NULL; } if (Flags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE && Lock) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Can't specify Lock routine and have HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag set\n"); return NULL; } /* If the address is specified, check it's virtual memory */ if (Addr) { Status = ZwQueryVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), Addr, MemoryBasicInformation, &MemoryInfo, sizeof(MemoryInfo), NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Specified heap base address %p is invalid, Status 0x%08X\n", Addr, Status); return NULL; } if (MemoryInfo.BaseAddress != Addr) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Specified heap base address %p is not really a base one %p\n", Addr, MemoryInfo.BaseAddress); return NULL; } if (MemoryInfo.State == MEM_FREE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Specified heap base address %p is free\n", Addr); return NULL; } } /* All validation performed, now call the real routine with skip validation check flag */ Flags |= HEAP_SKIP_VALIDATION_CHECKS | HEAP_TAIL_CHECKING_ENABLED | HEAP_FREE_CHECKING_ENABLED; Heap = RtlCreateHeap(Flags, Addr, ReserveSize, CommitSize, Lock, Parameters); if (!Heap) return NULL; // FIXME: Capture stack backtrace RtlpValidateHeapHeaders(Heap, TRUE); return Heap; } BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlDebugDestroyHeap(HANDLE HeapPtr) { SIZE_T Size; PHEAP Heap = (PHEAP)HeapPtr; if (Heap == RtlGetCurrentPeb()->ProcessHeap) { DPRINT1("HEAP: It's forbidden delete process heap!"); return FALSE; } if (Heap->Signature != HEAP_SIGNATURE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Invalid heap %p signature 0x%x\n", Heap, Heap->Signature); return FALSE; } if (!RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE)) return FALSE; /* Make heap invalid by zeroing its signature */ Heap->Signature = 0; /* Free validate headers copy if it was existing */ if (Heap->HeaderValidateCopy) { ZwFreeVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &Heap->HeaderValidateCopy, &Size, MEM_RELEASE); } return TRUE; } PVOID NTAPI RtlDebugAllocateHeap(PVOID HeapPtr, ULONG Flags, SIZE_T Size) { PHEAP Heap = (PHEAP)HeapPtr; SIZE_T AllocSize = 1; BOOLEAN HeapLocked = FALSE; PVOID Result; //if (Heap->ForceFlags & HEAP_FLAG_PAGE_ALLOCS) //return RtlpPageHeapAllocateHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Size); if (Heap->Signature != HEAP_SIGNATURE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Invalid heap %p signature 0x%x\n", Heap, Heap->Signature); return NULL; } /* Add settable user value flag */ Flags |= Heap->ForceFlags | HEAP_SETTABLE_USER_VALUE | HEAP_SKIP_VALIDATION_CHECKS; /* Calculate size */ if (Size) AllocSize = Size; AllocSize = ((AllocSize + Heap->AlignRound) & Heap->AlignMask) + sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY_EXTRA); /* Check if size didn't exceed max one */ if (AllocSize < Size || AllocSize > Heap->MaximumAllocationSize) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Too big allocation size %x (max allowed %x)\n", Size, Heap->MaximumAllocationSize); return NULL; } /* Lock the heap ourselves */ if (!(Flags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { RtlEnterHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); HeapLocked = TRUE; /* Add no serialize flag so that the main routine won't try to acquire the lock again */ Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE; } /* Validate the heap if necessary */ RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); /* Call main routine to do the stuff */ Result = RtlAllocateHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Size); /* Validate heap headers */ RtlpValidateHeapHeaders(Heap, TRUE); if (Result) { if (Heap->Flags & HEAP_VALIDATE_ALL_ENABLED) RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); } /* Release the lock */ if (HeapLocked) RtlLeaveHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); return Result; } PVOID NTAPI RtlDebugReAllocateHeap(HANDLE HeapPtr, ULONG Flags, PVOID Ptr, SIZE_T Size) { PHEAP Heap = (PHEAP)HeapPtr; SIZE_T AllocSize = 1; BOOLEAN HeapLocked = FALSE; PVOID Result = NULL; PHEAP_ENTRY HeapEntry; //if (Heap->ForceFlags & HEAP_FLAG_PAGE_ALLOCS) //return RtlpPageHeapReAllocateHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Size); if (Heap->Signature != HEAP_SIGNATURE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Invalid heap %p signature 0x%x\n", Heap, Heap->Signature); return NULL; } /* Add settable user value flag */ Flags |= Heap->ForceFlags | HEAP_SETTABLE_USER_VALUE | HEAP_SKIP_VALIDATION_CHECKS; /* Calculate size */ if (Size) AllocSize = Size; AllocSize = ((AllocSize + Heap->AlignRound) & Heap->AlignMask) + sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY_EXTRA); /* Check if size didn't exceed max one */ if (AllocSize < Size || AllocSize > Heap->MaximumAllocationSize) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Too big allocation size %x (max allowed %x)\n", Size, Heap->MaximumAllocationSize); return NULL; } /* Lock the heap ourselves */ if (!