/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Timedate Control Panel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: dll/cpl/timedate/ntpclient.c * PURPOSE: Queries the NTP server * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2006 Ged Murphy * */ #include "timedate.h" #include #define TIMEOUT 4000 /* 4 second timeout */ typedef struct _INFO { SOCKET Sock; SOCKADDR_IN myAddr; SOCKADDR_IN ntpAddr; NTPPACKET SendPacket; NTPPACKET RecvPacket; } INFO, *PINFO; static BOOL InitConnection(PINFO pInfo, LPSTR lpAddress) { WSADATA wsaData; HOSTENT *he; INT Ret; Ret = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); if (Ret != 0) return FALSE; pInfo->Sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (pInfo->Sock == INVALID_SOCKET) return FALSE; /* Setup server info */ he = gethostbyname(lpAddress); if (he != NULL) { /* Setup server socket info */ ZeroMemory(&pInfo->ntpAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); pInfo->ntpAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; // he->h_addrtype; pInfo->ntpAddr.sin_port = htons(NTPPORT); pInfo->ntpAddr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr); } else return FALSE; return TRUE; } static VOID DestroyConnection(VOID) { WSACleanup(); } static BOOL GetTransmitTime(PTIMEPACKET ptp) { return TRUE; } /* Send some data to wake the server up */ static BOOL SendData(PINFO pInfo) { TIMEPACKET tp = { 0, 0 }; INT Ret; ZeroMemory(&pInfo->SendPacket, sizeof(pInfo->SendPacket)); pInfo->SendPacket.LiVnMode = 27; if (!GetTransmitTime(&tp)) return FALSE; pInfo->SendPacket.TransmitTimestamp = tp; Ret = sendto(pInfo->Sock, (char *)&pInfo->SendPacket, sizeof(pInfo->SendPacket), 0, (SOCKADDR *)&pInfo->ntpAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); if (Ret == SOCKET_ERROR) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static ULONG ReceiveData(PINFO pInfo) { TIMEVAL timeVal; FD_SET readFDS; INT Ret; ULONG ulTime = 0; /* Monitor socket for incomming connections */ FD_ZERO(&readFDS); FD_SET(pInfo->Sock, &readFDS); /* Set timeout values */ timeVal.tv_sec = TIMEOUT / 1000; timeVal.tv_usec = TIMEOUT % 1000; /* Check for data on the socket for TIMEOUT millisecs */ Ret = select(0, &readFDS, NULL, NULL, &timeVal); if ((Ret != SOCKET_ERROR) && (Ret != 0)) { Ret = recvfrom(pInfo->Sock, (char *)&pInfo->RecvPacket, sizeof(pInfo->RecvPacket), 0, NULL, NULL); if (Ret != SOCKET_ERROR) ulTime = ntohl(ulTime); } return ulTime; } ULONG GetServerTime(LPWSTR lpAddress) { PINFO pInfo; LPSTR lpAddr; DWORD dwSize = wcslen(lpAddress) + 1; ULONG ulTime = 0; pInfo = (PINFO)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(INFO)); lpAddr = (LPSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwSize); if (pInfo && lpAddr) { if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpAddress, -1, lpAddr, dwSize, NULL, NULL)) { if (InitConnection(pInfo, lpAddr)) { if (SendData(pInfo)) { ulTime = ReceiveData(pInfo); } } DestroyConnection(); } } if (pInfo) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pInfo); if (lpAddr) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpAddr); return ulTime; }