/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS system libraries * FILE: lib/rtl/critical.c * PURPOSE: Critical sections * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net) * Gunnar Dalsnes */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #define MAX_STATIC_CS_DEBUG_OBJECTS 64 static RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION RtlCriticalSectionLock; static LIST_ENTRY RtlCriticalSectionList; static BOOLEAN RtlpCritSectInitialized = FALSE; static RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG RtlpStaticDebugInfo[MAX_STATIC_CS_DEBUG_OBJECTS]; static BOOLEAN RtlpDebugInfoFreeList[MAX_STATIC_CS_DEBUG_OBJECTS]; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /*++ * RtlpCreateCriticalSectionSem * * Checks if an Event has been created for the critical section. * * Params: * None * * Returns: * None. Raises an exception if the system call failed. * * Remarks: * None * *--*/ VOID NTAPI RtlpCreateCriticalSectionSem(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { HANDLE hEvent = CriticalSection->LockSemaphore; HANDLE hNewEvent; NTSTATUS Status; /* Chevk if we have an event */ if (!hEvent) { /* No, so create it */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = NtCreateEvent(&hNewEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE))) { /* We failed, this is bad... */ DPRINT1("Failed to Create Event!\n"); _InterlockedDecrement(&CriticalSection->LockCount); RtlRaiseStatus(Status); return; } DPRINT("Created Event: %p \n", hNewEvent); if (_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((PVOID*)&CriticalSection->LockSemaphore, (PVOID)hNewEvent, 0)) { /* Some just created an event */ DPRINT("Closing already created event: %p\n", hNewEvent); NtClose(hNewEvent); } } return; } /*++ * RtlpWaitForCriticalSection * * Slow path of RtlEnterCriticalSection. Waits on an Event Object. * * Params: * CriticalSection - Critical section to acquire. * * Returns: * STATUS_SUCCESS, or raises an exception if a deadlock is occuring. * * Remarks: * None * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlpWaitForCriticalSection(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { NTSTATUS Status; EXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord; BOOLEAN LastChance = FALSE; LARGE_INTEGER Timeout; /* Wait 2.5 minutes */ Timeout.QuadPart = 150000L * (ULONGLONG)10000; Timeout.QuadPart = -Timeout.QuadPart; /* ^^ HACK HACK HACK. Good way: Timeout = &NtCurrentPeb()->CriticalSectionTimeout */ /* Do we have an Event yet? */ if (!CriticalSection->LockSemaphore) { RtlpCreateCriticalSectionSem(CriticalSection); } /* Increase the Debug Entry count */ DPRINT("Waiting on Critical Section Event: %p %p\n", CriticalSection, CriticalSection->LockSemaphore); if (CriticalSection->DebugInfo) CriticalSection->DebugInfo->EntryCount++; for (;;) { /* Increase the number of times we've had contention */ if (CriticalSection->DebugInfo) CriticalSection->DebugInfo->ContentionCount++; /* Wait on the Event */ Status = NtWaitForSingleObject(CriticalSection->LockSemaphore, FALSE, &Timeout); /* We have Timed out */ if (Status == STATUS_TIMEOUT) { /* Is this the 2nd time we've timed out? */ if (LastChance) { DPRINT1("Deadlock: %p\n", CriticalSection); /* Yes it is, we are raising an exception */ ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode = STATUS_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK; ExceptionRecord.ExceptionFlags = 0; ExceptionRecord.ExceptionRecord = NULL; ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress = RtlRaiseException; ExceptionRecord.NumberParameters = 1; ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[0] = (ULONG_PTR)CriticalSection; RtlRaiseException(&ExceptionRecord); } /* One more try */ LastChance = TRUE; } else { /* If we are here, everything went fine */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } /*++ * RtlpUnWaitCriticalSection * * Slow path of RtlLeaveCriticalSection. Fires an Event Object. * * Params: * CriticalSection - Critical section to release. * * Returns: * None. Raises an exception if the system call failed. * * Remarks: * None * *--*/ VOID NTAPI RtlpUnWaitCriticalSection(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Do