(Flags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { RtlEnterHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); HeapLocked = TRUE; /* Add no serialize flag so that the main routine won't try to acquire the lock again */ Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE; } /* Validate the heap if necessary */ RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); /* Get the existing heap entry */ HeapEntry = (PHEAP_ENTRY)Ptr - 1; /* Validate it */ if (RtlpValidateHeapEntry(Heap, HeapEntry)) { /* Call main routine to do the stuff */ Result = RtlReAllocateHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Ptr, Size); if (Result) { /* Validate heap headers and then heap itself */ RtlpValidateHeapHeaders(Heap, TRUE); RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); } } /* Release the lock */ if (HeapLocked) RtlLeaveHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); return Result; } BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlDebugFreeHeap(HANDLE HeapPtr, ULONG Flags, PVOID Ptr) { PHEAP Heap = (PHEAP)HeapPtr; BOOLEAN HeapLocked = FALSE; PHEAP_ENTRY HeapEntry; BOOLEAN Result = FALSE; //if (Heap->ForceFlags & HEAP_FLAG_PAGE_ALLOCS) //return RtlpPageHeapFreeHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Size); if (Heap->Signature != HEAP_SIGNATURE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Invalid heap %p signature 0x%x\n", Heap, Heap->Signature); return FALSE; } /* Add skip validation flag */ Flags |= Heap->ForceFlags | HEAP_SKIP_VALIDATION_CHECKS; /* Lock the heap ourselves */ if (!(Flags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { RtlEnterHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); HeapLocked = TRUE; /* Add no serialize flag so that the main routine won't try to acquire the lock again */ Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE; } /* Validate the heap if necessary */ RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); /* Get the existing heap entry */ HeapEntry = (PHEAP_ENTRY)Ptr - 1; /* Validate it */ if (RtlpValidateHeapEntry(Heap, HeapEntry)) { /* If it succeeded - call the main routine */ Result = RtlFreeHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Ptr); /* Validate heap headers and then heap itself */ RtlpValidateHeapHeaders(Heap, TRUE); RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); } /* Release the lock */ if (HeapLocked) RtlLeaveHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); return Result; } BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlDebugGetUserInfoHeap(PVOID HeapHandle, ULONG Flags, PVOID BaseAddress, PVOID *UserValue, PULONG UserFlags) { PHEAP Heap = (PHEAP)HeapHandle; BOOLEAN HeapLocked = FALSE; PHEAP_ENTRY HeapEntry; BOOLEAN Result = FALSE; //if (Heap->ForceFlags & HEAP_FLAG_PAGE_ALLOCS) //return RtlpPageHeapGetUserInfoHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Size); if (Heap->Signature != HEAP_SIGNATURE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Invalid heap %p signature 0x%x\n", Heap, Heap->Signature); return FALSE; } /* Add skip validation flag */ Flags |= Heap->ForceFlags | HEAP_SKIP_VALIDATION_CHECKS; /* Lock the heap ourselves */ if (!(Flags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { RtlEnterHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); HeapLocked = TRUE; /* Add no serialize flag so that the main routine won't try to acquire the lock again */ Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE; } /* Validate the heap if necessary */ RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); /* Get the existing heap entry */ HeapEntry = (PHEAP_ENTRY)BaseAddress - 1; /* Validate it */ if (RtlpValidateHeapEntry(Heap, HeapEntry)) { /* If it succeeded - call the main routine */ Result = RtlGetUserInfoHeap(HeapHandle, Flags, BaseAddress, UserValue, UserFlags); } /* Release the lock */ if (HeapLocked) RtlLeaveHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); return Result; } BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlDebugSetUserValueHeap(PVOID HeapHandle, ULONG Flags, PVOID BaseAddress, PVOID UserValue) { PHEAP Heap = (PHEAP)HeapHandle; BOOLEAN HeapLocked = FALSE; PHEAP_ENTRY HeapEntry; BOOLEAN Result = FALSE; //if (Heap->ForceFlags & HEAP_FLAG_PAGE_ALLOCS) //return RtlpPageHeapSetUserValueHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Size); if (Heap->Signature != HEAP_SIGNATURE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Invalid heap %p signature 0x%x\n", Heap, Heap->Signature); return FALSE; } /* Add skip validation flag */ Flags |= Heap->ForceFlags | HEAP_SKIP_VALIDATION_CHECKS; /* Lock the heap ourselves */ if (!