/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Automatic Testing Utility * LICENSE: GNU GPLv2 or any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation * PURPOSE: Class implementing functions for handling Wine tests * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2009 Colin Finck */ #include "precomp.h" static const DWORD ListTimeout = 10000; /** * Constructs a CWineTest object. */ CWineTest::CWineTest() { WCHAR WindowsDirectory[MAX_PATH]; /* Zero-initialize variables */ m_hFind = NULL; m_hReadPipe = NULL; m_hWritePipe = NULL; m_ListBuffer = NULL; memset(&m_StartupInfo, 0, sizeof(m_StartupInfo)); /* Set up m_TestPath */ if(!GetWindowsDirectoryW(WindowsDirectory, MAX_PATH)) FATAL("GetWindowsDirectoryW failed"); m_TestPath = WindowsDirectory; m_TestPath += L"\\bin\\"; } /** * Destructs a CWineTest object. */ CWineTest::~CWineTest() { if(m_hFind) FindClose(m_hFind); if(m_hReadPipe) CloseHandle(m_hReadPipe); if(m_hWritePipe) CloseHandle(m_hWritePipe); if(m_ListBuffer) delete m_ListBuffer; } /** * Gets the next module test file using the FindFirstFileW/FindNextFileW API. * * @return * true if we found a next file, otherwise false. */ bool CWineTest::GetNextFile() { bool FoundFile = false; WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd; /* Did we already begin searching for files? */ if(m_hFind) { /* Then get the next file (if any) */ if(FindNextFileW(m_hFind, &fd)) FoundFile = true; } else { /* Start searching for test files */ wstring FindPath = m_TestPath; /* Did the user specify a module? */ if(Configuration.GetModule().empty()) { /* No module, so search for all files in that directory */ FindPath += L"*.exe"; } else { /* Search for files with the pattern "modulename_*" */ FindPath += Configuration.GetModule(); FindPath += L"_*.exe"; } /* Search for the first file and check whether we got one */ m_hFind = FindFirstFileW(FindPath.c_str(), &fd); if(m_hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FoundFile = true; } if(FoundFile) m_CurrentFile = fd.cFileName; return FoundFile; } /** * Executes the --list command of a module test file to get information about the available tests. * * @return * The number of bytes we read into the m_ListBuffer member variable by capturing the output of the --list command. */ DWORD CWineTest::DoListCommand() { DWORD BytesAvailable; DWORD Temp; wstring CommandLine; /* Build the command line */ CommandLine = m_TestPath; CommandLine += m_CurrentFile; CommandLine += L" --list"; { /* Start the process for getting all available tests */ CProcess Process(CommandLine, &m_StartupInfo); /* Wait till this process ended */ if(WaitForSingleObject(Process.GetProcessHandle(), ListTimeout) == WAIT_FAILED) FATAL("WaitForSingleObject failed for the test list\n"); } /* Read the output data into a buffer */ if(!PeekNamedPipe(m_hReadPipe, NULL, 0, NULL, &BytesAvailable, NULL)) FATAL("PeekNamedPipe failed for the test list\n"); /* Check if we got any */ if(!BytesAvailable) { stringstream ss; ss << "The --list command did not return any data for " << UnicodeToAscii(m_CurrentFile) << endl; SSEXCEPTION; } /* Read the data */ m_ListBuffer = new char[BytesAvailable]; if(!ReadFile(m_hReadPipe, m_ListBuffer, BytesAvailable, &Temp, NULL)) FATAL("ReadPipe failed\n"); return BytesAvailable; } /** * Gets the next test from m_ListBuffer, which was filled with information from the --list command. * * @return * true if a next test was found, otherwise false. */ bool CWineTest::GetNextTest() { PCHAR pEnd; static DWORD BufferSize; static PCHAR pStart; if(!m_ListBuffer) { /* Perform the --list command */ BufferSize = DoListCommand(); /* Move the pointer to the first test */ pStart = strchr(m_ListBuffer, '\n'); pStart += 5; } /* If we reach the buffer size, we finished analyzing the output of this test */ if(pStart >= (m_ListBuffer + BufferSize)) { /* Clear m_CurrentFile to indicate that */ m_CurrentFile.clear(); /* Also free the memory for the list buffer */ delete m_ListBuffer; m_ListBuffer = NULL; return false; } /* Get start and end of this test name */ pEnd = pStart; while(*pEnd != '\r') ++pEnd; /* Store the test name */ m_CurrentTest = string(pStart, pEnd); /* Move the pointer to the next test */ pStart = pEnd + 6; return true; } /** * Interface to CTestList-derived classes for getting all information about the next test to be run. * * @return * Returns a pointer to a CTestInfo object containing all available information about the next test. */ CTestInfo* CWineTest::GetNextTestInfo() { while(!m_CurrentFile.empty() || GetNextFile()) { while(GetNextTest()) { /* If the user specified a test through