/* * PROJECT: ReactOS ATL * LICENSE: LGPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: String conversion * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2023 Katayama Hirofumi MZ */ #ifndef __ATLCONV_H__ #define __ATLCONV_H__ #pragma once #include "atlbase.h" namespace ATL { // This class does not own the string template class CA2CAEX { public: LPCSTR m_psz; CA2CAEX(_In_z_ LPCSTR psz) : m_psz(psz) { } CA2CAEX(_In_z_ LPCSTR psz, _In_ UINT nCodePage) : m_psz(psz) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nCodePage); } ~CA2CAEX() throw() { } // There is nothing to free here _Ret_z_ operator LPCSTR() const throw() { return m_psz; } private: // CA2CAEX is not copyable CA2CAEX(_In_ const CA2CAEX&) throw() = delete; CA2CAEX& operator=(_In_ const CA2CAEX&) throw() = delete; }; // This class does not own the string template class CW2CWEX { public: LPCWSTR m_psz; CW2CWEX(_In_z_ LPCWSTR psz) : m_psz(psz) { } CW2CWEX(_In_z_ LPCWSTR psz, _In_ UINT nCodePage) : m_psz(psz) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nCodePage); } ~CW2CWEX() throw() { } // There is nothing to free here _Ret_z_ operator LPCWSTR() const throw() { return m_psz; } private: // CW2CWEX is not copyable CW2CWEX(_In_ const CW2CWEX&) throw() = delete; CW2CWEX& operator=(_In_ const CW2CWEX&) throw() = delete; }; template class CA2AEX { public: LPSTR m_psz; char m_szBuffer[t_nBufferLength]; CA2AEX(_In_z_ LPCSTR psz) { Init(psz); } CA2AEX(_In_z_ LPCSTR psz, _In_ UINT nCodePage) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nCodePage); Init(psz); } ~CA2AEX() throw() { if (m_psz != m_szBuffer) free(m_psz); } _Ret_z_ operator LPSTR() const throw() { return m_psz; } private: // CA2AEX is not copyable CA2AEX(_In_ const CA2AEX &) throw() = delete; CA2AEX& operator=(_In_ const CA2AEX &) throw() = delete; void Init(_In_z_ LPCSTR psz) { if (!psz) { m_psz = NULL; m_szBuffer[0] = 0; return; } int cchMax = lstrlenA(psz) + 1; if (cchMax <= t_nBufferLength) { #ifdef _STRSAFE_H_INCLUDED_ StringCchCopyA(m_szBuffer, _countof(m_szBuffer), psz); #else lstrcpynA(m_szBuffer, psz, _countof(m_szBuffer)); #endif m_psz = m_szBuffer; return; } m_szBuffer[0] = 0; m_psz = _strdup(psz); if (!m_psz) AtlThrow(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } }; template class CW2WEX { public: LPWSTR m_psz; wchar_t m_szBuffer[t_nBufferLength]; CW2WEX(_In_z_ LPCWSTR psz) { Init(psz); } CW2WEX(_In_z_ LPCWSTR psz, _In_ UINT nCodePage) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nCodePage); Init(psz); } ~CW2WEX() throw() { if (m_psz != m_szBuffer) free(m_psz); } _Ret_z_ operator LPWSTR() const throw() { return m_psz; } private: // CW2WEX is not copyable CW2WEX(_In_ const CW2WEX&) throw() = delete; CW2WEX& operator=(_In_ const CW2WEX&) throw() = delete; void Init(_In_z_ LPCWSTR psz) { if (!psz) { m_psz = NULL; m_szBuffer[0] = 0; return; } int cchMax = lstrlenW(psz); if (cchMax <= t_nBufferLength) { #ifdef _STRSAFE_H_INCLUDED_ StringCchCopyW(m_szBuffer, _countof(m_szBuffer), psz); #else