(Flags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { RtlEnterHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); HeapLocked = TRUE; /* Add no serialize flag so that the main routine won't try to acquire the lock again */ Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE; } /* Validate the heap if necessary */ RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); /* Get the existing heap entry */ HeapEntry = (PHEAP_ENTRY)BaseAddress - 1; /* Validate it */ if (RtlpValidateHeapEntry(Heap, HeapEntry)) { /* If it succeeded - call the main routine */ Result = RtlSetUserValueHeap(HeapHandle, Flags, BaseAddress, UserValue); /* Validate the heap */ RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); } /* Release the lock */ if (HeapLocked) RtlLeaveHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); return Result; } BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlDebugSetUserFlagsHeap(PVOID HeapHandle, ULONG Flags, PVOID BaseAddress, ULONG UserFlagsReset, ULONG UserFlagsSet) { PHEAP Heap = (PHEAP)HeapHandle; BOOLEAN HeapLocked = FALSE; PHEAP_ENTRY HeapEntry; BOOLEAN Result = FALSE; //if (Heap->ForceFlags & HEAP_FLAG_PAGE_ALLOCS) //return RtlPageHeapSetUserFlagsHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, BaseAddress, UserFlagsReset, UserFlagsSet); /* Check if this heap allows flags to be set at all */ if (UserFlagsSet & ~HEAP_SETTABLE_USER_FLAGS || UserFlagsReset & ~HEAP_SETTABLE_USER_FLAGS) { return FALSE; } if (Heap->Signature != HEAP_SIGNATURE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Invalid heap %p signature 0x%x\n", Heap, Heap->Signature); return FALSE; } /* Add skip validation flag */ Flags |= Heap->ForceFlags | HEAP_SKIP_VALIDATION_CHECKS; /* Lock the heap ourselves */ if (!(Flags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { RtlEnterHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); HeapLocked = TRUE; /* Add no serialize flag so that the main routine won't try to acquire the lock again */ Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE; } /* Validate the heap if necessary */ RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); /* Get the existing heap entry */ HeapEntry = (PHEAP_ENTRY)BaseAddress - 1; /* Validate it */ if (RtlpValidateHeapEntry(Heap, HeapEntry)) { /* If it succeeded - call the main routine */ Result = RtlSetUserFlagsHeap(HeapHandle, Flags, BaseAddress, UserFlagsReset, UserFlagsSet); /* Validate the heap */ RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); } /* Release the lock */ if (HeapLocked) RtlLeaveHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); return Result; } SIZE_T NTAPI RtlDebugSizeHeap(HANDLE HeapPtr, ULONG Flags, PVOID Ptr) { PHEAP Heap = (PHEAP)HeapPtr; BOOLEAN HeapLocked = FALSE; PHEAP_ENTRY HeapEntry; SIZE_T Result = ~(SIZE_T)0; //if (Heap->ForceFlags & HEAP_FLAG_PAGE_ALLOCS) //return RtlPageHeapSizeHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Ptr); /* Check heap signature */ if (Heap->Signature != HEAP_SIGNATURE) { DPRINT1("HEAP: Invalid heap %p signature 0x%x\n", Heap, Heap->Signature); return FALSE; } /* Add skip validation flag */ Flags |= Heap->ForceFlags | HEAP_SKIP_VALIDATION_CHECKS; /* Lock the heap ourselves */ if (!(Flags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { RtlEnterHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); HeapLocked = TRUE; /* Add no serialize flag so that the main routine won't try to acquire the lock again */ Flags |= HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE; } /* Validate the heap if necessary */ RtlpValidateHeap(Heap, FALSE); /* Get the existing heap entry */ HeapEntry = (PHEAP_ENTRY)Ptr - 1; /* Validate it */ if (RtlpValidateHeapEntry(Heap, HeapEntry)) { /* If it succeeded - call the main routine */ Result = RtlSizeHeap(HeapPtr, Flags, Ptr); } /* Release the lock */ if (HeapLocked) RtlLeaveHeapLock(Heap->LockVariable); return Result; } // Page heap -> move to another file HANDLE NTAPI RtlpPageHeapCreate(ULONG Flags, PVOID Addr, SIZE_T TotalSize, SIZE_T CommitSize, PVOID Lock, PRTL_HEAP_PARAMETERS Parameters) { return NULL; } /* EOF */