/* * PROJECT: ReactOS api tests * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Test for CComBSTR * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2015-2017 Mark Jansen (mark.jansen@reactos.org) */ #include #include #include "resource.h" #define verify_str (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : verify_str_imp #define verify_str2 (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : verify_str_imp2 static void verify_str_imp2(const CComBSTR& comstr, PCWSTR expected, size_t ExpectedLength) { BSTR str = (BSTR)comstr; if (expected || ExpectedLength) { winetest_ok(str != NULL, "Expected str to be a valid pointer\n"); if (str) { if (expected) { winetest_ok(!wcscmp(str, expected), "Expected the string to be '%s', was '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(expected), wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } size_t Length = comstr.Length(); winetest_ok(Length == ExpectedLength, "Expected Length to be %u, was: %u\n", ExpectedLength, Length); Length = comstr.ByteLength(); ExpectedLength *= sizeof(WCHAR); winetest_ok(Length == ExpectedLength, "Expected ByteLength to be %u, was: %u\n", ExpectedLength, Length); } } else { winetest_ok(str == NULL || str[0] == '\0', "Expected str to be empty, was: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } } static void verify_str_imp(const CComBSTR& comstr, PCWSTR expected) { verify_str_imp2(comstr, expected, expected ? wcslen(expected) : 0); } void test_construction() { CComBSTR empty1, empty2; CComBSTR happyW(L"I am a happy BSTR"); CComBSTR happyA("I am a happy BSTR"); CComBSTR happyW4(4, L"I am a happy BSTR"); CComBSTR fromlen1(1), fromlen10(10); CComBSTR fromBSTRW(happyW), fromBSTRA(happyA), fromBSTRW4(happyW4); CComBSTR fromBSTRlen1(fromlen1), fromBSTRlen10(fromlen10); verify_str(empty1, NULL); verify_str(empty2, NULL); verify_str(happyW, L"I am a happy BSTR"); verify_str(happyA, L"I am a happy BSTR"); verify_str(happyW4, L"I am"); verify_str2(fromlen1, NULL, 1); verify_str2(fromlen10, NULL, 10); verify_str(fromBSTRW, L"I am a happy BSTR"); verify_str(fromBSTRA, L"I am a happy BSTR"); verify_str(fromBSTRW4, L"I am"); verify_str2(fromBSTRlen1, NULL, 1); verify_str2(fromBSTRlen10, NULL, 10); } void test_copyassignment() { CComBSTR happy(L"I am a happy BSTR"), empty, odd; CComBSTR happyCopy1, happyCopy2, emptyCopy, oddCopy; odd = ::SysAllocStringByteLen("aaaaa", 3); happyCopy1 = happy.Copy(); happyCopy2 = happy; // Calls happyW.Copy() emptyCopy = empty.Copy(); oddCopy = odd.Copy(); verify_str(happy, L"I am a happy BSTR"); verify_str(empty, NULL); verify_str2(odd, L"\u6161a", 2); verify_str(happyCopy1, L"I am a happy BSTR"); verify_str(happyCopy2, L"I am a happy BSTR"); verify_str(emptyCopy, NULL); verify_str2(oddCopy, L"\u6161a", 2); ok((BSTR)happy != (BSTR)happyCopy1, "Expected pointers to be different\n"); ok((BSTR)happy != (BSTR)happyCopy2, "Expected pointers to be different\n"); happyCopy1 = (LPCOLESTR)NULL; happyCopy2 = (LPCSTR)NULL; verify_str(happyCopy1, NULL); verify_str(happyCopy2, NULL); HRESULT hr = happy.CopyTo(&happyCopy1); ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected hr to be E_POINTER, was: %08lx\n", hr); #if 0 // This asserts hr = happy.CopyTo((BSTR*)NULL); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "Expected hr to be E_POINTER, was: %u\n"); #endif BSTR RawPtr = ::SysAllocString(L"TEST--"); happy.Attach(RawPtr); ok_ptr(happy.m_str, RawPtr); verify_str(happy, L"TEST--"); happyCopy1.Attach(happy.Detach()); ok_ptr(happyCopy1.m_str, RawPtr); verify_str(happyCopy1, L"TEST--"); ok_ptr(happy.m_str, NULL); } void test_fromguid() { GUID guid = { 0x12345678, 0x9abc, 0xdef0, { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x9a, 0xbc, 0xde, 0xf0} }; CComBSTR fromGuid(guid), empty; verify_str(fromGuid, L"{12345678-9ABC-DEF0-1234-56789ABCDEF0}"); verify_str(empty, NULL); empty = fromGuid; verify_str(empty, L"{12345678-9ABC-DEF0-1234-56789ABCDEF0}"); } void test_loadres() { CComBSTR test1, test2, test3; HMODULE mod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); ok(true == test1.LoadString(mod, IDS_TEST1), "Expected LoadString to succeed\n"); ok(true == test2.LoadString(mod, IDS_TEST2), "Expected LoadString to succeed\n"); ok(false == test3.LoadString(mod, IDS_TEST2 + 1), "Expected LoadString to fail\n"); verify_str(test1, L"Test string one."); verify_str(test2, L"I am a happy BSTR"); verify_str(test3, NULL); } START_TEST(CComBSTR) { test_construction(); test_copyassignment(); test_fromguid(); test_loadres(); }