/* TRANSLATOR : Ardit Dani (Ard1t) (ardit.dani@gmail.com) * DATE OF TR: 29-11-2013 */ LANGUAGE LANG_ALBANIAN, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE "Shfaq të dhëna faqe-per-faqe ne ekran.\n\n\ MORE [options] < [Drive:][Path]Filename\n\ Command | MORE [options]\n\ MORE [options] [Drive:][Path]Filename\n\n\ Options:\n\ /E Enable extended features.\n\ /C Clear screen before displaying page.\n\ /P Expand form-feed characters.\n\ /S Shrink multiple blank lines to a single line.\n\ /Tn Expand tabs to n spaces (default: 8).\n\ +n Start displaying the first file at line n.\n\n\ [Drive:][Path]Filename A file, whose content shall be displayed.\n\ Command A command, whose output shall be displayed.\n\n\ If extended features are enabled, the following commands are available\n\ at ""-- Continue --"" prompt:\n\ P n Display n lines.\n\ S n Skip n lines.\n\ F Display next file.\n\ Q Quit.\n\ ? Show help line.\n\ = Show line number.\n\ Display next page.\n\ Display next line.\n" IDS_CONTINUE "-- Vazhdo --" IDS_CONTINUE_PROGRESS "-- Vazhdo (%d%%) --" IDS_FILE_ACCESS "Nuk mund të aksesoj dokumentin %s.\n" IDS_BAD_FLAG "Invalid argument - '%ls'\n" IDS_CONTINUE_OPTIONS "-- Continue (%d%%) [Options: psfq=] --" IDS_CONTINUE_LINES "-- Continue (%d%%) -- Lines: " IDS_CONTINUE_LINE_AT "-- Continue (%d%%) [Line:%d] --" END