the command line, check this here */ if(!Configuration.GetTest().empty() && Configuration.GetTest() != m_CurrentTest) continue; { auto_ptr TestInfo(new CTestInfo()); size_t UnderscorePosition; /* Build the command line */ TestInfo->CommandLine = m_TestPath; TestInfo->CommandLine += m_CurrentFile; TestInfo->CommandLine += ' '; TestInfo->CommandLine += AsciiToUnicode(m_CurrentTest); /* Store the Module name */ UnderscorePosition = m_CurrentFile.find_last_of('_'); if(UnderscorePosition == m_CurrentFile.npos) { stringstream ss; ss << "Invalid test file name: " << UnicodeToAscii(m_CurrentFile) << endl; SSEXCEPTION; } TestInfo->Module = UnicodeToAscii(m_CurrentFile.substr(0, UnderscorePosition)); /* Store the test */ TestInfo->Test = m_CurrentTest; return TestInfo.release(); } } } return NULL; } /** * Runs a Wine test and captures the output * * @param TestInfo * Pointer to a CTestInfo object containing information about the test. * Will contain the test log afterwards if the user wants to submit data. */ void CWineTest::RunTest(CTestInfo* TestInfo) { bool BreakLoop = false; DWORD BytesAvailable; DWORD Temp; stringstream ss, ssFinish; DWORD StartTime = GetTickCount(); float TotalTime; string tailString; ss << "Running Wine Test, Module: " << TestInfo->Module << ", Test: " << TestInfo->Test << endl; StringOut(ss.str()); StartTime = GetTickCount(); { /* Execute the test */ CProcess Process(TestInfo->CommandLine, &m_StartupInfo); /* Receive all the data from the pipe */ do { /* When the application finished, make sure that we peek the pipe one more time, so that we get all data. If the following condition would be the while() condition, we might hit a race condition: - We check for data with PeekNamedPipe -> no data available - The application outputs its data and finishes - WaitForSingleObject reports that the application has finished and we break the loop without receiving any data */ if(WaitForSingleObject(Process.GetProcessHandle(), 0) != WAIT_TIMEOUT) BreakLoop = true; if(!PeekNamedPipe(m_hReadPipe, NULL, 0, NULL, &BytesAvailable, NULL)) FATAL("PeekNamedPipe failed for the test run\n"); if(BytesAvailable) { /* There is data, so get it and output it */ auto_array_ptr Buffer(new char[BytesAvailable + 1]); if(!ReadFile(m_hReadPipe, Buffer, BytesAvailable, &Temp, NULL)) FATAL("ReadFile failed for the test run\n"); /* Output text through StringOut, even while the test is still running */ Buffer[BytesAvailable] = 0; tailString = StringOut(tailString.append(string(Buffer)), false); if(Configuration.DoSubmit()) TestInfo->Log += Buffer; } } while(!BreakLoop); } /* Print what's left */ if(!tailString.empty()) StringOut(tailString); TotalTime = ((float)GetTickCount() - StartTime)/1000; ssFinish << "Test " << TestInfo->Test << " completed in "; ssFinish << setprecision(2) << fixed << TotalTime << " seconds." << endl; StringOut(ssFinish.str()); } /** * Interface to other classes for running all desired Wine tests. */ void CWineTest::Run() { auto_ptr TestList; auto_ptr WebService; CTestInfo* TestInfo; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; /* Create a pipe for getting the output of the tests */ SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE; SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; if(!CreatePipe(&m_hReadPipe, &m_hWritePipe, &SecurityAttributes, 0)) FATAL("CreatePipe failed\n"); m_StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(m_StartupInfo); m_StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; m_StartupInfo.hStdOutput = m_hWritePipe; /* The virtual test list is of course faster, so it should be preferred over the journaled one. Enable the journaled one only in case ... - we're running under ReactOS (as the journal is only useful in conjunction with sysreg2) - we shall keep information for Crash Recovery - and the user didn't specify a module (then doing Crash Recovery doesn't really make sense) */ if(Configuration.IsReactOS() && Configuration.DoCrashRecovery() && Configuration.GetModule().empty()) { /* Use a test list with a permanent journal */ TestList.reset(new CJournaledTestList(this)); } else { /* Use the fast virtual test list with no additional overhead */ TestList.reset(new CVirtualTestList(this)); } /* Initialize the Web Service interface if required */ if(Configuration.DoSubmit()) WebService.reset(new CWebService()); /* Get information for each test to run */ while((TestInfo = TestList->GetNextTestInfo()) != 0) { auto_ptr TestInfoPtr(TestInfo); RunTest(TestInfo); if(Configuration.DoSubmit() && !TestInfo->Log.empty()) WebService->Submit("wine", TestInfo); StringOut("\n\n"); } }