/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Command shell * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: base/shell/cmd/replace.c * PURPOSE: Implements 'replace' cmd command * PROGRAMMERS: Samuel Erdtman (samuel@erdtman.se) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_REPLACE /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ enum { REPLACE_ADD = 0x001, /* /A */ REPLACE_CONFIRM = 0x002, /* /P */ REPLACE_READ_ONLY = 0x004, /* /R */ REPLACE_SUBDIR = 0x008, /* /S */ REPLACE_DISK = 0x010, /* /W */ REPLACE_UPDATE = 0x020, /* /U */ }; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /* just makes a print out if there is a problem with the switches */ void invalid_switch(LPTSTR is) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_ERROR1,is); ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP3); } /* retrives the pathe dependen om the input file name */ void getPath(TCHAR* out, LPTSTR in) { if (_tcslen(in) == 2 && in[1] == _T(':')) GetRootPath(in,out,MAX_PATH); else GetFullPathName (in, MAX_PATH, out, NULL); } /* makes the replace */ INT replace(TCHAR source[MAX_PATH], TCHAR dest[MAX_PATH], DWORD dwFlags, BOOL *doMore) { TCHAR d[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR s[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFileSrc, hFileDest; DWORD dwAttrib, dwRead, dwWritten; LPBYTE buffer; BOOL bEof = FALSE; FILETIME srcCreationTime, destCreationTime, srcLastAccessTime, destLastAccessTime; FILETIME srcLastWriteTime, destLastWriteTime; GetPathCase(source, s); GetPathCase(dest, d); s[0] = _totupper(s[0]); d[0] = _totupper(d[0]); // ConOutPrintf(_T("old-src: %s\n"), s); // ConOutPrintf(_T("old-dest: %s\n"), d); // ConOutPrintf(_T("src: %s\n"), source); // ConOutPrintf(_T("dest: %s\n"), dest); /* Open up the sourcefile */ hFileSrc = CreateFile (source, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFileSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR1, source); return 0; } /* * Get the time from source file to be used in the comparison * with dest time if update switch is set. */ GetFileTime (hFileSrc, &srcCreationTime, &srcLastAccessTime, &srcLastWriteTime); /* * Retrieve the source attributes so that they later on * can be inserted in to the destination. */ dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes (source); if (IsExistingFile (dest)) { /* * Resets the attributes to avoid probles with read only files, * checks for read only has been made earlier. */ SetFileAttributes(dest,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); /* * Is the update flas set? The time has to be controled so that * only older files are replaced. */ if (dwFlags & REPLACE_UPDATE) { /* Read destination time */ hFileDest = CreateFile(dest, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFileDest == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR1, dest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); return 0; } /* Compare time */ GetFileTime (hFileDest, &destCreationTime, &destLastAccessTime, &destLastWriteTime); if (!((srcLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime > destLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime) || (srcLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime == destLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime && srcLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime > destLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime))) { CloseHandle (hFileSrc); CloseHandle (hFileDest); return 0; } CloseHandle (hFileDest); } /* Delete the old file */ DeleteFile (dest); } /* Check confirm flag, and take appropriate action */ if (dwFlags & REPLACE_CONFIRM) { /* Output depending on add flag */ if (dwFlags & REPLACE_ADD) ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP9, dest); else ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP10, dest); if ( !FilePromptYNA (0)) { CloseHandle (hFileSrc); return 0; } } /* Output depending on add flag */ if (dwFlags & REPLACE_ADD) ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP11, dest); else ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP5, dest); /* Make sure source and destination is not the same */ if (!_tcscmp(s, d)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_REPLACE_ERROR7); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); *doMore = FALSE; return 0; } /* Open destination file to write to */ hFileDest = CreateFile (dest, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (hFileDest == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (hFileSrc); ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_REPLACE_ERROR7); *doMore = FALSE; return 0; } /* Get buffer for the copy process */ buffer = VirtualAlloc(NULL, BUFF_SIZE, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (buffer == NULL) { CloseHandle (hFileDest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } /* Put attribute and time to the new destination file */ SetFileAttributes (dest, dwAttrib); SetFileTime (hFileDest, &srcCreationTime, &srcLastAccessTime, &srcLastWriteTime); do { /* Read data from source */ ReadFile (hFileSrc, buffer, BUFF_SIZE, &dwRead, NULL); /* Done? */ if (dwRead == 0) break; /* Write to destination file */ WriteFile (hFileDest, buffer, dwRead, &dwWritten, NULL); /* Done! or ctrl break! */ if (dwWritten != dwRead || CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) { ConOutResPuts(STRING_COPY_ERROR3); VirtualFree (buffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE); CloseHandle (hFileDest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); nErrorLevel = 1; return 0; } } while (!bEof); /* Return memory and close files */ VirtualFree (buffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE); CloseHandle (hFileDest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); /* Return one file replaced */ return 1; } /* Function to iterate over source files and call replace for each of them */ INT recReplace(DWORD dwFlags, TCHAR szSrcPath[MAX_PATH], TCHAR szDestPath[MAX_PATH], BOOL *doMore) { TCHAR tmpDestPath[MAX_PATH], tmpSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; INT filesReplaced=0; INT_PTR i; DWORD dwAttrib = 0; HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA findBuffer; /* Get file handle to the sourcefile(s) */ hFile = FindFirstFile (szSrcPath, &findBuffer); /* * Strip the paths back to the folder they are in, so that * the different filenames can be added if more than one. */ for(i = (_tcslen(szSrcPath) - 1); i > -1; i--) { if (szSrcPath[i] != _T('\\')) szSrcPath[i] = _T('\0'); else break; } /* Go through all the soursfiles and copy/replace them */ do { if (CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) { return filesReplaced; } /* Problem with file handler */ if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return filesReplaced; /* We do not want to replace any .. . ocr directory */ if (!_tcscmp (findBuffer.cFileName, _T(".")) || !_tcscmp (findBuffer.cFileName, _T(".."))|| findBuffer.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; /* Add filename to destpath */ _tcscpy(tmpDestPath,szDestPath); _tcscat (tmpDestPath, findBuffer.cFileName); dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes(tmpDestPath); /* Check add flag */ if (dwFlags & REPLACE_ADD) { if (IsExistingFile(tmpDestPath)) continue; else dwAttrib = 0; } else { if (!IsExistingFile(tmpDestPath)) continue; } /* Check if file is read only, if so check if that should be ignored */ if (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { if (!(dwFlags & REPLACE_READ_ONLY)) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_ERROR5, tmpDestPath); *doMore = FALSE; break; } } /* Add filename to sourcepath, insted of wildcards */ _tcscpy(tmpSrcPath,szSrcPath); _tcscat (tmpSrcPath, findBuffer.cFileName); /* Make the replace */ if (replace(tmpSrcPath,tmpDestPath, dwFlags, doMore)) { filesReplaced++; } else if (!*doMore) { /* The file to be replaced was the same as the source */ filesReplaced = -1; break; } /* Take next sourcefile if any */ } while(FindNextFile (hFile, &findBuffer)); FindClose(hFile); return filesReplaced; } /* If /s switch is specifyed all subdirs has to be considered */ INT recFindSubDirs(DWORD dwFlags, TCHAR szSrcPath[MAX_PATH], TCHAR szDestPath[MAX_PATH], BOOL *doMore) { HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA findBuffer; TCHAR tmpDestPath[MAX_PATH], tmpSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; INT filesReplaced = 0; INT_PTR i; /* * Add a wildcard to dest end so the it will be easy to iterate * over all the files and directorys in the dest directory. */ _tcscat(szDestPath, _T("*")); /* Get the first file in the directory */ hFile = FindFirstFile (szDestPath, &findBuffer); /* Remove the star added earlyer to dest path */ for(i = (_tcslen(szDestPath) - 1); i > -1; i--) { if (szDestPath[i] != _T('\\')) szDestPath[i] = _T('\0'); else break; } /* Iterate over all filed directories in the dest dir */ do { /* Save the source path so that it will not be wrecked */ _tcscpy(tmpSrcPath,szSrcPath); /* Check for reading problems */ if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ConOutFormatMessage (GetLastError(), tmpSrcPath); return filesReplaced; } /* * Check if the we should enter the dir or if it is a file * or . or .. if so thake the next object to process. */ if (!_tcscmp (findBuffer.cFileName, _T(".")) || !_tcscmp (findBuffer.cFileName, _T(".."))|| IsExistingFile(findBuffer.cFileName)) continue; /* Add the destpath and the new dir path to tempDestPath */ _tcscpy(tmpDestPath,szDestPath); _tcscat (tmpDestPath, findBuffer.cFileName); /* Make sure that we have a directory */ if (IsExistingDirectory(tmpDestPath)) { /* Add a \ to the end or the path */ if (szDestPath[_tcslen(tmpDestPath) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat(tmpDestPath, _T("\\")); /* Call the function to replace files in the new directory */ filesReplaced += recReplace(dwFlags, tmpSrcPath, tmpDestPath, doMore); /* If there were problems break e.g. read-only file */ if (!