LANGUAGE LANG_FRENCH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT IDR_MAINMENU MENU BEGIN POPUP "&Fichier" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Ouvrir...", IDM_OPEN_FILE MENUITEM "&Fermer", IDM_CLOSE_FILE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Quitter", IDM_EXIT END POPUP "&Device" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Properties", IDM_DEVPROPS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Volume Control", IDM_VOLUMECTL END POPUP "&Aide" BEGIN MENUITEM "&À propos...", IDM_ABOUT END END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_ALL_TYPES_FILTER "Tous les types supportés (*.wav, *.cda, *.midi, *.mid, *.avi)\0*.wav;*.cda;*.midi;*.mid;*.avi\0" IDS_TOOLTIP_PLAY "Lecture" IDS_TOOLTIP_STOP "Stop" IDS_TOOLTIP_EJECT "Éjecter" IDS_TOOLTIP_BACKWARD "Précédent" IDS_TOOLTIP_SEEKBACK "Retour rapide" IDS_TOOLTIP_SEEKFORW "Avance rapide" IDS_TOOLTIP_FORWARD "Suivant" IDS_APPTITLE "ReactOS Multimedia Player" IDS_PLAY "Lire" IDS_DEFAULTMCIERRMSG "No description is available for this error" IDS_UNKNOWNFILEEXT "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension." END