we have an Event yet? */ if (!CriticalSection->LockSemaphore) { RtlpCreateCriticalSectionSem(CriticalSection); } /* Signal the Event */ DPRINT("Signaling Critical Section Event: %p, %p\n", CriticalSection, CriticalSection->LockSemaphore); Status = NtSetEvent(CriticalSection->LockSemaphore, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* We've failed */ DPRINT1("Signaling Failed for: %p, %p, 0x%08lx\n", CriticalSection, CriticalSection->LockSemaphore, Status); RtlRaiseStatus(Status); } } /*++ * RtlpInitDeferedCriticalSection * * Initializes the Critical Section implementation. * * Params: * None * * Returns: * None. * * Remarks: * After this call, the Process Critical Section list is protected. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI RtlpInitDeferedCriticalSection(VOID) { /* Initialize the Process Critical Section List */ InitializeListHead(&RtlCriticalSectionList); /* Initialize the CS Protecting the List */ RtlInitializeCriticalSection(&RtlCriticalSectionLock); /* It's now safe to enter it */ RtlpCritSectInitialized = TRUE; } /*++ * RtlpAllocateDebugInfo * * Finds or allocates memory for a Critical Section Debug Object * * Params: * None * * Returns: * A pointer to an empty Critical Section Debug Object. * * Remarks: * For optimization purposes, the first 64 entries can be cached. From * then on, future Critical Sections will allocate memory from the heap. * *--*/ PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG NTAPI RtlpAllocateDebugInfo(VOID) { ULONG i; /* Try to allocate from our buffer first */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_STATIC_CS_DEBUG_OBJECTS; i++) { /* Check if Entry is free */ if (!RtlpDebugInfoFreeList[i]) { /* Mark entry in use */ DPRINT("Using entry: %lu. Buffer: %p\n", i, &RtlpStaticDebugInfo[i]); RtlpDebugInfoFreeList[i] = TRUE; /* Use free entry found */ return &RtlpStaticDebugInfo[i]; } } /* We are out of static buffer, allocate dynamic */ return RtlAllocateHeap(NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessHeap, 0, sizeof(RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG)); } /*++ * RtlpFreeDebugInfo * * Frees the memory for a Critical Section Debug Object * * Params: * DebugInfo - Pointer to Critical Section Debug Object to free. * * Returns: * None. * * Remarks: * If the pointer is part of the static buffer, then the entry is made * free again. If not, the object is de-allocated from the heap. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI RtlpFreeDebugInfo(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG DebugInfo) { ULONG EntryId; /* Is it part of our cached entries? */ if ((DebugInfo >= RtlpStaticDebugInfo) && (DebugInfo <= &RtlpStaticDebugInfo[MAX_STATIC_CS_DEBUG_OBJECTS-1])) { /* Yes. zero it out */ RtlZeroMemory(DebugInfo, sizeof(RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG)); /* Mark as free */ EntryId = (DebugInfo - RtlpStaticDebugInfo); DPRINT("Freeing from Buffer: %p. Entry: %lu inside Process: %p\n", DebugInfo, EntryId, NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess); RtlpDebugInfoFreeList[EntryId] = FALSE; } else { /* It's a dynamic one, so free from the heap */ DPRINT("Freeing from Heap: %p inside Process: %p\n", DebugInfo, NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess); RtlFreeHeap(NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessHeap, 0, DebugInfo); } } /*++ * RtlDeleteCriticalSection * @implemented NT4 * * Deletes a Critical Section * * Params: * CriticalSection - Critical section to delete. * * Returns: * STATUS_SUCCESS, or error value returned by NtClose. * * Remarks: * The critical section members should not be read after this call. