/* * ReactOS log2lines * Written by Jan Roeloffzen * * - Option init and parsing */ #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "compat.h" #include "config.h" #include "help.h" #include "log2lines.h" #include "options.h" char *optchars = "bcd:fFhl:L:mMP:rR:sS:tTuUvz:"; int opt_buffered = 0; // -b int opt_help = 0; // -h int opt_force = 0; // -f int opt_exit = 0; // -e int opt_verbose = 0; // -v int opt_console = 0; // -c int opt_mark = 0; // -m int opt_Mark = 0; // -M char *opt_Pipe = NULL; // -P int opt_quit = 0; // -q (cli only) int opt_cli = 0; // (cli internal) int opt_raw = 0; // -r int opt_stats = 0; // -s int opt_Source = 0; // -S [+][,] int opt_SrcPlus = 0; // -S [+][,] int opt_twice = 0; // -t int opt_Twice = 0; // -T int opt_undo = 0; // -u int opt_redo = 0; // -U char *opt_Revision = NULL; // -R int opt_Revision_check = 0; // -R check char opt_dir[PATH_MAX]; // -d char opt_logFile[PATH_MAX]; // -l|L char *opt_mod = NULL; // -mod for opt_logFile char opt_7z[PATH_MAX]; // -z char opt_scanned[LINESIZE]; // all scanned options char opt_SourcesPath[LINESIZE]; //sources path /* optionInit returns 0 for normal operation, and -1 in case just "loglines.exe" was written. In such case, the help is shown */ int optionInit(int argc, const char **argv) { int i; char *s; opt_mod = "a"; strcpy(opt_dir, ""); strcpy(opt_logFile, ""); strcpy(opt_7z, CMD_7Z); strcpy(opt_SourcesPath, ""); if ((s = getenv(SOURCES_ENV))) strcpy(opt_SourcesPath, s); revinfo.rev = getRevision(NULL, 1); revinfo.range = DEF_RANGE; revinfo.buildrev = getTBRevision(opt_dir); l2l_dbg(1, "Trunk build revision: %d\n", revinfo.buildrev); strcpy(opt_scanned, ""); //The user introduced "log2lines.exe" or "log2lines.exe /?" //Let's help the user if ((argc == 1) || ((argc == 2) && (argv[1][0] == '/') && (argv[1][1] == '?'))) { opt_help++; usage(1); return -1; } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if ((argv[i][0] == '-') && (i+1 < argc)) { //Because these arguments can contain spaces we cant use getopt(), a known bug: switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'd': strcpy(opt_dir, argv[i+1]); break; case 'L': opt_mod = "w"; //fall through case 'l': strcpy(opt_logFile, argv[i+1]); break; case 'P': if (!opt_Pipe) opt_Pipe = malloc(LINESIZE); strcpy(opt_Pipe, argv[i+1]); break; case 'z': strcpy(opt_7z, argv[i+1]); break; } } strcat(opt_scanned, argv[i]); strcat(opt_scanned, " "); } l2l_dbg(4,"opt_scanned=[%s]\n",opt_scanned); return 0; } int optionParse(int argc, const char **argv) { int i; int optCount = 0; int opt; while (-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, (char **const)argv, optchars))) { switch (opt) { case 'b': opt_buffered++; break; case 'c': opt_console++; break; case 'd': optCount++; //just count, see optionInit() break; case 'f': opt_force++; break; case 'h': opt_help++; usage(1); return -1; break; case 'F': opt_exit++; opt_force++; break; case 'l': optCount++; //just count, see optionInit() break; case 'm': opt_mark++; break; case 'M': opt_Mark++; break; case 'r': opt_raw++; break; case 'P': optCount++; //just count, see optionInit() break; case 'R': optCount++; if (!opt_Revision) opt_Revision = malloc(LINESIZE); sscanf(optarg, "%s", opt_Revision); if (strcmp(opt_Revision, "check") == 0) opt_Revision_check ++; break; case 's': opt_stats++; break; case 'S': optCount++; i = sscanf(optarg, "%d+%d,%s", &opt_Source, &opt_SrcPlus, opt_SourcesPath); if (i == 1) sscanf(optarg, "%*d,%s", opt_SourcesPath); l2l_dbg(3, "Sources option parse result: %d+%d,\"%s\"\n", opt_Source, opt_SrcPlus, opt_SourcesPath); if (opt_Source) { /* need to retranslate for source info: */ opt_undo++; opt_redo++; opt_Revision_check ++; } break; case 't': opt_twice++; break; case 'T': opt_twice++; opt_Twice++; break; case 'u': opt_undo++; break; case 'U': opt_undo++; opt_redo++; break; case 'v': opt_verbose++; break; case 'z': optCount++; strcpy(opt_7z, optarg); break; default: usage(0); return -2; break; } optCount++; } if(opt_console) { l2l_dbg(2, "Note: use 's' command in console mode. Statistics option disabled\n"); opt_stats = 0; } if (opt_SourcesPath[0]) { strcat(opt_SourcesPath, PATH_STR); } if (!opt_dir[0]) { strcpy(opt_dir, opt_SourcesPath); strcat(opt_dir, DEF_OPT_DIR); } return optCount; } /* EOF */