*doMore) break; _tcscpy(tmpSrcPath,szSrcPath); /* Controle the next level of subdirs */ filesReplaced += recFindSubDirs(dwFlags,tmpSrcPath,tmpDestPath, doMore); if (!*doMore) break; } /* Get the next handle */ } while(FindNextFile (hFile, &findBuffer)); FindClose(hFile); return filesReplaced; } INT cmd_replace (LPTSTR param) { LPTSTR *arg; INT argc, i,filesReplaced = 0, nFiles, srcIndex = -1, destIndex = -1; DWORD dwFlags = 0; TCHAR szDestPath[MAX_PATH], szSrcPath[MAX_PATH], tmpSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL doMore = TRUE; /* Help wanted? */ if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP1); return 0; } /* Divide the argument in to an array of c-strings */ arg = split (param, &argc, FALSE, FALSE); nFiles = argc; /* Read options */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (arg[i][0] == _T('/')) { if (_tcslen(arg[i]) == 2) { switch (_totupper(arg[i][1])) { case _T('A'): dwFlags |= REPLACE_ADD; break; case _T('P'): dwFlags |= REPLACE_CONFIRM; break; case _T('R'): dwFlags |= REPLACE_READ_ONLY; break; case _T('S'): dwFlags |= REPLACE_SUBDIR; break; case _T('W'): dwFlags |= REPLACE_DISK; break; case _T('U'): dwFlags |= REPLACE_UPDATE; break; default: invalid_switch(arg[i]); return 0; } } else { invalid_switch(arg[i]); freep(arg); return 0; } nFiles--; } else { if (srcIndex == -1) { srcIndex = i; } else if (destIndex == -1) { destIndex = i; } else { invalid_switch(arg[i]); freep(arg); return 0; } } } /* See so that at least source is there */ if (nFiles < 1) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP2); ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP3); freep(arg); return 1; } /* Check so that not both update and add switch is added and subdir */ if ((dwFlags & REPLACE_UPDATE || dwFlags & REPLACE_SUBDIR) && (dwFlags & REPLACE_ADD)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_ERROR4); ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP7); freep(arg); return 1; } /* If we have a destination get the full path */ if (destIndex != -1) { if (_tcslen(arg[destIndex]) == 2 && arg[destIndex][1] == ':') GetRootPath(arg[destIndex],szDestPath,MAX_PATH); else { /* Check for wildcards in destination directory */ if (_tcschr (arg[destIndex], _T('*')) != NULL || _tcschr (arg[destIndex], _T('?')) != NULL) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_ERROR2,arg[destIndex]); ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP3); freep(arg); return 1; } getPath(szDestPath, arg[destIndex]); /* Make sure that destination exists */ if (!IsExistingDirectory(szDestPath)) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_ERROR2, szDestPath); ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP3); freep(arg); return 1; } } } else { /* Dest is current dir */ GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH,szDestPath); } /* Get the full source path */ if (!(_tcslen(arg[srcIndex]) == 2 && arg[srcIndex][1] == ':')) getPath(szSrcPath, arg[srcIndex]); else _tcscpy(szSrcPath,arg[srcIndex]); /* Source does not have wildcards */ if (_tcschr (arg[srcIndex], _T('*')) == NULL && _tcschr (arg[srcIndex], _T('?')) == NULL) { /* Check so that source is not a directory, because that is not allowed */ if (IsExistingDirectory(szSrcPath)) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_ERROR6, szSrcPath); ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP3); freep(arg); return 1; } /* Check if the file exists */ if (!IsExistingFile(szSrcPath)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP3); freep(arg); return 1; } } /* /w switch is set so wait for any key to be pressed */ if (dwFlags & REPLACE_DISK) { msg_pause(); cgetchar(); } /* Add an extra \ to the destination path if needed */ if (szDestPath[_tcslen(szDestPath) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat(szDestPath, _T("\\")); /* Save source path */ _tcscpy(tmpSrcPath,szSrcPath); /* Replace in dest dir */ filesReplaced += recReplace(dwFlags, tmpSrcPath, szDestPath, &doMore); /* If subdir switch is set replace in the subdirs to */ if (dwFlags & REPLACE_SUBDIR && doMore) { filesReplaced += recFindSubDirs(dwFlags, szSrcPath, szDestPath, &doMore); } /* If source == dest write no more */ if (filesReplaced != -1) { /* No files replaced */ if (filesReplaced==0) { /* Add switch dependent output */ if (dwFlags & REPLACE_ADD) ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP7); else ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REPLACE_HELP3); } /* Some files replaced */ else { /* Add switch dependent output */ if (dwFlags & REPLACE_ADD) ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP8, filesReplaced); else ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP4, filesReplaced); } } /* Return memory */ freep(arg); return 1; } #endif /* INCLUDE_CMD_REPLACE */