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlDeleteCriticalSection(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DPRINT("Deleting Critical Section: %p\n", CriticalSection); /* Close the Event Object Handle if it exists */ if (CriticalSection->LockSemaphore) { /* In case NtClose fails, return the status */ Status = NtClose(CriticalSection->LockSemaphore); } /* Protect List */ RtlEnterCriticalSection(&RtlCriticalSectionLock); if (CriticalSection->DebugInfo) { /* Remove it from the list */ RemoveEntryList(&CriticalSection->DebugInfo->ProcessLocksList); RtlZeroMemory(CriticalSection->DebugInfo, sizeof(RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG)); } /* Unprotect */ RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&RtlCriticalSectionLock); if (CriticalSection->DebugInfo) { /* Free it */ RtlpFreeDebugInfo(CriticalSection->DebugInfo); } /* Wipe it out */ RtlZeroMemory(CriticalSection, sizeof(RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION)); /* Return */ return Status; } /*++ * RtlSetCriticalSectionSpinCount * @implemented NT4 * * Sets the spin count for a critical section. * * Params: * CriticalSection - Critical section to set the spin count for. * * SpinCount - Spin count for the critical section. * * Returns: * STATUS_SUCCESS. * * Remarks: * SpinCount is ignored on single-processor systems. * *--*/ DWORD NTAPI RtlSetCriticalSectionSpinCount(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection, ULONG SpinCount) { ULONG OldCount = CriticalSection->SpinCount; /* Set to parameter if MP, or to 0 if this is Uniprocessor */ CriticalSection->SpinCount = (NtCurrentPeb()->NumberOfProcessors > 1) ? SpinCount : 0; return OldCount; } /*++ * RtlEnterCriticalSection * @implemented NT4 * * Waits to gain ownership of the critical section. * * Params: * CriticalSection - Critical section to wait for. * * Returns: * STATUS_SUCCESS. * * Remarks: * Uses a fast-path unless contention happens. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlEnterCriticalSection(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { HANDLE Thread = (HANDLE)NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread; /* Try to Lock it */ if (_InterlockedIncrement(&CriticalSection->LockCount) != 0) { /* * We've failed to lock it! Does this thread * actually own it? */ if (Thread == CriticalSection->OwningThread) { /* You own it, so you'll get it when you're done with it! No need to use the interlocked functions as only the thread who already owns the lock can modify this data. */ CriticalSection->RecursionCount++; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* NOTE - CriticalSection->OwningThread can be NULL here because changing this information is not serialized. This happens when thread a acquires the lock (LockCount == 0) and thread b tries to acquire it as well (LockCount == 1) but thread a hasn't had a chance to set the OwningThread! So it's not an error when OwningThread is NULL here! */ /* We don't own it, so we must wait for it */ RtlpWaitForCriticalSection(CriticalSection); } /* Lock successful. Changing this information has not to be serialized because only one thread at a time can actually change it (the one who acquired the lock)! */ CriticalSection->OwningThread = Thread; CriticalSection->RecursionCount = 1; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /*++ * RtlInitializeCriticalSection * @implemented NT4 * * Initialises a new critical section. * * Params: * CriticalSection - Critical section to initialise * * Returns: * STATUS_SUCCESS. * * Remarks: * Simply calls RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlInitializeCriticalSection(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { /* Call the Main Function */ return RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(CriticalSection, 0); } /*++ * RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount * @implemented NT4 * * Initialises a new critical section. * * Params: * CriticalSection - Critical section to initialise * * SpinCount - Spin count for the critical section. * * Returns: * STATUS_SUCCESS. * * Remarks: * SpinCount is ignored on single-processor systems. