#pragma once #include "rapps.h" #include "rosui.h" #include "crichedit.h" #include "asyncinet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Gdiplus; #define LISTVIEW_ICON_SIZE 24 // default broken-image icon size #define BROKENIMG_ICON_SIZE 96 // the boundary of w/h ratio of scrnshot preview window #define SCRNSHOT_MAX_ASPECT_RAT 2.5 // padding between scrnshot preview and richedit (in pixel) #define INFO_DISPLAY_PADDING 10 // minimum width of richedit #define RICHEDIT_MIN_WIDTH 160 // user-defined window message #define WM_RAPPS_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE (WM_USER + 1) // notify download complete. wParam is error code, and lParam is a pointer to ScrnshotDownloadParam #define WM_RAPPS_RESIZE_CHILDREN (WM_USER + 2) // ask parent window to resize children. enum SCRNSHOT_STATUS { SCRNSHOT_PREV_EMPTY, // show nothing SCRNSHOT_PREV_LOADING, // image is loading (most likely downloading) SCRNSHOT_PREV_IMAGE, // display image from a file SCRNSHOT_PREV_FAILED // image can not be shown (download failure or wrong image) }; #define TIMER_LOADING_ANIMATION 1 // Timer ID #define LOADING_ANIMATION_PERIOD 3 // Animation cycling period (in seconds) #define LOADING_ANIMATION_FPS 18 // Animation Frame Per Second #define PI 3.1415927 // retrieve the value using a mask #define STATEIMAGETOINDEX(x) (((x) & LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) >> 12) // for listview with extend style LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES, State image 1 is the unchecked box, and state image 2 is the checked box. // see this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/controls/extended-list-view-styles #define STATEIMAGE_UNCHECKED 1 #define STATEIMAGE_CHECKED 2 class CMainWindow; enum APPLICATION_VIEW_MODE { ApplicationViewEmpty, ApplicationViewAvailableApps, ApplicationViewInstalledApps }; typedef struct __ScrnshotDownloadParam { LONGLONG ID; HANDLE hFile; HWND hwndNotify; ATL::CStringW DownloadFileName; } ScrnshotDownloadParam; class CAppRichEdit : public CUiWindow { private: VOID LoadAndInsertText(UINT uStringID, const ATL::CStringW &szText, DWORD StringFlags, DWORD TextFlags); VOID LoadAndInsertText(UINT uStringID, DWORD StringFlags); VOID InsertVersionInfo(CAvailableApplicationInfo *Info); VOID InsertLicenseInfo(CAvailableApplicationInfo *Info); VOID InsertLanguageInfo(CAvailableApplicationInfo *Info); public: BOOL ShowAvailableAppInfo(CAvailableApplicationInfo *Info); inline VOID InsertTextWithString(UINT StringID, DWORD StringFlags, const ATL::CStringW &Text, DWORD TextFlags); BOOL ShowInstalledAppInfo(CInstalledApplicationInfo *Info); VOID SetWelcomeText(); }; int ScrnshotDownloadCallback( pASYNCINET AsyncInet, ASYNC_EVENT Event, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, VOID *Extension ); class CAppScrnshotPreview : public CWindowImpl { private: SCRNSHOT_STATUS ScrnshotPrevStauts = SCRNSHOT_PREV_EMPTY; Image *pImage = NULL; HICON hBrokenImgIcon = NULL; BOOL bLoadingTimerOn = FALSE; int LoadingAnimationFrame = 0; int BrokenImgSize = BROKENIMG_ICON_SIZE; pASYNCINET AsyncInet = NULL; LONGLONG ContentID = 0; // used to determine whether image has been switched when download complete. Increase by 1 each time the content of this window changed ATL::CStringW TempImagePath; // currently displayed temp file BOOL ProcessWindowMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT &theResult, DWORD dwMapId); VOID DisplayLoading(); VOID DisplayFailed(); BOOL DisplayFile(LPCWSTR lpszFileName); VOID SetStatus(SCRNSHOT_STATUS Status); VOID PaintOnDC(HDC hdc, int width, int height, BOOL bDrawBkgnd); float GetLoadingDotWidth(int width, int height); float GetFrameDotShift(int Frame, int width, int height); public: static ATL::CWndClassInfo &GetWndClassInfo(); HWND Create(HWND hParent); VOID