lstrcpynW(m_szBuffer, psz, _countof(m_szBuffer)); #endif m_psz = m_szBuffer; return; } m_szBuffer[0] = 0; m_psz = _wcsdup(psz); if (!m_psz) AtlThrow(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } }; template class CA2WEX { public: LPWSTR m_psz; wchar_t m_szBuffer[t_nBufferLength]; CA2WEX(_In_z_ LPCSTR psz) { Init(psz, CP_ACP); } CA2WEX(_In_z_ LPCSTR psz, _In_ UINT nCodePage) { Init(psz, nCodePage); } ~CA2WEX() throw() { if (m_psz != m_szBuffer) free(m_psz); } _Ret_z_ operator LPWSTR() const throw() { return m_psz; } private: // CA2WEX is not copyable CA2WEX(_In_ const CA2WEX&) throw() = delete; CA2WEX& operator=(_In_ const CA2WEX&) throw() = delete; void Init(_In_z_ LPCSTR psz, _In_ UINT nCodePage) { if (!psz) { m_psz = NULL; m_szBuffer[0] = 0; return; } #if 1 int cchMax = lstrlenA(psz) + 1; // This is 3 times faster #else int cchMax = MultiByteToWideChar(nCodePage, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0); // It's slow #endif if (cchMax <= (int)_countof(m_szBuffer)) { // Use the static buffer m_psz = m_szBuffer; cchMax = _countof(m_szBuffer); } else { // Allocate a new buffer m_szBuffer[0] = 0; m_psz = (LPWSTR)malloc(cchMax * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!m_psz) AtlThrow(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } MultiByteToWideChar(nCodePage, 0, psz, -1, m_psz, cchMax); m_psz[cchMax - 1] = 0; } }; template class CW2AEX { public: LPSTR m_psz; char m_szBuffer[t_nBufferLength]; CW2AEX(_In_z_ LPCWSTR psz) { Init(psz, CP_ACP); } CW2AEX(_In_z_ LPCWSTR psz, _In_ UINT nCodePage) { Init(psz, nCodePage); } ~CW2AEX() throw() { if (m_psz != m_szBuffer) free(m_psz); } _Ret_z_ operator LPSTR() const throw() { return m_psz; } private: // CW2AEX is not copyable CW2AEX(_In_ const CW2AEX&) throw() = delete; CW2AEX& operator=(_In_ const CW2AEX&) throw() = delete; void Init(_In_z_ LPCWSTR psz, _In_ UINT nConvertCodePage) { if (!psz) { m_psz = NULL; m_szBuffer[0] = 0; return; } // NOTE: This has a failure. int cchMax = WideCharToMultiByte(nConvertCodePage, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (cchMax <= (int)_countof(m_szBuffer)) { // Use the static buffer m_psz = m_szBuffer; cchMax = _countof(m_szBuffer); } else { // Allocate a new buffer m_szBuffer[0] = 0; m_psz = (LPSTR)malloc(cchMax * sizeof(CHAR)); if (!m_psz) AtlThrow(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } WideCharToMultiByte(nConvertCodePage, 0, psz, -1, m_psz, cchMax, NULL, NULL); m_psz[cchMax - 1] = 0; } }; typedef CA2AEX<> CA2A; typedef CW2AEX<> CW2A; typedef CA2WEX<> CA2W; typedef CW2WEX<> CW2W; typedef CA2CAEX<> CA2CA; typedef CW2CWEX<> CW2CW; #ifdef UNICODE #define CA2CTEX CA2WEX #define CA2TEX CA2WEX #define CT2AEX CW2AEX #define CT2CAEX CW2AEX #define CT2CWEX CW2CWEX #define CT2WEX CW2WEX #define CW2CTEX CW2CWEX #define CW2CTEX CW2CWEX #else #define CA2CTEX CA2CAEX #define CA2TEX CA2AEX #define CT2AEX CA2AEX #define CT2CAEX CA2CAEX #define CT2CWEX CA2WEX #define CT2WEX CA2WEX #define CW2CTEX CW2AEX #define CW2TEX CW2AEX #endif } // namespace ATL #endif // ndef __ATLCONV_H__