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection, ULONG SpinCount) { PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG CritcalSectionDebugData; /* First things first, set up the Object */ DPRINT("Initializing Critical Section: %p\n", CriticalSection); CriticalSection->LockCount = -1; CriticalSection->RecursionCount = 0; CriticalSection->OwningThread = 0; CriticalSection->SpinCount = (NtCurrentPeb()->NumberOfProcessors > 1) ? SpinCount : 0; CriticalSection->LockSemaphore = 0; /* Allocate the Debug Data */ CritcalSectionDebugData = RtlpAllocateDebugInfo(); DPRINT("Allocated Debug Data: %p inside Process: %p\n", CritcalSectionDebugData, NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess); if (!CritcalSectionDebugData) { /* This is bad! */ DPRINT1("Couldn't allocate Debug Data for: %p\n", CriticalSection); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } /* Set it up */ CritcalSectionDebugData->Type = RTL_CRITSECT_TYPE; CritcalSectionDebugData->ContentionCount = 0; CritcalSectionDebugData->EntryCount = 0; CritcalSectionDebugData->CriticalSection = CriticalSection; CriticalSection->DebugInfo = CritcalSectionDebugData; /* * Add it to the List of Critical Sections owned by the process. * If we've initialized the Lock, then use it. If not, then probably * this is the lock initialization itself, so insert it directly. */ if ((CriticalSection != &RtlCriticalSectionLock) && (RtlpCritSectInitialized)) { DPRINT("Securely Inserting into ProcessLocks: %p, %p, %p\n", &CritcalSectionDebugData->ProcessLocksList, CriticalSection, &RtlCriticalSectionList); /* Protect List */ RtlEnterCriticalSection(&RtlCriticalSectionLock); /* Add this one */ InsertTailList(&RtlCriticalSectionList, &CritcalSectionDebugData->ProcessLocksList); /* Unprotect */ RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&RtlCriticalSectionLock); } else { DPRINT("Inserting into ProcessLocks: %p, %p, %p\n", &CritcalSectionDebugData->ProcessLocksList, CriticalSection, &RtlCriticalSectionList); /* Add it directly */ InsertTailList(&RtlCriticalSectionList, &CritcalSectionDebugData->ProcessLocksList); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /*++ * RtlLeaveCriticalSection * @implemented NT4 * * Releases a critical section and makes if available for new owners. * * Params: * CriticalSection - Critical section to release. * * Returns: * STATUS_SUCCESS. * * Remarks: * If another thread was waiting, the slow path is entered. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlLeaveCriticalSection(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { #ifndef NDEBUG HANDLE Thread = (HANDLE)NtCurrentTeb()->Cid.UniqueThread; /* In win this case isn't checked. However it's a valid check so it should only be performed in debug builds! */ if (Thread != CriticalSection->OwningThread) { DPRINT1("Releasing critical section not owned!\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } #endif /* Decrease the Recursion Count. No need to do this atomically because only the thread who holds the lock can call this function (unless the program is totally screwed... */ if (--CriticalSection->RecursionCount) { /* Someone still owns us, but we are free. This needs to be done atomically. */ _InterlockedDecrement(&CriticalSection->LockCount); } else { /* Nobody owns us anymore. No need to do this atomically. See comment above. */ CriticalSection->OwningThread = 0; /* Was someone wanting us? This needs to be done atomically. */ if (-1 != _InterlockedDecrement(&CriticalSection->LockCount)) { /* Let him have us */ RtlpUnWaitCriticalSection(CriticalSection); } } /* Sucessful! */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /*++ * RtlTryEnterCriticalSection * @implemented NT4 * * Attemps to gain ownership of the critical section without waiting. * * Params: * CriticalSection - Critical section to attempt acquiring. * * Returns: * TRUE if the critical section has been acquired, FALSE otherwise. * * Remarks: * None * *--*/ BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlTryEnterCriticalSection(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { /* Try to take control */ if (_InterlockedCompareExchange(&CriticalSection->LockCount, 0, -1) == -1) { /* It's ours */ CriticalSection->OwningThread = NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread; CriticalSection->RecursionCount = 1; return TRUE; } else if (CriticalSection->OwningThread == NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) { /* It's already ours */ _InterlockedIncrement(&CriticalSection->LockCount); CriticalSection->RecursionCount++; return TRUE; } /* It's not ours */ return FALSE; } /* EOF */