PreviousDisplayCleanup(); VOID DisplayEmpty(); BOOL DisplayImage(LPCWSTR lpszLocation); // calculate requested window width by given height int GetRequestedWidth(int Height); ~CAppScrnshotPreview(); }; class CAppInfoDisplay : public CUiWindow> { LPWSTR pLink = NULL; private: BOOL ProcessWindowMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT &theResult, DWORD dwMapId); VOID ResizeChildren(); VOID ResizeChildren(int Width, int Height); VOID OnLink(ENLINK *Link); public: CAppRichEdit *RichEdit = NULL; CAppScrnshotPreview *ScrnshotPrev = NULL; static ATL::CWndClassInfo &GetWndClassInfo(); HWND Create(HWND hwndParent); BOOL ShowAvailableAppInfo(CAvailableApplicationInfo *Info); BOOL ShowInstalledAppInfo(CInstalledApplicationInfo *Info); VOID SetWelcomeText(); VOID OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); ~CAppInfoDisplay(); }; class CAppsListView : public CUiWindow { struct SortContext { CAppsListView *lvw; INT iSubItem; }; BOOL bIsAscending = TRUE; BOOL bHasCheckboxes; INT ItemCount = 0; INT CheckedItemCount = 0; INT ColumnCount = 0; INT nLastHeaderID; APPLICATION_VIEW_MODE ApplicationViewMode = ApplicationViewEmpty; public: CAppsListView(); VOID SetCheckboxesVisible(BOOL bIsVisible); VOID ColumnClick(LPNMLISTVIEW pnmv); BOOL AddColumn(INT Index, ATL::CStringW &Text, INT Width, INT Format); int AddColumn(INT Index, LPWSTR lpText, INT Width, INT Format); void DeleteColumn(INT Index); INT AddItem(INT ItemIndex, INT IconIndex, LPCWSTR lpText, LPARAM lParam); HIMAGELIST GetImageList(int iImageList); static INT CALLBACK s_CompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort); INT CompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, INT iSubItem); HWND Create(HWND hwndParent); BOOL GetCheckState(INT item); VOID SetCheckState(INT item, BOOL fCheck); VOID CheckAll(); PVOID GetFocusedItemData(); BOOL SetDisplayMode(APPLICATION_VIEW_MODE Mode); BOOL AddInstalledApplication(CInstalledApplicationInfo *InstAppInfo, LPVOID CallbackParam); BOOL AddAvailableApplication(CAvailableApplicationInfo *AvlbAppInfo, BOOL InitCheckState, LPVOID CallbackParam); // this function is called when parent window receiving an notification about checkstate changing VOID ItemCheckStateNotify(int iItem, BOOL bCheck); }; class CApplicationView : public CUiWindow> { private: CUiPanel *m_Panel = NULL; CAppsListView *m_ListView = NULL; CAppInfoDisplay *m_AppsInfo = NULL; CUiSplitPanel *m_HSplitter = NULL; CMainWindow *m_MainWindow = NULL; APPLICATION_VIEW_MODE ApplicationViewMode = ApplicationViewEmpty; BOOL ProcessWindowMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT &theResult, DWORD dwMapId); BOOL CreateHSplitter(); BOOL CreateListView(); BOOL CreateAppInfoDisplay(); VOID OnSize(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); VOID OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); public: CApplicationView(CMainWindow *MainWindow); ~CApplicationView(); static ATL::CWndClassInfo &GetWndClassInfo(); HWND Create(HWND hwndParent); BOOL SetDisplayMode(APPLICATION_VIEW_MODE Mode); BOOL AddInstalledApplication(CInstalledApplicationInfo *InstAppInfo, LPVOID param); BOOL AddAvailableApplication(CAvailableApplicationInfo *AvlbAppInfo, BOOL InitCheckState, LPVOID param); void CheckAll(); PVOID GetFocusedItemData(); int GetItemCount(); VOID AppendTabOrderWindow(int Direction, ATL::CSimpleArray &TabOrderList); // this function is called when a item of listview get focus. // CallbackParam is the param passed to listview when adding the item (the one getting focus now). BOOL ItemGetFocus(LPVOID CallbackParam); // this function is called when a item of listview is checked/unchecked // CallbackParam is the param passed to listview when adding the item (the one getting focus now). BOOL ItemCheckStateChanged(BOOL bChecked, LPVOID CallbackParam); };